Overview: Marketing Mock Ups
Lesson 19 from: How to Take Amazing Photos with your DSLRJulia Kelleher

Overview: Marketing Mock Ups
Lesson 19 from: How to Take Amazing Photos with your DSLRJulia Kelleher
Class Introduction
15:29 2Reviewing Photography Basics
16:06 3Shoot: Female Portrait
27:47 4Shoot: Male Portrait
24:13 5Photography Basics: Child Portraits
14:05 6Shoot: Posed Child Portraits
22:09 7Shoot: Candid Child Portraits
32:15 8Photography Basics: Pets
18:30Shoot: Pet Portraits
20:14 10Shoot: Child and Pet Portraits
32:18 11Photography Basics: Groups and Families
16:20 12Shoot: Families
16:34 13Shoot: Groups
26:59 14Product Photography: Overview
08:00 15Photography Basics: Product Photography
08:31 16Shoot: Jewelry Photography
25:00 17Shoot: Food Photography
14:15 18Shoot: Craft Photography
26:38 19Overview: Marketing Mock Ups
09:51 20Shoot: Website and Marketing Mock Ups
24:33 21Photoshop - Adding Text and Layer Masks to Mock Ups
23:47 22Overview: Modifiers
15:53 23Demo: Diffusion Panel
04:33 24Demo: Reflectors
09:18 25Demo: V-Flats
04:36 26Demo: GOBOs
30:22 27Overview: Strobe Lights
08:55 28Freezing Action with Strobe Light
28:04 29Adjusting Background Color with Light
24:22 30Kicker Light with Strobe Light
11:54 31Wrap up and Review
06:58Lesson Info
Overview: Marketing Mock Ups
We're going to start with Mockups. So this is something that anybody can use really in any business. And with your DSLR, it's going to allow you to shoot these all the time, very well, and of course with interchangeable lenses, you're going to be able to create different effects etc, etc. But basically, what you're looking at is a Mockup and I know I have text on there that says "Freebie Download, Get yours now." But essentially the clipboard and the flowers are a Mockup. Now, the text was added in later after the fact, but a Mockup is wonderful because you can use it for so many different aspects of your business. Basically a Mockup is using elements, so objects and either shooting them from above or shooting them from the side in beautiful lighting to help you promote any kind of idea, any kind of concept, any kind of service. So not necessarily a product, but an idea or service. So you can then of course add text to it, "Talk-A-Latte" is our weekly live broadcast that we do on YouTu...
be on all things photography business. So we promote "Talk-A-Latte" with this Mockup. So my text, my name was added in there, the "Talk-A-Latte" product was added in there, but really I'm promoting a video product, kind of I'm promoting a show, I'm promoting a conversation with a Mockup. Talk-A-Latte, come and talk a lot with us with your coffee is pretty much what that is. Take notes, learn, and love your business. That's the brand message behind this image. What's important to consider is spatial and visual design, they are what make these images. In other words, make a story with the objects that you're using. This is really fun because these can be both masculine or feminine type images. I mean, literally the world is your oyster, but design is what's important. On this Mockup everything's on the upper left corner, it leaves lots of space down below to do any kind of words or ideas, there's an empty iPhone there that we can superimpose some kind of image on. Anything we want and we're going to show you how to do all that in this segment of the class. So when it comes to designing Mockups, you want to use a variety of objects that speak to the idea you're conveying. So for example, with "Talk-A-Latte," a little notebook, you guys are all taking notes like crazy right now because you're students. You have your cup of coffee with you, our whole motto behind "Talk-A-Latte" is we talk until our coffee gets cold, and we talk everything business. And usually it's focused around some kind of business topic having to do with being a professional photographer or marketing your business. So "Talk-A-Latte," the whole concept is talk until your coffee is cold. "Talk-A-Latte." And so by using an image with a notebook, the glasses, you're studying something, your cup of coffee there, your pen, the flowers add the femininity to it because we do target women for the most part. Of course, we have boys who watch, guys who are wonderful men out there who watch "Talk-A-Latte" as well. But my target ideal student is a woman who's trying to run her portrait business, shooting families and kids and etc, etc. You want to lay your objects sometimes with a focal point, but you don't necessarily have to have a focal point. The text that you're going to be putting on the image could be the focal point. So in that case, you want there to be plenty of negative space so that you have room for your text, which will be the first thing you want the customer, or whoever's viewing the image to see. So the biggest thing I can say is balance, not only with the placement and size of objects, but also with the color. And color's going to become extremely important. You'll notice the images that I use are almost always have a certain color scheme to them. Color conveys mood and story, color...and if you'd Google color meaning, you will see pages and pages of people trying to define what colors mean. Yellow is very sunshiny and happy, black is very dark and moody, red can be passion or anger. There's all kinds of moods that color portrays, and this is where it gets kind of fun. I'm a neutral girl, I love neutral colors and just texture, but our education brand has this pink and purple moods to it which conveys lightness, femininity, purple has kind of a royal feeling to it. But remember the biggest thing, the brand of what you're trying to promote. And color and brand are synonymous. If you have a business that has a specific color scheme or brand to it, you don't want to create a Mockup the doesn't have those colors in it. You want to every time someone looks at an image, you want them to go, "Oh yeah, that's the J Education brand, that's Julia. That purple and pink." Color and