Day 1
14:32 2Apple Logic Pro Preferences
22:22 3Interface and Customizations Part 1
39:26 4Interface and Customizations Part 2
34:16 5Making Music with Apple Loops
36:59 6Building a Track Part 1
28:47 7Building a Track Part 2
28:34Building a Track Part 3
17:39 9Virtual Instruments Tour
44:15 10Basic MIDI Recording and Editing
25:25 11Basic Midi Editing Part 1
21:38 12Basic Midi Editing Part 2
29:44 13Quantize and Virtual Instruments
31:11 14Programming Drums: Custom Drum Kits
31:34 15Programming Drums: Ultrabeat and Drummer
37:05 16Recording Digital Audio: Set Up
36:01 17Recording Digital Audio: Guitar Part 1
30:13 18Recording Digital Audio: Guitar Part 2
20:49 19Recording Digital Audio: Vocals Set Up
29:28 20Recording Digital Audio: Vocals
18:25 21Recording Digital Audio: Comping Vocals
25:55 22Editing Your Composition Part 1
29:46 23Editing Your Composition Part 2
44:06 24Flex Time and Pitch Part 1
39:17 25Flex Time and Pitch Part 2
35:09 26Mixing: Getting Ready
28:50 27Mixing: First Steps
29:45 28Mixing: EQ and Compressor
27:35 29Mixing: Drums and Plugins
37:40 30Automation
24:52 31Exporting the Final Mix
13:52Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Building a Track Part 2
Alright next instrument what you would go with base always a great option so first thing first was click with that bass and now I'm going to zoom through here what other things that we have still that lit up look good guys going to pick up that list let me remind you of what's going on with our drum kit now let me show you guys something that maybe you saw me work with you over just second ago when I was playing some of these things here and I'm clicking on him you might notice if I'm like hitting a space bar to try to play my drum loop at the same time baseball and nothing's happening and keep pendant nothing's going on this used to frustrate me all the time and sometimes when I'm working on a different keyboard it does too so just feel like I'm in a different place but what's happening here is that my space bars actually focused someplace else it's focused around my loop so if I had the space bar sometimes it may actually play these loops for me like when I'm clicking on but what thi...
s blue box let's see that thin blue line that's going around the loops whole loops channel right there that's a little sort of halo thing that's our focus that's you telling us this is what all the keyboard is going to be going for and anything else I hit that's where it's set to go right now if I was to click over here in our main area noticed how that blue now it's gone around this area right here so that's what you tell me now hit the space bar that plays for me, so that gets a little frustrating at first the people were like, I'm hitting space, I'm hitting record wise stuff not working on bits actually got me just once today we don't need to remember whatever you get in here we're using these other menus here in these other lists that it's going to change whenever we click into them a little bit of focus there goes the blue again just cause I clicked on a loop the fast way to get back and forth while you have your mouse over in the loops and you want to be able to go back and play is with the tab key it's the tab in any windows that we have open if there's multiple places where that focus khun b it's going to jump back and forth between them so it's a tad now I could be over here it's playing our drums and turning their cycle as well and now I'm going to play our drums with space bar now go back over to our base and if I wanted to hear what this base would sound like with the drums starts playing with it picks up the next time would be a turnaround point for right so I mean it's time to go back over here stop that and let's get some input from you guys who's got an idea of something we should go for if you don't see the name up here you could give me some other description but what do you guys want to go with that drug lecter base our acoustic upright bass or acoustic other kind or synth bass electric bass a really electric bass type thing right? Okay, so we'll go overlooking our list here and start to figure out what we want so it's got elektronik for it but electric is definitely one of our options here and we see that with electric still giving us some of that dance stuff but we're starting we're going to start seeing some of these other things you have seen a lot of alien invasion but alternative rock bass now we're starting to get into stuff like that I could go with rock blues again would that be a good way for us to narrow down our guys want me to go so what would you say it would you oh you want me to pick grooving so we're going to grooving and there's a lot of things left in the grooving um all right which is another way we want to bring some to break this down wei had that that way we could actually do like some search for some seventies and stuff because we see eighties dance base and things like that from sorting by name I could make you go through that way we'll make it melodic and grooving way go now were stunned to get something and you guys don't think electric bass like an electric bass guitar someone get in here and sort of find steffan will start listening now that is base for finding electric absolutely not what we're looking for but yes there's um anyone but let's keep going anyway wait time over play well, we're a lesson you wear that one turn around give us one last little look here invasion that's where we're going into the idea of a real base right? So listen, that bright tone somebody said that's cool right way cool one as well. Weii now in an onyx I'd go with the british invasion and with the right tone okay, so we see there's a bunch of year, right? All right, I'm gonna show you guys something here that I love way have a lot of