Pregnant Athlete w/ Dr Kelley & Juliet Starrett
Lesson 8 from: Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy BabyJill Miller

Pregnant Athlete w/ Dr Kelley & Juliet Starrett
Lesson 8 from: Healthy Pregnancy, Healthy BabyJill Miller
Lesson Info
8. Pregnant Athlete w/ Dr Kelley & Juliet Starrett
Day 1
1Class Introduction
34:36 2Daily Dosing: Feet & Hands
53:13 3Think Bigger Than the Kegel with Katy Bowman
43:46 4Strengthening the Pelvic Floor
32:47 5The Baby Carriage On the Inside
39:04 6Breathing: Abdominals & Core Support
29:28 7Daily Dosing: Shoulders
15:44Pregnant Athlete w/ Dr Kelley & Juliet Starrett
50:42 9Get Moving: The Pregnant Athlete
25:00Day 2
10Pelvic Power
43:09 11Hip Help, Leg Stretches, & Squats
43:39 12Cross Cultural Pregnancy w/ Esther Gokhale
34:29 13Fixing Pelvis Distortion
28:32 14Power Napping & Sleep Strategies
39:55 15Skype Call w/ Dr Eden Fromberg
29:46 16Sarah Fragoso: Food for Fuel
50:01 17Sarah Fragoso: Q & A
19:38Lesson Info
Pregnant Athlete w/ Dr Kelley & Juliet Starrett
Jill has already introduced us to one fascinating expert today, we are about to make two more jill I am this is a moment for me. Ten months ago, I was eleven months ago, I was able to bring some of my technology onto creative lives with my friend dr kelly starrett, on his maintaining your body course, which for me, was a huge paradigm shift to sandwich together. Some of the most innovative thinkers in body movement and self care maintenance in in the history of media broadcast and the conglomeration of experts that I've been able to bring on today is because of kelly opening this world to me. And so I'm so grateful to you and to your wife for first of all, existing and being the examples that you are being the role models that you are for me, of a couple who is in this space in the world of this paradigm shifting fitness space and, um, being amazing parents and amazing friends and amazing clinician, so all of you are gonna get to benefit from their expertise in like not only reaching c...
hildren, but raising athletes and raising pregnant athletes within their san francisco crossfit world. Also, you may have caught a doctor, starts work on his unbelievable mobility wad website, and if you haven't, you must go, there are so many topics to explore and there's a lot of videos that he and I have done together there there's some stuff that I'm gonna add to the bonus materials afterwards because there's a couple of pieces we didn't get to today that I want to make sure that you all have so you'll find that added into the bonus materials either later today or tomorrow or after the course is closed. So without further ado, the amazing dr kelly start and this beautiful wife juliet welcome juliette. We're gonna we'll tease that that's, right? First, first we should establish that in our own relationship were known as kibbles and bits, which I think is a proposed we stand here and I'm glad to be the only male representative in the room right now. So, you know, it's it's glad that you guys were not totally sexy, you know why that's right zone released that valuable? I know, but I appreciate now that we're especially kibbles and bits and bits obits, which is so fantastic I've been trying to die on that, right? So why? Why are we here? We you and I have cover the gamut of topics together. We talked about done regulation and nervous system and neck pain and back pain and performance and way that's what we have, we have you know, you and I spent a lot of time together and probably too much needy, greedy nerd time together and to be perfectly honest, but today we get to talk about a red flag open sore in terms of pregnancy and I reason they use that harsh, harsh language is we're talking about exercise today I let the questions start to flood in because they're going to go so what I thought we should do and we take on this enormous this enormous sort of whale in the room, right? It's the white whale? How much exercise do you do? What the experts say is inappropriate, it's controversial, you know, it brings up bad topics for people should you know, a couple things that we should probably establish one that are a little bit subtle one is that one of the things that we like to look at is the access program before because when you get pregnant, you aren't suddenly afflicted with the disease. You know, people have seem to forget that we've been around for two and a half million years evolving in ten thousand years. We haven't changed at all, but in two and a half millions of evolution, I'm telling you women have worked it out pretty much worked it out I was just having a great conversation this morning with a friend whose best friend works with dr that borders and his wife were talking about coming on today, and his wife was telling a story about how she was really nervous about a pregnancy. And should she be ableto bend down and pick up the brushes off the ground. She's an artist, you know, and he's like hey, look, I work with doctors up boards. I just got back from africa where we regularly have women deliver. They hang out for a knauer, so make sure they're all cool, unstable. Then they wrap up their new bundle and they grab their kid and they go backto work. And they're placenta that's. Right? Well, you you have to make a tonic from something later on, you know? But the point is, I think if we look at the scheme of how will bust the human is and how extraordinary and how self regulating it is, then we can really start to get to the sum of the corps. Myth problems about exercising. Should you hold? Your breath is not okay. What about back pain? How? What is it? Okay to lift weights and I exercise. Do you fear an athlete? Do you just get right into run? That's? Right. All these things so that's, why we should get into kind of systematically and then and then also talk about some of the perry birth pieces because we see athletes or women who come in they've delivered right they've been stretched for ten weeks slightly over extended position I'm sorry ten months right I do the math here this