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Intro to Apple iWork - Keynote

Kevin Allgaier

Intro to Apple iWork - Keynote

Kevin Allgaier

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Class Description

A good presentation is a game-changer. Learn how to build beautiful slides in Intro to Apple® iWork® - Keynote® with Kevin Allgaier. 

Kevin has spent his career helping people get more out of their tech investments by introducing them to the most efficient way to work with their laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones. 

In this class you’ll learn how to: 
  • Create new presentations 
  • Insert images and video 
  • Add sophisticated transitions 
  • Incorporate layers and animations 
  • Apply and change themes 
  • Use an Apple iPhone as a remote 
You’ll get tips on navigating the Keynote interface and learn everything you need to know to take full advantage of the functionality of Keynote

If you want to impress during your next presentation, don’t miss your opportunity to learn how to do it the easy way in Intro to Apple iWork - Keynote with Kevin Allgaier.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Keyboard Shortcuts for Keynote®
Allgaier Blue Keynote® Template

Bonus Video: Apple iWork User Interfaces

iWork Interface.mp4

Bonus Video: What is Apple iWork?

What is iWork.mp4

Bonus Video: Why Use Apple iWork?

Why Use iWork.mp4

Ratings and Reviews

Kris Lattimore

Never worked with Keynote before and this class very clearly sets it all up, explains and examples the larger bits as well as encourages exploring more detail as well. The tie-in to video at the end was surprising and very interesting. Thanks!

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