Techniques for Empowering your Memory
Lesson 10 from: Improve Your Language Skills FastMatthew Youlden

Techniques for Empowering your Memory
Lesson 10 from: Improve Your Language Skills FastMatthew Youlden
Lesson Info
10. Techniques for Empowering your Memory
Intro to Advanced Language Learning
03:12 2Understand Advance Writing Systems
17:54 3Tackle grammar
17:12 4Grammar Exercisea
15:27 5Syntax: Get the right order
07:55 6Acquire Vocabulary
12:48 7Vocabulary: Recognize Rules & Patterns
05:34 8Create Your Own Language World
20:53Lesson Info
Techniques for Empowering your Memory
so I'd like us toe take away in this part of the lesson to go away, thinking how we can change our negative attitudes towards positive ones now can we? How can we look at ourselves on DSI? How we may be stemming the problems that we have Andi are causing the problems that we have and how we're also able to change the focus onto something which is much more positive. So this leads us now onto the last part of today's class concerning language learning on this is the idea off how we're able to retain information successfully. Now there are two segments that I'd like to discuss with you here. One is retaining information successfully in the sense of the techniques that we can develop and we can employ for retaining information on the methods that were able to use for memory retention. So we'll be stressing the memory on the first part. We've already looked at quite quite intensely. For example, we already looked at vocabulary books and you're no sorry we didn't. We looked at post its we l...
ooked at post its We've looked a post it, So we've understood how weaken what we can do with those, but the first thing that I'd like to discuss with. You have a couple, your books and journals, and I did touch upon this idea before. Now the Cavalier books and journals Ah box Andi lists So we can either have vocabulary lists. But we, in this sense, are making our own vocabulary box. Now the vocabulary book could be. As I said, it's personal, so we can do whatever we want with it. Onda We can either classic into categories, but all we need to do. Basically, it could also be a on an online Bacal being Elaine spreadsheet, where we're just listing words and sentences and things that we think they're important for our language learning process on. We can cut group them as well, so you can either put them as in his list categories. We can also, um, rank them so we can say important. Less important, I'm not so important. Ideally, the choice is up to you. And as I said before, we can have a concept or an idea of where we have an empty book, an empty exercise book on I put all the words that I really want to know when memories at the front on the ones that I don't at the back. Now, simply writing them down isn't going to help me. Um isn't going to help me master and retain this information. A great way of doing this is to put it into a context. So the context here is to group the words so we shouldn't be learning only words. We should be learning sentences. Now. The great thing about this is if we learn sentences, then we automatically learn all these weird things that we don't have in our language, such as cases such as tenses, portentous we have but things that were not exactly in our language. We have these in a sentence on we can write different kinds of sentences and then weaken Set. We can replace the words in the sentence for the for other words and other vocabulary that were actually requiring. And Elektronik Lee, a great way of retaining information is is on the bubble up. And it's something that we call the review manager on the simple notion behind this is what we refer to as a spaced repetition which is on here on space. Repetition is the idea off retaining information on transferring the information that we have from short term our short term memory, two hour long term memory. Because there are things that we we were able to do and we remember and then forget. So, for example, if any of us can remember what time we left the house this morning, the exact time or what we ate for breakfast. Now if I were to ask you two days later if we know what we have for breakfast on Monday morning, chances are that we're not going to remember it because it wasn't that significant unless we had an amazing breakfast with black brute or whatever pancakes. And it was unbelievable. Or maybe it was so expensive. It was so bad. There's no riel impetus to remember why to know why we at what we act on Monday morning. So here the idea is of space repetition is we need to be constantly reviewing the words and sentences that we're learning. So if we look on the bubble up, we have a function called the Review manager, which I would like to show you on. The review manager essentially is does exactly that all it does is we can go through the courses. So I showed you some of the courses before on the course yourself, for example. We have now completed. So we're learning Italian Italiano Chow were Unless into Andi. Maybe we want to now go to their review on. We're going to review some of the words that we have already learned. And we've only learned four here. We weren't that busy, Let's say, But what we can do is we can if we're learning as we going. All the words that we learn on the app are saved into this review Manager on. We can review these whenever we want. Andi, if the great idea is the notion, the idea behind