Lesson Info
The Path To Mastery
When I work with a client what I'm looking for is noticing if the coaching that I'm doing with them is starting to get them on the path to mastery. When I think about mastery they're is sort of three territories that really matter to me. That I'm listening for and sensing as I'm working with them. I'm really taking you under the tent on this one. One is do I sense that they're speaking form the heart? Do I sense that? And what that means for me is I have to be listening with my whole self as I'm working through that. Do I have a sense that you're speaking from the heart? Yes or no? Is my client, is it showing that they are the captain of their own ship? Meaning is the situation driving them or are they driving the situation? Is the script they were handed driving them or are they driving the script? No matter what it was and who wrote it for them? Are they having a sense of control in the situation that they're in? And then lastly like, are they having an impact on me? I know it says i...
mpact on others here but really are they having an impact on me as I sit and listen do I get a little hair standing up on my arm? Is there a shift in me at all as I listen to them and if so, in what direction? Are they having and impact and what kind? So that I can feed that information back into the coaching. So when I think about what am I looking for? In a successful coaching session what am I looking for? I'm looking for these three things being present. And I use them as sort of guide posts to know where to put my attention. Yeah? Cool. Okay so, we're going to go four places today. Four places. One is we're going to talk about the coaching stance. Again this is the first time I'm codifying this so I can't wait to see if there is smiles or frowns in here. But we're going to go four places. What is the coaching stance? What is the coaching stance I need to be in to set up a successful and courageous coaching with my clients? Secondly, the coaching field. One time in the stance that I need, what is the feel that we're gonna play in and how can I contribute to establishing one that is meaningful for me and meaningful for my client. Pathways to power. Okay so I've got my stance. I've got a nice coaching field. What do I do now? What do I do with it? And this is where we talk about creating some interventions, what I call interventions or things for your client to do. Not just think about. Not just reflect on. But actually physically do. And then lastly integration. How do we take the work we've done with one another and integrate it into their every day life and their everyday way of seeing themselves. Yeah? Cool. Before we go into this, I'm really curious who we have in the room. I'd like to get a sense of what kind of role folks have in the world. And also for those of you who are watching at home if you wanted to put I don't know if this is actually in game or not but I'd like to hear like one or two words that say what kind of role that you have. Are you an executive producer that has to work with folks on stage often? Are you somebody who is a chief of staff that supports an executive team. So maybe like three or four folks in the room can you tell me a little bit about what you do for work? Yeah. Yeah great thanks. My name is Lorena. I work in recruiting in a startup environment. And so, why does it matter that folks communicate powerfully in your territory of work? For their intention, they're looking for a specific line of work, we want to retain them. We want to keep them around, we want to keep them happy. And we want to give them what they want, and we want to get what we want as well. Yeah, so in recruiting. I can imagine the crucial communications moments for folks that you might work with or folks you might coach are their interviews no? Absolutely. How did they, are they the captain of their own ship when they're in an interview? Are they speaking courageously and in a way that's aligned to who they are, so that if they say yes to a role they're saying yes to something that they already showed their authentic self right? Exactly. And that's what they're bringing to their workplace. Yes. Great so. I can imagine for somebody like you this would be, if you have opportunities to coach or give advice, or give small interventions, that's a place where you can have an incredible impact on people. Absolutely. Fantastic. Can I hear one or two more? Hi. I'm Irina. Hi Irina, I recognize you. I'm a strategy manager. Right. And I work cross functionally with lots of different types of people. And so, and also strategy is a we come together to it. It's not one person who defines it. So it's important that people talk authentically and they get along, so that we can all get agreement on a course of action. And do you often facilitate those conversations that bring multiple points of view together to create a strategy collaboratively? Exactly. Right so, I hope in this session today you get a few things that you can use. Some approaches you might use when you are in a more strong facilitator role, then maybe in a direct contributor role, so that you can get the bset out of the people in the room. When you know you only have 75 minutes to create input, to create a new strategy. So maybe you don't work directly in coaching but I hope that something around that would be useful for you. Yeah definitely. Okay, great. Let's hear one more. Online as well. Great I'd love to her that, maybe while we decide who's going to go next. So we've got Christine who says, she's been working as a CEO, and looking at other opportunities. Gary is an executive coach and a corporate facilitator. Okay great. And then Christie says she's an executive producer working with executive keynote general fashions. So what's her name? Christie. Christie. This is gonna be I'm hoping this is, we're going to be very useful for you because there is so many moments, I mean I see in the events that I've worked in while I've had private rehearsing rooms I've seen like walk throughs, dry runs where an executive producer is working with the talent. They're are so many opportunities just even in answering simple questions to facilitate somebody's more powerful voice onstage during rehearsals times or walk throughs. Like you're right at the center of it right? You're right at ground zero with folks right there. That's great. One more back here. Thank you. Hi, my Name is Celeste. Hi Celeste. I'm a marketing manager and I work for an association. I help to support a conferences team. Like an industry association? Yes. I help to support a conferences team where we have many speakers and some of them are not really prepped for public speaking. So I'm having to deal with them one to one. Sure, do they know that? They kind of do. Yeah. Cause we know there is lots of folks we work with who are no I got it, I do this all the time. And I have to say that just because you do it all the time doesn't mean you're actually good at it. At the same time, there is a lot of folks. So what kinds of concerns. Sorry I just cut myself off because I'm more curious about this. What kind of concerns do they bring to you when you're prepping them for their talks? Either around touchpoint meetings or when you sending them a brief for their session or whatever. What do they say? Well part of it is peppering them for webcast that we use for promotional purposes. And a lot of them are used to being behind the scenes and not necessarily in front of the camera. Sure, sure. Great. So there is like really specific context where you're like, let's walk through this together and that's a coaching opportunity. And maybe it isn't called coaching in that moment but I hope you get something out of this that you can use. Okay one more. One more for sure. And then we'll go. Yeah, great thanks. Hi I'm Allie. I'm a content curator and strategy/producer for an online media company. Oh. Hello, okay, great. So how, what can you imagine would be useful about this for you? So I work with the people who interview guests before filming and I kind of help them craft their questions, that they're going to ask the guest. And think about how it's gonna come across in our market and. Great, great. So you're actually coaching a interviewer to interview someone else. Yes. But I never really thought about it as coaching I just was talking to them. Well maybe now you'll think of it as coaching. I mean that's the thing is across board, thank you. We can put that mic away for now. That's the things is that there are opportunities just about everywhere for you to help someone come forward in a more authentic way. They're just peppered throughput our days all the time. I mean, even for your Irina like I think about if you have a new thought contributor to a strategy who might be an informal mentee of yours fantastic opportunity for you to coach how they might show up in a collaborative session. And make sure they're voice is clear and accurate to what they intended their ideas to be. Any other further contributions or questions we want to check in on? Just also, we have some event production brand events. Specialist who are online watching so. Thank you so much for everybody for your comments. That's great. That's great. Okay so, where are we now. I almost wanna just abandon my timeline. That's fine. So this is great. So I hope you get a sense of where this applies if you're not a normal coach or in a role that is sort of explicitly ordained for that.
Ratings and Reviews
Dia is a MASTER at this stuff. If you work in communications, and it is your job to help others be better communicators you are going to want to get this course. I took one simple concept that Dia presented, and later that afternoon found myself using it with AMAZING results. Your clients will thank you.
Riva Robinson
I was absolutely blown away by this class! Initially I thought that the content might not apply to me because I'm not coaching others on speaking. But what I learned from Dia is that regardless of the type of coaching you do, it's all about loving the client first. By showing up from a place of love, putting my own agenda and ego aside, I enable them to step into their power in a much greater way.
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