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How To Upload Items To Your Catalog

Lesson 2 from: How To Reach New Customers With Instagram Shopping


How To Upload Items To Your Catalog

Lesson 2 from: How To Reach New Customers With Instagram Shopping


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2. How To Upload Items To Your Catalog

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How To Upload Items To Your Catalog

we know holiday season is right around the corner and of course it's important to sell all year round. So now we'll dive into other three tips that we have to help you reach new customers tip number one is to optimize your product catalog, tip number two is to use product tags and tip number three is to create collections. Alright tip number one. Optimize your product catalog. I cannot express the importance of this enough. Your shop on instagram is literally powered by your product catalog. You actually need to have a catalog in order to have a shop to begin with. So if you already have a shop on instagram, congratulations. The first step is already done. You've connected your product catalog but that's not it. After your product catalog is connected there are more things that you need to do to make sure that your shop is full of the right inventory and so that your product detail pages have rich descriptions and other information that can help customers actually decide if they want t...

o make a purchase. Remember that as a business, you manage your product catalog in commerce manager or within the third party platform partner in which you on boarded with. So let's say a Shopify or a big commerce or some of the other platform partners that you see listed here on this side. So as I go through our best practices, just remember this is where you do all of the things I'm about to tell you. Okay now let me share some best practices when it comes to catalog Tip # one, create a commerce enabled catalogue. As I mentioned before before you set up your shop. You need to have a catalog that holds all of the product information about the items that you wish to promote or sell on instagram. We recommend merging your product catalogs so that you actually just have one product catalog containing all of the products and all of the product of information. That will make it a lot easier for you down the line when you're trying to manage your product catalog. If you just have one catalog also make sure that you have detailed product information in all of the available catalog fields so that when you are on instagram and shoppers are looking to filter and sore and search and find items. They can actually come across to our products. When I say catalog field. I'm referring to things like description inventory, color sizing and things like that. Now our second tip as it relates to catalog is to keep your inventory up to date. Make sure to have accurate inventory counts. But also make sure that you have the latest inventory added to your catalog to begin with. And then think about adding products to instagram based on the times that are relevant to your business like holiday items or summer shopping that summer and wherever you're based. Or simply new arrivals. Or take a look at the conversation that you're following is engaging with on instagram and see if you have products that are relevant to that conversation, because that's what instagram is all about. Our third tip for product catalog is to tell the stories about your product. Remember that you need to make a really great first impression when people come across your product. So have snappy descriptions, rich product information as well as just foundational information, like shipping information. So people can consider if they want to buy the item and if the item is right for them. Also, you can tell your story visually through your product catalog by ensuring that you have high quality images for each product. Businesses that have up to four or more images and videos per product actually tend to see more success because then when people stumble upon your product catalog, they can see the item in different ways and really understand if it's right for them.