it is to review constantly to make sure that we're always on top of our vocabulary. Now, um, this happens in many ways. We could do it manually. All we can also be receive a message saying, Hey, welcome back. I think about you. Think about the vocabulary, think about doing a review. So I want to start a review, and then we can. Here we go. No. Okay, I think. Yeah. So the idea behind this is the full words, which aren't particularly many, but it doesn't matter for this. Actually, the shorter is the better, but we can review the words we should be able to. But it's, uh the brilliant power about this as well is if we're not sure, then we already have the words here that we're going to be reviewing and the exercises that will be doing these will be able. Teoh review the words by either removing the X, removing the image or removing the translation, and just listening to the sound of that You have to come with the translation itself. So here, for example, this one Giordano. So in some review, my child, exactly good outs here, See? So these are the four words that we've already collected on. I'm not sure why, but it won't want it. It doesn't want to start their review may because it thinks that we know them all. Maybe it's not enough, But what we could do is I mean, I don't have to show you this anyway. But what we do is we would start to review, and so you have 500 words. You've collected so many words over the course of of the last courses that we've seen we've been looking up on. You will simply go into the review annual. Put the words in the context that they should be in either met. Match the translation, match the sound and then at some point again, you can go into the review again. The Review. Manager on review The words want to get on this at some point will mean that you've done it so often that the that the word is considered to be yours is considered. We consider that the you've grasped what it means, and it doesn't appear in the review manager anymore because it should have you done it so often that you know what it is. You know, the ins and outs money does the figure out after you've done in the same amount of time that it moves it on? Exactly. And should you review to one review every day, or how often? Don't think couple days. What's the ideal I for me myself. I like reviewing every single day I, like, say, going through the stuff like have done the day before, doing a short lesson and then going through, at least if not 75% 90 95% of the key vocabulary that I've learned the day before. Because sometimes even if I'm learning something, I'll be I'll be honest and say that would I don't need to know the moment. Well, that isn't a word that I need to know in general. So but most in most at least, the vast majority stuff I will review that I've done before and I will add Teoh today and then I will on the day after I will review the day before and include an element are two of the first day. So by the third day, I already have reviewed the second day part of the first day and by the fourth off down the third part of the second apart first. So it's always like this. It means that we're taking about the vocabulary with us, and it's very simple for something like that. But in this case, we can decide want to review it. I think the more we review it, the better. It is, especially the key concepts that their vocabulary we were really want Teoh, we really want Toto to retain. So, um, this leads us on to what it was referring to before, and this is something that is methods for memory retention on. We just looked at it before a few minutes ago. The concept of short term memory and long term memory in another way of looking at this is imagine that you're an interpreter and you're told that you have to interpret at a conference in 30 minutes time and you've got to interpret for minutes Now. You don't need to memorize everything that the person has said that the speaker is about to say and to know that for the next two weeks. But you will need to know it for the 1st 20 minutes aid, the 20 minutes in which you have to interpret. And this is what we call a shot, that short term memory effect. This is where you retain the information for a limited amount of time, as we saw before about the about how we remember what we had for breakfast if it was particularly brilliant, there's a particular reason why, and as I said, we always need to transfer the memory, the whole camp from the short term to long term, on a great way of doing This is something that we call gulp. So it's gulping, which is toe get it to use it to link it onto Picture it on. This builds up on the notion of these two as well, which Chungking in Living king and gnomic? No, Monix A really nice word in English. So these three essentially have very many similar traits. And it's all about the idea off obtaining a concept to put it into practice toe, link it into our everyday life. And to imagine this concept on this is similar to the idea of chunking and Lincoln, because Chungking and linking is also this idea of like linking words together to form a sentence so we could in a in any way, we could link a sentence about, Let's say, the green cats walked on the blue floor in my Red House. Now how do we actually remember that without thinking is impossible toe. Remember, Now we need to come up with associations for it, and then we can either imagine, for example, the green cut on the carpet already, but