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Lightroom: Copy and Paste Settings

Lesson 17 from: How to Capture and Edit Landscapes in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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17. Lightroom: Copy and Paste Settings

How do the adjustments you make differ when applied to a regular vs. HDR image? Learn what to expect and how to copy and paste your adjustments from one version of a photo to another.

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Copy and Paste Settings

So let's just take all of the adjustments that we've made on this standard photograph and apply them over onto the HDR version. So I'm gonna go over below all of our adjustments. There's three dots. I click on those three dots and I'm gonna copy, so I'm gonna copy all of the settings. So if I hit copy edit settings and then I'm gonna go to the other image, the HDR version and I'm going to paste all of those settings. I'm gonna paste the edit settings. There we go. So now let's compare the two. Here's the original and here is the HDR. There's not a huge amount of difference, although the light changed a little bit, but what you'll notice is that the one, the original one is in far more contrasty and the HDR seems to have less contrast in it and that's simply because there's more latitude. There's more distance between highlights and shadows which means I can manipulate the HDR a lot more without losing quality.

Ratings and Reviews

James Kitt

I wish more people would present this way! Each step from beginning to end demonstrated in short, concise and useful actions. Every tool and technique is something that I either use, (now better) or will start using because I now understand how to use it efficiently. I highly recommend this course!

Fauzan Pojam

Finally, a video tutorial that taught me what I've known on basic level and truly explore how to use it properly and what everything means. I've been waiting for something like this for awhile now. Greatly improves my technique now so thank you for this!

Angie Purcell

Great class wi with tons of helpful hints for both Lightroom and Photoshop.

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