What is the Face-Aware Liquify Tool
Lesson 2 from: How to Use the Face-Aware Liquify ToolKristina Sherk

What is the Face-Aware Liquify Tool
Lesson 2 from: How to Use the Face-Aware Liquify ToolKristina Sherk
Lesson Info
2. What is the Face-Aware Liquify Tool
Class Introduction
02:47 2What is the Face-Aware Liquify Tool
05:51 3Applying Face-Aware Liquify to a Single Face
10:54 4Warnings and Limitations of Face-Aware Liquify
09:29 5Applying Face-Aware Liquify to Multiple Faces in an Image
04:52 6Syncing Changes Between Multiple Images
10:43 7Applying Face-Aware Liquify to Video
04:07 8Practical Uses of Face-Aware Liquify
08:36Lesson Info
What is the Face-Aware Liquify Tool
let me talk to you a little bit about face aware saw, um, face aware liquefy and how it got its start. So it was introduced, actually, in photo shop cc 2015.5. Um, it is, and then it was updated in photo shop CC 2017. So if you guys air using Photoshopped CC, you're going to have this as an option for you within your liquefied dialog box. Um, and let's see. And the, um and so what is it? So it's face detection software within the liquefied dialogue box. And so, if you let's go ahead and duplicate my background layer, But he didn't Commander Control J. If you see this thing, this bar here a the bottom, that's going to be anything that I'm tapping on my keyboard just so that you guys know, Um So if you come up to filter and you go into liquefy, you have the option to you have a new tool which is called the face tool over here on this side of your in your tools palette, and then that corresponds with all of these new features over here. So basically what the software has done is it has fo...
und the face, and it has actually found out where the eyes are, where the nose is, where the mouth is and the actual size and shape of the face as well. So, um, so that's pretty powerful. Just off the bat, right? Oh, my gosh, how could it find all of those features on this face and, um, and go from there? But they There's two different face detection software kind of mentalities. That photo shop has actually used to create this software. Has anybody used photo shop on any tablet or android or apple device like a like a tablet device, like a touch sensitive device? Okay, so one of the face detection software, er's software's software software one of them one of them is, um, is going to be the software that's in Photoshopped fix. So that's, uh, anything on a tablet. So it's it's touch, Um, it's touch sensitive, obviously not on on a laptop, but the technology comes from a place of touch software, and then the other one is technology that photo shop has had for a long time, and they've been using in there select color range in there, um, select color range dialog box. If you choose skin tones, you have this option to detect faces. Okay, See that detect faces check box that the technology that's that is used for the detect faces is the same technology. They've just reworked it to put it into face aware liquefy. So if it doesn't work with one technology or one technology doesn't actually pick up a face. They go to their backup, which is what it which is one of the main things that makes this tech this technology. I'm gonna say technology so many times it makes this so powerful because it really does capture every single face that I've put through this software anyway. So Photoshopped pics and select coloring. So whether or not so let me go back into filter liquefy. Okay, So whether or not you are a touch oriented type of editor on Photoshopped or whether or not you're an old school got person like me who does everything by sliders, that's how I learned photo shop was with the sliders. So that's how I learned it. And then I sat down with somebody at Adobe and I was like, I need to know everything about face aware liquefy, and they And she was, like, using all of these. All of the, uh, all of these access points, actually on the image. And I was like, What do you mean? Okay, so, like, so there's two ways. So whichever way you prefer using it, you can, which is really good. Another thing is that it e, um it does work on smart objects. If you have something that you don't want to degrade in any way, and you want to create a smart object, um, it will work. This technology will work on smart objects. It will also work on video. And I have a note here that goes watch because I was like, my jaw hit the floor when she was like, Yeah, I know it works on video. I was like, Okay, that's crazy. It also works on cartoons and on illustrations. So, um so yeah, right. That's pretty. That's pretty awesome. Um, the software technology. If I don't know if this is a silly little tip for you guys, um, it the name of it is actually Mona M o N A. That's the technology, and the way they created the technology was with machine learning. So they had all these images. I you know, I think it may have been because they had all these images in adobe stock. They had all these images of faces, and so they used machine learning toe actually make this software really work well in detecting faces. It's crazy what they've been able to do.
Ratings and Reviews
JIll C.
Kristina breaks down the use of the Face-Aware Liquify Tool in a way that makes it fun as well as practical. She included helpful hints on what to do if PS doesn't recognize the face, and provided numerous useful examples of simple changes to make faces more appealing. Making faces slimmer, minimizing double chins, opening squinty eyes, turning a frown into a smile - these are all "fixes" that clients ask for, and Kristina makes them look easy. I can't wait to load a few images and practice my new skills on my own!
Beatriz Stollnitz
Kristina is an incredible instructor. Not only are her explanations extremely clear, but she's super fun and engaging. In this class, she explains the newish face-aware liquify feature of Photoshop in depth. Highly recommended!