combinations change that mood of an image. For example, the absence of color can sometimes create an incredible mood. This image has a much more masculine feel to it, we could put text across it and conveys working really hard. They used a slow shutter speed to convey that, so color is critical. So I want to take you guys through a little exercise. I want you on this next slide here to stare at this triangle, stare at this dot right here. I want you to stare at it for 20 seconds. I should do my watch here. Keep staring at it, don't look away just listen to my voice. Keep staring, keep staring, and when I tell you, not right now, but when I tell you, you're going to go ahead and shift your eyes to the black dot on the right where there's white. Not yet. On the count of three. One, two, three, look over that dot, what do you see? Whoa, that's weird, isn't it? That's weird, it's kind of a cyan-colored triangle, isn't it? It's the complement. Isn't that amazing? Our brains want harmonious color, color has an incredible influence on our psyche. So using color in your Mockups, in your product photography, and everything is so important to convey a mood, a story, or something that you want to influence the consumer. So let's talk a little bit about color harmony. There's all kinds of different color schemes, the complimentary color scheme where two colors are opposite the color wheel is a very vibrant color scheme. It's energetic, it's very happy, it's bright, there's two colors just vibrate the heck out of one another when they're together and it creates a very energetic mood. Split complimentary is when you take a main color on the color wheel and then add to it the two colors opposite its complimentary. So, for example, violet and then green, yellow, and then yellow, orange. Beautiful color scheme, it has a triadic feel to it. They complement each other very well, they are energetic, but it's still kind of subdues, it's not as vibrational back and forth, like 50, 50, like a complimentary color scheme. It still has energy, but it's like, it's like it was more. I mean, I know I'm totally describing this to you in a very subjective manner, but do you get what I'm saying? It has that vibrational tendency to it, but it's not as overwhelming as true complements. Then there's the analogous color scheme where you take a main color on the color wheel and then add to it its opposites, the ones right next to it. So green yellow, yellow, and yellow orange. So you could do the same thing over here on the blue side, you could do blue with blue green, and blue violet, that's an analogous color scheme. Much more calming. Much more subdued and actually quite easy to do. It's a simple color scheme to coordinate into an image. Triadic is using either secondary or primary colors in sets of three. So primary should be blue, yellow, and red, the secondary should be green, orange, and violet. This is a beautiful color scheme. I love it. It has some energy to it, but it's balanced, it's not as right back and forth on the color wheel. It has that because that's what I was saying earlier when it'd be fun to have red, yellow, and blue animals is still very vibrant, but it has the balance to it. So think about color when you do your Mockups, think about the brand and the idea you're trying to convey, and the emotion you want to associate with that idea. The beautiful part about Mockups is that they allow you to promote a service, so those of you who have education companies, coaching businesses, hair services, you're a salon or maybe you...oh gosh, think of other...banking service, whatever it may be, you can create a Mockup with elements that are part of your business and communicate a really cool service with beautiful imagery.
Ratings and Reviews
Julia is an amazing teacher!!!! Funny, go with the flow, honest, and obviously so gifted at what she does. That came through and also inspired those feelings in me as a novice photographer. I left her class feeling excited to play with my camera and appreciate that she encouraged me to use what I have now and get good before spending tons of money on fancier stuff. I also love that she showed how everyday materials from Home Depot can make for great images. I particularly appreciated the 2nd day on product photography, social media images and the short demos in PhotoShop. Please do a full class on just this Julia/Creative Live!!!!!
Brandon Couch
So first off I've been doing photography for a little bit now and only shot in manual 20% of the time and was okay with it. Since coming to this class and seeing how manual mode isn't scary, it is everything you need and want in the life of photography, I now will not use anything else. The team at Creative Live is amazing and Julia's love for other starting and even professional photographers is amazing. She would sit and talk to us together and individually and really loves those who love photography. I would recommend this class and any other one of Julia's classes here on CreativeLive. I can't wait to come back. Was AMAZING!!! LIFE CHANGING!!!
a Creativelive Student
What an awesome class! I am not a beginner and am currently making a living as a photographer and was interested in this class because #1 Julia is such a great teacher with such talent and #2 I was expecting to take away some valuable information to pass along to my little after school beinning photo club. I am happy to report Julia did not disappoint:-) What actually happened was that I learned so many things that I probably should have known being a seasoned professional that I lost track of my original intention of why I was there. I couldn't wait to pull out my camera and try all of the new things that I had just learned. The color balancing and the little dot showing when your camera (Nikon) was manually focused alone was worth the price. I enjoyed every minute of this course. Thanks Julia! Anyone would benefit from this course....
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