Lesson Info
12. How to Earn 10%
Class Introduction
08:50 2My Start in Investing and Teaching
14:53 3Financial Education - Know Better To Do Better
36:39 4Start Early, Start Today
09:25 5The Latte Factor: How It Works
26:45 6Student Success Story
03:44 7FITE - Financial Independence to Transition Early
11:22 8Common Investment Mistakes
02:30Becoming Rich on an Ordinary Income
04:46 10How Much do You Need to Retire
04:45 11Retirement Plans & Where to start
06:19 12How to Earn 10%
28:48 13Investment Pyramid
19:13 14Reasons Most Investments Fail
08:41 155 Things to do During Market Correction
04:28 16Retirement Accounts and Investments
03:58 17Renting vs Home Ownership
09:22 18Why Your Dreams Matter
13:28Lesson Info
How to Earn 10%
So how do I get 10%? Let's talk about the 10% boogie Man. It's not possible to make 10%. You heard me talk about this earlier today. Like the stock market. Since 19. 82,009 it's gone up over 400% with reinvested dividends in last 10 years were up 20% year today. Now, look, the markets go up when markets go down. Do I believe you could make 10% on your money in the markets? Long term? Yes, I actually dio on. I'm not some wizard. I just know what history is done. I am to make this point, I put this chart in the back of the book. Um, which warning store was the greatest date in the world on investing was kind enough to give me this chart to use in the book. And so it's in the back of book because there's always critical friends going well, you can't make 10% the market and then, you know, here's the chart that shows. Since 1926 to now, large company stocks have averaged over 10%. Small company stocks, by the way, way more aggressive have averaged over 12% bonds of average five. So on a wo...
rse case basis, if I have a blend of bonds and stocks and I end up in the middle, they told me not to touch is too hard. I'm going to get 78% diversified Buoying portfolio. I mean to say a diversified, boring portfolio is gonna earn you probably 78% annually, which also works out just fine because you'll double your money every years. So it's not rocket science. Um, it's just math, but with math, the rate of return matters. Ah, lot like I have to drill this into your heads here cause it's such a big deal. This is just giving you $100,000 example of the difference between 1% 4%. 8% take that in for a moment. At 1% of 100 Ringo's to in 10 years, 110 at 4% in 10 years, grows to at 8% of gross tour, $15,000. So at 8% your money doubles in what, 10 years? In 30 years your money grows tenfold. Wow, right at 8% at 4% of just triples at 1%. It doesn't even grow with taxes and inflation. 1% of bank account. You went backwards. So that is the same chart showing me. That's the same shirt, same chart I needed. This is a chart. This is a sharp show. Taking out 40 years in 40 years. It's 20 times greater. This is the second most important charters I've ever seen. First try until his most important chart was that $2000 higher a chart. This was the chart that made it black and white for me as a financial visor that I had to get my clients over here. I need my clients to be earning 789%. I can do that. My clients won't run out of money. You need to be earning 79%. Now, there may be come a time where you have so much money that you don't. Wherefore 5% is fine. But for most of us that are trying to accumulate wealth, you gotta have a diversified portfolio. And again I talked about this the Rule 72. So wanna know how long it takes to take to double your money? He takes 72 divide by the rate of return. So this is like a really cool trick that you want to go home, play with and show your friends over cocktails because it makes you look super smart. So you take 72 you divide it by a rate of return. That's how long it takes Double your money. So kids 72 divided by 7%. How long does it take? Double your money, Mr Must 72 divided by 10%. How long to take double your money? Two months. 72% divide by three. How long does it take? You just got Wow, because guess what? This is CD rates. That's where bulk American money is, which really is hard. Real wealth With what? I'm in a bank account. Hey, you guys go. That's generous, right? Like you're just going nowhere. Um, OK, so this might be a little detailed, but I'm still confused why you would ever choose to do a Roth because ultimately you wouldn't that the taxes that get taken out at the end or not compound it. But the if putting 15 grand in in your example would be compounded over and over again. It seems like a no brainer that you wouldn't do. You get my question. I'm doing a question. And I completely agree with you about what she's trying to. She's like So wait, So okay, I'm gonna put money in a Roth ira, and he's gonna grow, and then I'm not gonna pay taxes later. But if I had put the same amount in a tax deductible IRA to get the same number, right, Like I put 15 in tax Doctor Bar, and then it grew and pay taxes later isn't gonna come out the same. Yeah, pretty much. So, here's the question. The Roth ira. It was just a trick to get Americans to pay tax and they bribed you with tax free take out later. So you just have to ask yourself a question. If you had a choice to give the government your money or keep it, This is my opinion. Which would you choose? And people go all but you're gonna pay