Day 1
14:32 2Apple Logic Pro Preferences
22:22 3Interface and Customizations Part 1
39:26 4Interface and Customizations Part 2
34:16 5Making Music with Apple Loops
36:59 6Building a Track Part 1
28:47 7Building a Track Part 2
28:34Building a Track Part 3
17:39 9Virtual Instruments Tour
44:15 10Basic MIDI Recording and Editing
25:25 11Basic Midi Editing Part 1
21:38 12Basic Midi Editing Part 2
29:44 13Quantize and Virtual Instruments
31:11 14Programming Drums: Custom Drum Kits
31:34 15Programming Drums: Ultrabeat and Drummer
37:05 16Recording Digital Audio: Set Up
36:01 17Recording Digital Audio: Guitar Part 1
30:13 18Recording Digital Audio: Guitar Part 2
20:49 19Recording Digital Audio: Vocals Set Up
29:28 20Recording Digital Audio: Vocals
18:25 21Recording Digital Audio: Comping Vocals
25:55 22Editing Your Composition Part 1
29:46 23Editing Your Composition Part 2
44:06 24Flex Time and Pitch Part 1
39:17 25Flex Time and Pitch Part 2
35:09 26Mixing: Getting Ready
28:50 27Mixing: First Steps
29:45 28Mixing: EQ and Compressor
27:35 29Mixing: Drums and Plugins
37:40 30Automation
24:52 31Exporting the Final Mix
13:52Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Virtual Instruments Tour
We've just finished up with our first little apple loop creation great job team did a good job, you know? I want to point out again because we started talking about how you know some people have different feelings about appaloosa, but as we say goodbye to him here for today um we'd fun right guys and when people are talking about, you know, an app like this that maybe somebody in the family or somebody you know you've got roommates are you know, your kids and you want to make music and, you know, you sacrificed to get an athlete that's going that just like we did sit around, put on some music to go remember that's what they used to do before tv and radio set around a piano or have a bunch of people it's a great little communal thing to get people having fun making music together, you know, it's like game night, but with music um really encourage people if you're wondering, you know, could I get into this logic pro thing? Can I get into making music at all? I just showed you yeah, you c...
an and in fact it could be a really cool thing that's not just your alone thing to do, but you know, you got a domestic partner or kids a ring like that just friends have music parties sit around and make loops you know if you know your friends that like to sit around and listen to music anyway or you know you sit and you spin records with its electronic music or rock music I don't have a night where we all just get together sit around a computer makes him stuff together we just showed you how easy it was and I think it's a ton of fun and a great way for those of you they're just gonna be working on your own or with others again to see how some of these tools were get familiar with the area the more time you spend just with your eyes on the screen your hands on the mouse and work on this stuff the faster you're going to get with it we're going to see everything pick up a lot more it's funny I'm actually going a little bit slower on some things that I normally would mess it up a few things because I've made my own workflow I know how that grab stuff and I slide it over but I'm having to talk about it maybe dues a couple of different ways to do it would you say earlier outside rob is so many ways to skin a cat of course we don't anyway but when it comes to making music with logic this tons of different ways and I know we're getting some comments on people asking though isn't there son another way we can do it? Absolutely, you know, so the more time you spend, you're going to find your own way, start with the way that I'm showing you, but, you know, explore finds a new stuff, good times, good stuff, all right, let's, move forward. What we're gonna get into next is another very exciting, and loops weren't your thing. I bet we're going to start in on stuff that is on dh, that is, that we're going to get out of this song created new one. We're going to start going through one of the biggest advantages to using larger pro one of the biggest features that you get your little contribution of one hundred ninety nine dollars, which is the software instruments, okay, the ability to use these things that we've brought it before, called instrument tracks so many different sounds, usable sounds and where we had, you know, at least brought up the concern of sounding like other people or, you know, being redundant with sounds it in loops and parts that people have always used before. I'm going to show you guys right away that we're about to get into a deep, deep space where any sound is pretty much possible, and most people won't come up with the same two ever again, so good stuff let's start is, uh with finishing this went up the way we did last time, of course, make sure you save your stuff don't get excited going on the next thing and forget teo remember where you're putting that, um, and then we can go on and close this project and get ready to get started again with new we'll bring in just that empty one again, and like I said, we're going to be talking about creating mideast. We're going to use in a mini controller in this case, we're going to give this ipad over here a run might bring up a normal usb control or show you how that works as well, but we're going to talk a little first about our track choice here software instrument we saw this one, we're making our first session and going to the temple it's we needed to bring in a track, and this is one we brought in, but we're going to start heading into a world over the next couple segment it's, where we're gonna explore these different options that we haven't news