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10 Things I've Done Wrong in the Last 24 Hours

Lesson 10 from: How To Be An Awesome Boss

Justin Kerr

10 Things I've Done Wrong in the Last 24 Hours

Lesson 10 from: How To Be An Awesome Boss

Justin Kerr

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10. 10 Things I've Done Wrong in the Last 24 Hours

Lesson Info

10 Things I've Done Wrong in the Last 24 Hours

I'm up here, telling you how to be a boss but the thing is I want you to know there's no destination, here. There's no end place and I don't have an ego about this. So, this is about, here's a list of 10 mistakes I've made in the last 24 hours. This is a real list. I sent it to Jim this morning. These are 10 mistakes I've made in the last 24 hours. I cut someone off. Someone was trying to tell me something. I felt pressed for time. I cut them off and just said, yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it, okay, fine, let's do that. I was trying to move the meeting along. I had good intentions but I just made that person feel unimportant instead of sitting there or saying, hey. You know what? I think I'm a little stressed for time. Can we finish this conversation later? That's a totally different take than just cutting someone off, be like good intentions but I'm gonna make you feel bad. You know, there's things on here. I asked to read an email before sending. We're sending an email to a client. I aske...

d someone, hey. Can you send it to me before we send it out? Basically what I said to that person is hey. I don't trust you. I don't even think you can write an email well. Now, I didn't say those words out loud but I might as well and would I ever say that to someone? No, right? You're all laughing like oh my gosh. That's horrible but that's what I did. I said hey, I don't trust you. I need to review an email before you send it. That's not fair. You know, there's other examples on here. Someone cried. You know, yeah. I made someone cry in the last 24 hours. I'm up here trying to tell you how to be a good boss, how to show up in the right way, respect people. I made a mistake in the last 24 hours. I regret it. I wear it. You know, I sought that person out. I apologized for the way that we got kind of, I don't know, maybe misunderstood each other but that happens and so my point is, you know, this next part which is we all have good boss moments and we have bad boss moments. And we need to accept that because perfection is not the goal, here. What we wanna do is stack up as many good boss moments as possible and then forgive ourselves for the bad boss moments, and I also wanna talk about the fact, your boss is a human being, so they make mistakes. So, forgive them when they don't show up in the right way. I promise you, they have good intentions. They're trying to figure this out. Think about how complicated it is to be a boss. It's really hard. You're juggling people, you're juggling process, you're trying to get all these things right. You've got people pulling at your shirt sleeves. There's all these things and by the way, we haven't even talked about the fact that I'm worried about what's happening at home. I'm a human being, too. So, it's all about accepting that we have good boss moments and bad boss moments, and I find if you can actually create a culture where people are willing to accept that and talk about it, it creates a lot more room for people to make mistakes, and try their best, forgive each other, and then just keep going because that's what it's about. We're in it together, we happen to work at the same place, let's try and make it as good as possible. Okay, so that's everything I have to say about how to be a good boss. It was a lot. I hope you learned a lot and you know, just keep going. That's my advice, just keep going.

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Sylvie Leroy

Very interesting and detailed. Great tips easy to apply.

a Creativelive Student

Great energy, great content

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