is why it's right? So you know and it's true I have to uh that's actually that's how long my wife would have liked to have been pregnant ten weeks right? So you know but we even overstretched the abs or in a bad position there don't turn on pelvis is in a bad position you have a birth maybe have a couple c section and everyone's like good luck with your kid and uh when you feel ready again don't do anything heavy duty for four to six weeks when you feel ready again go for it and there's just no place to start again on that stuff so that's probably what we should talk about and then talk about some of the common problems I see is a physical therapist I see women come in all the time and who had a little pelvic fault because there's some things that happened that first trimester that that big hormone called relaxing that we're all afraid of but sometimes gets the better of us towards the end of pregnancy how to correct some of those things and then we can talk even about how to use your abs turned on afterwards, which I think is such a big piece, and if you walked away and had this one piece in your basket, I think you would understand I'm able to help all the women in your family because it turns out that humans will be able to kind of go on and work the problems out for themselves cause were designed for survival and instead of being re optimized and no one ever teaches us to re optimize, you know, the little late you consultant comes in and shows you how the latch and pump and do all the things that no one's ever talking about your actual body, so we'll give you a blueprint for that great nothing says I love it sounds good, so good I thought that toe frame this we should bring on my wife and let me just set up juliet forya she's, a two time world champion athlete, she and I she's the ceo of our business, runs our gym she's, a high level competitors, super jock, right and she's, the brains and the brawn of the family. Turns out I'm just a broken anchor of the family on me when we go through the checklist of amazing attributes, we've had a couple kids, and we've had a couple kids that have nearly killed my wife twice I would be that guy who you know has had buried two women and probably lost his kids twice. And I have two gorgeous daughters, and but what we'd like to a frame with you a little bit is sort of the conversation that happens around birth. That isn't birth related. So let me bring up let's. Start as airlift us. You are a good stick. So when we think the one of the pieces that you and I want to talk about was specifically, did you have an exercise community while you were training? Well, I did with, um I didn't decide I exercise with my first daughter, but I discovered crossfit before I was pregnant with my second daughter. And so I actually continued my crossfit practice throughout my entire pregnancy. Andrei let's, let's translate that for second because it's not just that you were training and doing the similar train that you were doing, and we can talk about some of the guidelines in just a second. But what I wanted you to talk about was the fact that this was your community. This is the people to whom he belonged thatyou share time with that was sort of your your social structure and strata, and what you did not do was suddenly socially isolate yourself. No, I mean, that was a huge thing. I mean, like I kept my regular exercise practice going and I definitely as time went on had to scale back when I was actually doing but I continued actually weight lifting the whole time and I continued my normal practice, and even then you would still show up with your training partners and still train even though it might have been modified because one of the things that we have a real hard time with is that suddenly pregnant women you know, ham, I'm gonna running club ply don't even know if I should run or I do pallotti's or yoga, and I just get isolated socially from all the people that support, especially when so many of the women that I know they're integrated psych yourselves, your big brains but you're also you know, your athletes and your very physical beings and this sort of deny that piece of yourself was was something you did really well when not doing that and what happened after our second daughter. So without going into all the gory detail, I had a really traumatic birth with our second daughter had a really, really unusual complication called placenta previa, and so my daughter was born six weeks, six weeks early, I had a c section and I lost half the blood in my body and had to get like six blood transfusions. Eso again, this is super unusual, but there were a couple things that were huge for me in terms of recovering for that. Um, the first one was I started my exercise practice pretty soon after, I don't know, a month after something and way before my doctors suggested I said I just started back really slowly and really carefully, including doing some weightlifting and other across the type work, and I just slowly built that backup, and one of my friends told me a long time ago, she said, it's nine months of pregnancy, and it takes nine months to really come back after, and that was actually a really important time frame for me to think of because I really felt after another nine months that I was really back to myself. But within two years of her being born with a super traumatic birth, I was actually competing on a team at the crossfit games. So it's possible. Teo, you know, go through that kind of experience and a really, you know, on awesome birth and come back and be a high level, competitive athlete. And the other huge thing for me is I was so depleted and I was actually having energy problems actually, around the time I was complete competing and not really understanding what was going on on the inside, and I met someone named jim keen, who runs a company called wellness effects that we also talked about on maintaining your body, and this was a huge deal for me because it kind of gave me a window into the inside of my body, and I live in is a rotten