Lesson Info
Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
All right, then let's look at a more utilitarian, less creative use of filters. Here I have a panorama where I took a picture of this building but I couldn't get the whole building in in one shot. There was something behind me where I couldn't back up further. So I took this shot, then I swung my camera to the left, took that shot and then I swung my camera to the right and took that shot. And now what I wanna do is take those three images and I'm gonna stitch them into a panorama. There are many different ways of doing that. And when we talk about Photoshop 4 Photography I'll end up showing you multiple methods. For now I'm gonna use this thing, Tools, Photoshop, Photomerge, to have it stitch these images together. I'll use default settings with everything and I'm just gonna click okay, because it's not how to stitch the panorama that I wanna show you, it's what to do afterwards. Although I'm not liking that end result. So actually I lied, let me actually pay attention to those settin...
gs. In here, over here, instead of using Auto, I'm gonna come over here and use something called spherical and hope it does a better job and if it doesn't we'll use a different method. There's two different methods for stitching panoramas and I just didn't wanna get into the more complicated version. Good, that worked better. All right now, I'm gonna take this result, which has the three layers stitched together, and I'm gonna create it into a Smart Object. So that any filters I apply are not permanent. Then I'll return to the filter menu, or I find a choice called Adaptive Wide Angle. And when I use Adaptive Wide Angle, this comes up, and what I can do here, is if I move my mouse on top of the image, there's a little zoomed up detail on the right side and I can get this to line up with the edge of the building, like I have it right now, click, and then drag to the top edge of that, and if I hold the Shift key which I'm gonna hold right now and let go, it's gonna make sure that that line that makes up the edge of the building becomes perfectly vertical. There, it went vertical. I'm gonna go over to the other side and here I notice if looked at the zoomed out version, this looks curved. So I'm gonna get right on the edge of that, click, I'm gonna drag to the top edge and the line that I'm drawing actually curves along with the building. And I'm gonna hold Shift. Shift means make it perfectly vertical and let go. Then I'm gonna take the roof of the building. And I'm gonna come right over here to this edge, let's say. I'm gonna click. And as I pull this out this way, notice that the line is bending, it's bending the same amount as the building itself. And I'll pull that way out, and I'll try to get it so it is parallel with the edge of the roof. And if I want it to be perfectly horizontal I hold Shift. If I don't mind that it would be at a slight angle, I don't have to hold Shift. And I'll go to bottom edge of the building. Click here, drag over, and you see how it bends with the building, I'll get it in the bottom edge of this building, and if I want it to be perfectly straight, hold shift. By straight I mean horizontal. And now I've straightened this out. But this central portion, I notice that its verticals are still bowed out. So I'm gonna go to the outer edge of it, click, drag up, and as long as it still matches the curvature which it should automatically, I'll hold Shift to say I want it vertical, let go, one more over here. So any time I shoot architecture and I stitch a panorama afterwards, I use this filter called Adaptive Wide Angle to try to fix any distortion that's left over in the image. And once I'm done I just click okay. Now, I would have usually adjusted the image first, but if you get the fill in here, I'll turn off Adaptive Wide Angle so you can see what it looked like without it, and with it. When you drag it's aware of what lens you used when you shot and therefore it's aware of how that would distort the scene when it's stitched together. And that's how when I'm dragging those lines they're able to curve to conform to the distortion that was there. And then I click and drag on any line that looks to be bent, but should be straight. If that line should be perfectly vertical or perfectly horizontal, that's when I hold Shift. If it's not supposed to be perfectly vertical or horizontal then I don't hold Shift, and it makes it straight, but it might be at an angle. Then the final thing I do here is crop that image. But that's another filter I use for lesser creative use in more of an everyday use.
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Ratings and Reviews
Great class. Clear instruction. (There is a typo, however, on the title of the last section where it should say combining, not combing.)