Lesson Info
The Satin Stitch
The next it's we're going to work on is known as the satin stitch, and by now, with the straight stitch technique you learned in the previous debt, you should have a pretty good idea of how to get started on the satin stitch. The satin stitch you'll probably recognize right away from the sample is what a lot of the employees we re used to seeing is created with the satin state. If you're looking at wild, the embroidered shirts or dress is beautiful things like that it's usually a satin stitch, the jews it's one of the more abstract stitches and embroidery and that basically you can do a million different things with it it's about the length of stitch how close you want them to be together whether you stitch on top of another stitch it's super super abstract so in order to get started you want to consider, I think when you're doing a satin stitch from moving up from three or four threads in your burger thread to using the entire six strands, that would be my suggestion on lee because th...
e way that the pattern or the stitches created in san stitch is basically sowing individual stitches like super super close together that's how you're creating texture so that's a lot easier to do and less frustrating if you bump up from three or four strands to the full six there's lots of different instruction that can happen within the satin stitch there's different diagonal satin stitches there stands there satin stitch over other stitches I'm going to show you just the basic satin stitch I'm going toe show you howto abstract it in a couple different ways and then I'm going to show you what it looks like when it's over another stitch which will give you some further dimension so the stat satin stitches basically a straight stitch but it's happening very close together so you're pulling the needle through putting it back in the fabric and then you're getting as close as you possibly can to the threat on either side and the satin stitch khun b horizontal or vertical it doesn't matter and traditionally it's usedto outline a specific shape so a circle or a flower people use it in a heart shape but really all you're doing no matter how you're using it is you're just punching your stitches up very close together and you can see my fabric got a little bit loose and I like to have it pretty tight for the satin stitch so you might need to just readjust and tighten your group a little bit so I'm just creating my own shape here but if you had a specific shape you wanted to create and you were feeling a little uncertain about making an oval or circle or a flower by freehand you could use chalk or a tailor's marker talyn your shape and one of the beautiful things about the satin stitch and using thie dmc floss that were using it's because that there's a slight sheen to the flaws when you change stitch directions like in this little sample here, right here, you can see how a change stitch directions get a really beautiful effect. The satin stitch is also the best way to add contrast and bulk to a design, so I'll show you over here for our customized embroidery class. We have this project here, which is a monogram, and I used a satin stitch for this satin stitches a good way to get a lot of bulk and definition if you're doing something that needs a lot of contrast, this takes a long time, but it does have really high impact and that's just also straight across there's no contrast in direction there. I'm going to show you on my sample here what it looks like, even with using the same color, the impact you can get if you just go from working horizontally to vertically in the same area, and sometimes when you're switching direction, you might be able to catch it was I'm working here, but sometimes it's good to go underneath the opposing stitches just a little bit if you don't want to have a break and stitch that will continue the saturation of color. We're gonna break it up a little bit and coming on the diagonal so you can see even further the contrast and texture you can get with just one color and just one stitch but coming from a couple different directions so that's pretty interesting on its own and that's just same color a few different directions come around and see looks pretty yeah you got it oh yeah that's really textural feels yeah and you can kind of you start to get that look when you start overlapping the stitches a little bit you can get like a basket weave effect it's really pretty perfect so I'm gonna bring in another color here so you can kind of see how that impacts it when you start punching them together and then I'm going to show you how to use the satin stitch over another stitch so you get even more contrast and dimension so I'm going to follow the same direction here but another color and once you get going with a stitch, you can create a very length effect where the's lighter stitches I'm putting in varying lengths where if I go back in I'll show you with another color you get an even different effect with the next layer stitching that you put in it's pretty endless when she's get going with the satin search, you'll see there's lots of different ways to put your own spin on it the satin stitch, I think, is also the best way if you wanted to replicate a pattern, so if there's a geometric design that you like or something that you've created yourself and you want to replicate that and thread, the easiest way is going to be with the satin stitch it's almost like coloring, they think a coloring book, but you're using thread you can see it's really beautiful satiny textured effect. It's really? That can pretty, you know, add a third color in there so you can see the variegated look you can get and then we'll move on and I'll show you what it looks like. Tio go over it and there's really not much about embroidery that's uniform, it definitely always has more of a hand may look to it, then definitely crossed it and certainly needle point. So here you can see how if you very the length of the stitches and you're going back in, you can kind of get a little bit of a variegated effect here with the blue in the pink, so another way you can vary a on the sample here, you'll see it did a spoke stitch, and then I went over the spoke stitch with a satin stitch kanis e from the side there, how it's sticking out a little bit. Gives you a little bit of dimensions so you can see there you can see how it's raised right there. You can give some more dimensions so I'm gonna walk you through that now, but you can really through the variation there and then here you can see where I did the very length when you go back in, you get a totally different effect and this could be part of a much larger pattern that you could do this could cover the hole hope this type of a type of luck, this type of a pattern. So I'm just going to create a little spoke stitch here I'll show you how to cover part of it. So there's about half of the spokes stitch and I'm just choosing to show you howto cover a spoke basics did, but you can use this method to a dimension to any instead, she wheat you could cover part of this again with another satin stitch and another color to really bump it up. But then you're just getting really, really, really tight. Tiny, tiny stitches over the straight part of the spoke do you go out and into the same hole? Cut it so small, I guess that wouldn't cabin, then you wouldn't really go anywhere but it's wrapping around. Yeah, yeah, okay, there's, just wrapping around. I mean, you could, like I could go back in here now if I wanted more dimension and try and use the same holes that I did already. But I'm I'm going in on either side of this blue thread. You can see that you guys got it. Okay, all right, so that's, the satin stitch.
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