Lesson Info
17. Web Sharing
Class Introduction & Lightroom History
08:07 2Lightroom CC vs Lightroom Classic CC
15:55 3Features of Lightroom CC vs. Lightroom Classic CC
25:25 4CC RAW shooting
09:21 5Importing Photos
13:40 6Cloud, Hard Drives and Storage
15:25 7Folder, Albums, Collections
33:53 8Shared Editing & Metadata
07:09Search, Sensei & Keeping Organized
23:08 10Basics of Good Workflow Management
15:49 11Color & Editing Theory
15:19 12Color Panel
18:27 13Global Adjustment Panels
21:59 14Basic Image Editing Workflow
15:16 15Local Adjustments
28:46 16Regional Adjustments
08:12 17Web Sharing
23:58 18Spark
11:28 19Sharing using Lightroom CC
08:42Lesson Info
Web Sharing
Like I said, I kind of got into light room CC with connection piece. I thought that was really cool. Um and I am I'm not a designer. I'm not a market. I mean, I have to market my own business to do that work. But I got websites to build. People are looking portfolios. It is. And I'm always trying to figure out what's the least painful way for that to happen. And people want to look at work. I got work to share with clients. I got work to share with family and this was the thing. Once I got into CC and after I got like, Oh, that sink things cool and I had it. One place is cool. Last week, the sharing element was that was a big hook for me and the hook into Adobe Spark and Adobe Portfolio were too big hooks for me. So I want to go through the sharing aspect because this is one of the powerful things about that ecosystem is the sharing of the work. We don't have to sit in front of slide projectors. Why are uncle clicks through 600 photos out of focus of his trip? to the Great Wall of Chin...
a, which we're not sure was the Great Wall of China, cause they're all out of focus, so we don't have to do that anymore. But we still want to share our photographs. This is one of the areas where light room CC really excels, and it does it in a couple of different ways on. So we're gonna walk through those methods and we're gonna take a quick look at portfolio and sparked because light rooms, interestingly integrated into those and then I'm gonna show you one last look Photoshopped thing is actually pretty cool about that integration just to kind of give you direction of how things are going. So the people icon right here, I always click on when I think I'm going to my people albums. But this is for sharing. So this is stuff that's being shared how to my light room CC. So when you do share something, there's an easy place to go to find everything that you've shared through the CC environment. This is great, because if I have shared something would be nice to know if it was floating out there on the Internet somewhere this way at least know where things are. In this case, I've got three albums that are shared into Adobe Portfolio. And then down here, I've got shared to the web. I've got a number of different things that are shared to the web in this print file album as well. So we're gonna walk through what that actually means. So this is where you're gonna find it. Now I want to show you how to put it there. So I'm gonna come back and look at all my photos, and I've got my collection. Since I've got this great stuff a collection of photographs there, I think Oh, I want to share that with some local. We jump to the computer in the studio. We've got this great set of photographs that I want to share with a bunch of different people. So what I'm gonna do is right click on that great stuff and I'm gonna choose share toe web. When I choose that, what's gonna happen is I'm going to get an icon that allows me to share it. And it's an adobe link. Adobes gonna host that. Let him see that when I click on customize, I'm able to come in. Entitle that and I could put my name on the authorship and then I can decide a little bit about that layout. So as I do that I'm gonna. In this case, its original title of this album was great stuff. But I'm gonna call this photos for review and then when he's got photos for review up there, that's gonna be the title on the Web page. And I've got options here for photo grid one up. I can set a column grid and then a lighter, dark option. And then do I want just certain photographs to show up. So if it's a album that's got 234 500 photographs, but I only want to show the five star photographs, I can select that. So this is the overall look of the page once it's created. If I click on settings, I've got some cool options in here so I can allow downloads so say, like, this is family, family of re union, and I've gone through and been responsible for editing the photographs and putting up the family union. I could choose to allow downloads, meaning people, when they get to this page could just write, clear or click on the photographs and download it to your local computer. I could also prevent downloads from happening. I could show the metadata for the file or not. I could show the Geo location information and then I can also allow comments and likes. So in this case, what I'm gonna do is create this so that allows for comments and likes. And here's that you are l for the for the image. So I'm gonna go ahead and click Done and I go to shared now shared for the Web. You'll see there's photos for review, and now I want to view that on the Web. So it goes up to my light room. Got to do we dot com or we talked about you could edit earlier. And there's that gallery. So I don't have toe log into a website and have toe right any HTML code and have to cuss a lot for writing html code. I didn't have to ask Google how to write HTML code. None of that stuff had to happen. And if I