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Using the B&W Adjustment Layer to Adjust Color

Lesson 5 from: Hidden Photoshop Tips & Tricks

Jesús Ramirez

Using the B&W Adjustment Layer to Adjust Color

Lesson 5 from: Hidden Photoshop Tips & Tricks

Jesús Ramirez

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5. Using the B&W Adjustment Layer to Adjust Color

Lesson Info

Using the B&W Adjustment Layer to Adjust Color

says. I'm sort of like a, um, flattened version of the composite that I showed you earlier, and I wanted to show you an interesting way of creating shadows. So we have this layer here. There's foreground in reality that that was not one single layer is probably like 10 other layers. But I just planted for the class to make it easier for you guys to see and we have the bear, and then we have the background again. The background was a whole bunch of images put together, but we have this light source and you can see the light coming down hitting the bear. But the bear has no shadow, so we want to add a shadow. There's a lot of ways in which you're gonna add shadows and photo shop. You can create a new layer you can select, you know, like a shadow color that's on the background already, and then paint with that if you want. I don't have a walk in, Tell it, but usually you would want to use ah walking. Tell that I don't have one with me right now, but it's no big deal. We can still use the ...

mouse and we can paint in the shadow, maybe change the blending mode to multiply, adjust capacity. And that would be one way of painting the shadow. What I want to show you guys is an alternative way of painting shadows that I think works really well. And that is by using the exposure adjustment layer. And all we do is bring the exposure down. Maybe about that much with the layer mass selected, I can, um, actually had a click on it. Click on invert this button Here in the properties panel, which makes the layer mask black white reveals black conceals. So we hid the entire effect, and now we can selectively paint where we want that exposure. So with the brush will select it. I wanna use white as my foreground color. And if if you have different, this is another tip. If you have maybe read or whatever color, um, as reported in color, but you wanted to be white. Just hit. Be key on the keyboard. The D allows you to select their default colors. And if you want to swap foreground and background, you hit the X key on the keyboard. So we have white and and now on that layer masking they had just in the exposure adjustment layer we can paint in her shadow. And obviously you would want to spend a little more time than what I just did there, getting the right shape of of the bear, maybe the light that's coming in between his legs. But you get the idea. That's our shadow. And now we have more control over how that shadow looks because we can come back into the exposure adjustment layer in the Properties panel. We can continue adjusting how that shadow looks, so that's a very interesting way in which you can create shadows and photo shop. That sort of the point of this class just different ways in which you can use tools that you've already used before, but just in different ways.

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Ratings and Reviews


Overall Photoshop Week 2017 has some amazing instructors for workflow & compositing. Jesus Ramirez has the unique ability to combine simplicity with really useful depth: blend modes, different approaches to selection or combining different tools. This course covers a lot of tools and there are a number of ‘wow! didn't know that!’ moments a more advanced user will love.

Amy Vaughn

Yeah yeah, Jesus Ramirez is a great instructor and this class is packed with useful tips and even some fun ones that might not be so useful. But it was that one about using two windows from the same document that changed my Photoshop life.


Jesus is excellent! full of knowledge and provides a lot of helpful tips in a clear and easy to understand way. Only thing missing are captions for this class, for some reason. Otherwise, I wish there were more classes like this one.

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