a few of these, in fact, were youse all except for one of them here, but the one we're not going to use his right underneath, the one that we're going to currently be using and there's a little bit of confusion with some people sometimes because you heard me talk about midi, we're going talk a little bit more about today and some more tomorrow as well, but this one doesn't have the word midian it to software instrument, because what we're going to be doing is recording and using midi to drive the sounds that they have inside these software instruments they've created for us where the one below it says external midi actually has the word midian it right or the letters I d ie musical interface, musical instrument digital interface sorry is what that stands for a musical instrument digital interface, the difference between the two quickly on dh explanation why we'll probably check this one out today is before they started coming out with the software instruments, which means another program within this program that has all kinds of, you know, whether they're making it by emulating other instruments in the real world. Or, you know, they're just using basic synthesis ideas to create sounds or using samples or something like that anything that could be a software instrument before we had those built into the computer and the ones that we could access, you know, right from the mac here. What? The world was full of a bunch of other instruments riel instruments like sitting have to say that real but you know physical instruments is what I mean to say like old synthesizers, old drum machines from the eighties and nineties things like that people some of the people still use in love for the way that they sound they're authentic old sound maybe the fact that they ve just a certain way or just the fact that their actual electrical circuits are going to give them a national sound well this external midi track that we have here what that's for us to allow us to use all the functions inside our main area on a track to record using these controllers get these mini no we've got to take a few looks at where it's telling you know, play this note now or play this different key right here what's going to do is allow us to capture those record them and then send them out and as it's called here next turtle many track meaning by use of some kind of a converting device to get our information on the computer it will send it to another device either through usb or common with the old ones old five pinned in midi cable in a converter and what'll do send just the player information the on off note stuff two year old instrument and let it create the sounds so instead of our sound coming out of your head feeling jack of your laptop are out of your device like are apogee due at our quartet over here? Rather the sounds would actually be coming out of your old keyboard our year old drum machine and however you listen to that by running cables teo, you know ah mics are putting on headphones listen to there that's where you'll hear it and you can still interact with the sound with whatever controls you have on that external middie instrument so that's cool people that have old instruments, you're not going to throw him away because of this you're going to use them with it you're just gonna build your studio your work space in a way that you have some kind of connection where you have information that could go maybe information out of your computer to the instrument, maybe even back the other way too as faras cem controller information from that keyboard. So really great we're not going to cover that in this class simply because we've got so much other stuff to go over and we didn't need to start bringing in other instruments when we have so many to try to get through when it comes to the built in software instruments of logic pro tem, including some new ones that even if your user of logic pro nine earlier you haven't seen yet so with that was jump right into it software instrument and we're just going to run and I want to point out one thing here that it has a check box that defaults teo being checked here for open library library is the thing that we just took a quick peek at earlier today so we're going to be talking about that I'm definitely gonna have it open it up for us so was created and what it's going to do there it's like it did with our liu project at first that built us this software instrument track when we see the track header here has some those controls we even get to see wei have the inspector open right now I'll give that push there to close it so we can see what's actually happening here is the library actually sorry I'm going to jump back in and open up right there and close that region parameter no there's no region in there right now so it's telling us midi through and we see here that what it's brought up is the electric piano all right I'm going to stay away from the instrument for just a little bit sweet and really focus on the library itself on what's happening in here but this is the default instruments this electric piano that comes up and uh if I get my control still working here we should see that with any kind of ah many controller sure enough playing time a little ipad I've got the keys plane right here and we see a little bit of some note information happening that's the default it's gonna come up every time we bring in our first instrument track it's going to go right to her right to that classic electric piano but we can change from there so let's take a look at what's going to happen here in the library this another one of those times where I'm gonna take advantage of being able to slide this stuff over I think I'm not full the way yet am I? Here we go this is going to