Day 1
1Steal the Show
26:51 2The Principles of Performance
32:17 3Communicating Without Words
23:30 4Find Your Voice: Breathing
29:49 5Find Your Voice: Build your Voice
26:02 6Working On Your Speech
15:42 7Finding Your Big Idea!
29:16Sorting Your Big Idea
33:39 9Big Idea & Promise: Framework
28:12 10Developing Different Contrasts
25:33 11Crafting Captivating Speeches
27:37 12Becoming an Aware Performer
30:17Day 2
13Discover Storytelling Secrets
20:05 14Building a Story: Three Act Structure
32:12 15Outlining Your Story
35:48 16Rehearsing: Content Mapping
32:16 17Rehearsing: Beats & Operative Words
39:58 18Masterclass: Coaching Breana
25:13 19Masterclass: Coaching Omar
25:03 20Masterclass: Coaching Linda
34:02 21Masterclass: Coaching Sierra & Lacey
31:14 22Masterclass: Coaching Jim
17:24 23Masterclass: Coaching Martez
31:05Lesson Info
Big Idea & Promise: Framework
If if martin luther king said well I my big idea is that this country was founded on the principle of equality for all people you go yeah, that makes sense you'd say yeah, that makes sense and then his promise was together we can get to the promised land you go okay? I mean I don't know if that's gonna happen things looked really bad here right now but you might not go oh my god, that was the most brilliant thing I've ever heard in my life you go yeah I get it but what he did to deliver that is what brings it alive you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself to come up with something that nobody has ever thought of before starting point your big ideas your starting point that keeps you tethered as you create it so well you brought it earlier through line as you go and start to craft your speech the big idea becomes the through line that you keep returning to the stories you tell do they connect you back to the big idea as you're through line the content that you share the curric...
ulum that you share does it keep tying back into your through line so there won't be tangential stories that have nothing to do with our very little to do with with that big idea but it's like your tether for the whole way through the journey now you need a framework through which to deliver this big idea and the promise a framework through which to deliver this big idea and the promise. So we're going to introduce you to a few frameworks these are not all of the frameworks that have ever existed for any kind of presentation in the history of the world, and I'm actually going to use books as examples because you're probably familiar with many of the books that I will mention and a book is often created in the framework that is very similar to a presentation. So if you're writing a how to book you often writing that how to book with you a keynote workshop uh etcetera in mind so that they follow the same structure so for example problem solution problem solution framework here's a problem here's a solution. Okay mark says I want you to remember that framework that's your framework problem solution what's the framework that's your framer problem solution here's a problem there's a solution here's a problem here's the solution here's a problem here's a solution I don't even think I need to give you an example because that's pretty straightforward would you agree? Say yes if you d'oh you see it's not fancy here's a problem here's a solution here's a problem here's the solution uh an old friend of mine mitch martin wrote a book years and years ago called why parents loved too much or how parents loved too much and it was just that when you love your kid too much you you do this and it creates this problem well here's a solution when you love you you know the hover huh? Helicopter type act so it was just a whole bunch of this is the problem that you create when you do that and here's the solution simple structure okay new miracle seventies too highly effective people it is one of the you know, gold standards in the cell from the business help world but you can apply it to lots of different types of speeches it could be a wedding speech it's no america doesn't really matter which order you introduce those particular ideas to numerical but there's also sequential which follows a step by step process you need to read the first chapter or you need to listen to this first point before I get to the next point book yourself solid is written in a sequential former you need to build a foundation before you go out and do this before you go and do this and before you go and do this but once you have that done in that done then you can do this what you have that that and that done then you can do that so it's sequential and I always recommend people go through it in a sequential format you should remember new numerical and who should sequential marie zone you are in america shen you are yes, excellent now you see how I just did that I made it seem like she couldn't remember they were on to me I know. Okay now there's also ma jeweler you separate the content out into chuck's. I need to put this chunk of content here and then this chunk of content here and then this chunk of content here because what's inside each of those modules connects very well to each other part but it helps to separate the modules because otherwise it's too much information and becomes overwhelming book yourself salad is also a modular framework there are four modules the first modules your foundation the second is building trust and credibility. The third is perfect pricing, simple selling and the fourth with six core self promotion strategies think he knows that inside and out each one of them has a certain number of building blocks and once you put each building block in a place you can then go on to the next module so you see how I just combined those you can combine frameworks if it serves the purpose rich you are modular okay compare and contrast is a framework let's compare this kind of non profit with this kind of non product good to great by jim collins is a wonderful example of this. Here are ten companies that were good here. Ten companies just like those other companies except the one difference. These were great. Compare and contrast that's all it is. And then, of course a reference a reference framework, a whole bunch of information for example, words that cell by richard ban. You could turn that whole concept into a speech. It's a whole bunch of words that supposedly sell well when used in copy that's all it is and you have sexy words. You have intellectual words you have trusted works you have, and you