Integrating Photoshop and Lightroom
Ben Willmore
Class Description
On their own, Adobe® Photoshop® and Adobe® Lightroom® are powerful programs. But together, they can help you achieve amazing things with your images. In this course, Ben Willmore will show you how to “round trip” your images from Lightroom to Photoshop and back again, so you can reap the benefits of both of these sets of tools. You’ll learn to make a second round of adjustments in Lightroom without having to flatten your image, and you’ll discover which features are best used in Lightroom and which should be reserved for Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2018, Adobe Lightroom Classic CC
Ratings and Reviews
This was a great course. It was very informative and Khara Plicanic did a fantastic job teaching this course. It brought light to and organized the essential Photoshop tools and techniques. Some of the tips are real game changers for me, such as to start learning the shortcut keys have made Photoshop much more fun for me. Fantastic course.
Ryan Redmond
This was very useful. I have been a photoshop user for 20 years but I have just recently gotten into photography and Lightroom is new to me. I knew there was some overlap in features but I wasn't sure how to manage workflow between the two programs. This short course helped to clear up some of those differences and understand and appreciate more the non-destructive image adjusting nature of Lightroom vs the more hardcore creative nature of Photoshop and going between them.
Joe Cosentino
Another great class from Ben, he has one of the most smooth flowing teaching styles I have seen. He always makes it easy to understand how PS and LR work, Thank you