give us a little better view so you can really find an instrument here. So what it starts with over here in the is just it's sort of route list I'm inside this piano, but if I went up to the top here the ones that start with base is this where just let's uh start going think of an instrument like we did with loops and it's going to send us on a path looking through sorting through some different stuff can we have right away just inability to search? So if we know something we want to look for, we don't rate a way see these different things we'll be able to jump in and find some of the different ones but by looking if I want to go into synthesizer we see a bunch of different stuff there the drum kits were going to see a bunch of things that the producer kits we actually have some more that will be in there tomorrow when we take a look at this one as well but actually briscoe had let's start with one of these producer kits only bring one of these up and see what happens so when I selected you see, I've got a couple things over it brings up a window for me and I've now got control here I'm a drummer with my fingers so what I have here on the ipads just couple simple controls will take some of the ipad in class in the next segment but phenomena is gonna be in orbit we see our have control over this drum kit here and if I was able to go in would see that if I have a drum kit that kind of looks like this one here once I'm in that category, I can start actually from this top window sort through it and start listening to those as well so I wouldn't have a drum kit loaded up for us we'll see what it's like when we start out in some other stuff and get you guys in a little more here to do is click the new tracks button in the past we've got up here under track and gone to new tracks on the show you guys right here above our tractors you've also got a plus button hover over it tells me new tracks same window's gonna open up so we can pick another software instrument the same time and it create now that brought up the electric piano again and you look changed my focus as faras the highlight right there I'm back on my electric piano click right above back in the drum world so being able to go back and forth is confusing sometimes people like oh I see you put the record button on the record enable when you click down it's going to just change that for you when you guys looking at my controller later you'll see that it's actually changing the keys that I have for it as well so he the drum controls pharrell been able to go to a keyboard so let's get out of this keyboard here from you guys what you would be interested in here question before us are that's like no problem so if you don't have an ipad is there earlier I thought there's like a thing well you're you're like something number first of all we need to get your job with apple because you know how to sell this thing absolutely if you know I have it's perfect I'm glad you bring it up again I'm using the ipad here I also have uh controller sitting down here and then they kept telling me don't go leaning down otherwise I'm just gonna go out of the picture going slowly lean over here you don't need to follow but when I talk about usb controllers and talking about this, this year's air very old example fits well in a suitcase though for getting around out of town but a simple usb out couple octave keys some are bigger some have more controls on it but you know use of one of these or like I said the ipad if you have it great but maybe you're on a plane maybe you're just don't have money to get these other things because your guitar playing one other stuff absolutely we had a way that we could go in here and it's with command and k's the key command I'm using for but it's a window that pops up in hobart hovers over here again this is our music keyboard that we have so what it says hyde musical typing here we'll see that's what it was showing if you go back under again window go down show musical typing or command k absolutely now this one you know other keys we get some things like a touch sensitivity or velocity so if we hit light will heal light get louder if I start hitting it harder to see with this here that they've actually made it that we can get all the stuff that we need so we're not going to miss anything it might take us a little bit longer to get through it but this is a great way to get through old apple users this is the same thing is I've started old logic users from previous versions this is the same thing is the cap locks keyboard it used to be hit the cap lock's key and then this would pop up they came up with a little better place I think to hide it so it's not as common thing his cap locks your name something your cap locks isn't still haunt or something like that, but what we have here is the ability first of all, you can't see him is using the alpha numeric keyboard on the laptop or whatever computer yuan and it's showing you for the a s d f key or that home row of keys those are actually playing the white keys so as I go across have them and when I go up a row to the w niki that's when I started getting the black here so we have that full thing right above it you know it was a blue shaded area on those keys there that's shown you the octave warren so you know it's centered around middle c there, but we can change that up and down, so by going through here go down and pick the octopus down on the bottom or hit ze key so either way and you'll see that things change so when I go down the blue area shaded going lower, same thing with velocity being set all the notes if I had it light or hit it hard the same volume that's coming out we'll see the same meter when we move so we can see some meeting happened I'm not being