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Introduction to Art Journaling

Andrea Chebeleu

Introduction to Art Journaling

Andrea Chebeleu

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Class Description

Art journaling is a fun, no-pressure way to incorporate creative expression into your daily life. Learn more about this enriching, expressive craft in Introduction to Art Journaling with Andrea Chebeleu.

In this class, Andrea will help you get started with:

  • Building a background and layering design elements
  • The basic theories of composition
  • Adding focal points with images and letters

Art journals are a great place to experiment and play without the pressure of completing a final “masterpiece” – when you art journal you don’t have to worry about the end result or wasting a lot of materials. Don’t like what you see? Just turn the page and start again! Start your own art journaling journey with Andrea Chebeleu in Introduction to Art Journaling.

Class Materials

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Bonus Materials with Purchase

Futzing With An Art Journal Page.pdf
Modified Pamphlet Stitched Watercolor Journal Guide.pdf
Supplies List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Elizabeth Evans

Thank you Andrea Chebeleu for helping us find our own clouds in the creative process. I appreciate how you encourage us to use what we already have to listen to our imagination. Your signature in the art you created today "Be" reminded me to be in the moment and make the creative process a process not an end result. The bonus was meeting you! Have a good week.

Linh Dang Perrino

I didn't find this class worth the price. There are a lot better art journaling videos for free on YouTube. The instructor seems nice, but some of her comments make me feel that she's not as knowledgeable as other artists when it comes to art journaling. I would list others artists, but not sure if CreativeLive would approve. Really! If this is the first time you've heard of art journaling and you can afford to waste $25, take this course. If you know about art journaling and is a starving artist/student, look up art journaling on YouTube.

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