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Recording the Interview and Room Tone

Lesson 9 from: Produce And Create An Impactful Interview

Abba Shapiro

Recording the Interview and Room Tone

Lesson 9 from: Produce And Create An Impactful Interview

Abba Shapiro

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9. Recording the Interview and Room Tone

Next Lesson: Capturing B- Roll

Lesson Info

Recording the Interview and Room Tone

- [Abba] Blair, thanks for coming. I'm really happy to have you here. But before we get started, would you do me a favor and just state your full name and spell it for us so we can make sure we have it correctly? - [Blair] I am Blair Stocker. B-L-A-I-R, last name is spelled S-T-O-C-K-E-R. - Okay, great. Now talk directly to me. Now we're in your studio so there is some background noise, construction. Just keep talking unless I stop you and we'll just have a conversation. So, you have a new book coming out. I'm really excited about that. You had a previous book that I got to thumb through. Tell us a little bit about this new book that you have. - This new book is called "Wise Craft Quilts" and it's called, it's "A Guide to Turning Beloved Fabrics into Meaningful Patchwork". And this book comes out in March and it's one of my's about one of my favorite things in the world, which is quilt making with fabrics and things that are meaningful to you or that somehow tell your sto...

ry. And I brought a few examples to share of the type of quilts that are in the book. There's 21 projects. It's for beginners or for seasoned quiltmakers that are just looking for some new inspiration. And an example of some of the things that I use, my husband is a cyclist. He saves all of his cycling... - That's great. Now before we stop, we're going to just sit here for about 30 seconds and just record the ambience of the room. So that I have this great sound effects. So we'll just be quiet and we'll just let it roll. And that's good.

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Rough Cut of Blair Stocker Interview
Location Considerations

Ratings and Reviews

Jess Connor

At first, I felt like the class was difficult to get into during the "live" instruction but quickly found after the first few classes that the information was extremely valuable. Maybe it was just me- maybe it just wasn't my style at first. I absolutely would recommend this class to anyone interested in learning interview or basic film skills. It's brilliant!


I found this course very helpful and I recommend it. I picked up a lot of tips, and frankly this course made me realize that putting more preparation into client interactions AND using a more sophisticated production pays off in higher quality video. I wish he had gone into more detail on microphones and camera gear but I can pick that up on review sites.

Geo Wright

Abba was great at explaining why you would do a specific thing in an interview and also the editing as well. Well worth watching.

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