Lesson Info
Skin Patches and Patterns
Please, please, please build yourself a layer, a library. So, some of the things that you can have, I bet people are not, don't know this step makes an amazing skin texture, orange, right? Now the thing you have to do though you guys you have to make them tile, seamless tiles, when you do this. I have, I kid you not, I have oh oops excuse me. I have used this on a job. I have used snake skin on a job. This is a little harder because the tiling's harder but I have used this, I've used this section. (computer mouse clicking) And then use this section, Julieanne Kost from Adobe has an amazing tutorial on how to make a seamless tile. It's amazing, you'll find it on YouTube or on the internet. That's asphalt. That's cement, cement. That's real skin. You could seamless, don't look very appealing, sorry. What I would do on this is I would clone out the imperfections, you know clean up the imperfections and then I'd try to make a seamless tile of it. It would be a little difficult because of t...
he hairs but you actually want these, this is what makes something look real. And this would be for like body parts. That kind of thing. Are you guys kind of getting the idea? I mean I'm hoping it's expanding your thought on how to use frequency separation and that by far is the best one. The leather is by far the one I use the most. All right, so that would be a library, okay. A library of... What nots. I'm gonna just run through this real quick, make sure I've got everything. Pants, we did product. I have a big one to show you next. I lost my mind with the key note. Again on him I want the takeaways that doesn't scratch and the blur to smudge. I smudged his nose to make a new nose. OO, that was a fancy little transition. This I think's my favorite because that took two seconds. (coughs loudly) Excuse me. How did I do it? I did it, dust and scratch on the blur layer, 40 zero with a little extra paint. That's just me. All right, skin patches and patterns. So again, leather, pebble board, you guys know that in Photoshop you have the filter gallery texturizer and they have that? There's cold press, there's a bunch of this stuff already in Photoshop and you'll find it in your preset manager. You can also use textures like marble and things for product. If you do a room extension or a floor extension, you just get a seamless pattern. And why would you do that instead of just filling the floor with the tile in real time Photoshop, like a real color. The reason being is often when you have to make a room or a floor or something, you have to have the shadows and the tone of the room that's already existing. So if you do it in frequency separation, you have all that. And all you have to do is put the texture on top.
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Ratings and Reviews
Wow, what a great class, another one by Lisa Carney! This one kind of blew my mind in places, all the clever methods she shows. After watching the first couple chapters I paused the video because I suddenly realized I could use this method to fix a problem I had in one of my composites (removing some kids' sidewalk chalk patterns from some pavement) Lisa Carney is fantastic about showing the way she thinks, how she goes about solving problems. I personally find this very empowering, it makes me inspired to think creatively about tough photoshop issues I'm grappling with in my own projects. She says she does not provide a cookie cutter formula for solving a problem, the reason is the problems we'll be solving are different. What she's providing is way more valuable, it's the way of thinking about attacking a problem. I found the course to be paced perfectly. It assumes some base knowledge which is covered elsewhere. But she provides all the information you need here, you just may need to watch the videos a few times (and you'll pick up new stuff on each watching). I ended up joining the CreativeLive annual subscription, literally because I wanted to watch all of Lisa Carney's classes - I find that she packs in so much extra useful information, it almost doesn't matter what she's "officially" speaking about, I have found I will always come away amazed and enriched with her insights!
Mick van Meelen
Lisa is all over the place but in a good way. I love her enthusiasm, she clearly loves her job and she makes you want to be a better photoshopper. Just see it, try it and see it again, that worked for me.
a Creativelive Student
Fast paced and great education! Not for the beginner, but definitely worth your time to learn these techniques and speed up your editing. I love Lisa's handouts, very visual and detailed. And I love being able to rewatch Lisa's videos when I get stuck.