Day 1
14:32 2Apple Logic Pro Preferences
22:22 3Interface and Customizations Part 1
39:26 4Interface and Customizations Part 2
34:16 5Making Music with Apple Loops
36:59 6Building a Track Part 1
28:47 7Building a Track Part 2
28:34Building a Track Part 3
17:39 9Virtual Instruments Tour
44:15 10Basic MIDI Recording and Editing
25:25 11Basic Midi Editing Part 1
21:38 12Basic Midi Editing Part 2
29:44 13Quantize and Virtual Instruments
31:11 14Programming Drums: Custom Drum Kits
31:34 15Programming Drums: Ultrabeat and Drummer
37:05 16Recording Digital Audio: Set Up
36:01 17Recording Digital Audio: Guitar Part 1
30:13 18Recording Digital Audio: Guitar Part 2
20:49 19Recording Digital Audio: Vocals Set Up
29:28 20Recording Digital Audio: Vocals
18:25 21Recording Digital Audio: Comping Vocals
25:55 22Editing Your Composition Part 1
29:46 23Editing Your Composition Part 2
44:06 24Flex Time and Pitch Part 1
39:17 25Flex Time and Pitch Part 2
35:09 26Mixing: Getting Ready
28:50 27Mixing: First Steps
29:45 28Mixing: EQ and Compressor
27:35 29Mixing: Drums and Plugins
37:40 30Automation
24:52 31Exporting the Final Mix
13:52Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Basic MIDI Recording and Editing
Let's, talk about how we're gonna actually get some input into this thing and get some recording I want to get some setting so that, uh if when we all leave here today before we come back tomorrow or if you take a break while you're watching this some other time and you want to have a good stop pointing a good pickup point again later, what I would say is take what we've learned so far here spent a little bit of time digging through that library get used to what we have, and then I'm going to get us set up so that we can actually do something with those sounds rather than using this midi region going to get rid of this track aren't just mute it for now, I'm going to go to that new button that we found here for the new tracks, new software instrumented we're going to start from scratch and you bring up just something very simple, not so much for us to listen to, but something for us today is kind of just get the idea of what's happening and I have my drum track up here as well, so make ...
sure when the right range here and I could get chickens there, see one there we go. So why don't you do a little bit of recording with these drums here just in a little section but show us how do we get set to start doing this thing called midi and for that I'm not gonna need this library you need the inspector just now we'll talk a little bit about what we're gonna do first thing first we got some settings you have to realize what do we want to do how do you want things to work now if I want to start rate the beginning of this song recording some of this stuff one second close that up if I want to start right at the beginning hear this song mikey we saw that there's some problems with that sometime right? Heading record and being able to hit a note right away so if I want to do like a kick note great on the beginning of this sometimes a little bit hard so we're gonna need some kind of setup otherwise we can't record right away we could always just move down a record of it but we've got some def what settings somethings we might want to know about like the reference we have a temple in here we're set the default of one twenty I'm going to slow it down a bit let's goto one ten but how do I know it's one time when I have play and there's nothing in here yet I can't hear a timing reference clear my selection here what do you guys think we use if we want to know that time in reference of one ten click track? Absolutely so either metrodome are a click track and I know if you guys saw it before but that was in one of our customized settings we had here was able to turn that on or off and so I look here I'm going to see it and it is turned on for me if ever you can't see it remember send away for it other this is actually what's going to show us if it's honor office having that purple light turned on with it. All right, so that's the first part when I had player record going to be able to hear that sort of sense of timing there that one ten reference that we're looking for here there's a couple of their options were going to check those out in some settings and the record settings menu up here so this stuff has moved here for us but we have a couple of different things that we want to look at before we start first of all the metrodome settings that's where we could take a look at this and take say okay, well what's happening with how what's the volume of it, what sound are we here? And even I think we could change but we have the auto click set on sorry audio click said on the cloth and guice its chairman for knocking ghost and we're able teo that's the sound that we're hearing there and letting us know that we're hearing the bar hit which is the loud one as it went through siegen and get that play for us again so have the accident note right so he said that's a higher velocity than the beat notes the other three that are following that's good that's none of the way we can tell where is the one where is it going to turn around each time but we also have some options here for when we're going to hear it so right now I have it set for click while plane polyphonic clicks where we're getting a different pitch on the one than the downbeat in the other three but also uh getting clicked while recording is in there and buy while playing that's why I hear it now and I'm gonna hear it when I'm recording is well we could go back and turn this button off all the time but I'll tell you some people like their recording of vocal or something that they're gonna want to get rid of this clique well plane so that when they play well just hear back what they did but when we go in and record I'm gonna hit the record button right now you'll actually hear it only that so they don't want to listen to what I have seen if they're take was