Class Introduction
02:47 2What is the Face-Aware Liquify Tool
05:51 3Applying Face-Aware Liquify to a Single Face
10:54 4Warnings and Limitations of Face-Aware Liquify
09:29 5Applying Face-Aware Liquify to Multiple Faces in an Image
04:52 6Syncing Changes Between Multiple Images
10:43 7Applying Face-Aware Liquify to Video
04:07 8Practical Uses of Face-Aware Liquify
08:36Lesson Info
Class Introduction
we're doing face aware liquefy, which is this which is what this class is about, and it's going to be really fun and awesome. But most of all, it's gonna be really funny because, you know, anytime you're morphing somebody's face or your teaching techniques like that, you know, that kind of stuff is always gonna be a little bit silly because my demonstrations are gonna be just a little bit overboard. Did what most people would usually use the tool, um, to dio. So get ready to laugh, guys, it's gonna be an awesome class. Um, I just wanted to talk a little bit about my self and how I kind of got my start doing photo shop and doing retouching. Um, I'm I like to joke and say that I mistakenly, um, ended up majoring and photo shop. Um and that's because the digital, the photography program at my college, was actually still film based. And since it was film based, um, I didn't feel like it was going. Teoh, prepare me enough to go into a digital world to a digital photography world and be able...
to make money, you know, actually, as a professional re toucher I wear a shark fin on my head. My business is called shark pixel. As you can see from the website, any time you go and onto the image on my website and you scroll on and off, you'll be able to see the before and the after of the images. I think it's important for education sake, not only for photographers but also for young girls. Um, growing up in a society where everything is kind of not, you know, not necessarily as it surely is, right? There's a lot of special effects out there, Um, not only in video and in movies, but also in photographs. And so that's what I want to try and, you know, also educate girls on. So yeah, so I spent four years full time learning photo shop, and during that time, I really, um, just spent my time learning the software and actually, um, learning how to translate the software into regular person terminology. And that's what I like todo I like to translate the program into regular words that are accessible that everybody can grasp and kind of everybody can digest so that you can actually learn the concepts right, because If you don't know the vocabulary and somebody spewing out these words that you don't know, then then it deters from you actually learning learning the software.
Ratings and Reviews
JIll C.
Kristina breaks down the use of the Face-Aware Liquify Tool in a way that makes it fun as well as practical. She included helpful hints on what to do if PS doesn't recognize the face, and provided numerous useful examples of simple changes to make faces more appealing. Making faces slimmer, minimizing double chins, opening squinty eyes, turning a frown into a smile - these are all "fixes" that clients ask for, and Kristina makes them look easy. I can't wait to load a few images and practice my new skills on my own!
Beatriz Stollnitz
Kristina is an incredible instructor. Not only are her explanations extremely clear, but she's super fun and engaging. In this class, she explains the newish face-aware liquify feature of Photoshop in depth. Highly recommended!