options. You can see that the british invasion based one two three that just keeps on going and going and we listened to him they're gonna sound similar turn off our drum loop again for a second here way and get back over and what? Well, no, this is normally similar sound a little bit of a change up right it's different little parts to it well, what I like to do sometimes we'll start with that first one on we're going to the same thing going to drag it in and move over here, turn off our cycle let's give our drummer a little time to breathe on his own so given to bars in his own right little intro part I want to grab barbarous invasion have it start rada bar three and there it goes again what this did now with the green ones brought it in it made this new track I look over and the inspector here we see it's an instrument track in the same thing it's brought up one of the simple instruments here just the base the liverpool base so I think whoever suggested this might be a paul thing they write on um and we can have that go for a while how long should we have a go have a go for a party? You got it. So here we go look at this now that I'm going out with that we know is a one bar loop, right? I've gone to eleven I started at three maybe I'm not that good at math I'm a musician but if I look down there and tells me length and we see that it's at eight so it's telling us okay, good, I'm at the eight bars I don't have to go search around or counting them anymore on the same idea even though this one isn't audio, we have one that is sort of the parent filed there it's the dark one and all the other ones that are following that it just sort of copies of it not necessarily even copies more of an alias is going to look back to that first one that see what's happening okay, so as it's playing through here now two bars of the drugs the way start getting at this point it's where I want to think, hey, we're now we've got a relationship going between a couple of musicians couple, you know, instruments plane might be time to start telling him like how allowed to be in stuff like that. So this is where we can continue to go to our track inspector turned stuff up turned stuff down, but we can also maybe take a look with one of those buttons that we had added in the begining to bring up a little bigger view of a mixer and I can see here with scrolling I can see the look of it or we can jump back over to that third screen set that had the mixer listen to what's happened with him figure out one a little bit too loud, get the base right this one member I said with the with the controls on these loose we bring him in, it may have some other information and now we're seeing that instrument. We're also going to start seeing smell their elements of the mixture in here like any q so this bass sounds good partly because got some cool thank you haven't under some low ends make a little bit fatter. Well known assistant a second hey, put it back in the beginning were gonna wait. We can't even see what it's doing but his analyzer. We'll see the frequencies from the lows down here to the high frequencies over here. If I turn this off, I want to go with what they did. I'll make it a little longer a little bit higher in the lower bunk here, so we see that we're already interacted with that sound, making it our own again. Besides changing the instrument waken now charged to change the tone things about that instance this one's got me. If you wanted a compressor on it, you could see a little bit of game reduction of the top. We're doing great basin there now we've got our cool little a par section with the two of them um let's throw another instrument, they jump back over four screen set, I'm gonna reset us what goes with it oh boy all right no I think that's great hammond b three argument my mikey what you like you what's your favorite instrument in the whole wide world hammond b three oregon and at name and there's nothing wrong and like you said this is just great jump into it just you work with some people that go to the hammond b three organ on ten it's maybe I'm getting old but I remember a time a time when I was growing up many decades ago where every home had some kind of a little church organ right on dh no but that there was so much organ in the world that no one even needed to play those organs anymore they just sat there mikey didn't you tell me once that your first baby sitter was a hammond b three organ you just throw the kids in front of it cameron jordan so er yes a lot of organ in the world great instrument awesome you called it out so it's fine with us it's going to play back for us of course in the key of a and in the right tempo so we're in their questions please okay, this is from another question from il bali goal I am no I'm between that name question is can we do the fade in the loop like repeat part of the track for example can I do a fade after five or six loops um okay, so what it wants to do that's a great question let me jump uh over here and I'm actually just gonna grab one of these files and show you the best way throw this one in and we're going to that loop tool sorry get my focus over here again and I make that fade we see that it happens on that one track right there if I was to go in and loop this again what? Well, here is what they were talking about where that fades going to show up every time right? Let me go back to that original one and get rid of the fade and what they're asking was hey, I brought this thing out and now I'm sorry get looped tool jump my window here get the loop tour and I put it out and they said, you know, three or four times later it's the same thing if I go one more now can I go in here and do the fade? What you're going to find is that that tools no longer going to be there okay doesn't mean we're not going