sensitive to what I'm doing typical oven off in america keyboard here otherwise when we went to type stuff they'd know when we're angry because we're hitting stuff that doll get bolder and bolder and so what we were able to do here is going with next to the octave we also see velocity it's set at ninety eight right now if I go in here and hit, see and see that go down so if I want to go in and record a little passage you're gonna be a little bit lighter there we go, go back in hit me to turn up here we go louder until we get all the way up to one twenty seven, which is our max we're going to be talking maybe a little bit today but definitely starting a class in the next segment we're talking about editing this stuff things like that velocity or the octopus that is definitely something we could go back and hit again later so I'm glad you brought that on include other things like a sustained ke with that tab so you hold down tab it's gonna hold it for me are polyphonic rather sorry it's gonna allow me to do some chords with it a cz well not good chords of another the sustain is on there for us we also have seen things like pitch bend onto modulation and some other things in here so it's pretty complex little keyboard that we have for it along with a couple different views things as well with this other just small keyboard but full keyboard view glad you brought that up so his apple uh there's old guy user I just hit cap locks to try to get this put this away but command he is the way to hide that one as well. All right uh mike yeah, I noticed on the air attracts that it good jump from one to eighteen is that assuming that you're gonna have seventeen tracks in between the group the drums I'm great like I'm glad you saw that sea. We've talked about it earlier how those taxes but you notice also like with this drum kit since I picked one of the producer kits which we're going to be talking a lot about with the new drummer track but this is this is the rial rial deal good stuff a ce faras the drum sounds and that's a track stock so that's why you saw the little arrows telling us that that we've actually got control here a za producer would want you know, in a studio when you're mixing, you want to be able to control that so here they buried the toms and they're not going to use those don't want to bleed coming from anything from it are like that but they have control of all those different instruments so you know, through the hand claps there's actually sixteen of them and one is a compressor track for them as well. So very good very observant michael seeing that jump from one to eighteen you guys all get gold stars today? Uh, all right back to our classic electrical electric piano um must get rid of it. What do you guys want to pick what you want to hear? We're gonna listen to a bunch stuff. So just anything from this first list that looks good or what's that collapse vineyards clap? Absolutely. So a lot of what we're going to see here I'm especially we see some of these vintage ones it's actually talking about the instrument that it's going to be playing so well see not too many lists go further than just this one with it, but absolutely someone was it finn was talking about stevie wonder earlier distorted class was the best one at that the distorted club I think is the best you think believe distorting clap yeah this is mikey's favorite I think in place to be one with little fingers ah absolutely. So everyone feels his job's safe yes I think so do you sing what's that a singer not not a really great one because breeze in the in the um chat room was saying what a nice voice you have and say he's a singer maybe if this job doesn't work out you know going away next one I tell you that's what we do here because we're gonna focus on the control a little bit more uh in the next segment I want to make use and this is going to be a nice little tie into our last thing I want to come in here I'm gonna bring up I'm actually just gonna bring up a piano track just because it might be something a little bit simpler on dh when I'm looking for more beetle sounding stuff uh what I'm gonna do because I'm gonna bring this in on the track just like we had before and it builds the piano track at play it sounds just like we heard right but what I'm going to do is we're just going to use that now for whatever we're gonna be sourcing through so I don't have to sit here and try to play with you guys a ce faras play with this little controller have you guys holding a controller for us and our next segment something close that loop liar ing when I grabbed this guy was great to show us, yeah, we could move track to track with him going to get rid of that piano, so we're not confused by highlighting it delete making sure that my region wasn't c for cycle to get that toe loop around it now with him that distorted clouds for quite a bit happened on it's quite distorted, but that's good, but this summer do maybe record a little something yourself get a simple thing going on, then sort through c out of the different parts sound way, especially if you've already written your part for it, you know, that's the part you want, but you're not sure of the sound that you want for it. Listen to those different clubs, class, class, write some of those more advanced ones. These are all parts again that we meant more for a piano, so I think mikey, didn't you have the brilliant suggestion a second ago to actually go to class? Uh, there we go clapping, yet we'll see if we have a green one there something like that bill, but we'll ditch the track highlight that one try this one on up, and now we'll be able to hear that might be a little better for us for a couple of things get a simpler sound in there go on in vintage slab over