more in taxes when you retire because tax, you're gonna go higher. And the answer is maybe maybe they won't go our Maybe you're not gonna take all the money out at once. I just would rather have control of all my money is long as I want. At 70.5, you have to start one thing about deductible IRAs. There's one couple small thing. At 7.5, you have to start taking what's called a minimum distribution. So you have to start taking roughly 3% of your money out of your IRA. 7.5 people get all depressed about this. I'm like, don't get depressed. Have a party, take the money out. Hidden taxes. Go enjoy it. With a Roth, you don't have to take the money out. They're gonna change all of that someday anyway. But they're already talking about moving back. The RMD date and tax laws could be changed any time. So again, and rather money in the account have control over it. More about later. Yeah, yes, I did it. There was one point you mentioned about the solo Far one k. How do you get? How do you earn 50,000 as a side gig? But then you get to deduct 30, of that. It's a trick I'd like to just place. So here's so with set fire aim. You can put 25% of your gross income oil, so that's why, on 50 25% of 50 it's like a little over with the solo 41 K plan. There's two parts of it. There's the 41 K part, which you can put 100% of your ink away up to your maximum. So if you're under 50 you can take the 1st $19,000 put it in the part of the solo for one case, leave 1%. And then actually, no. Well, most companies don't like it is, but you can actually put 100% of your income away in a 41 K plan, up to the maximum over 50 you can put 26 I think, is 26,000. So what happens is you fully fund that sleeve. Then you have inside of that 25% option, and the 25% option allows you fund the rest of it. It's really cool. So the only then I'll tell you it's more complicated. Open with soulful in Cape Landers, more paperwork, but again, all those firms I showed you Fidelity Vanguard TD. They'll have him separate. Takes 10 minutes to set up a soul for one cable index. A couple hours. Sorry to follow on from that were if my husband already is a far one K. But I am the one that does decide gigs. Then does that go through his for a one k as a spousal for a one K? Or do I set up a set? Are so low? Your self employed income? Yes. Has nothing to do with your husband. You have your own business, your own income. You can do a Sepp or you could do a solo for one cape. One you can't do both. So seps easiest to start with. But it sounds to me like you really want to save more money. So I'm all four of the soul phone cable and your husband have a K plan. You could have a solo for one camp. Okay, great. Thank you. Yeah. If you have a for a one K plan at work, you can't contribute. Teoh. Both that and a solo for a one k. She doesn't, though. Yes, pretty much because it's still really accept. It still looked down and he gets a step. There's such a small percentage people who use solo for one cable ends. But again, in her case, it doesn't matter. Her husband got a 41 cable him She can help Go have sold for one K plan. You can also, By the way, I've been asked this question. What? Can I have a job where I've been a 41 K plan and have a set fire? A. If you have a separate business where you have a side gig, you got a freelance business over here and you got a job over here. The answer is you could do back. Yeah, my wife owns her own business, and, uh, I'm interested in setting up this for a one. Is there any impact if she has part time employees? Or is that just something totally severed toe her? The answer is, it depends. This is where it starts to get tricky. So it depends how many employees this you have. And how long have they been working? And are they really employees or they freelance people? So solo 41 k plans are ideal for self employed. I have no employees. The only person who works with me is my spouse. They were literally designed for, in a way, for husband wife to create. It's weird, but that's what people kind of call them. The married couple, uh, self employed retirement count. Um, step I raise. Also after I think it's three years. Don't quote me on that. Go check the I rest a gover ALS. But after three years, you've got to contribute for employees. So if you're self employed in a bunch of employees, you will only open up a separate for a very short period of time. And then you'll have to go put in place of 41 K plan or a simple IRA, and I would do a solo for a one K plan. I'm sorry, who do Regular for Gay plan, not a solo for what? What happens when you are saver and your spouse is a spender. We could do and be better, but so hampered by the spender in the family. What is your advice to people in that scenario, the whole room is, uh, um, First of all you should know is you're totally normal. Most most people are wired one of two ways you're either wired to save money or you're wired to spend money. And I always joke People come out of birth one way or another, right? Like some people leave, Born like with a calculator like, Where's all the money going? And other people aboard, like, Oh, wait, I want to buy that. I want to buy that. I mean, my nine year old has never seen a store that hasn't walked into It is a trip right way, Their day We're in West. I we were going to