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Lightroom: Brush Tool

Lesson 16 from: How to Capture and Edit Landscapes in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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16. Lightroom: Brush Tool

Jared shares another option to brightening or darkening distracting areas and how to adjust the applied effect.

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Brush Tool

So, you can do that also with a brush. Just simply click on the brush tool. You're gonna add a brush and you can paint anywhere you'd like the same effect. So, for instance, if I wanted to darken up this little area here that's drawing too much attention, I can simply drag there and notice that I really burned way too much, but that's okay, 'cause now I can come back, and I can renegotiate the actual effect that I'm doing, and instead of using the exposure knob, 'cause I'm really trying to get rid of those highlights, I can go and grab the highlight knob and bring that down, and that helps to soften up those highlights that are there. I might also want to bring the exposure down just a little bit. That helps to soften up that, so that I'm not looking at it quite as much. So, we went from this to this with two clicks, a couple readjustments and two slight burns.

Ratings and Reviews

James Kitt

I wish more people would present this way! Each step from beginning to end demonstrated in short, concise and useful actions. Every tool and technique is something that I either use, (now better) or will start using because I now understand how to use it efficiently. I highly recommend this course!

Fauzan Pojam

Finally, a video tutorial that taught me what I've known on basic level and truly explore how to use it properly and what everything means. I've been waiting for something like this for awhile now. Greatly improves my technique now so thank you for this!

Angie Purcell

Great class wi with tons of helpful hints for both Lightroom and Photoshop.

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