the experimental simply because I want to see what this other list looked like no way we're gonna talk about what's actually could we change about sound and stuff like that but there's a great weight just to go through see what we have going you know what are these different sounds was trying the same part but I think you guys think of another instrument for me we'll see for you keep this track sort of the same but just change the instrument so off of vintage club pick another one okay yeah let's see what we've got okay so we have brass choir harp keyboards we'll stick with a keyboard for a second we'll see what it has for the castle that's good go hard yeah beethoven class try some assorted other orchestral instruments clamp part in the heart great sounds to these things we're going to talk to the pump organ with that pipe organ you betcha we're gonna talk about how we can change what's in stuff baroque please did you find organs again and since this somebody who's going to say it anyway I'm just gonna jump the vintage b three clad hammond organ our escort thie oakland organist really testing what's that you've got an oakland organ it's pretty okay that's great let's hear another one another instrument or yeah let's get a different instrument uh yeah guitar let's hear what the guitar is going to do okay, so it's apart again more for collapse so this might be a funk your little thing but let's start with something completely different so it sounds like you played that an acoustic instruments hard rock the's a lot of like sort of the mideast style guitar sounds with it way could definitely get into some different samples and guitars and be able to get into some other stuff as well um jump us down in any of this to justin before I go off into something now let's check out some sits because I know there's a lot of people that uh one of the big appealing things you know for them to go into logic pro ten is synthesizers a lot of people doing electronic dance music a lot of people doing pop music a lot of people putting synth elements and all kinds of stuff can going back teo friends and people I know they do um those cues a lot of times they're ambien or atmospheric and you want to some different sounds. Um the idea here of some of these sense are just the great incredible sounds will stick with the same sound but just the range and like you said it before with the loop library I'm gonna go to just using up and down arrows go through and see what they sound like so this is just in the base category all over the place and you know the way that we talked before about how we're going to be able to change some stuff we're going to change everything with we're going to get really deep into how we can change scott question and really in just as a reminder what so the originally the loop was like a piano that was lab I believe clive loop and then you can use like whatever instrument right engine and what that's going to show us we're going to create our own mini in no time here but I grab the green apple loop again which has you know the midian the audio embedded with it but we're using the green and the great sort of first lesson with mickey so what it really is is just on off information in fact I'm going to give us a sneak peek here double clicking this thing and bringing up an editor let me close a couple of things here bring this one up a little bit bigger and it was only the midi that you can do that with right the green ones correct with the blue ones they have in audio sound and they wouldn't be able to play through our software instance for the most part there is actually an exception with like a vocoder where we could run some audio underwood's since sound so you can but it doesn't sound as good well no no no I just wouldn't there's one exception is the vocoder which is synthesized allows you to use audio as like the gate to trigger it opened on and off type thing it doesn't ever heard like cool old fucker hip hop songs of the vocoder you know it's their voices only tricking with playing the keys to have the sound of the pitches come out yeah that's the only case of where we could take something like an audio apple loop and run it through one of the software instruments as faras I know yeah no we were just there fat on meet minnie it's this little bit right here that we're looking in the piano roll editor those first little notes and then the lighter ones with sort of the loops let me play it here actually see where somebody played those notes and that's what we're hearing back and we're going to get into how we can go and change these things pitch in duration and all kinds of stuff but we're already seeing the first convenience of them is just the fact that we can change the sound anytime middie isn't a sound it's just control information for something that makes us out okay, so that's what we're taking a look at here is that this many note when we picked from the library and the sound that was in sizer base and retro fuzz that we hear here it's actually a lot of stuff so that's a great point for me to show you what's actually happening I'm gonna scan just quickly you guys could listen but I want you to watch right in that middle column which is our inspector it's just moved over to the middle because we have our library open I want you to watch that remember that I said that's going to be connected to whatever track I'm on so the drum track that we have here it's showing us some information about its tracks stack but when I click on this software instrument it showed me that right now the stuff we can see is that it's got an instrument here we'll talk about those called yes too but some of those plug ins that we started to take a look at and he was a little bit with the