shopping and like he's walking antique stores. He's nine years old. My wife's friend goes. Why is he going in those stores? And she's like he just loved to shop. You know, my 15 year old loves to keep his muddy, Um, so typically, we fall in love with our financial opposite. You thought it was sexual chemistry. You like a magnet for your financial opposite. So the truth is that money fights pull couples apart. Money is the number one cause of divorce, and I wrote my second book. Smart Couples finish rich because I had gotten married. We were fighting about money. Ironically, Real both worked in financial service company. We should. We should have been last two people fight about money, but we were opposites. And I was getting emails from all these women telling me that they could agree their husband about money. And I was printing these emails up, and I showed them to my wife. And I'm like, let all these people who are fighting over money and they think I should write a book for couples and money. And she looked just like you should write that book as we could use it. Uh, and so I thought, you know, Okay, there's always a lesson in the pain. And I thought, you know, I've got all these clients that are happily married and wealthy. What did they do? It also people who have come into my office and got divorced. And so I started interviewing all of these clients. I had ordinary people become millionaires who were happily married. And I ask questions like, What did you guys do to get on the same page? And inevitably, they said we agreed on a goal. So instead of focusing on the fights and spending, we agreed on a goal. We agreed on the savings right we agreed on what we were saving. Four we read on, You know, we're saving money for retirement. This is why it matters. We agreed on how much would save for retirement. We talked about things like college early. We save for college just like we do with a 41 K plan we agreed on. Instead of a Christmas account, we agreed on a vacation account. And what have you guys didn't degree and what people will came back to me and time again I was new in the business is well, David, we really focused on our values. So, like smart women finish rich and smart couples finish Richard what I call values focused financial planning. When you're clear on your values, what matters most to you you can be pulled almost drawn toe what you need to dio. Most couples come together cause they actually do have same values. You try to write like you don't try to marry somebody with the opposite values of you typically right. And yet our behaviors could be different. So the thing to do this is like I could do a whole seminar on this. But the thing to do for couples were fighting over. Money is put the things you're fighting about. Money aside, make a list of your values teaches more couples want to do is write down your five values. Each of you there's like a little values circle that's in the book. Can you write your values out and then you talk about him together and you? What you'll find is that your values lineup and then the question is, is how you spend money lining up with your values. That's the place to start is a couple is to actually have a values conversation because what couples are fighting about money, always funding about what they're spending it on. When you focus couples in on their values and then you start to go through the spending, you will okay, Way said. We want this. We said we want to be families. Most important does. But all the two of us do his work, and we never even see our kids what we have to do. Funny actually, to change that, my experience has been working with couples who are fighting about money. Focus on your values. You can fix the fights. All right, so I mean I can summarize what a lot of people have been talking about, but is, um where do I start paying down? Different kind of debts that I have first versus investing. So Nicole is talking about She has it. She has money that she's putting into her retirement, not the full amount, because she's also wanting to pay down her mortgage. And so this kind of how do you balance what to attack first when you got loans when you got all these different things, So it's complicated. I always start everybody off with pay themselves first, because if you wait to pay off your debts, you'll never start paying yourself first or you'll literally wait until your forties or fifties, which is good. Better to do it at 40 and 50. That did not do it. All This is just talked about how she started. 