it's not going to possibly we're not going to do it but whatever happens and these sort of alias ones the ones that are coming from the parent file there it's always going to play exactly whatever happens so if we shorten that first one if we fade the first one that's what's gonna happen no matter what okay, I'm not going to be able to go in and change of the things about it you see what this first one I can still fade I could still trim this but if I trim that first one see how it's turning up the other ones and making it shorter tell when it's really small we've got a bunch of the late lee says so back to our question I wanted to repeat a couple times then I want the fate which is a really common thing simple process bring in that first one like we did here unf aged loop it out as long as you want to go on faded and then what we'll do is just go right back in there, slide this over, grab that same region from the browser once again, which makes basically a whole new parent filed. So now we've got an original one and when I bring this one over and then I go and I zoom from this area and I look and I find the fate and I fade this one see how it's gonna affect that one but not this other parent file so yes, we could do it. All you have to do is re grab that original who bring it back and that's the one you make your changes too great yeah, you bet let's listen to that organ we brought it ah let's go something else was picked something that we want ok was the same thing we had uh before some options with it we're in oregon. What are we going with this organ? Rock and blues for sure told well oregon yeah, whenever you see telling well organ we know we're in the the model of the hammond happy and cheerful you got cheerful ah lord never stop proving that gives us ten items so we've really gotten it down in their own the same family of this tone wheel oregon okay, so the telling will organise definitely the organ of rock and blues cheerful grooving music click on this one we can start to bring it in he has won just coming away with the base see what it sounds like okay let's do the same thing there's a blue one so we know it's going to make audio for us not made you like the other ones drop it right in there we go going to jump out of this if you take a look at our big view and what's have this gohan least is long scrub that loop tool their base most gonna turn on her cycle grab the right handle of that move that out so we've got a full ten bar song happen not bad, huh? Excellent like you about to ask question? Oh, I just wanted to put a shaker in there your chance to put in a shake in there in just a second. I just want to show you guys something else that we're gonna do and have happened here. Now I want us to do on extension of this, we're going to go a little bit further, take this out always longer another eight bars of soap guitar drums to go out there, so change that luke to go out this far, and what I want to do is basically repeat this part as faras the length of it that we have known with, uh, the organ and the bass. But I want to see what it feel like if we changed just the performance a little bit right way know that both of these, uh, instruments that we picked the bass and the organ, they both were in a family, meaning the british invasion base remember it said one through however many numbers we had, and we saw that the only ten options under our little descriptions that we had for tone tone will working. We're told we organize one through ten, so what I wanna do is rather than going back and grabbing a parent file again that we can work with and maybe change a little bit I'll show you another thing that we can do and this is something that we could do with other loose beside our other pieces of media like our midi files and audio not just the apple loops but that's to copy one okay like a copy and paste type thing you guys have done that with all kinds of ass before right highlighted command see command v type of thing but what we're going to do here with the tools I'm going to grab the first one it won't actually even let me grab hold of this uh any of those little aliases or secondary ones the tool isn't the isn't giving me the pointer tool no matter how much I zoom in here some people get frustrated with this to where they all know like gave it to me for a second there but they try to do is grab something here and what they'll find a zit keeps going to a different tool or something but what I want to do here is in this upper half want to be able to grab it and what I'm gonna do is hold down a lot of fire key option okay so out of shift control option commanding all down option here zoom out just a bit over that first your parent loop there hold out option when we do is just grab it when I grab it that lets me move it left and right now but you see, it gave me another one of those little green circles of the plus I talked about before and slide it right over to the end you see what it does is giving us a perfect copy of it. So no longer is it following the other one wants what if I get rid of some of the loops here it's not affecting the loops on the other one there it's its own nowyou know reprinted copy just like if we went back into the library but you know, it's been a while since we've been at british invasion base I didn't want to go back in here and reset the base and try to find it all again if we were in that big list of nineteen thousand it's hard to get back home even with the name you have to actually do a search here. So what I've done is just copy them over going to do the same thing with our organs so I'm gonna hold on option going to grab it by the first one I get that plus in green circle and there we go if I turn off our cycle and have it play the transition, we shouldn't even notice him just like it