apple loops so e q and some distortion said all this stuff I was brought on for this sound that's called retro fuzz that I'm down here but watch while this is playing back the same thing I was doing before is just the up and down arrows to change through this list over here see that the sound changed but so did everything else associated with that channel strip this one should be quite different probably and here's another case where I just did that tab key to put my focus over here. Oh, sorry, my pero. I didn't have that focus on it, so I moved it to the drum's hit town what's my blue pay lower my whole focus zone over there now when I hit up single from retro fuzz tow the punching based and you see everything changed with that. So from that insert point would showing this one's actually still the same sin. Yes too, but all those plug ins where I've got all these that list of the blue boxes there see this one's got different ones even got sometimes a little bit different volumes settings on the fader, maybe different q settings we can see that box at the top and now you see here, even though I'm in the same synthesizer bass and those list of items I've actually changed so before were that box was saying yes to for all them, it wasn't trying to tell us a the synthesizer is there? Yes, to instrument what they're showing us now, and I'll just give us a little picture. This sound is made with this sense right here called the sculpture, the one that happened before, when I was over miss list close that window popped back over was the one that we were seen called yes, that one is actually this sits right here way talk about customizing things talk about each of these sounds that said, hey, I used the e s two is the start of my son. They didn't all just start with the same sound the s too, but they all had different settings that we can access it anytime, including things like filters, their backs, even the way it plays those trigger notes like the volume envelope of it so starting fading in the notes versus heart attack on them all that we're gonna be able to do from the instrument. But the way that we pull up these different sort of sounds that we're going through is from a pre set that somebody else had and what we're going to call those patches, okay, so whatever we're in the library, we start picking through on an instrument track and it's always gonna be true. We look at some audio tracks, but in this case, with the software instruments, we're looking at patches for instruments and patches don't just contain that instrument that were taking looks at, you know, the yes to the sculpture and some of the other ones that will have here and jump to a different and see if we have something. Besides those two on this list of brass retro sent favorite new one. So all kinds of different stuff that's going in as faras the instrument making the sound we also saw those insert plug ins or effects plug ins change too so when whoever designed this sound first thing he did was came out the instrument then they started adding other components like this is cool be cool if it was distorted or you know in this case if it had a taped away on it hey and what's getting to using some of the routing that we have in the form of these buses that will be discussing to send it to in this case it's probably something like wait so all of that information somebody put together for us and put him into this library and there a cz patches and as I've been saying all along you guys going to get sick of me saying the best patches besides the ones that you really love when you go in here are going to be the ones that you make so as I modify these things as I'm changing those things we're going to see at the bottom of our library here a save where I can go in and give it my own name so it's going to be in the instrument patches throw from my name t k on there whatever you know you use like this is for the song keep unorganized list of them and let me just do that put t k st ives uh change some stuff about this and now when I go into this list I'm going to be able to look raid into user patches showed up at the top now and so everything you make is going to show up and they'll be your patches all in there so the fastest ones the ones you'd go to all the time if you have a sound that you go for so like on my studio computer ours we were working you know, there's the upright bass sample that I think is just perfect for about anything that needs an upright bass upright bass robot it says on it because the robot recordings are studio that's the best way to get you know the ones that you want to use all the time is going to be making yourself do some modifying I'm also what we're looking through this stuff and I'm searching through some of these different sounds flute oregon mikey how about that if you change him stuff about it you're always going to be able to run revert back to the way that was with this little river but now I know you guys are having trouble seeing through my computer and threw me but way have that one there as well all right so this is the way we go through the sounds my biggest you know through world I want to play g s maybe one or two more here for you guys some really wide range of stuff, so if you're thinking that logic is just elektronik dance, music type sounds or it's just, you know, orchestral many sounds it's all over the place, like on that down tempo funk laugh track, and could you put a drum kit on there and make that club track that but drum kits so can we play drums with the partly yeah, could you sign it whenever you want? Like, well, absolutely eyes put it doesn't quickly put the so cal kit on it. What you're hearing, though, is that these notes that this range that was played in our