click on the image I'm like, OK, well, I have that image and then I've got this little comment over here so I can write a comment that says I like this. So now it will note that I've commented it, and but I favorited that photo. That comment is they're gonna come back into my light room CC program that I can then see that comment was created. There was like on it. So if somebody said who I really liked that photograph, can I buy it from? You can get a print. Can you make it black and white? I can get that comment back, so that's a little bit of puzzling connection to the Web environment. Now I have that up here and let's see, like my family has decided, Uh, no, I'll rephrase. I've decided my family is annoyed me, and I don't want that to be shared anymore. All I have to do is come over here and I can then stop sharing. Soon as I do that, that link is gone. Page is gone and I alone longer. Have any of those photos shared, so I don't have to worry about anybody looking at those photographs downloading them. There was a limited amount of time problem result So to create a quickly shared set of photographs, I put him in an album right click on the album, shared a Web customized Decide what I want the interface to look like. How much control do I want to give him? Save it. And then I have the page up there. If I click on the little icon here, just copies the link copies to the clipboard so I could put it in the email or something like that is what that little icon is, is there? Wait, Oh, only allow certain people. Or is this Everybody sees this in other words, can you can you put some kind of privacy on it? Like I only want to share it with my family or in this case, it's public out in that marina. Whoever would have the link would have the the access to it. Um, if I remember right there, if I remember, you had to log. There was at one point you had to log in. But I don't remember enough that to give you a really super smart answer. So I'm gonna say for now, I know just they have the oil they could get to it. So this is another reason. That album We talk about those albums throughout the course, because if you get the album built right, have the right information in there, you can then go in. And if you're using like I said, stars or flags, whatever you can kind of control what's gonna come in into that folder. So that's an easy were easy way to share things pretty quickly and to get a little bit of feedback. That's the easiest, I think the easiest, least painful way to actually share the files upon the women like I do. I I share that with a family share that with friends like that, we, you know, we went, did something or whatever somebody needs to look quickly. It's something that they're not gonna have it long term. It's also not really like websites, not my portfolio. Just just just something to share. The more robust way of actually using light room to actually build a working portfolio website is in your subscription for the cloud is Adobe Portfolio. So Adobe Portfolio is It's like a mini uh, you can go in and build on a website. You can have pages and there's contact forms and you can completely formatted tear. Brandon, you can add your logo on. We'll look at mine here in a second, but the portfolios in the images are tied the light room cc. So as I edit photographs in light Room CC, I can resync my portfolio and all the edits will come up. I can add photographs into a collection, take photographs out sorry, had photographs into an album, take photographs at Oven album and tell the portfolio to resync Um, and then instantly the portfolios updated. I can delete the portfolio. I can create the new portfolio. So if you're trying to showcase work and you want to have some control over the look, you want to have a really nice looking experience that's branded. But I don't wanna be in the website management business and, you know, light room. This is an easy way to get to that. So we're gonna walk through that little peace next. I had never, never really used it other than seen people like Oh my God, portfolios so slick and so easy. If you got this and I was like, I got the website that I don't ever update. So I'm good. And, uh, as soon as I hooked into it, I was like, You gotta be kidding me. Like, why wouldn't I figure out how to incorporate this somehow into my into my work? Um and so get to my little spot here. So I go to sharing. And then there's this connection the first time you don't have it and you click on that is gonna ask, Do you want to make a connection to Adobe Portfolio? You got to go and activate them. That activates your portfolio account basically up in the light room ecosystem and in the adobe creative cloud ecosystem. Once that's there, the connection is now established between portfolio and light room. There's ways to do portfolio with other adobe products. But in this case, since we're sort of a light room makes the connection toe light room. Then if I have a collection, I've got an option to share to Adobe Portfolio. So I have shared a Web, which is what we did before, which is just build a little Web page and put it up there for somebody to get. If I do share, too and select Adobe Portfolio, it's going to now allow this to transfer up into the portfolio. I'm gonna do that in a second, but let me just show you what I currently have up there. So you're not like, Well, wait, We just did that one thing and there's already stuff there. So in Adobe Portfolio, I have uploaded three of the albums, and I just I cleared out my portfolio. Did this were scratch so you guys wouldn't see? There's nothing weird going on, so I dumped