Applying Face-Aware Liquify to 9 Faces
Lesson 9 from: How to Use the Face-Aware Liquify ToolKristina Sherk

Applying Face-Aware Liquify to 9 Faces
Lesson 9 from: How to Use the Face-Aware Liquify ToolKristina Sherk
Lesson Info
9. Applying Face-Aware Liquify to 9 Faces
Class Introduction
02:47 2What is the Face-Aware Liquify Tool
05:51 3Applying Face-Aware Liquify to a Single Face
10:54 4Warnings and Limitations of Face-Aware Liquify
09:29 5Applying Face-Aware Liquify to Multiple Faces in an Image
04:52 6Syncing Changes Between Multiple Images
10:43 7Applying Face-Aware Liquify to Video
04:07 8Practical Uses of Face-Aware Liquify
08:36Lesson Info
Applying Face-Aware Liquify to 9 Faces
we get to have a little bit of fun. Now. I found this on Adobe stock, and I was like, What if Let's see. What if we took that into face aware liquefy How many of these faces would actually come back and register in the software? So I want to just take a little bit of a toll. A show of hands. How many people think one faces going to register? More than one. How many people think half of the faces will register? How many people think all the faces air going to register? Well, you guys are smarter than other, Right? Okay, so we'll take this. We're going to duplicate our background layer will name this liquid five. This is the fun part. At the the closing of the class that are filter Come in to liquefy on and we've got one. I turned my turned my show phase overlay off. Okay, we've got one phase two faces three faces. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. I think Adobe needs a round of applause on this one. I mean, I was floored. And then if you look over here, even you've got your drop down...
for all the different faces that we have now, when there are multiple faces and they're not left to right, Adobe kind of loses it on the order of the face. They're not like this is face, face ones down here and face to is over here. And they got a freak out a little bit. But I'm giving it quite a hard thing to Dio here. So, um, so let's think about this. Let's What do you guys want to do to the first face? Let's go in. Let's modify this first face over here. Let's make this ah, mouth a little bit smaller, maybe. And, um, make these eyes a little bit bigger. I'm just doing silly stuff. Okay, Make the Nosal with smaller and maybe bring this draw line up just a bit. Make him super skinny. All right, we've got our second face. If you guys want to call out anything that you want to do to the faces, you know, feel free. You know, this is just our time to kind of, like, play around and and be silly here. We can, you know, play with that fate the width of the face. Bring that chin up that. Okay, um, was maybe make the mouth a little bit higher here, and, um, let's let's actually even out these eyes. Right? So that they're a little bit more even. All right, moving on. Okay, let's make let's make this guy just a little bit less happy, okay? Bring down that smile. Bring that lower lip. Yeah, we have a question. How are the eyes? The liquefy. If someone's wearing glasses, does it adjust? The glasses themselves are only the I, I think just the eyes. Yeah, I'm not positive, though, but that's a good question. And I should have probably tried one with. Tried an example with glasses. Um, yeah. Perfect. Make those eyes a little bit bigger and maybe rotate the eyes just a little bit less happy. We got rid of the smile here. Okay, So hit p for P for previous. See how the eyes look a little bit happier when they're squinty and then a little bit less happy when their wider Okay, bring in the sides of face. There. You can see here that it hasn't, um We have a question earlier about like, what if hair covers one of the eyes The hair hasn't covered the entire I, but it's kind of encroaching. But it's the software. Still didn't have an issue. So, um, that's one thing you know to think about. Let's make the eyes look more bug eyed, Okay? Since their before and after make the nose larger. Okay, Can this guy? It's guys. Awesome. He's my favorite, I think. Okay, it's give him a little bit of a meter. Look, get rid of that smile, okay? Got a large chin, Bring out the sides just a little bit. Let's put a little bit of weight on this guy, okay? Yeah. All right. The smile. This was a tilted face. And I was, um I was a little bit perplexed to see that. You know, it's I guess it's not guilted 30 degrees, Otherwise the software wouldn't work, but, um, but we do have it, and it did work. Okay, Now, let's make this I even to this I So one last thing that I want to talk to you guys about is his perspective. Um, I touched on it a little bit when I brought in that image where I was kind of shooting up at the model, right on and we had this area down here that was larger, and then the eyes were smaller. Well, the same perspective concept, um, applies if your face is this way or that way. So if you're if the client that comes in chooses a shot where where her face or his face is tilted to the side, you want to remember that this I is naturally going to appear larger than this? I back here, and that's a natural occurrence with the lens of the camera. So if you were to take an image that is a semi profile and make the eyes look even then that may, you know, just keep that in the back of your head as you're using this software, because that may make the face look strange in a certain way because it by because of just because of the lens itself, whatever's further away from the lens is going to look smaller than whatever's closer to the lens. Same way you take a photo and you have your hand extended out. Your hands gonna look even bigger than your face, but action In all actuality, the hand is not bigger than the face or you know, smaller, closer in size. All right, We'll bring down that hairline just a little bit. All right, let's bring that guy smile up just a little bit. Oh, this one's a little bit weird because it thinks that this lip is the mouth and then it thinks the end of the chin. But that's the first. That's the first time it's screwed up in this entire glass, which is crazy. OK. Oh, looks good. Even though it's screwed up, it still doesn't look that bad. You go back to the gentleman on the left. Could you change the bottom of the face? Recognition the bottom. Can I edit it? The gym hide. Can you make the face be larger? Not at this time at it. The face point indicators. Okay? Yeah, But what you could dio is you could switch over to your old school method of using the warp the warp tool, and then bringing down your density and your pressure. And then if you wanted to, you could do the old school version of of changing that. I wonder if you could fix it enough so that would recognize, like, make his mouth just small enough that it would like when you reload, the image will save it when you reload the when you If you save it out like that with a smaller mouth, I wonder if it would smaller chin And remember, these are illustrations. So they're made. They're not made to be, really, you know. So let's try that. Oh, gosh. Here ago, trying things off the cost in the middle of a live A live demo ing. Okay, lets see this. Let's see. All right, let's go ahead and press. OK, Now, I bet you I'm going to save out this file, and then I'm gonna reopen it because I bet you that if I hadn't done that, it probably wouldn't work. So let's just make sure. So let's file save as test. Um, let's save it as a flattened J peg just to see if we can actually get away with this. Ready? Okay, this is my test file. Bring it back into Photoshopped. Duplicate the background layer liquefy. Did it a filter, liquefied face tool. It's better. It's better. Yeah, yeah. Wow.
Ratings and Reviews
JIll C.
Kristina breaks down the use of the Face-Aware Liquify Tool in a way that makes it fun as well as practical. She included helpful hints on what to do if PS doesn't recognize the face, and provided numerous useful examples of simple changes to make faces more appealing. Making faces slimmer, minimizing double chins, opening squinty eyes, turning a frown into a smile - these are all "fixes" that clients ask for, and Kristina makes them look easy. I can't wait to load a few images and practice my new skills on my own!
Beatriz Stollnitz
Kristina is an incredible instructor. Not only are her explanations extremely clear, but she's super fun and engaging. In this class, she explains the newish face-aware liquify feature of Photoshop in depth. Highly recommended!