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Improve Your Photos with Lighting

Lesson 14 from: iPhone Photography & Mobile Photography

Philip Ebiner

Improve Your Photos with Lighting

Lesson 14 from: iPhone Photography & Mobile Photography

Philip Ebiner

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Lesson Info

14. Improve Your Photos with Lighting


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Course Introduction


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Why Are Smartphone Cameras Awesome?


The Course Challenge: Capture Your Day in 5 Photos


Camera Basics for Mobile & Smartphone Photography


Intro to Camera Basics




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Lesson Info

Improve Your Photos with Lighting

Lighting is the next sort of key element to taking a really great photo where will was talking about composition, you know, more or less how you frame your subject lighting is everything inside your actual frame. You know, the only way that a camera is able to capture an image is by having light. Now how you use that light is where it gets fun because really you're able to create so much emotion and sort of feeling by the lighting that it exists or really just enabling, you know, things to look pretty and and well lit and not thinking too much about the lighting. So there's sort of two key ways that I think it's good to sort of start your lighting experimentations. One is to go out during the day and sort of just sun overhead, see what it looks like to take photos, maybe find some shade under a tree or under an overhang and see how it changes when you have direct sunlight or when you have really soft lighting and more of that shade look uh from there. I recommend going out and in the s...

un during sunrise or during sunset, taking photos and this is a great period of time to take photos because when the sun is up, you have this direct orange light hitting your subject. And once that sun goes behind the horizon, all of a sudden, you just have this really wonderful soft lighting. This will be a great direct example of the difference that direct light versus soft diffuse light can have on your subject. The other way that's really useful to sort of begin this understanding of lighting is to be in your home, turn off all the lights and turn on a single lamp. Now, if you bring that lamp to in front of your subject, they'll be evenly lit, everything's has light, but you'll see that in the background that light falls off and they're in sort of a dark void. Now, if you bring that lamp over to a side, all of a sudden part of their face is lit, but the other side is dark, it creates much more contrast and mood in the image. Now, this is how you create sort of a feeling in the image. And when using uh this type of lighting, you can create, you know, a lot of drama or you can create a sort of softness. And another part you might remember us talking about dynamic range and this was talking about lighting in contrast. Now knowing what your camera is capable of what your smartphone is capable of is going to be a big part of how you use that lighting and how far you can push it. A lot of times I recommend for smartphone photographers to use that more shaded diffused light opposed to that direct sunlight. Now, it's not to say that you can't take great images with that direct sunlight, but it's going to create more contrast and you're gonna want to expose to the highlights opposed to the shadows and a lot of times on smartphones by tapping on the part of your image that is that brighter area you're exposed to that and you'll see the rest of the image get a little bit darker. A lot of times I notice this when taking photos of a sunset, I'll tap on the sun so that the phone exposes to the sun opposed to the surrounding areas. And it creates a much more rich in color image.

Ratings and Reviews


Definitely geared to beginners, but the class has a lot of good information. As an advanced camera photographer still trying to get to know my phone camera better, I learned a few things I didn't know (like you can use portrait mode for selfies, what hyper lapse is and the VSCO app). Nice job!


Good course for everyone starting out and needed to have some more basic info beyond the common snap shot. I had wished for more info on using mobile in the more professional field like when switching from camera to mobile. Additional lenses and flashes and things like that. But this course was obviously not targeted at this. So overall still a nice brush up.


Great class. Well organized and clearly presented. Would be very good for beginners and mid level users. highly recommend.

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