any good or not other times if you're doing stuff like drums or something really rhythmic you might want to leave that click in while you're playing so you can check it maybe it sounded good when you recorded sounds granite zone you get it back with the click and you realize it was a little bit off tongue whatever you feel that's your choice to go back and make it but that's one of the settings we want to get into I'll go back under record well look at it from here we also have an option here for what's called a counter this gets us back to the idea of o r one I want to start right away I want to start it to bars and I want to get raid in. So what is going to do is give us that timing reference see if I set this at the beginning right now my count and set to none and I want to get in here and start planes and drums right away on it if I hit record and the magic button for record is either we can click right here on this flashing light and it's going to go for us or what I could do get back the beginning with return and hit our ar for a record with easier key commence and you got my note, I'm ready for him are no, I wasn't able to get a little bit late and I had no idea what the time iwas because I didn't hear it. I was imagining what one ten was so two things can get solved here going to command z to get rid of that take two things that were going to get solved, and that is, first of all, I'm going to know what that timing references and I'm going to get a little bit of time to get ready if you're the person that's doing the recording and the performing at the same time, you might need a little bit of time, like up to six bars here so you can hit that neil here one do through for get over to the saturn where the keyboard is or maybe it's, not an instant tracker playing guitar something whatever you need is going to tell you in bars at your tempo, how much time you need for accounting. So this time, when I go to hit our now, it actually starts recording. When I start hitting stuff, we'll hear some of that come in boobs lost it. I lost my controller, so, uh, there we go, one bar count and that's only a pretty good one. Uh, none orm or whatever you want with it could also change, you know, do you want that to be in four? Four? You want three for you going to actually pick up with the were noted between this is just for the count in so we can change a little bit about the timing from it and for coming in part way through or something like that. Okay, so that's, our count in which is part of the metronome and all their settings right underneath record, next thing we need to look at it is we're doing many now, so we're gonna talk about what happens when we actually start layering some stuff in here. All right, so, uh, I want to just bring open this list here. Um uh, so I'm going to record sightings below here and go too many, and you'll see that they're the same options that we had over and some other ones. As far as what we can do with different things, I'm going to go here and check out because they moved it to new space with record. What our options are going to be with midi is that when we record, we can record a couple different ways we can do this thing called create take folders, join with selected regions, join one, cycling, create tracks and create tracks and mute so a couple of different things and the ones that were going to start with here are these three so create take folders, join with selected regions and then join one cycling so create take folders this is for like not necessarily with these drums, but if I went down like to the piano on I want to try to do some kind of a take here jump in so if I go in and go to record a simple little part I want to raid the beginning I hit our a nice little piano part, but maybe I like it maybe I don't, but none of the way that I work with it beyond here with media's I want to give it a couple of shots, especially if it's a new idea and I want to try a couple of things. So again with our setting for many recording being set to take full to create take folders what's going to do is I don't worry about anything. I just put the cursor back at the beginning I had oregon a similar thing same if I want to do it again, I'll go on just do a little part of it sorry sloppy fingers on an ipad but I'm not looking and I go back I've had these different takes the one that I want to hear when I plays the last one with my mistakes and everything but what I see here is that I actually have my region has one of these little arrows next to it and it's got the number three I didn't three takes first thing I could do is just go in and check the different ones out so that we were not having to make decisions right away you're not have to say no that's dr yeah that's the perfect one was not try it again just rip a couple over the top of it and be able to go in and listen to them and sort through the most zoom so we can see those are some different notes that are happening with him but even better is I can hit this little triangle disclosure strangle there and now I can see the actual notes the one that's up at the top I only did three takes so this is the three were seen at the bottom the one on top just represents hey this is the folder that we created that has all the minute it's actually showing a little bit of all that stuff in there the one that's green down here is also the one that's playing the top so she's showing us what is current I click on a different one it changes it so as it's playing back I can sit there for a second I think jump teo wouldn't go through and actually listen to parts we're gonna talk about how we can actually just grab sections from okay like part of this take I like another part of this one was cut them out and was put them together on a track so that's folder takes it's great we're gonna talk about it with audio as well but it's a great way to just sort of take your ideas could put the parts down if your great player especially