15. She's changing her life. It's never too late, but too many people are waiting. Too many young people have student loans and they're paying off student loans off, and they're not gonna get around to saving until 40 45 or 50 and it doesn't work you need The compound is to work for you. So what I would tell you is it's a game of mouth again. Let's say you have $100 a month. You could put away 50 of it. Half should go to paying yourself first. The other half can go towards paying down your debt, especially its high interest rate debt. If its credit card debt you want to choke that credit card debt down as fast as you can because it's just a rip off. If it's a mortgage debt and your mortgages 3.5% on your rate, well, then I want you putting more to your 41 K plan because I want you getting the free on getting the max you put in that foreign cape because I want to get the match. So usually you've got to be saving 5678% in your fallen K planned to get all the free match that your employer mad. So something that's really important is if you have a company with the 41 K plan with a match. The question to go ask your HR people today is how much do you need to put in to get the full match because that's free money. And that's not like a little bit of free money. It could be a lot of free money, right? So you don't want to leave a free dollar on the side. So something like, Oh, well, then I write to you, Max out that and get the full match, then going to paying off your debt. But I want you to do both. I teach in the automatic millionaire system I called Gulp, done on last payment. It's like similar Dame Ramsey the snowball method, But you take, you take all of your debts, you line them up and you start with a small step and you make minimum payments on everything. And then you take the smallest dead and you put all the extra money with smallest debt. Pay that off things done. Then you go the next smallest debt, make minimum payments you put towards that debt and has done, and the reason it's psychological. First of all, it's not about the highest interest rates psychological. I've done these things with white boards where we line up versus debt and we just number one through 10 and we're okay. You got 10 of these now. And here's the smallest one. Make new in payments on everything and get the smallest one gone. Now I got nine. Now you got it. Now you got seven people put this stuff in the refrigerators, and they have debt free parties because you just click him off. What else you got? I like the debt free party. Uh, did you have one? OK, let's Let's do take one more. Go ahead. That if you could stand up Good afternoon. Um, I am self employed, and I noticed that you keep on saying to save 25% of your girls income. So how does that work for me since I once, you know, in my office and because I'm a realtor. So my commission gets so I really don't understand. And which one should I be saving from? Okay, so great questions. So let me go. Let me start by saying one mistakes and people are self employed. Make it happens to a lot of realtors. Actually, you the beauty of being self employed as you can write off a lot legally and so cps, especially realtors. My wife's a realtor. We'll tell you all the things you can write off. You drive your car around your phone, you can right after eating out, cause you never your meeting with somebody like, just talk about something new legally, like you can run all of your expenses legally through a lot of them through your business, and then you get to the end of the year. Didn't really have a lot of profit. And your c p a will say to you. Congratulations. You don't pale on taxes. Problem is, you got to the end of the year and you've got zero money. So you made a bunch of money, You spend much money, you paid a low taxes and you have no savings. Then the market gets slow. Then there's no income coming in. This happens a real jail time. So what has to happen when your realtor and this I would apply this to actually anybody self employed you need and I had This isn't the start Late finishers class. So you have access to it because you're on the insider team. Anybody else could get it online and create live, do a whole thing on a business in a box. So, like when my wife came in the business, His realtor Here's literally what I did for a long answer to assure question she got her license, she works. Ah Corcoran in New York City. She she passed her license. She's like, I got my license. I got my desk. I'm like, Awesome. We need to get your business set up. You need to have a lot. You need to have an LLC. What do you know like you need to have a business for your business. She's like, I haven't gone to the office yet. I'm like, I know, but you have to treat your bids like it's a business. Anybody who self employed you treat your business a business. So first thing we need to do is getting LLC. What What's knows? How do I get a limited liability company? It's a separate business, separate shell for your business. We went online and in minutes, Singapore LLC. So many places you could do this. Look, OK, now you need a business credit card. She's like a business credit card. I don't even I don't even know I'm going to the office yet. I'm like, I know what you're going, Teoh, and you're gonna start spending money and you have to keep track of it. Kind of separate card. How am I gonna get this credit card having made any money online? Watch in minutes. She's approved self employed credit card with American Express. Okay, so she's got No, I'll see she's got her credit card. Oh, he also needed db A. Because you have the business name in your case. We want to got her name, put the LLC in her name in a bookkeeper. What do you mean in a bookkeeper? Haven't made any money yet. I know you haven't, but you're going, Teoh, and you have to track every dollar that comes in from commission standpoint because the moment dollar comes in, I need to be putting money aside for taxes. Because if you don't put money aside for taxes and you spend it, we're gonna get to the end of the year and