associate with the notes that we always play all the drums so it's not gonna auto map like kickin stare, but if you played on c one, whatever note you played, there would have been the kick drum, right you so you would find that the active right there, intending you do there's like different ones, right? I'm going to say that, just so until we get into this section, we're going to start pulling those notes around a little bit, but you're absolutely right doesn't matter what our original part was for, we're going to be able to do it in fact, we're going to be doing just some very simple things in a second here. Uh, to get started with the idea of recording some of the stuff, but I want to say before we get on again, so many things also a couple of advanced things that we're gonna take a little look at here that is that we're going to see a couple of them, they're really at inspection sounds like right now, I'm in arpeggio eater I got a bass way, sis besides having those blue effects that we had before, so the instrument was inserted here, it's always in this little block that's got a little space from it all kinds of insert type effects, which we normally associate with, like the delays, river bs excuse compressors, those air below it, but above it, they've got a new spot, and this is something we're going to be talking about a bunch over the next few segments, these air, the new midi plug ins, which are a thing that, you know, you used to be able to set them up and a place called the environment and deuce um, pretty, you know, sophisticated things, but now they've got a new collection of tom. I just want to show us a quick view it today before we're going to some other stuff, but our pageant is one of the biggest ones, and one has been waiting for the more the most so even if it's just a single note let me take this out of plain this mode and come back to music keyboard if I just hold on a single note move I'm in one now penny playing a series of notes with with this needs plugging, which is driving the engine and we'll see her part of some of these patches allow us to do is have different patterns we'll add more notes to it range's within it because I'm different well, here will change that one notes latching onto some stuff here I'm going to go in well, I should go with grid and I'll show you guys this needs some practice and we'll all get some more training on this one in the next couple things but I want to show you just cause it's gonna pop up on you so you could actually been pattern at it this way tell it, how do we want to be? What right do we want to? Goto knows always different values. Sixteenth note comic hold down two keys I'm gonna run to in our padget that cool idea here of not an effect plug and like the other ones were the sound from the instant goes through it but actually controlling the way that our are many controllers are going into it so it's adding more notes into the instrument like that the other list of these include things like cord trigger so for me you've seen the struggle here trying to play some different chords now we could get a point where I'm going to hit just a single key and but said, oh, I think I'm on a mon a phonics senta but if I'm not a polyphonic instrument it's going actually play chords for us so we can pick some different things about it we're going to demonstrate this too but multiyear single go through guitar voices keyboard voices blues left hand right hand will put out those keys for us you wouldn't wait a major scale play out all those who have just hit the seat get a c major out of it so very cool on dh list goes on from there so besides those we're also gonna have some modifiers and modulators note repeaters randomizer in a couple of things that's another aspect of some of these things we call patches so anything we can put based on this track and with an instrument are going to fill together be safe course in couple questions please. Okay. Um jim boss said with so many options how do you efficiently find what you want? The possibility exists to really get lost in pouring through all that stuff true. Welcome to everyone they know it's there there's worse problems but uh it is a concern especially for people you know, I referred to a bunch of people that, you know, they're making their living tryingto get out a few pieces of music or have no time, you know, the two jobs and a kid or something, and you need to find some time to write your songs and the last thing you want, when you've got a great idea in your head, I just kind of get bogged down with it, so, you know, searching that's a big one, you know, maybe don't go through all the options, but search and okay, I want a piano type in piano see what you get, and then you had a list of just though, so at least you're not going to run through everything and get stuck in that trap of all there's, still so many of them, but, you know, the biggest thing that I suggested people, and if you love music and love sounds, this is not such a bad piece of homework for you spend a little bit of time going through it, you know, make some notes and when you find when you like, just like we had the favorites tab with our apple loops is whenever I find when I like, I just hit safe. And not because I want to save it again as it is or because I modified it and not because I want to put my name on it and take credit for it but again because that gets us into user patches and now you've got one place where you can go and put everything all the time and we can even go into there and make some sub folders about different stuff that we want from our user patches so yeah, you know it's a concern but it's a pretty cool want tohave you won't get lost not bad yeah all right, philippe would like to