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Impact Your Audience With Transformative Presentations

Kimberly MacLean, Sammy Wegent

Impact Your Audience With Transformative Presentations

Kimberly MacLean, Sammy Wegent

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Class Description

Are you killing it in the classroom with your awesome new public speaking and presentation skills? Now it’s time to take it to the conference room! It’s one thing to learn improvisational techniques in an educational setting. It’s quite another to take those newfound abilities and put them into practice in your job and life.

This course is focused on helping you take all the improvisational lessons you’ve learned and bring them into the real world. We’ll work on solidifying your transformation into a communications powerhouse so you can be the leader you want to be and build a stronger, healthier team.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use your transformative power to communicate your message with an audience.
  • Share your newfound improvisational wisdom with other people.
  • Apply your skills as you develop presentations and meetings.
  • Set realistic goals to continue the practices and grow as an improviser.
  • Overcome your fears of doing this kind of work.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Impact Your Audience with Transformative Presentations
Speechless - Impact Your Audience with Transformative Presentations - Checklist

Bonus Materials with RSVP

Adobe Stock - Get Started