moving on the cap, we can even be more abstract, and this is something that I don't particularly use a lot a lot because I tend to make it more realistic. But it's also something that people that people do that they find it helps them when they learn that they come up with these abstract. And it kind of relates to what I was saying about the post. It's as well. It doesn't always have to be a in the media association. You don't have to an immediate association with when you're writing something down on a poster, you can write blue on a white wall. It just needs to be something that you feel comfortable and you develop yourself. But in these cases of this, the sentences and then the economics is named Monix. So is where you're establishing these links with things where you otherwise would find it difficult to se Teoh understand on a new example is when we learn verbs that used to so in English, we say I have spoken. I have eaten, I have gone, and in some languages you have two different verb. You have one verb say which is equivalent of toe have so avoir are very uh yeah, exactly. And then it in French, which is to be, um, s city in Italian. And these verbs take a sorry the any verb in the past. So I have gone in Italian is sort of on Dato on No. Oh, and data from a very because it's stolen data because it's a verb direction. It's something my wind moving. Andi. For me, the association I have is a verb of direction. Always has to take the verb yesterday because you're moving. Now some people find that when they think of these burbs and they learn verbs that go with this. So, for example, undiluted to go or eileen from Dressr easily, um that they actually, instead of focusing on the direction of the idea of movement, they think off a concept that allows them to group every single word that takes and I d or Ali. Sorry, that takes at sorry. There. Take that. Instead of focusing on the movement. Andi, they they can be anything. It could be a blue diamond. It could be a fire. It could be a string. And it's the string. That hat is all of the verbs. It could be the flame that's burning all of the all of the all of the verbs on this is where you need to start getting creative. As I said, it's not something that I do very much because I find it easier to find more relevant concept and associations. But it's also something, if you if you think like that. And if you think that that's because I see something on the way I see it is maybe something an entirely different way of senior than someone else. I see something that I focused on the shape and someone focuses on the movement, focuses on the texture, focuses on the sound. Now these a ro legitimate answers and solutions toe finding a strategy that fits us. So whatever you find suits you best out of these, you go for it. Andi. However, please don't forget physical exercise, and Alice like, might sound like, Well, why would I need to go jogging if I'm learning languages or am doing sports well, first of all, you can actually combine language learning with that, you can go jogging and listening to music in the language. Listen to a podcast. I listen to a lesson on while you're out jogging, but physical exercise means that you keep your brain fit. He means you keep your You're keeping your brain active. You're moving, you're doing you're doing exercise. You're doing something good for your body on. I can't stress that enough that you should be putting exercise physical exercise into your activity because it will keep you. It will keep the light on that, say, and that if we think of a flame, this is a great nomics thing. They didn't give a flaming the flames going out. So get your own issues on and just go for a little job, even if it's just for five minutes, just make sure that you're really your stay mentally fit and you're staying physically fit because it is a Z said. To run a marathon, you need toe, you need to you need to work on your reading skills, and in this case you can work on your reading skills, do the marathon and learn the language at the same time. Does anyone here have questions about the memory retention method that Matthews talking about? So I have we have one. Could you give another example of the linking yes of the Lincoln East, for example, we saw before in the sentence where you can string a zoological sentence together are a completely illogical sentence together when you don't see things as simple simply as words but a sentences as concepts. So you think, have, say, a sequences. You think of stories of sequences involving certain things that happen together at the same time, so it could be an occurrence. It could be something like the the wall on I lost the wall fell in, but yes, they will. That collapsed, Let's say, and he said, I'm focusing on the wall. It could be something much more elaborate much longer where you think of an entire sentence involving three or four different things and you link close together. You link that information together, and you retain the information by emphasizing and remembering the not just the word, not the single things but things that actually happen together, I say. But they are related to each other exactly, but they're not necessarily say related to each other in the sense that they sound the same or that they're related because they happen in the story. Together, there's a there's a story behind them
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