the portfolio. So under work is just gonna load this page. And here's a Water album, an abstract album in the landscape album, a punch back into light room. There's the water album, the extract in the landscape. So now if I come here and I click on landscapes, there's the photos that are in the landscape album and click on this. Zoom in, page across, close out. Got a contact form here, so there's a little email contact for me. Work I want to come into the abstract is the abstracts. They're in there, and also the was like No, I grabbed this template. We're gonna get in there and you'll see the template here in a second, but that's that's the state we're in now. Those are the three were added. We're gonna add some and make some changes here. So you can see how the moving in and out works is maybe already Where you going? I'm not sure, but are you able to look at each of those albums as a slideshow? I never even thought about slideshow. I don't know. We'll look when we get in the interface here. Once you have the albums, almost collections again. Once you have the album in there in this case, like the abstract one, it tells me that I need to put into my portfolio. I've made it. I click on that. I'm gonna goto our adobe a portfolio. This is where it's gonna let me have my options to do some editing. So as you do the work, you then eventually end up in this interface. Here's what the abstract page is gonna look like. And I'm gonna have my editing options. Come on, Go. That this landscape one. I'm going to go ahead and actually remove some photos from. I'm going to make this down to the east to just to make it really obvious. Once I made those changes, you just right click on your album and I'm gonna choose Rescind. And then basically, it's going to rescind that album up to Adobe Portfolio, removed the photographs and do all the adjustments forming. So once I kind of have my core buckets to find, like landscaping. I have new, better landscape photographs. Just pull the old bad ones out, put the better ones in resend it. That's all I have to do. So if we come back to the Adobe page once the sinks finishes, will have the So is one of the adjustments that it converts those raw files into J peg files. Were the Web okay? Yeah, basically is building a Web friendly version of all the files? That's RGB does all the work to actually get that that done if we have the album, So I'm gonna go ahead and grab like this. Ah, we'll grab Ah, Charities of water. The best photos ever. We're gonna share that to Adobe Portfolio. Okay, It's waiting to sink um, for that process. So it's got to do that sinking. Go to Adobe Portfolio. It's now built the page for me a second, it'll show up. Name of the peace. There's the photos. Okay, Now I can come in here. I'm like, Oh, that's not really a great title for the website. Okay, so I'm gonna come in here, and I'm just gonna edit that. Ah, come on. Oh, yeah. And at the right point Here. Create what? So I come in and change the name there, So basically leading to my little webpage here, I want to change the photo grid so I could add my own photo grid. I could had audio and video into this if I had a video I wanted upload onto this page. So basically, I've got a little kind of many website here on this page. Um, I don't want to include the masthead you want include the masthead which had my logo and stuff on it. So I want the world more gallery. So I want the back to the top links this little thing, go back to the top page. So I've got a lot of customization in here. I could just click on and added to the portfolio. Here's my pages. So here's the create photo one. I did There's the water abstracted landscape. I want to reorder those. I want landscapes to be first on that page. I want this to be last, so I just drag and drop the web pages around and back to here. Now, if I goto work, you see there is the landscape First cream for his last. So now I've got a little website built based on the albums I have in light room. And if I like I said, if I come in and I make the change to delete those, they sink it. Now I got to fix the sink on that, but it would remove the photographs out of that so I can keep everything up to date, See if that update will kick it for me. Yes, really grouchy about that. If I want to. Ah, rename it here. It'll rename it up Adobe Portfolio for that connection. So everything kind of nicely stays organized. When you get into the actual interface. A couple other things you can do in here when you got the editing under settings, you can connect your own domain appear so if you've got a website and you want this to become your website, you can click on connector domain. Adobe will give you instructions on what to do it. Your host provider to point this to become your main website. So if you're a person who just shows portfolio work and we need to contact and some basic stuff you don't have, he commerce going. You don't have a lot of heavy stuff like that. This is a great way to actually have a really nicely rendered, portfolio driven website out of a tool that you don't have to really do much with. Once you're set up until this in certain outs with the photographs and you've got control of what is the home page look like? What if I want these Google analytics and track my traffic In that way? Searching is an optimization. What do you want? Your metadata cults. You basically have a fully functional website like you would get hosting your own or through some other company to actually do that. You could pass for protect your site. So there's ah, really robust piece in here that connects into their I love the fact