could present a reference guide in giving a speech and you can create it in a module er format. You see these air intellectual words module one module to sexy words module three, etcetera. I don't know if it would be the best speech in the world, but do you see there's? Lots of different frame works you can use to organize your information that's all you're doing these apply very, very well to curriculum based speeches. They can apply toe idea based speeches as well. What we have seen more often than not in idea based speeches is the theatrical three act structure aristotle three act structure, act one situation that to conflict act three resolution so in this situation is all the exposition this is all the information you need to know to understand how the world looks like and what it could look like it sets the stage but here's the conflict this is why we're not there yet these are all the forces that are competing to make us think small but then you break through and you have a resolution and there you can put your big idea and your promise I mean it throughout the whole thing so these will get you started some ways to organize your information so we need people we need people to help us remember we need somebody for comparing contrast compare and contrast you've become very smart you know what do you see how you don't even need to articulate very well if you're deeply connected with your audience didn't make any sense whatsoever he knew exactly what to do right reference reference we'd be referenced okay show three extraction three act structure okay so what do you have one we run out reference reference who's reference yes reference what's yours what's yours is yours what's yours comparing contrast what's your problem solution what's your three act structure okay stand up what's yours stand up okay standup problem solution kitt stand up comparing contrast okay standup reference cake stand up new miracle good modular good sequential good have a seat now mom where's mike okay will you stand up and tell me one of the, uh frameworks one of the frameworks mind would be not yours that's just one just give me a sequential good castellan stand up please patricia uh the one that's that resonated to me was the three act three act free I could pass it on modules good great numerical good keep going problem solution good no dead era come on don't compare yourself problem solution excellent magilla excellent sequential excellent problem solution good have we heard many of the same ones repeated if we missed any chronological reference reference is the one we heard the least why? Because it's probably not the one that you resonate with the most one of one of the great ways to help people in the audience remember the things that you're trying to teach them is not by putting it on a power point but is by putting them in a situation where they're going to have to come up with it very quickly so martinez could you tell me all of the different frameworks that I just went through could stand up sure okay well mine is problem solution right? A numerical great sequential great they're wass the three act yes I remember that one good there was also reference yes great that's five and do any how many more one more time like two more somebody gave it to me please no on dh didn't marry comparing parent trap so he got five out of seven just that fast and he got a little help from his friends okay um david we stand up and tell us with seven are police react play a problem solving modular sequential reference comparing contrast you're involved right if it was just up on a power point we may read it and we may write it down and we may hear it but if you're actually doing something with your body moving your mouth you learn in another way another many different kinds of learners but this is a way and sometimes we say it's the poor man's power point but I actually think it's the more effective power here here's something we do every once in a while can I have ah piece of paper please blank piece of paper and a sharpie like his favorite a sharpie and a clothes pin thank you baber undeserving closed so I decided not to do this now because I didn't feel like it this is not a sharpie but it's ok thank you nicely you but let's say um let's say I told you you know each have a piece of paper and take a pen and write down say mmm problem solution that's great now take it out pin it to your shirt you sit there like this on it seems kind of ridiculous but we will remember and then what and then you know you say ok so good it'll stand up and she stands up you go I'm problem solution and you'll remember it. You don't need fancy power pointing to spend thirty thousand dollars under deck. You just wrote on a piece of paper put on somebody shirt and they got involved. The other reason people will remember is because david didn't get his own, but he was right there next to people who were getting them so he's going to pay attention because he may get one way learned something about david's mind, which was really interesting. Martez went through and and was doing them in the order that they were given. When he got stuck, he found his way through, but david had the people just went down the line of the people next to him, he memorized a visually we have many different kinds of learners. Now these frameworks, the other thing they're going to give you as a performer is an anchor. You will not get lost because you're never going to go. Module one was this module to with this what's next that's never gonna happen. You're going to know what your module three is. You always have something to pull you back in the moments that you that you may go, I don't know what's next, and when you planted in the audience you don't have to worry about so if I have four modules and the first is the foundation will you be the foundation please? Thank you and the second is building trusting credibility will be the trust credibility and the fourth and then for the rest of the entire presentation I can say what's module one thank you very much to boom boom boo I have to worry about so let's let's just say hypothetically this would be probably a little much but let's just say you had twenty keys you're twenty people you give each one a key and then the next session switching up everybody gets a different key then et cetera, et cetera so you find ways of of bringing them into that conversation using those frameworks helps you organize the information so you can deliver it. It also helps the audience