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Lightroom: Healing Brush to Remove Objects

Lesson 19 from: How to Capture and Edit Landscapes in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

Lightroom: Healing Brush to Remove Objects

Lesson 19 from: How to Capture and Edit Landscapes in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

19. Lightroom: Healing Brush to Remove Objects

Using a wide-angle lens can help you capture the vast beauty of a scene, however, this can include unwanted objects in your composition. Jared demonstrates the power of the healing brush in real time and shares troubleshooting tips.

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Healing Brush to Remove Objects

Now one of the things that we still have a problem with in this photograph is all the power lines on the right hand side of the photograph. I left those in so that I didn't have to change my composition, and I knew that I could get rid of them later. We can actually remove those here inside of Lightroom. So if I go to the healing brush, click on the healing brush, I can, let's change the size of the healing brush. I can simply drag my cursor along any of these lines, and voila, that line is removed. Notice that I didn't go really close to the mountain. That needs to be done later. And I can just keep doing this, like that. So I'm doing a pretty good job at getting rid of those. But there's still some left over. That's because Lightroom's not super great at getting close to these edges. See how it pulls the mountain up towards it? So you wanna be careful about that and make sure that you're just doing the stuff away from the mountains first and then we've gotta start working on that mou...

ntain. The other thing that I noticed is that I've got some campers down here that I don't wanna see, so I just simply drag across those campers. And then I'm gonna grab the pin and move it over and put some rocks there instead. So I'm just dragging it and saying, I wanna steal from over here, and put it over there. Now notice that as I do this, I'm losing a lot of those random things that I don't want in my photograph. So that's really important as you kinda scan through. Look for those things that you don't want to be there and start removing them. Alright, so now I'm gonna start cleaning up the top of this mountain a little bit, 'cause remember, it was starting to steal things from the mountain and place them in the sky. And we're just going to paint right up in that sky. And it tried to make another. See how I can move this around, and if I match it just right, it'll look like this piece of the mountain actually belongs over here. So we're just kind of looking for ways to mimic the side of the mountain. Sometimes it actually does a great job and gets it exactly right, right from the beginning. Other times, you have to kind of play with it and show it where you want to grab from. You'll notice that when you're working inside of Lightroom and you're doing healing brush type of activity, that you're trying to paint with a tool but when you float over some other pins that you've created, it won't let you start painting which is a little bit annoying. So what you need to do is you go to the view menu, drop down and get to your Edit tools, and turn off the tool on the Overlay. So at that point, now you're tool will work wherever you want it to be. And what we're gonna do is we're going to go like this, and we're just gonna paint right above the mountain like this. And what we're doing is we're just trying to get rid of some of that spill that's happening there. Alright now when we zoom back out, you can see that we have a much nicer edge to that mountain. You can see that you took a image from this point to this point really quickly and you never had to leave Lightroom.

Ratings and Reviews

James Kitt

I wish more people would present this way! Each step from beginning to end demonstrated in short, concise and useful actions. Every tool and technique is something that I either use, (now better) or will start using because I now understand how to use it efficiently. I highly recommend this course!

Fauzan Pojam

Finally, a video tutorial that taught me what I've known on basic level and truly explore how to use it properly and what everything means. I've been waiting for something like this for awhile now. Greatly improves my technique now so thank you for this!

Angie Purcell

Great class wi with tons of helpful hints for both Lightroom and Photoshop.

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