that I can make the album put the photos in there, and I didn't have to think once about re sizing. I didn't have to think about DP I 72 resolution. I didn't have to think about responsiveness like this. Looks great. If you're on an IPad, it looks great. If you're on an IPhone, it looks great. If you're on the Web, it just does all of that. And I get to use light room. I actually paid a lot of money for a plug in in classic light room to talk to my website to do this because I needed that interface. I only want to work in one tool that my photographs and I just want to be able to say, Please make this my portfolio and that's what this one does. So they don't portfolio is a great piece in that regard. Question from Jason Will PS Spokes are excited about that as well, about the custom domain, but can light from C C synch to other things like Squarespace or other platforms that you know of? A. So far as I know, Sisi doesn't have anything like that. Classic Sisi has, um, you can build plug ins for classic CC, so there's third party tools that can extend the interface capabilities of late room. So if a developer has gone in and written a plug in for light room that would auto post to squarespace or auto post too some other website it would do that. And that was the plan. I bought a plug in that did that in the WordPress for my site. Um, had I been paying more attention, I would go this route like I'm actually the middle of overhauling to put my portfolio here like you'll go toe my website. We'll have all my normal stuff for my podcast blogging trees and all that. When you click on portfolio, I'm just gonna send people the portfolio dot daniel days ago dot com. It's gonna be here because this is, like, easy. I used to say lazy, but I'm supposed to use the word this it now lazy like if I could come in to be like those eight photos are better than what I have, and with the click of three buttons, they're uploaded to the website. I'll update my website. Three time I wept beside right now is little when it's like its website update. I think I'm gonna rearrange the bookshelf in the studio in reverse chronological order of second public. Anything to not have to pay the website. It's just I've updated this probably 30 times in the last three days getting ready for class like bleep that ed that change that move that treat So that's cool. That's cool. Gonna make it purple. Gonna make a green, you know, to be able to come in to be like Oh, you know, that's my business logo. I could put my own logo on the but I was like, um so any of those kind of things switch themes I'm like, Oh, actually, you know, I kind of like that theme comes to my life site you to say I hope cashed really change The theme would happen like normally, like it's famously. Yes, well, so with regards to the I guess that is related to it. How How well is the CEO and all that? Because, like, is it gonna pull it out quickly? Or people, especially on the mobile, is what I'm looking. Is it quick so that people aren't gonna be trying to get the information but the photos quickly or you have any idea I give you the same question I'm not following the question. So when you look at your phone, if something is slow because it's of the weights Oh, are you gonna take the performance hit in S E O the experimenting I've done? I haven't noticed it being slower than other sites or any other things. It's faster than some of the sights I've built because the images air better optimized so they're not. If I don't exactly remember to get 1600 on the long side by 72 it is 70%. 60 I'm taking the hit were here. I'm not. I'm getting optimized images. Two piece. That's really where the hit is is in the image I have. I haven't noticed. I personally haven't noticed a slowdown. I'm sure somebody's got some some complaint somewhere. But for me, in my own viewing and looking at sites and my friends who use this for their portfolios, I have not noticed any speed hit at all. So portfolio add in a little formatting. Um, change your pages. Here's the integration with Adobe. If you had Adobe stock images. If you have a Beyonce hands account fiance account Beyonce account, you and Jay Z are just hanging, you can have, ah, be hands. You can have that end. So there's the other integration from that. We'll see if I can get it. Actually, yes. So here's a theme change for with that theme would look like so you can come in and choose whatever kind of theme you want, and you've got a lot a significant number to choose from for a very integrated product, so
Ratings and Reviews
Wonderful class! I am 100% new to any editing tool, but wanted to be able to learn basic edits as well as categorize my photos. Daniel Gregory is able to convey his vast knowledge in such a relaxed, easy to understand way, that I was instantly drawn in. I am admittedly "electronically challenged" and just started a journey into Lightroom CC. After taking this course with Daniel Gregory, I am not only amazed as to the abilities of Lightroom CC and feel much less "overwhelmed" with the program, but am also extremely excited to learn more! Definitively recommend 100%
Daniel Gregory is an outstanding teacher. Simple to learn. Easy to remember. His teaching style is relaxed - but very informative. This is the best Lightroom CC presentation I have had. Bravo!
Such a great class! Daniel is so knowledgeable about the whole LR ecosystem and explains complex details clearly. There's so much valuable content packed into this class. I highly recommend for those moving from LR Classic to CC (mobile LR) and for those who are new to LR CC altogether. Highly recommend.