organized the information so they can consume it. It also helps you stay more connected to the audience because if you let's say you're nervous, you're not going to remember your twenty keys you're going oh no problem come on my power point right? So when you don't remember your turning like this which completely disconnect you from the audience and then you go back and you're signalling very clearly to them I'm not totally sure my material that's what they get, whereas here we're back to the principle of look your people in the eyes you stay connected, you don't you have a moment where you don't remember what's next you already planted a partner for yourself in the audience. I'm going to mention this because I know this is going to be a question should you use power point? Should you not use powerpoint? This is going to be a question, so let's, just get this out of the way you can and you should, and you don't have to, and it doesn't matter. I mean it's one of those things where it's not selling to use powerful enough to not use powerpoint it's. Not that if you find that using visuals is very compelling and helps tell the story you use him if you find that they're distracting or they don't help tell the story, don't use it, but if you're using them to help you remember where you are, you haven't rehearsed enough say that again. If you're using visuals to help you remember where you are and you cannot do your presentation without those, then you haven't rehearsed it doesn't mean that you won't have some notes or have ah, you know, use a dummy monitor for some bullet points to remember those kind of things that's fine, but if you need it for the whole presentation. So as amy said, look what happens if I click if I looked too clean every time what happens you go look at that and I come back and you're still looking at that you make the power point more important than you or if I'm talking to the power point so that the but then of course now you may decide to specifically turn your back on the audience in the think big revolution keynote I do that I show four slides and I turn my back and we all watched him and I don't say it and then I turned around once they're done but each time a slight comes they laugh because each slide is funny so remember you break the rules when I when we say you know don't turn around and click on it it doesn't mean you should never ever turn your back on the audience and look at the screen but you're going to use visuals that gotta be fantastic otherwise just do the poor man's wit do we have any questions from the home audience know we do have some questions that have been coming in not all of them are directly what we're talking about now so if now's not a good time to answer them weaken do it later I could do those right now yeah because when we come back we have in my in my mind the last segment of today I think is some of the least understood but most powerful elements of giving a performance so I haven't answered this now because we're going to a lot of very specific work to do in that last segment so very very important that we're all here for that sure okay yeah this question comes from future vision and they say for myself and probably many others and this question was voted on so it is many others but they say there are physical features that we are self conscious about such a czar wait skin condition baldness et cetera these could be distracting to the audience how do you deal with that ken your presence transcend to a level where the audience becomes blind yes is the answer to that absolutely absolutely now with that said there are certain things that will distract an audience for example if your pants are pulled up way too high so that they know your religion I'm just saying that could my girlfriend home is like this but that's that may be distracting or if you're a woman and you are on a stage that is rather high and you have a sure it's screwed on that may be distracting you may be more naked than you'd like to be right so there are certain things that absolutely can get in the way I had a woman right in once that she was completely inappropriate that was wearing the jeans that I was where I had diesel jeans on that had a tiny tiny like a tiny little rivet like like a boom, you know it's like almost like the end of ah like a snap tyler of it right here they got the top of the thing and apparently that distracted her so you'll get it really crazy feedback from people every once in a while that you just go you know, you ignore but there are certainly some things that can be distracting but that's different then I'm uncomfortable with my weight or I don't like how my hair looks those were different things those are personal hang ups and so if we are here to be in service of the audience, it can't be about how good we look it can't be about how good we look we definitely want to look we want to wear clothing that we feel good in we want people to go on look great, but you didn't come here today because you like, oh, I want to see how good michael look today no, nobody came for that at all the thing about baldness that's very interesting is sometimes actually people are more interested in baldness than almost anything else the to post that have received the most likes ever on my facebook page the first one was when I shaved my head the second one was I recently put up a picture that said uh with this body who needs hair more likes than the most brilliant business advice I could possibly ever get so you'd be surprised what people find interesting, but but here's the thing as I said in earlier segment performing can be traumatic because you are very, very vulnerable in front of an audience but it is the most extraordinary opportunity for personal development if you feel like you don't want to go on stage because of your weight it's a great opportunity to either get comfortable with that or make a change I made a big change in my eating a few years ago because there was I was starting to get to the point where I didn't feel comfortable on stage because I was heavier than I am now I said I can't live like this my world's getting smaller, not bigger so I made that change and I got back into a place where I felt comfortable on stage so there are some things you'll need to do for yourself but I don't think the audience had a problem with me being heavier that was my issue so I had to deal with that. Okay there's another question that you want answered way are coming up I think we have time