Marketing Presets
Lesson 7 from: How To Develop and Sell Your Own Lightroom Classic Editing PresetsBen Willmore

Marketing Presets
Lesson 7 from: How To Develop and Sell Your Own Lightroom Classic Editing PresetsBen Willmore
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7. Marketing Presets
Lesson Info
Marketing Presets
(rousing music) Once you have a set of presets and you have a website ready to sell it, it's time to start trying to send traffic, get people to that website so they might be interested in hitting your buy button so you can make some money. So let's dive in to talk a little bit about marketing to see some of the ideas you might be able to use on various social media programs, and also, just when interacting with popular people within your industry. So here it goes. Let's start off with the Instagram. Instagram was where photographers generally hang out. So the more attention you can get there, the more likely you are to get people interested in your presets. So regularly post examples of before and afters where people can see first, the after image and be attracted to it, and then slide over and see the before, and then they might be able to slide one more time to see information about the preset that was used, and then mention that there's a link in your bio for information about th...
e presets. If you don't want to have just a link to your presets in your bio, because usually you're only allowed one, then you can use a special app called Milkshake. And if you do that, then you can create a kind of placeholder website that offers a vertical little menu of choices, where you can say, "To see your photography, here's one choice." that takes you at a completely different website. Then another choice that's below that's for your presets and so on. That's what I use on my Instagram so I can send people to various websites if they want to get training, versus if they wanna see more photography, that type of thing. It's a free offering. Then, the more often you get those images in front of people, just the more often they're gonna be thinking about your presets, and therefore the larger the possibility of getting more sales. Then when you post, after you post a before and after image, then, go back after you're done posting, and add a comment on that post. And within the comment, then put hashtags. Ensure to put obvious hashtags like LR preset for those people searching for Lightroom preset. And also don't forget to spell it out. Lightroom preset, or Adobe Camera Raw preset, or ACR preset. There's all sorts of hashtags you can use. And it's only gonna serve up your particular post if you match the exact thing somebody's searching for. So it's best to somewhat overdo it with those hashtags, but don't limit yourself to things about presets. If it's a landscape image, then make a hashtag related to landscapes. If it's something that's different, like a portrait, then be sure to use appropriate hashtags to try to get more people to see that post, because that's how you're gonna attract people that are not already following you. Then, search for others that are asking about presets. Just do a search for Lightroom preset, and as you see other people commenting on other people's posts, you can get into that conversation because sometimes people will be asking "What are the best presets to get?" And you can steer them to your site. Then, also don't forget to utilize Instagram stories. They're usually in a vertical format, and they can be a short little video. So you can either show a square image at the top, another square image at the bottom with a line in between it that mentions your preset, or you can have one image fading into the next. So you can see it before, becoming the after, after and then mention the preset that is used. Anything to get their attention and make them aware of your presets. Then over on Facebook, there's usually a little bit more interaction. And that is through Facebook groups. And when you visit Facebook, go in the upper left where you find a normal search field, and type in Lightroom presets. Once you do that, it'll give you a few options as to how to narrow your search. Do you want to search Facebook marketplace, posts, groups, and so on? Well, you can first search for groups, because you're gonna find dozens of groups dedicated to Lightroom presets. And some of them are just fine with you doing blatant mentions of your offering. But then there are others that are more about free presets, and those you can occasionally offer an individual free preset, and have it so it's hosted on your website, so people head to your site to get to it. And on the same page where you have the free one, you have a paid one as well, and you could have something where it's offering a discount on that that is time sensitive, because then there's a bigger chance for people to convert into a sale. Then, regularly post before and after images with links to that preset page. And once again, this is really useful when you're offering a limited time discount. Putting a time limit on your discounts makes it so people will get in there and act on them much more commonly than if it's always available. And I often will switch out what it is that I'm discounting, so that if somebody wants a particular product, they can't always just do a search and find a discount for it. On the website itself, where you're offering presets, I found a lot of things to be effective. One of which is creating bundles. If, let's say you usually charge $25 per pack of presets, it's really up to you on pricing, 'cause it depends on the number of presets that you have within that pack. Some people will sell only like nine presets for a certain dollar a pound, whereas others will sell 80 presets in a bundle. Well, it really depends on how you want to approach that. But what I find is the smaller the price is, the more, it's just an impulse buy, but if I end up with more of a medium price, let's say $25 per pack, I find if I have more than one pack available, doing bundles makes it so that people are much more likely to grab the bundle if it is a really nice price. So what I've done in the past, is $25 per normal pack. And then if you buy three of those packs, which if you didn't have the bundle, it would be $75, I'd offer it for 50. And the number of people that grab that $50 bundle is so high, it's as if you're not even offering it at for the individuals, 'cause nobody buys it. Then anytime you can put urgency in, either a limited quantity that you're offering, or a limited amount of time, or most ideal, limit both of those. And that gets people a little bit more frenzied to wanna interact, and get a particular discount. An affiliate code is a code that you give to somebody else, and then if they promote your product, they will use, within the link that they use to send somebody to your website, a code at the end. And if somebody comes to your website from that code, then that person will get a commission. And I find it's most effective if you offer a discount because that gives the person who is actually using the code, an incentive to use it. Otherwise, if it's full price, why would you put a special code on the end? Because there's no benefit for the user, but give them a little bit of a discount, and then ideally, give the affiliate person a huge commission on that. I would give them 50% ideally, or if you want it to be crazy, make it even higher. Because if these are sales you would not otherwise get, then you could think of them as just bonus income. And if that person has a very good financial incentive, like 50% commission on that sale, then they're gonna be mentioning it much more often than if it's just a small amount. If they're just making a few dollars each time it's used. Then, if you come out with new sets of presets, which I suggest you do on a regular basis. At least once a quarter would be ideal. Then, if you can email your previous customers, each time you release a new preset, offer them a discount. And here I mentioned 50%, but it could be 20% or up to about 50. And this is something where it makes it much easier for people to buy, 'cause they're already familiar with your presets, and if they like them, why wouldn't they want more? Or another thing you could do, is offer a large discount, and say one of the conditions for them to do that is they need to give you a review. And therefore, you can get some text to put on your website to promote your presets. So it's not just sales information. Instead, there's info coming from other people as well. I speak at events all the time. Sometimes they're paid events, like when I speak at a conference or a photographic workshop, but I don't mind volunteering to speak for free. There are camera clubs all over the country that are just looking for people to get in front of their groups and educate them about something related to Lightroom or Photoshop. Well, you could speak for as short as maybe 20 minutes, and then take a few minutes of question and answer after that. And suddenly you have an audience that's really attracted to what you taught them. And if you let them know that you volunteered to speak at this, and that you want to thank them for coming, and then mention that you have a special discount that's only available for a short length of time. Maybe 24 hours, 48 hours, something like that. And it's a discount on your presets. Well, some people will feel somewhat indebted to you, and will like you for teaching them something about Photoshop or Lightroom, and they'll just jump on over and purchase your presets. And so there's all sorts of things you can do with marketing. You can find multiple classes on that. And so here, I just covered some of the basic concepts that I've used in the past. But I hope they get you started with getting some traffic to your presets website so we can get some sales.
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