know if you could please explain what buses are yes, you know I'm going to talk about it with the mixing but it's one of those things that are just kind of so easy for me to explain that buses air like a virtual virtual patch cable. If you're from a world of like plugging and guitar cables are knowing that you know to make you know your laptop play out of your tv, you need some kind of a cable tow hook it up to it you can activities what we're talking about, we use buses and the recording world and it comes from old analog consuls, you know, before we were had computers and there the idea of auxiliary sends and buses but the idea is simple to take something from a track and in this case the sound of one of these instruments and saying, you know what? I like this sound and I want to send it someplace else so I'm gonna click in this box here I'm going to go to an open bus costs two is the next available one got tons of them to work what here is you see sixty four of them I'm gonna pick this the second one and when I do that it's going to bring up actually another channel right? You're called in auxiliary and it's gonna happen there's playing myself and now if I turn up this bus you see I'm getting some volume over here on this other track so what it's done it is simply to send a copy, put it on a bus and send it away right it's exact same copy of what we're hearing here but we put it to another track so why would we send the same thing to another track? Because then we can do things to it with a little bit of control for example I want to bring up a delay you bring up similar simple echo here don't put it on quarter note and what I'm gonna do his play my sound again turn off that bus so you see it's not sending anything over there right now but since it send it into here we see bus two way. Have an input for this track. That's called b two for bus to space, going to send that copy through whatever is happening on this track. It's. Not like our other ones. Where we have music are audio, maybe on this one. This is a place where we could put sound to go through, so as I turn up bus, to look for it, to come up there, but also listen. Now, I've got that delay, so why not do put delay right on the track, like we saw with some of the other ones, gives us control. Now. I've got a fader and get rid of it, all right, different parts of a song. So to answer the question for before where they wanted, just a little bit of delay on little sections of it, that's exactly how we're gonna do.
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Travis Kasperbauer was one of the best teachers in this discipline I have encountered. His style of teaching is easy to follow. I learned more in one day with Travis then i have learned in a year watching video online and learning on my own and from others. Travis knows what he is talking about and what he doesn't know he takes the time to figure it out and walks you through the process of finding the solution to the problem. I find this important because there no one way to do anything when being creative and sometimes understanding the process to figuring something out is just as important on the steps to do something. So many people spend so much time explaining where a button is that they spend little time in truly explaining why you are pressing the button. Travis takes the the time to explain the basic lingo other instructors use but spend little or no time explaining. After Travis explains the basic foundation of logic pro he jumps right into the important thing we all want to know, and that how to make music. I does not matter what genre you are interested in this is the course for you. I watched the course live and after felt it was every bit worth it to own it! Take this course it is worth every dime. I look forward to his advance class in the future. After watching this class i feel confident that what i learned here has given me the tools for his next class but more importantly I can start experimenting and making music today! Thank you creativeLive for this course and Thank You Travis for your gift and knowledge. Thank you for making music attainable to the masses. Ronnie AKA agentdownbeat.com
Extraordinarily well done. My long time expertise is with video production ... Avid and Final Cut Pro so I understand the learning curve in tools like Logic. But I was simply “blown away” by the quality and content in this class. I had already poured through two other video based courses and decided to try Travis’ course based on his credentials. It’s not even close: this course is superior to anything else out there. Here’s why: 1. He uses deep and creative real world examples based on his production experience. 2. He is a master of every feature of Logic Pro and then gives you precise examples of how to use those features to deliver a great production. 3. His “layered” approach to presenting the concepts makes the content “stick”. He doesn’t just turn on the fire hose of content, but brings in key features at just the right time. 4. He covers everything and showed me how to save a ton a money because of all the unique built in features. For example, because of his broad experience with 3rd party plugins and libraries, he showed how Logic meets and exceeds those other tools. 5. His style and communication ability is top notch. This is a long course ... I think this was done live over 3 days but absolutely worth my investment in time. I wish I had come here first.
Ellen Gibson-Kennedy
This is a great course. Travis is an excellent teacher, as well as an interesting and relaxed speaker. I liked the casual classroom environment, which gives the impression of being in the room as well. I learned so many great Logic Pro tips. Highly recommend and enjoyed!