this is the way to go through and just, you know, go off of field express yourself, see how it goes. Um if you're not such a great keyboard player and I'm kind of talking about myself, we're gonna talk about some of the other ways we can do it like you do you reach for that microphone? Yes, if you were to want to take multiple takes over, could you hit the cycle key and just it would keep cycling and taking takes over and over again absolutely brilliant like yeah, for sure it's just going to keep going for us and as it creates in cycle, it keeps going through there it's just going to keep putting new files that you wouldn't have to hit record over no rounds, just giving us get that section put out, you know, the thing is you need to make sure you know where you want to start, where he wanted and it'll just go right through and I'll do it in fact let's demonstrate that for everybody since you had such a good idea going here oh on mute that record enable it r see the one thing that happened that's why I want to show it snow counting so you know if you're into beginning doing a short part you have to realize it's going to jump rates in the next part so it only did that one two three, four one bar count in the first time we did it but you know my suggestion that is a most tracks aren't recorded right at the very beginning so just give yourself in extra in that loop time where you won't record and maybe one extra on the end so you play your part let it finish out come back around start again once you get to the right part where you going to start with it but yeah great I'm so glad you brought that up mikey um cycle recording a brilliant way to do especially we talked before you're alone you're by yourself working on this that's going to be the way to get into what do using the stuff we go over tomorrow you could go back in and pull parts of your performance out and create a master performance absolutely or if you are have one that's really close we're gonna learn how we go in and just fix the limits of that but absolutely you know that's about inspiration and getting the performance down get into a space where you can really nail it rather than worrying about I got to get over the keyboard hit stop and start again so glad you brought that up. Thank you alright, uh let's talk about we could try to get through these last couple of weeks here we have two versions of what they call joined so join with selected regions and join with what michael was talking about cycling there so either way either by selecting a region or cycling we conjoined what it's talking about a believe the term that they used to use and I know I've seen with some other databases is merge all right, this is this is really pretty much made for sausage finger players like me that aren't that good with it being able to just slowly break things down so rather than doing to take and having to pick a perfect take what this is going to do for us is sort of change the way that we're gonna get it done. So let me do this thing where what we're gonna do is leave that in the cycle I'm gonna try to go like you said just for the second bar here to make it easy on myself so for that reason I get rid of that counted less love the metrodome on this drum track here which it should've brought up well, kicking, snare. So if I am trying to go in and program my drugs by senior, listen to click tracking on I can maybe get it, but I'm not that good. Probably mess it up, and I definitely can't get in any kind of hoops can't hit the archy. I definitely won't get any kind of high hat at me with it or knew like that. I'm just not that that I could with my fingers on this keyboard. Alright, get back that beginning. But what I can do now is use that idea of the setting that we have here, which is to join when cycling and now, as I hit our and go through it, go around back what that go again? We start to see that those things are now merged together. So when I just play it this time from up here, I can't believe I played even worse by trying to get you to the easy life when we take it out of conduct. I am doing this so I can show you guys many editing tomorrow. So there we go. As it was looping and going around, I was able to add the kick at the snare. Can you continue to add to it even though you've stopped absolutely and now I'm going to take it out of cycle and glad you asked that, but I want to change this to rather than doing it in cycle recording what did I say what's that other one joined with selected regions? Well, that's one there as long as I'm selected, which we said before is this idea of highlighting that by clicking on it and get that top white bar with the name in dark, then that means that's a selected region so it should join with anything I put in here, so let me look here and see what I have for you that's where we have no was just setting gets out of hand claps there we go a little high hat we'll get collapse in there for your next I hit uh beginning I record and again we're joining with a selected region so as I go over his bad time with us, but as it comes back around again about that, uh, we've got so much fun stuff happening tomorrow that's going to make me feel so much better about life like being able to go in quickly and look at something like this region doing a thing called quan ties or at least I can make myself a little bit better that was a bad we're talking about is great so we're going to learn how to go in and change that, but I I just want to get us before we got finished with their last segment in today, uh, these settings in here so you guys can realize, ok, you know, sometimes you want to create these take folders, sometimes you want to join with selected regions or joined when you're cycling there. It also is going to show us here that we're doing the cycle record like you were talking about. Mikey, where we can do is create new tracks for its each time, and rather than having just that one, a folder track that