was beginning, right? But I said I wanted to have a little change let's get a little bit of movement happening get a little bit of a different thing happening so we're going to show you guys now is on all these look at how these loops have these little double arrows happening with it. What is the term they're using his loop families families if I look here there's all those other ones that we had that were in that same british invasion with same bass sound just a little bit of a different pick up so let's go to the second one remember what that sounded like? Looks a lot busier. Wait this transition let's play from the first one in the next little soul of the base that's the way bass player would change right? Like to start picking up when the vocals started some like that. So from an intro to a vocal type thing that's great. So I have a play that with everybody you extend this a little bit longer, okay? Let's go out a bit here I'm gonna have that part since we've changed the base let's have him go a little bit longer with it too so we'll go out here should bring that back I wanna go to dio we'll leave that original organ plane it's same parks it sounded cool doesn't want into this but the base change on its own a little bit but maybe kick the organ back and falling well that got the freighter going to his copy over this organ again with same thing of option dragging it seventy one and now let's take a look track these have the same length let's have a look at the list and this little parent category we have arm sorry family loop family category we have with the tone wheel organ was changed that one. So if I go in here it's, are you going? And of course that's not gonna give me that list of sto one second and when I look at you, sometimes I just need to reset your folks. Okay, so is it going now? I see this list of all of them here holding down option go through on those and I get tone wheel organ too. I forgot that even bob hundred apple told me that's what we got is here you gotta fill down the option with it. Bring up the second one. Come well, organ to let's. Listen, what that happens when that one changes subtle change in a really cool that s o b I don't like that want to try the next one like you said in the back way e he says, yeah, so we'll go with that let's see what we've got so far can I go back and just summer volumes trust one pit they wanted to know if you could can the court progression and key of apple loops be changed? Can the chord progression and key and appaloosa be changed? Absolutely, um and we're gonna talk about that a little bit uh, actually, we'll talk about it right now. What we're going through with this one you guys happen with what we have so far? Excellent. We stop here. And so the question is, can we change? I'm sorry was a cord. Okay, so a couple things with that the chord progression one we're going to look at it just a little bit because that's one thing that can change a little bit with some scale stuff, but I don't open up our global tracks again and there was that button they're to bring up the global tracks. This is where we saw the temple before we have their temple line it's also where we said we could go in and change some things like kissing in turn time signature but this is the way that it's plant, why it's playing a for us and that we've changed it and all those things they're going through if we ever went in and made a change in a place you'd be able to hear and bring it back in, I always have some problems with this, andi I'm had it works sometimes not work other times, but absolutely we can change them a couple different ways first and foremost, we're going when I look here, I bring up the global tracks that we're all listening to that day if I was to go in here and say, bring up like the pencil tool and at a certain point like this bar change, it hopes I I need to be in the correct spot, flat down the bottom. Well, let me put in a new spot here, so if we said, like we said before, go to g, we'll hit, okay, what we'll find, I think no change from ok, so if we already have some stuff in there it's not going to change it for us raid on those spots that we put in the stuff, however, if we change it and then we listen to the loops and bring them in that's when they're supposed to go on automatically change them for us. But if you don't want to get into their this's the way that I kind of do, especially when I'm on sort of doing it on the fly, try to get stuff going fast on my first screen set here that shows us that we've been talking just a little bit about this region's parameter list that shows us and stuff about them, um when I highlight individual ones like this one here, I will see that there's some things I have, like transpose, so if I wet and I want to bring that up or down a certain amount here is gonna let me work and octopus where I can go up and down but also if I look a little bit finer and some of these other ones it's gonna let me go in and transpose it not just by those octopus but I can click rate in this zone here next the word transpose and change it by semi tones so absolutely would go in and do the semi tones now when it comes to like sort of doing that scale are changing the chord progressions with it which it kind of have to do with some of those loops like if it follows a certain scale of its going in certain notes would you just by transposing it you know they're not going to fall in the same spots she actually kind of have to cut them up as far as the, uh, signature ruler goes and marked with each of those where he wants it to be. So yes, absolutely possible a little bit more complicate what we're talking about changing some of those things but overall transposed them absolutely from that signature line or like I like to do is sort of a region by region thing