then you're gonna want me to pay your taxes. But by the way, this is all these things applied. Anybody self employed So the bookkeeper is gonna take them. Ones could come in, just go separate off money for taxes. Because, by the way, you're also going to dio quarterly estimates which most self employed people don't dio they get to the end of the year. They have a ton of money in taxes in pointing aside and now they don't have money. You're going to step, Ira, honey. A set by IRA. Yeah. You need open a self employed retirement account, Moon. We're gonna have the bookkeeper set aside Money for the step Ira. I haven't even gone to the office yet. I totally call the financial risk contango. We need Sembiring for her now. Everything I just described, they were like six things there. We did all in two hours. Two hours. LLC, credit card bookkeeper. She got my bookie provided that bookkeeper was like 100 bucks about not even 50. Probably set fire a online him minutes. Now the money's all being compartmentalized. So the checks coming in? Melanie didn't make $10,000. You made 10,000 minus 3500 for taxes. So you made 6500. But remember, I told you had to fund your set bar A. So you need to take 15% and put police 15%. But that aside, So you're 10 thousands really five. She's like This is not nearly as much fun as I wanted it to be. But here's the thing. She So she did all this five years ago yesterday. Little Ealing, your middle. She's looking at her set Fire A and the markets on the all time high judged honey of you watching me finding she watched the first hour, she was getting her hair done. She's like, I'm listening to you. This is really good. Um, she looks at her IRA account. She's like, Whoa, I'm like what she's like. She starts telling me how much money is in it, and you'll see it adds up. She worked in publishing for I think 19 years didn't fully until she met. May didn't fully funder for one game plan. She met me. She went real estate. She funded this empire A Every year she's maxed out that set by rates, the maximum that she can based on your income. Her retirement account is almost four times more than it was 10 years ago. So beautiful and real estate is that you can get this money put away, but you've got to be putting it off the top and you can't run all your expenses for the business because it's 25% of your gross income. So if you get to the end of the year and you've got and use this up in your zero, you can't put 25% of zero, which going back to what you can dio. If for some reason you've gotta let you, you've run expenses low and you and you still want to fund retirement count. Then you do a solo 41 K plan because the soul for one K plan is perfect for self employed Realtor. Because what I would tell you is that you should take the first couple deals a year. You dio and fully fund the solo for one cable that is off the top and you're done. I speak to a lot of Realtors. I spoke the ReMax annual convention a few years ago. She's telling me I have them coming. Invite me in, You know, is Las Vegas when you tell me about 5000 people coming to another and you bring him in and write me a check, I'm there. So I said, Look, guys do one more deal a year fully fund your retirement accounts, something you're making. 10 20 $30,000 commissions per deal and you don't have a retirement account. Realtors make a lot of money, and most Realtors are broke in classic Oprah Story. There's the after the hour show shoes to Dio. So we do the first show. We take questions. Beautiful woman gets up, has the question says, You know, I make this money, but it's coming and it goes out and I get I got She gives his whole reason why she hasn't saving the and ago. Let me guess you're in real estate and she because yeah, I am an open goal is because How did you know that I go over? I can always tell. So, um yeah, you got to do this. Go get yourself a solo 41 K plan. Put as much as you can on the first couple deals a year. Get it funded and you'll be good because I already have a sip so I can have a solo. Is oil with the set? No. Pick one of the other. Okay, but look, if you want to keep the step, just get yourself putting every time you do a deal Put 10% away. Have income at the end of the year. What? What happens at the end of the year? How you really do this is that you look at the end of year. They're counting, is how we do it. You're the counter we go. Here's how much money we made. What's the maximum I can now put away And based on their tax returns and how much money we show his income, he gives us the number. This makes sense. Do you have an account? Okay, so you don't go see him. Remember what I said? Rich people get help. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, e mean, look, agent blocking help you to, but you get the tax game matters. And don't be going in on April 15th and trying to figure this out. That's why quarterly estimates and come throughout the year. Like, Okay, here's where I am putting the money aside. Funding set fire at the end of the year.
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Ling Fan
Great class! Concise and powerful! Wish I knew this 10 years ago.
Carlos Figueiredo
I thoroughly enjoyed the course love it!
Kennie Johnson
Very helpful and inspiring
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