we can open up will actually lay them all out for you. For some people, they like to be visual, they want to see him all use the souls and muse to get to them. Me personally, I like to keep things clean, you know? We saw that we have so much stuff that we can bring into the screen, adding a ton of tracks isn't really the first thing I want to do, but some people want him to one thing that people do like I know about the create tracks when cycling is the cycle around apart, maybe they'll do low part, and then they'll do a higher part, but they wanted on a separate track. So those who each come in and they'll play as we keep making the new ones each time they do a new partner cycles around they'll all stack and start to show other people don't want that they want to try the same thing all the time but they want to see them that's this last one create tracks and mute winds cycling so as it cycles let's just throw this one into it right here I will go right over the top she'll get rid of my old region there's no reason to say that so we're cycling and what it's going to do again this time get to the beginning of the record let's see what's happening after my first one making new tracks of them in this case it's muting them each time so they're all there I could go back and listen to my poor timing over and over again with each of these you see there are linked together but I could go back and individually pick the ones that I want to bring them back and make them the one that we listen to so some people like that stacked out again not my cup of tea personally because it's don't liketo have that many tracks popping up especially if they're all the same thing so although we go with the folders with it one thing we should talk about uh when we're talking about like joining with selected regions we looked at that and I put the put the high hat part on top of it because it was selected remember that if I have this what says joined with selected regions and I don't have it selected it's just going to put a new separate region on top so it's not going to merge with and it's not gonna folder it's gonna have a new one sitting right on top, so if you pick join with selected, make sure you select the ones you want to get those to join our emerge with. All right, you know what? Do we have some questions out there? So I think we're at a pretty good point for stopping, uh, with this and give people some good stuff to take home for the night and work on. All right, travis, I'm gonna ask a question. I'm not sure if you just answered it or not, okay? Okay, this is from any e v h fifty one fifty who's been asking great questions. Thank you so much. Absolutely. So how do you clean up those takes? They get real messy when you have twenty of them stacked up. How do you delete certain ones? Yeah, so show that I did what we were talking about, and I think you might have been referring to here she might have been referring to getting you know those extra tracks on there and then whether they're muting are still playing what I did was make sure that you didn't delete him you just mute it I'm put him right back here now they meet it automatically with the setting that we had which was two create new tracks and mute when cycling meaning that the old one would be the previous one too get muted but whether it's muted or not what I'm doing I did was just to make sure that any of these tracks I I like the region first then the track to lead gets through the region delete gets rid of the track and we can continue to go on up from there and get rid of the one you don't want same thing with the folder takes if you get a folder full of stuff you don't like them highlighting whenever we're clicking on this stuff when we hit delete we're gonna be able to get rid of him quick question on that if you're if you're doing a whole stack of takes way saying is this in the create tracks or in a folder you know in a a fuller of of of tracks and made a bunch from the way michelle so now if you were to then say okay, I want to get rid of you know, it's you've got like take one through sixteen or something I want to ditch to six five and eight or whatever does that then eliminate those and then re sequencing so that it's it's not going to remember me like that but you know it's going to read it it's not going to leave a blank spot on like that for you you need to cut him out but you could also an absolute spit them out to new try takes a swell got it ok, so yeah ok if this is all being notated as well on tow the sheet people go so we go in here and I look at a track like this uh sorry has minimized my window and get back in here and if we look at any of these that we had like, the clap here and I showed you just a brief intro that's where we're gonna be talking about what we're gonna be talking about a lot tomorrow but when I double click that I got this editor to pop up and we saw those notes right same thing scores that next one in there so you guys can see this right away not only see it that it changes this way if that's true to print it send it to somebody else it's great it's really cool yeah, all these attitudes were talk about with the midi three next class we'll be a step under your being able to change different parts of the sound uh like velocities we's here there's what they were they were score editor and again the piano roll where you can see where those notes fell of the keyboard that good stuff I just want to know if that's really anybody hailing that keeps writing those awesome questions e I mean, I see no couldn't be e I don't believe that legally they could use that term without paying something t v h or being it's a great question like another great question from ebola who has been asking questions all day? Is it possible to join two separated regions on a track not during recording? For example, if I cut a region I will get to separated regions can I join then later to get one region absolutely what you're gonna