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High School Senior Photography Marketing Plan

Alycia White

High School Senior Photography Marketing Plan

Alycia White

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Class Description

Stop giving away free sessions and start making money! Join Alycia White for High School Senior Photography Marketing Plan and learn how to effectively market and sell to high school seniors and their parents.

White had been trying to force the senior rep model to work for her business for years – but it just wasn’t making money. Finally she tried a totally new strategy and it increased her business immediately! In this class, she’ll share that approach and teach you how to bring in business, without putting in a ton of effort. She’ll share the email marketing techniques, social media tips, and promotional deals that’ll earn you business and loyalty from high school seniors and their families – right now.  

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Client Personality Form
Link to Lite Posing Guide

Ratings and Reviews

Sandra Caldero

I really enjoyed her passion for photography, honestly, niche, and high energy to do what is necessary to run a successful business. Kudos to her! She had GREAT IDEAS! You don't have to implement them all. She gave us an OVERVIEW. So much involved when running a business it can be overwhelming. I feel she did a GREAT JOB to give us the tools necessary to survive and THRIVE in this photography world. Thank you!


My head has been swimming trying to come up with creative but simple and successful ways to market my senior business, and this class was perfect for me. Great ideas and not too complicated. Love it!

Debby H

Absolutely fantastic. I'm already starting to think about what makes me different and how I can apply this information to my photography. In a competitive industry, Alycia is honest and shares a ton of wealth. Thank you for that.

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