Lesson Info
10. Sync Retouching
Class Introduction to How to Retouch Portraits Using Lightroom CC
01:46 2Getting Started: Setting Up Lightroom
09:31 3Retouching Blemishes
11:49 4Creating & Saving Adjustment Brush
09:56 5Eyes Selection
19:13 6Retouching Skin
12:15 7Teeth Whitening
03:09 8Comparing Texture & Clarity
03:32Lesson Info
Sync Retouching
Lastly, really quickly, we are going to talk about syncing adjustments between multiple images. So... I forgot about this. So, when you're working with a client and she's, she or he, has picked three or four of their favorite images, if the position of the face is similar, so, you can't have one face in this direction and another face in this direction and expect your local adjustments to sync between the two. But, if you look at these two images, you can see that they're similar, but they're different. They have different expressions, but her face is in similar position, okay? So, let's see if we can get away with making the adjustments on one image, and then syncing it to the other image, so that we're doing the work once, but we're able to copy and paste that work and reap the benefits on the second image without putting in the time. So, we'll use our local adjustment brush, and let's choose our Light Iris. I have different brushes for Light Irises and Dark Irises because, obviously...
, they are different and they need different modifications. But let's try Light Iris Blue. Actually, let's try a Teal because there's a little bit of green in this eye, too. Now that I'm looking at it, it's not necessarily super sharp, is it? Oh, my flow's all the way down. I was like, "why am I not seeing the effect?" All right, so that looks a little bit crazy, a little bit too bright. So, I'm gonna do Light Iris Teal Dark, which is gonna darken up that color just a little bit. So, before and after... All right, so now that we have the work done, let's hold down Shift. We're gonna select our next image, and then we're going to sync the brush only. We're going to check none, so that none of the images are, or none of the changes are going to be synced. We only want to sync the local adjustment brush feature. Then we're going to choose synchronize. It's going to bring that change over here. But look, here's the problem. There's my iris, so that doesn't necessarily work out too well. But what I can do is I can click and drag it and line it up with the eyes, so that it looks a little bit better. All right, there we go. So, you're doing the work once. So, this is, again, working smarter, not harder. You're doing the work on one image but then you're able to, basically, copy and paste that, so that it works on another image, as well. So, thank you guys so much. I hope you guys have learned a lot, and I hope you guys are excited to retouch portraits in light room.
Ratings and Reviews
Great class, good, clear, easy-to-follow instructions. This is going to have a big impact on my workflow and save me a LOT of time - thank you!
Robin Spencer
Excellent! This program was short and sweet but packed with lots of very useful tips and tricks. I have been using Lightroom for years and still learned so much. All of her time saving tips especially "Sync" were really appreciated. Highly recommend.
As fast as Lightroom is growing and improving, it's a hard to keep up with everything it is capable of. Kristina did a great job of showing how to speed up workflow by retouching in ways that I though you could only do well in Photoshop. This class is super informative and well worth it!