do select the two together and what they may be talking about that could just be talking about two random you know regions that are happening there but also what they could be talking about. Let me do a little hootchy boo for us here and set us out here with like they said a couple of regions that are made right here so whether you took them because you recorded one and wanted teo, you know, go up next to another one and become one continuous thing or maybe we cut out one from one of the takes in our folder and moved it up to attract and grabbed another part of it takes we like the first half of this one second half of that one but now we have to and you want to put him together there is a couple different ways that we're going to talk about but absolutely it's going to start here and their shift clicking, selecting the tool and if I just in this area either go to the toolbox here or we're going to start going where we could look at just hitting t on the keyboard gonna get six which we see down there is a glue tool with those two together when I go in here I'm gonna be able to see him make one perfect little region so nice and neat all right? Cool. I'm just trying to find out if anybody else has any final questions for the day are we all are we wrapping up for the day we were good spot. Okay, cool. I have a quote here from inner sweat who said my first ever critical of course and I'm impressed why did I not know about these before I am now complete and have a warm, fuzzy feeling inside sir john I cannot ask more than that can you know all right, well, let me just check and see if there's any more questions and then we can wrap up so people are asking daniel said is I think he's asking is our way to kwan ties while recording absolutely and that's something we're gonna pick up with because I want it. I want to leave us with my bad performance today and redeem myself tomorrow and show all of you have that's going to make it okay to fail at first, and now we're gonna go and we're going to talk about some concepts right away. As far as we saw him, he just briefly kwan ties the drum thing. I didn't really talk about it, but that was a post performance thing also going to talk to you guys a little bit about when our region parameter box over here doesn't have a region to talk about, like right there, and it says something like maybe through which is talking about now the track and the information coming in it's basically a way that we can say, look out, logic, travis is coming in these horrible so why don't we go on in here and just say that what he was trying to do? It was something like a quarter note and no matter how bad I played, it's going to throw it right in the correct time for me.
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Travis Kasperbauer was one of the best teachers in this discipline I have encountered. His style of teaching is easy to follow. I learned more in one day with Travis then i have learned in a year watching video online and learning on my own and from others. Travis knows what he is talking about and what he doesn't know he takes the time to figure it out and walks you through the process of finding the solution to the problem. I find this important because there no one way to do anything when being creative and sometimes understanding the process to figuring something out is just as important on the steps to do something. So many people spend so much time explaining where a button is that they spend little time in truly explaining why you are pressing the button. Travis takes the the time to explain the basic lingo other instructors use but spend little or no time explaining. After Travis explains the basic foundation of logic pro he jumps right into the important thing we all want to know, and that how to make music. I does not matter what genre you are interested in this is the course for you. I watched the course live and after felt it was every bit worth it to own it! Take this course it is worth every dime. I look forward to his advance class in the future. After watching this class i feel confident that what i learned here has given me the tools for his next class but more importantly I can start experimenting and making music today! Thank you creativeLive for this course and Thank You Travis for your gift and knowledge. Thank you for making music attainable to the masses. Ronnie AKA agentdownbeat.com
Extraordinarily well done. My long time expertise is with video production ... Avid and Final Cut Pro so I understand the learning curve in tools like Logic. But I was simply “blown away” by the quality and content in this class. I had already poured through two other video based courses and decided to try Travis’ course based on his credentials. It’s not even close: this course is superior to anything else out there. Here’s why: 1. He uses deep and creative real world examples based on his production experience. 2. He is a master of every feature of Logic Pro and then gives you precise examples of how to use those features to deliver a great production. 3. His “layered” approach to presenting the concepts makes the content “stick”. He doesn’t just turn on the fire hose of content, but brings in key features at just the right time. 4. He covers everything and showed me how to save a ton a money because of all the unique built in features. For example, because of his broad experience with 3rd party plugins and libraries, he showed how Logic meets and exceeds those other tools. 5. His style and communication ability is top notch. This is a long course ... I think this was done live over 3 days but absolutely worth my investment in time. I wish I had come here first.
Ellen Gibson-Kennedy
This is a great course. Travis is an excellent teacher, as well as an interesting and relaxed speaker. I liked the casual classroom environment, which gives the impression of being in the room as well. I learned so many great Logic Pro tips. Highly recommend and enjoyed!