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Organizing Your Footage

Lesson 12 from: iPhone Filmmaking: From Shoot Through Edit

Cielo de la Paz

Organizing Your Footage

Lesson 12 from: iPhone Filmmaking: From Shoot Through Edit

Cielo de la Paz

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Lesson Info

12. Organizing Your Footage

The iPhone is so small, that you can put the camera in tiny places for a unique perspective and special effects. In this lesson, beef up your creativity by learning iPhone video tricks, from using gaffers tape to keep the iPhone in place to using the Apple Watch as a remote trigger. Work with time-lapse in the Hyperlapse app and other creative iPhone filming techniques.
Next Lesson: Culling Footage

Lesson Info

Organizing Your Footage

Now we are going into editing, huh? This is a so you can see how we shot for the whole day. So there's a lot of footage Teoh go through eso. The editing requires a little bit of patients, I think, um, so let's go into the next slide. And what's most important when you start toe edit is to be extremely organized. And I think this is for anything. I mean, whether organization will always help you on the end, but definitely on the phone, because you need to be able to track where all your real footages versus the footage or photos that you're taking for yourself personally, cause everything's all ending up on your camera roll and especially if you say, shot over Siris of days. Sometimes in between all that footage, they'll be some shoe selfies, you know, some all personal stuff that you have there. So it's gonna be a pain if you go into editing and you have to hunt for your footage. So it's really important for you to organize your footage and organized eclipse into an album, and I shall ...

show you how to do that in a second, Um, and then we're going to go into. How do you import and arrange that footage? This will take a while. I think this is what takes the most of your time when you're editing, it's the importing and they're ranging, um, of all your footage. So here is Ah ah, simple way of organizing your footage. If you've never created an album before in your photos app, you can, uh, do it this way. So what you could do is you select all the footage, let's say pretend that and then you tap on that at the bottom, that up share icon, and then you can create an album. They say, Add toe album, and then you do new album, and then you save it to something you a name you will recognize. And then when you're in loom, if you gin, you can navigate to that album and then all of your footage will be all in one spot. So you're not hunting for them really useful

Ratings and Reviews

essie Logan

"iPhone filmmaking has revolutionized how we create and share visual stories, making high-quality filmmaking accessible to everyone. With the advanced camera technology in modern iPhones, you can capture stunning footage that rivals traditional cameras. The process starts with careful planning and shooting, utilizing features like slow motion and time-lapse to enhance your storytelling. After capturing your scenes, editing is seamless with apps like iMovie or LumaFusion, which offer powerful editing tools right at your fingertips. Adding soundtracks, transitions, and effects can elevate your project even further. Overall, iPhone filmmaking empowers creators to bring their visions to life, making it easier than ever to produce professional-looking films on the go!"

Chrystelle Hadjikakou

Being a beginner in all things video, watching this live class left me excited to try out a lot of things on my iPhone, not to mention I learned loads. Cielo showed us the full process from shot listing to gear to preparing the shoot and then shooting and editing, which was very enlightening, also I want to thank the people who were on the chat, because sharing tips and tricks was great too! Thank you for the awesome work!


This class was great! Cielo offered really good information. It was probably more than I needed since I am a beginner, but it inspired me to try and use it for the simple reasons I took the course. But it also showed me what is possible and how I can eventually upgrade what I am doing. It's good for people who are really into photography and telling the story of entrepreneurs (which is so important these days) can use their photography skills to help business owners stand out whether it's your side hustle or main career.

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