Review of All the Classes in Path
Lesson 7 from: Impact Your Audience With Transformative PresentationsKimberly MacLean, Sammy Wegent
Review of All the Classes in Path
Lesson 7 from: Impact Your Audience With Transformative PresentationsKimberly MacLean, Sammy Wegent
Lesson Info
7. Review of All the Classes in Path
Lesson Info
Review of All the Classes in Path
We did these five classes. We had our beginning class, right? That was our introduction, we had an hour-- We actually had six classes together, can you believe that? Six classes in two days, and we just want to review what those are, and all of you in here, have been with us through those six classes. And we want to talk a little bit about that. So, first we had our introduction class, where we introduced you to how to think like an improvisor. And then, we were together, we did Strengthen Your Stage Presence. Yeah. And what came next, do you remember? We had Add Originality To Your Presentation, we focused on your unique qualities. That's right, and then we talked about how to become an inclusive presenter. And then we dealt with narratives, story structure and how to tell the best version of your message. And then we started this very class that we're in right now, which is, Impact Your Audience With Transformative Presentations. If we, just look back on those, over the l...
ast two days, what are some of those things from these classes, that are coming to the surface, and that are resonating for you? What are the things that are sticky for you? Staying with you. (sighing) Yes? The narrative, the telling of stories. So telling stories, and how the different ways that we can utilize story? Yeah, what specifically? How to structure the story. The structure. And how to implement that, adding more color and advancing to the next stage. Great. So that the structure, and also the detail of the story is the color and detail, great. What are some other things that are sticking with you from this? Yes, Alva? Each person has their own, unique, way of presenting their material and bringing their own passion to that. And that's what makes it special and more transformative, so I think that really matters. But who you are is what makes it so special. You're the person speaking, and we want to hear from you, about you, in the way that you present. And that's so special. Yes, Jonathan? Like all those, I also like the one in the middle, inclusive, sort of like the glue. If you, your talk is inclusive and you connect with that audience, then your narrative's gonna go better, and your transformation is possible. And we've intentionally scaffolded all of this, right? So all of these classes are built on each other, and intersect in different ways. Hopefully, as you go through all of them, you can build your skills, and you can take something from narrative, and put that with inclusion, and it's gonna amplify everything that you're doing and make you the best presenter that you can be. Any other final thoughts? Yes, Jared? Early on, celebrating mistakes and just, woohoo, Woohoo Woohoo, and also just yes ending your own ideas. To generate material and not listening to that inner censor. Yeah, that inner critic sometimes gets in our way. I always call it "the angry puppet", I always think of it as a Muppet, like on my shoulder. It's like, "Why did you wear that outfit?", "That's your hair?", "Did you just say that?". Like it can always, sort of, be there. And as we heard from Dr. Charles Lin, the more that you do improv, and you embrace improv thinking, the more it amplifies that positive, creative part of your brain. And the easier it becomes to access that as well. Great, thank you, any other thoughts? Yeah, Alva? One thread that has really run through all of the presentations, that has been there at each piece was, to prepare and practice all of these. And I think for me, that's really important. So, take the time to know how valuable that is, without scripting everything, and feeling like we're attached to a script. Yeah, like the prepare and the preparation, so that you are the boss of the things that you can be in control of. That you really get to decide how you're bringing yourself, and your material to the room. Knowing that things will change, once you get there. Yeah, wonderful, any other things we want to make sure to capture on our board? Well, thanks so much for sharing. Yeah, we have one last, fun, exercise Sammy, because we are speechless. Yes. We are speechless. We have, actually, prepared and we're gonna pretend, and imagine, just like we did in our other classes. That you have prepared a slideshow. And that in this slideshow, you are going to walk through and review each of these classes, for us, and for the audience. So, ironically, I believe we have six slides, I can't remember now, we might have five slides, I'm not sure. Okay. And so we're gonna ask all of you to come up here, and one of the slides, if we have five, maybe two people. We may have six, we don't know, we'll find out. We'll use our improv thinking. We'll use improv thinking. So, we're