Class Introduction
04:52 2Why you Should Be Accurate
03:57 3Why You Should Be Early
10:22 4Why you Should Meet Weekly
06:09 5How to Get Credit for the Work You Do
09:09 6Make it Easy to Say Yes
08:05 7How to Deal with Someone at Work who Hates You
08:41 8How to Give a Presentation
09:07Lesson Info
Why you Should Meet Weekly
You cannot be good at your job at any level in the organization if you do not meet weekly with your manager. 100%. You cannot be good at your job if you do not meet with your manager every single week. And when I say meet, I mean scheduled on the calendar, 30 minutes every single week. I want to be specific about that. It's not, "Oh I talk to my manager every week." "We see each other in the hallway." That's different. This is about you must have a scheduled meeting with your boss every single week. If you don't have it, demand it. If your boss says they don't want it, send them to me. Literally write me an email and tell me. I will go find that boss and I will tell them. I will support you. You have to meet with your boss if you want to be good at your job. That's the simple truth. How many people here in the audience have one on ones scheduled with their boss every single week? Okay, we're doing pretty good. Half of you are set up for success, the other half are gonna get there. And ...
by the way I don't doubt that any of you that don't have one to one meetings can't be good at your job, you are good at your job. But the difference is you could be even better at your job if you had a one on one with your boss. So don't be satisfied with where you're at. When I'm giving you these different ideas and things to implement, I'm not criticizing you, I'm saying good job with whatever you're doing, here's some things to give you a leg up. Let's move faster, let's get you more money. Let's get you promoted faster. That's fun. All right so when we talk about meeting weekly, it's an easy formula. 52 times a year plus bullet points. You'll hear as we go through this class, I believe the secret to life is bullet points. And then that's gonna bring you happiness. And what I mean by that is the one on one meeting with your boss is your meeting. It's not your boss' meeting. Your boss is too busy. This meeting is for you to go get the answers you need, the approvals you need so that you don't lose time and you can get on with your life. Cause I always say this, but people don't work late cause they love what they're doing, people work late because their boss doesn't reply to their emails or they can't get approvals for the things they need to get on with their life. And they lose two hours on a Tuesday and they work til 6 pm and they miss great moments in life cause they didn't have a meeting where they got the answers that they needed. Okay? This is your meeting. You've got to send the agenda in advance. You've got to send it the day before by 5 pm. Why 5 pm? You've got to send it by 5 pm so that you're guaranteed your boss sees it before they go home. And you need it to be bullet points. The bullet points can only be a few words. It's got to be easy to digest and you're saying, "Hey boss, don't cancel on me, "cause I got things we need to talk about." And you know what else you're saying to your boss when you send that agenda in advance? You're saying, "Hey boss, I'm organized. "I've thought ahead, I've got things for us to talk about "so you can look forward to this meeting and you can relax." Cause I can tell you, I've been working for 17 years. There's nothing worse than that weekly one to one with that person who just walks in your office and just goes, "Hey, what do you want to talk about?" That's my worst nightmare. So don't be that person. Tell me that you're organized, show off, get the answers you need. And the truth is, you should be able to get in and out of those meetings in 10 minutes. Cause I've pre-read all the information, I can say yes, no, what are you doing on this, okay cool, yeah go and now you can go off and you're off to the races for the rest of the week. You got everything you needed. And meanwhile your coworkers are sitting there going, "I can never get the boss to reply to my email. "Why are you leaving at 5 o'clock "and I have to work til 6:15? "It's not cause you're smarter than me, "it's cause you write better emails "or you use bullet points. "That's the difference." So you have to have a one to one meeting with your boss every single week, okay? It's that simple. Yeah. Justin, question from over here. Maybe a little bit off topic, but do you have any special strategies for those people where their boss is completely remote and you have to do video check-ins, any tips? Yeah okay so the question was what if your boss isn't in your office. I would say all the same rules apply. You still got to have that scheduled time. I mean now a day's technology so easier doing video conference call or you're on the phone or whatever the case may be. Even if your boss can't attend the meeting or they get distracted, you've got to send that agenda in advance and ask for the answers. Even if they say, "I can't meet tomorrow at 8 am." You need to be able to say, "Hey cool, will you take a look "at these three points? "I need you to go through them and give me your answers." So there's that piece of it. But really in terms of like telecommuting? There's no difference whether you're sitting face to face or, I mean for me I worked at Uniglobe, I work with people all the way in Japan. And so the time difference was totally over the top and in that case, I prioritized those one on ones even if it meant I had to get into work at 6 am. Cause like this 30 minutes is my gold time. I have to get that time. So you've got to make it a priority. And maybe related to that a little bit, what I would say is if you find that your boss is canceling your one to ones? It means two things. One, they either don't like to be in the room with you and let's investigate that a little bit. Probably because you're not organized and running the meeting well. The second reason is you picked a bad time for the meeting. So if things keep getting changed, change the time of the meeting until you find a time that's steady and reliable. I can tell you earlier in the morning is better than the afternoon. Cause like I said earlier, you've got good intentions but then things come up. So I always have my best one on ones before 10 am. Usually actually even before the day starts cause then they're untouchable and I've got their full attention. That's just a little bit of extra info on that.
Ratings and Reviews
Deb Boone
This class is wonderful! Justin's insights are both digestible and actionable. Very simple tactics that make a huge impact. I didn't know succeeding at your job could be this simple. It helped me realize my own areas of improvement and how I could be a better performer. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to crush their job!
I found this class by mistake and it turned out to be gold! The class is short, to the point, and very actionable.