for one one more one more quick question here this one comes from one of our users on facebook and they say I've really been enjoying this course but a big question for me is, I think, it's finding authenticity in the performance as someone trained as a professional dancer with acting training. Now they want to know, do you shift this level of performance for the audience sides? Absolutely, absolutely, if I'm giving a speech and there's four thousand people, and the stage is has two movie smoothly theater size screens on either side and then another one hundred fifty feet in between those two, I am getting much bigger in the way that I expressed myself, but that doesn't mean that I also won't have incredibly still moments that are like this, because I'll be using something that we call contrast, and we're gonna work on that in our next segment, but absolutely so for this space, I can still use a lot of energy, even a big physical presence, because there is still some size to this room, and we need people at home to feel the energy in the room. So I just sort of sat here like this, even there was a small like you guys could completely get me right now, you hear me, and I think, well, that's, the right kind of voice to use, but I did this for the whole time the energy was just going, so you absolutely do authenticity is not just about how you use your physicality in a space given the size of the space, but it is about how honest you are, there's this myth that actors are liars when I was single and an actor and I go on a date, you know, when we say, how do I know you're not lying? You know, anybody's, not lying. Truth is, though, the best actors in the world are the most authentic actors, the actors that you watch in films and on stage that you just are taken with blown away by make you feel so much it's because they're honest. So many people love tom hanks because he's so I he's such an honest performer, meryl streep such an honest performer, you might watch a soap opera and you feel that they're acting at their feelings and it's not honest, so you don't connect with it not I'm not saying that's how also barbers are all actors are on soap operas, but the material is different and often actually what? You might be surprised. Some of the best theater actors are on soap operas because they need them to balance out the models, and they get about thirty pages of dialogue a night that they have to work through and come in and nail. So you have a lot of actual good theater actors and so good, so we're going to take a break in just a minute when I want to do from the folks in the front rows very quickly. What are the big takeaways for you from this segment? Big takeaways for you from the segment the biggest takeaway was what you said to me and to everyone I was sitting on the seat but it was something earlier too so so powerful is that you don't have to come up with this huge new idea it's got the new einstein e equals m c squared you khun taken idea that eh? Is this yes and you khun put your own personal spin and brand and personality and passion your own and you'll deliver it to an audience that wants to hear it from you. You know that was powerful shock for me too and also just go bigger with your idea you get to a point where it feels uncomfortable like I I tried to go up there and just go I'm going big and this is what I wanted to change the world otherwise why does someone want to pay attention? If you're not a little bit uncomfortable with your big idea then it's probably not big enough good what else it was just loved the idea of bringing out different characters for different messages great wonderful good I like the idea of giving a person the audience something to remember because I mean it does three things he helps you it helps them and it connects it's simple it's nothing it doesn't cost anything good. Yes, I like that about being authentic and being ableto changed to in order to effect the guardians will be more expansive and if it's a smaller audience you can kind of relate to that change up yeah good, good good good the ability to adjust according to the size of the room and you you also adjust how you do a presentation so if I'm going in expecting to do aquino type presentation all of a sudden for some reason it's a small audience and there's just twenty people I'm not gonna go out there and do the whole big performance I'm like okay guys everybody take out a piece of paper write down your three biggest questions for the three biggest concerns I'm going to answer every single one of those and often if I have a big white board you can go have them go up right to three things on there and then as you answer them when they get their answer that they needed they run up, cross it off and they run back down by the end of your presentation everything is crossed off you go did we accomplish our goal? Yes we did
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Ratings and Reviews
What a great class! An incredible amount of content shared in a fun, engaging way. Michael Port is a gift. I attended his Book Yourself Solid Immersion via telecourse and was impressed. However, seeing him on video adds layers of instruction that will benefit me not only in public speaking, but in other aspects of my business and life as well. Amy Mead really lazers in on specific improvements that get big results. Thanks to all for an outstanding class.
Wow.. When I first stumbled across Michaels videos I thought “this guy is almost TOO good.” The free information was so helpful that I rationalized with myself that I didn't have to sign up for the course, at least not right away. Eventually after my procrastination period I bought the class and was pleasantly reassured of my purchase. The content inside was just as valuable and fun! Not only that, watching the transformations of the students as they practiced their speeches was simply amazing. Michael and Amy work great with each other and have put together a top notch experience with Heroic Public Speaking.
Karen Lynn Ingalls
This course is GREAT! From the basics of using your body and voice, giving you a foundation for your speaking, to getting your big idea, creating a framework for your speech, structuring the speech, to delivery, you'll get an amazing amount of learning that will help you become a great public speaker. My kudos to Michael Port and Amy Mead for teaching an excellent course, and my thanks to Creative Live for presenting it!
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