Lesson Info
31. Wrap up and Review
Class Introduction
15:29 2Reviewing Photography Basics
16:06 3Shoot: Female Portrait
27:47 4Shoot: Male Portrait
24:13 5Photography Basics: Child Portraits
14:05 6Shoot: Posed Child Portraits
22:09 7Shoot: Candid Child Portraits
32:15 8Photography Basics: Pets
18:30Shoot: Pet Portraits
20:14 10Shoot: Child and Pet Portraits
32:18 11Photography Basics: Groups and Families
16:20 12Shoot: Families
16:34 13Shoot: Groups
26:59 14Product Photography: Overview
08:00 15Photography Basics: Product Photography
08:31 16Shoot: Jewelry Photography
25:00 17Shoot: Food Photography
14:15 18Shoot: Craft Photography
26:38 19Overview: Marketing Mock Ups
09:51 20Shoot: Website and Marketing Mock Ups
24:33 21Photoshop - Adding Text and Layer Masks to Mock Ups
23:47 22Overview: Modifiers
15:53 23Demo: Diffusion Panel
04:33 24Demo: Reflectors
09:18 25Demo: V-Flats
04:36 26Demo: GOBOs
30:22 27Overview: Strobe Lights
08:55 28Freezing Action with Strobe Light
28:04 29Adjusting Background Color with Light
24:22 30Kicker Light with Strobe Light
11:54 31Wrap up and Review
06:58Lesson Info
Wrap up and Review
This was shot with...what was this shot with? This was shot with strobe. The control you get from strobe is just...between grids that you can gobo the light with, with different modifiers and etc. You can really pinpoint and focus the light where you want. But for now, I mean, this is the next step. That's why I wanted to do this segment last. For now, when you're learning your DSLR and still trying to get a grasp to make exposure and using manual mode automatic, just use a single light. You saw beautiful images that we were able to capture with one light. We didn't use modifiers until this afternoon. Okay? If you do have a smaller light source that just isn't quite working right, try throwing in a modifier to see how it changes it, a big v-flat or reflector. It's an inexpensive way to change things up a bit, okay? But ultimately guys, what really you love and I know you know this already, that your DSLR gives you that flexibility to do so many different things. You can't shoot strobes...
with your iPhone. It's very hard to shoot strobes with a point and shoot. You just...by not being able to independently control aperture shutter speed and ISO, it makes life challenging. Okay? Strobes allow you to capture fast action. Clearly, you can do it in natural light and you can do it in strobe. It just gives a different look each time. It gives you artistic control over what you're doing and it grows with your skill level. You can increase your lenses overtime to be different, looks and effects, the use of modifiers and all that kind. It's just awesome to have the flexibility to control everything you want with a DSLR. Don't forget, above everything, light travels in a straight line for the most part. Okay? The reflector needs to be put pretty much opposite the light. I want you to play around with angling it and moving it and seeing what happens because it'll impact the image and the way the shadows are handled with a different position of the reflector. The lighting angle is critical. You saw that. I can change lighting angle by moving the light or by moving the person. Okay? Lighting angle, camera angle, posing angle, that was the big three that we focused on this entire class. But knowing that light travels in a straight line and watching the shadows to see the light will help you so much. I want you...this is your homework assignment. Everywhere you go for the rest of the day today, look for shadows. Seriously. I know it's going to...Now, you're going to see shadows everywhere and drive you crazy. And then from there, guess where the light is coming from. Now, where it gets complicated is when you have three or four different lights casting three or four different shadows. But use it as a challenge. Where is the light sources coming from? Which light source is stronger? Which light source is closer? Which light source is further away? The angle of the shadow is going to tell you the angle of the light. It's just like being outside, Peter Pan, at noon, there's no shadow. At 5:00, there's a big, long one. Okay? It has to do with the angle of the way the light is hitting the object. So, watch the shadows to see the light. So, in review, we talked about camera angle, lighting angle, posing angle, composition, lens choice, color, light. All of it helps you to create mood and story in your image, okay? Images with impact are the next step in your journey of DSLR, okay? Create things with your heart. And yes, you have to know the rules to break them but don't be afraid to break the rules. That's half the fun of it. What's life with rules, right? But understand how light behaves, the physics of it. Once you know how light behaves, then you will not be unsure of things. Well, the light is going this direction, I know it travels in a straight line so I have to put the reflector over here because that's, you know, the laws of physics. So, once you understand these things, then it will help make your journey less intimidating. What my hope is, that you get to the point where your technical knowledge with your camera, it becomes so automatic that all of a sudden now, it's about color, it's about how the light skims across something, it's about filling those shadows for that effervescent look. It's about creating beautiful composition and mood so that when people look at your image, they're not looking at the technical aspects of it. They're feeling the emotion that looking at that image gives. Okay? There is nothing like seeing an image that gives you that "Oh" feeling, okay? When light is used to create impact, when posing and composition guide your eye directly to where it's supposed to go in combination with the light. Okay? One of the best techniques I have for seeing light in an image to learn light is to turn images to black and white. Turning an image to black and white allows you to see it for its tonal value, not its color value. And when you see the tonal value, your eye goes to the brightest part of the image, to that belly. Okay? And by learning to use gobos and reflectors and natural light, and influencing where things happen, you now have the control to direct the viewer's eye into the image exactly where you want them to go. And that is an incredible artistic ability. Okay? So, that's what's going to tell your story. Okay. So, here's how to get a hold of me. Instagram: juliakelleher. Facebook: Jewel Images. And then Twitter, julialkelleher. Pinterest is also Jewel Images. So, we do a lot on Pinterest and Instagram. And if you want that DSLR Quick Reference Guide and Adobe Raw Basics, go to jewel-education.com/dslr, jewel-education.com/dslr. And of course, if you would like to join our Facebook group, you can do that by going to facebook.com/groups/juliakelleher.
Ratings and Reviews
Julia is an amazing teacher!!!! Funny, go with the flow, honest, and obviously so gifted at what she does. That came through and also inspired those feelings in me as a novice photographer. I left her class feeling excited to play with my camera and appreciate that she encouraged me to use what I have now and get good before spending tons of money on fancier stuff. I also love that she showed how everyday materials from Home Depot can make for great images. I particularly appreciated the 2nd day on product photography, social media images and the short demos in PhotoShop. Please do a full class on just this Julia/Creative Live!!!!!
Brandon Couch
So first off I've been doing photography for a little bit now and only shot in manual 20% of the time and was okay with it. Since coming to this class and seeing how manual mode isn't scary, it is everything you need and want in the life of photography, I now will not use anything else. The team at Creative Live is amazing and Julia's love for other starting and even professional photographers is amazing. She would sit and talk to us together and individually and really loves those who love photography. I would recommend this class and any other one of Julia's classes here on CreativeLive. I can't wait to come back. Was AMAZING!!! LIFE CHANGING!!!
a Creativelive Student
What an awesome class! I am not a beginner and am currently making a living as a photographer and was interested in this class because #1 Julia is such a great teacher with such talent and #2 I was expecting to take away some valuable information to pass along to my little after school beinning photo club. I am happy to report Julia did not disappoint:-) What actually happened was that I learned so many things that I probably should have known being a seasoned professional that I lost track of my original intention of why I was there. I couldn't wait to pull out my camera and try all of the new things that I had just learned. The color balancing and the little dot showing when your camera (Nikon) was manually focused alone was worth the price. I enjoyed every minute of this course. Thanks Julia! Anyone would benefit from this course....
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