gonna ask you to come up here, as we did before and line up over here. (footsteps and shuffling) We have six slides, so each one of you gets one slide, so, we have one slide per class. And you, of course, put a lot of time and thought, and preparation into this, I know. And you're going to give us a wonderful, speechless game slideshow, that somehow is going to encapsulate exactly what that class was about, what it meant to you, and what it gave to you. Of course, because we're improvising, we're gonna, yes and, each other. So, if someone says something, of course, the rest of the group is gonna body language and tell us, "Yes, that's exactly right, it's, of course, right." I know everyone at home is watching, and you're gonna be exactly on the same page, with everyone watching. You know how this works, the green pushes it forward. There should be a black slide in between each one, to help, so you can't see what's coming next. And this is our last exercise, so I encourage you just to have fun. You can spend 30 seconds talking, or you can spend a minute talking, it's up to you. Are we talking to the slide, or are we talking as before. Just as we did before, thank you for asking. And then adding a slide? Talking, we are, our mantra is usually, talk click talk. Yeah, cool, who would like to go first? Thank you, let's give each other a round of applause. (clapping) Now that you have taken your presentation classes, you should realize by now, don't just use a monotone voice, bring it up, bring it down, use your energy, be all over, find your favorite spot. Just like this, you will be at peace with the air, and you will expose yourself to new locations. (clapping) Very good. Beautiful thank you Katie. So she was talking about, improve your presentations with improv thinking, yeah, you can keep clicking. Yeah, then you can see it behind you, big. You're gonna talk to us about strengthen your stage presence right? You prepared this slide for a specific reason, I know. (mumbles) And all the materials that we discussed today, and all the knowledge that you've got today, will help you to be standing out of the crowd. (laughing) You will be the person who would be the most memorable in the whole conference if it is a multi-presenter conference. You will be the one that everyone will be looking for, to meet, to greet and to get to know. (clapping) Beautiful Now I see why you picked that slide, yeah. Thank you, there's something that really, really increases the impact of what you want to deliver, to the people who are there to hear you. And that is really, really bringing something that's individual, you have to contemplate it, focus on it. And then, comfortably and confidently, present it. With a uniqueness of the animal inside. (laughing) In a very presentable way. (clapping) Very good! Beautiful. We all came here together, to learn how to become better presenters and, part of being a better presenter is including everyone. Whether it be the little bunnies in the fields or, the big elephants that are just eating all of the peanuts at the circus. What it really means is bridging the gap, (laughing) it's all about bridging the gap between each other. Between the audience and you, between all the diverse people in the audience, it's about bridging the gap. Well said. (clapping) Thank you Jared, especially for including me in bridging the gap. (laughing) I'd like to now discuss, just how to, basically, build a narrative into your presentations. So, you can just have a ho hum, boring presentation, "I'm a dog", no, or you can just sauce it up, spice it up with colorful dialogue and descriptions. And make sure you keep your wig on straight, because you wanna keep calm, and the people are there to see you do well, as well. And everyone wants to hear your narrative, so please continue to do so. Yeah! (clapping) Beautiful. So, the dog in us want to take this further, we want meaning, we want to connect to other people, and what we really want to do is, transformation, we wanna take you to another place. So, when we go to that other place, we wanna make sure that, (laughing) we move beyond the three piece suit, we find the rainbow that's behind tradition, right? We connect you to the clouds, and to these colors. The colors that are within all of us, thank you. (clapping) We could not have summarized the class better ourselves. I don't think we possibly could have. It's beyond the three piece suit, for sure. It's beyond the three piece suit. Sorry, I've been in pajamas all day. We just did six classes with an incredible audience. (hands clapping together) Yeah you, yeah us. High fives to all of you. High fives. High fives, high fives. Woo And thank you Jim, and thank you crew. Yeah, we want to thank everyone here in the audience for joining us, of course, we wanna thank Creative Live, for inviting us in, and having us do this. And I want to thank you Sammy, I had so much fun doing this with you. Samesees Kimberly thank you. Samesees.
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Diahann Mangoni
was helpful and fun!