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Lightroom: Importing Albums and Organization

Lesson 10 from: How to Capture and Edit Landscapes in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

Lightroom: Importing Albums and Organization

Lesson 10 from: How to Capture and Edit Landscapes in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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10. Lightroom: Importing Albums and Organization

Jared orients you within the Lightroom interface and gives you tips on how to organize your workflow using albums.

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Importing Albums and Organization

When you first enter into Lightroom CC, you are going to see on the left-hand side a bunch of places for organizing images. And on the right-hand side, you're gonna see all of the things you can do to the images. So, we're going to actually start importing our images by simply going to the left-hand side of the screen and clicking on this plus button right at the top left-hand corner. If you're gonna import your images directly from your camera card, that card is gonna show up right here at the bottom of this menu. So you can see that I've got my card there, but I've already put the images into a hard drive on my computer. So I'm gonna go to the browse button instead and click browse, and I'm gonna go look for those photos where I know they exist. I'm gonna find my landscape photos and I'm gonna hit review for import. It's gonna give me a review of the images it's going to import, but more importantly, you can see that it says add to album right at the very top. I get to choose where I...

want to locate those photos right off the bat. So I'm gonna click on that, and I'm gonna go down and choose an album that I've already created, and that's called Arizona Landscape. So I'm gonna click on that and add the photos. Once you've imported images into Lightroom CC, all of the organizational structure is based around albums. And so this area here where you create albums is how you're going to create buckets to hold your photographs. And you do that simply by clicking on the little plus button right to the right of albums, and you can either create an album, or you can create a folder for albums to fit inside. Everything that you have to do to organize your images is over on that left-hand side of the screen.

Ratings and Reviews

James Kitt

I wish more people would present this way! Each step from beginning to end demonstrated in short, concise and useful actions. Every tool and technique is something that I either use, (now better) or will start using because I now understand how to use it efficiently. I highly recommend this course!

Fauzan Pojam

Finally, a video tutorial that taught me what I've known on basic level and truly explore how to use it properly and what everything means. I've been waiting for something like this for awhile now. Greatly improves my technique now so thank you for this!

Angie Purcell

Great class wi with tons of helpful hints for both Lightroom and Photoshop.

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