and just highlight um go over here and then drag rate next that word transpose so if I was to go to school five up on all of these we'll hear that not only is going to have our change I don't need to do with the drums I'll do the other two not only would you have our change that we had of the style being played when it gets tough now it's gonna go through changes so we could go back and forth any point we want as long as a new place where we put a new one of those parent files are those main loops that's where we can have those changes happen so it's the idea of uh option dragging pulling them back over and then set him again we want to go so that's great look what we got to there by changing the one the baseline does it automatically change the tone will organ no underneath you see what I had to do their in fact that's that's a great question and shows also some versatility and what we can do right now I've got the british invasion base highlighted no it's selected because it's got that highlighted bar on the top and so that's what's being represented over here in the region parameter box in the inspector british base that when I changed by five right let me change that even more let's go to something else that might not sound so good they're here and what we're going to notice here is when I play that they didn't change together because what I'd have to dio is also highlight that oregon down there now move that one up too sorry over here against the sort of gross movements we want nine now we'll hear those two going now if you had if you hadn't stacked from those like a bust a stack would they change together? You'd have to go in and do them individually. Yes. Ok e notice e I said it's a new parent file so when we get to the next part totally different thing happening there too because basted change but this tone will organ went back to its original a key. So that's when we'd have to go in with each of those parent files if we wanted the bass to switch back at that point simple bring it back to here option drag that one over again to this point and then figured do we want it to be and make sure it's right on by lying there and sorry that we could go right now I could go back over here look, bring that back down to the original so that we'd be back in again. Now we hear that transition to them we should have a cool full change from a going up on the way. Wait another one wait. I like the band were awesome, all right course, whenever we get a chance command and s it was so that
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Travis Kasperbauer was one of the best teachers in this discipline I have encountered. His style of teaching is easy to follow. I learned more in one day with Travis then i have learned in a year watching video online and learning on my own and from others. Travis knows what he is talking about and what he doesn't know he takes the time to figure it out and walks you through the process of finding the solution to the problem. I find this important because there no one way to do anything when being creative and sometimes understanding the process to figuring something out is just as important on the steps to do something. So many people spend so much time explaining where a button is that they spend little time in truly explaining why you are pressing the button. Travis takes the the time to explain the basic lingo other instructors use but spend little or no time explaining. After Travis explains the basic foundation of logic pro he jumps right into the important thing we all want to know, and that how to make music. I does not matter what genre you are interested in this is the course for you. I watched the course live and after felt it was every bit worth it to own it! Take this course it is worth every dime. I look forward to his advance class in the future. After watching this class i feel confident that what i learned here has given me the tools for his next class but more importantly I can start experimenting and making music today! Thank you creativeLive for this course and Thank You Travis for your gift and knowledge. Thank you for making music attainable to the masses. Ronnie AKA agentdownbeat.com
Extraordinarily well done. My long time expertise is with video production ... Avid and Final Cut Pro so I understand the learning curve in tools like Logic. But I was simply “blown away” by the quality and content in this class. I had already poured through two other video based courses and decided to try Travis’ course based on his credentials. It’s not even close: this course is superior to anything else out there. Here’s why: 1. He uses deep and creative real world examples based on his production experience. 2. He is a master of every feature of Logic Pro and then gives you precise examples of how to use those features to deliver a great production. 3. His “layered” approach to presenting the concepts makes the content “stick”. He doesn’t just turn on the fire hose of content, but brings in key features at just the right time. 4. He covers everything and showed me how to save a ton a money because of all the unique built in features. For example, because of his broad experience with 3rd party plugins and libraries, he showed how Logic meets and exceeds those other tools. 5. His style and communication ability is top notch. This is a long course ... I think this was done live over 3 days but absolutely worth my investment in time. I wish I had come here first.
Ellen Gibson-Kennedy
This is a great course. Travis is an excellent teacher, as well as an interesting and relaxed speaker. I liked the casual classroom environment, which gives the impression of being in the room as well. I learned so many great Logic Pro tips. Highly recommend and enjoyed!
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