Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 2
Lesson 8 from: Ignite Your Business Marketing Kit in Adobe IllustratorKladi Vergine

Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 2
Lesson 8 from: Ignite Your Business Marketing Kit in Adobe IllustratorKladi Vergine
Lesson Info
8. Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 2
01:19 2Adobe Illustrator Workspace
05:35 3Design For Print
05:03 4Create a Promotional Flyer
10:15 5Pattern Tile Creation
09:39 6Fun and Useful Stickers
11:00 7Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 1
11:42 8Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 2
10:22Lesson Info
Illustrate Your Social Avatar - Part 2
Welcome back. Let's finalize your avatar by using shapes, the paperwork tool and more exciting tools inside adobe illustrator in this video, you will learn how to use simple shapes to create a complex image and I will also show you how to recover it. In just a click using the recorder artwork panel. In the previous lesson, we created the background for our avatar and you can also jump start this project and follow along by using the starter file provided it's time to start drawing the cactus. To do so, click and hold on the rectangle tool from the toolbar, you will reveal the hidden tools from here. Select the rounded rectangle tool. Now move the cursor over the our board and click and drag to create your first shape, then click on the corner widgets and drug inward to transform your corners. Then move your cursor to the side and create two more smaller shapes and don't forget around your corners. Press the letter V. On your keyboard to select and then move the smaller shapes by placin...
g them on each side of the larger shape. You can also rotate them by hovering on one of the bounding box corners and then drug towards the side to rotate the shape. Let me show you how to bend these shapes and achieve a more natural look in just a few clicks. Yeah. To transform the vector shape, we will use the puppet warp to the puppet work too. Will let you twist and distort specific parts of your artwork and move and rotate pins and create variations in the position of portions of your work. Using the selection tool, select the first shape you would like to transform, then head to the tuber and click and hold on the free transform tool. The paperwork tool will appear. Greek on it to activate it as you can see by the fault illustrator will automatically identify the most appropriate areas of your artwork in which to place the work pins. The pins which will appear inside the shape are very useful for two different reasons. They will help you in transforming the object, but also they will allow you to anchor other areas of your artwork that you do not wish to move to delete any pain, click on it to select it and then press the backspace or delete key to place a new pin, click anywhere inside the mash. I suggest you to work with a minimum of three panes to move and distort your artwork simply select the pain and drag it inside the mesh to transform the specific area. You can also twist it by selecting the pin and then positioning the cursor next to the pin until adopted circle will appear. You can now rotate the shape in its final position, repeat the same process with the other shape, starting by selecting it and then choosing the proper work tool from the toolbar. If you notice any anchor point then moved in an unnatural position, you can select the pen tool from the toolbar, then use a shortcut control space bar on windows, that's command space bar on a mac to activate the zoom tool and drag outwards to zoom in. Once you have a clear vision of the anchor points, bring the cursor over the anchor point which is causing the distortion. You will see a minus appearing next to the pen tool. Selector click once on the anchor point to erase it, but the leading anchor points with the pen tool, you will preserve the shape. You can also right click on the selection and choose simplify to simplify the structure of the shape after the distortion. Or simply head to the toolbar and click and hold on the pencil tool to access the smooth tool and create smoother shapes like we did in the previous lesson. And you're almost done. Yeah. Now let me show you how to split its shape in multiple areas to add details and death to the illustration first select the shape, then head to the toolbar and click and hold on the eraser tool until the hidden tools will appear from here. Select the knife tool with the knife to active, click and drag over the shape to split it. You can add as many split as you want when using the knife tool. Start and finish outside the outline to make sure that you're actually creating in your shape, repeat this action as many times as you wish to create multiple shapes inside our cactus. Now you can press the letter V. To select each new area you have created. And don't forget to use the shift key if you wish to add more areas in one selection, then head to the properties panel and under the appearance options, click on the field to assign a color over a group of shapes. When you're done, you can distribute shapes in the front or the back by using the shortcut control shift left bracket on Windows. That's command shift and left bracket on a mac to bring objects to the back. Or use control shift right bracket on Windows. That's command shift right bracket on a mac to bring an object in front. Yeah, now click and drag your cursor over the entire cock to shape to select it and use the shortcut control G on Windows. That's command G on a mac to group all the shapes. All we're left to do is to create our final composition, Head to the toolbar and select the arbor tool. Then click and drag over the pace port to create a new airport. Press enter Return key to open the arbor option panel from here. Change the size of the our board to by 1000 pixels. Social media, profile, pictures display a different sizes. For example, your instagram avatar will display at 110 by 110 pixels with an aspect Russia or 1 to 1. However, in order to maintain a high quality profile picture are recommending creating and uploading a file with a higher resolution, ideally 1000 by pixels or above. Now you can select and drag the background over the new art board while holding the old key on a Windows. That's options on a Mac to create a copy. Then head to the properties Panel to change its size to a 1000 By 1000 pixels. Yeah. Now head to the align options, click on the down pointing arrow to select align to our board and then click on the horizontal and then vertical. Align buttons. Now let's bring in the cactus. If you wish to create a copy, simply drag it while holding the old key on a Windows. That's options on a Mac and then to resize it, click and drug outwards one of the corner of its bounding box. Don't forget to hold the shift key to preserve its proportions before exporting the file, let's create different color options. Use the shortcut shift out to activate the Arbor tool, then click and drag the R. Word while holding Alton Windows. That's options on a Mac to create multiple copies. If you wish to recall your artwork based on a particular image you've collected. All you have to do is to temporarily place the image inside your document. You can do so using the shortcut shift control P on Windows that shift command P on a Mac. Then select any image you would like to reference from your computer and click on place the image will be loaded on your cursor, click and drag inside the passport to place it inside the document. Now drag your cursor across the art board and select all the graphic elements. Then choose the edit menu and edit colors and recall our artwork to bring up the rear colour artwork workspace from here, you can click on the color theme picker if you wish to lift the color harmony from another image, then click once on the image to apply its color theme to your entire artwork. In just one click from the bottom of his panel, you can also change the color used by moving the dots in the spectrum or distribute the colours weight by changing the prominent colors as you can see. The changes will take place immediately and you're our board will display a live preview. If you're happy with the result, press the letter V on your keyboard and click away to apply them. Now select one or more graphic elements from a different art board to explore a different way to recover your artwork. Using the advanced options. Again, with your artwork selected had to edit edit colors and rich color artwork from here, click on advanced options from this panel, you can replace each color with a different one. Or you can switch the entire color palette by selecting one of the color themes from the swatches panel. You can also change the you saturation and brightness using the sliders at the bottom of the panel, The preview of those changes will be displayed live on the selected graphics and when you're done, having fun, click on. Ok. To commit to the changes and let's move to the last step to export the amateur.
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Lisa Carney
Kladi is very clear in her explanations all while being very inspiring. Great class!!
Mazhar Iqbal
Great Kladi is a legend I really appreciate
a Creativelive Student
Very good teacher. I wish she had more classes.
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