person because what it sounds like, it sounds like I have to manage all of these different systems, and I have to be responsible all these components, but if you're a human being, you're already watching your stress. You should be watching what you eat. We're at railly, advocating for blood panels with your position so you can see what's happening inside, and this was just part of what we were already doing, right? So the idea is that we already have these systems in place, so this isn't one more thing he had to manage, comma boy, I should probably take a look at what was going on inside you, and I had had some kind, like, really routine blood work as a follow up call, this kind of birth trauma I had, but it was really interesting I got this super detailed panel from wellness fx and I learned that I was my ferret in that was super low. I was super anemic, my b twelve was so low that I was about to start having neurological complications, and our daughter is he dissolved juliet from the inside, and then, after having six transfusions, you never able to re profuse or catch back up with the iron stores, the three or four days of blood loss that you'd had, right? It was a big deal, it was a big deal, and it was really a life changing experience to meet jim and go through this wellness fx process after this crazy birth process, and and really be able to get back to, you know, not just athletically a state of optimal health, but, you know, my whole energy level, my just general physical health was dramatically changed by that, and so those were kind of the two big things for me after having kind of an epic birth, but brought me back one of the ideas is that one of the central elements, I think understanding why you had such a great outcome anyway, because you're just a an amazing human being and pretty pretty stellar comma, you had put a lot of energy and money into the bank in terms of having a body that was stable, having a strong abdominal core trunk, you know, system that you actually had excellent squatting mechanics, your hips were stable, and so you didn't have end up sort of, you know, d tuning yourself because this is the real problem, and the thing that we need to start addressing again is what do you do for these nine or ten months? You know, how much is appropriate? And you maintained position, maintained your cardiovascular, you know, competency, you did yourself regulated, and then right afterwards was easy to cycle back in because you never had really stopped except for this short time where you were are feeling terrible, and it wasn't really scientific, but I really did follow my instinct about what felt right, you know, there were certain movements that I would do that didn't feel good, and I just didn't do that, and we're gonna explain this to you so that you have a better temper. Besides doesn't feel good yes or no, because I think this is where a lot of the miss miss perception and some of the complication about understanding some of these things, what you will see with juliette was that she followed a template that actually we've now come to understand. Much more efficiently in terms of systems approach to understanding what should I be pushing on what should be pulling on water? How doe I exercise and in some of the islands for that so hopefully we can start to take that on but the point is I think that was especially kind of talking about juliet story was that no one is you didn't ever divorce yourself from your athletic community so you never you all didn't lose that psycho social component which is enormous right? You know in the second piece of that and this is the same thing we recommend two injured athletes who tourney clr or twenty achilles is like don't pull yourself out of all your friends right? And the second thing was that really pay attention and seek out the experts because now that we're starting able to own our personal biology, something doesn't feel right who went right back in pulled your bladder partner like well it turns out I don't have any iron it was pretty amazing alright pretty pretty amazing all right, well anything else you want to add that's vital? I don't think so thanks for letting me share my story there we go. Thanks can I just uh sprinkling of course so there's there's two things that really stand out to me about juliet story and one is this that you, uh you know the body is incredibly adaptable and we adapt to the stresses that we give it and we we adapt we can and we adapt quickly and slowly in different parts of the body we have sort of different speed thresholds of adaptation in our body and you had already built this sort of amazing human form over years of practice is where sort of bouncing back even though there were massive nutrient and mineral issues going on because of all those blood transfusions but that's sort of the basic structure had been trained for so long that you were able to very very quickly come back relative to the trauma that you experienced and um even if you haven't been adapting even if you are more sir the couch potato version the more sedentary version that katie was saying there is never you're never not adapted you're either adapting in a negative way which is that you're continuing to wear yourself out a tear yourself apart and you know some degrade your structure or you're adapting in a positive way constantly making these small changes these small movement nutrient changes that help your overall profile and so this really is about empowerment and during pregnancy is there's never a better time to attempt to manifest those movement nutrients for yourself to maintain impeccable carriage or to attempt to start these habits it off the right foot so I wantto just impress that upon you even if you're not a super athlete who competes in athletic events that still this is a great place to start right here with the stuff that you're getting from us today and tomorrow, what we could do is we can sort of take what we think is formula one best practices, and then we can spin him down and scaled them so becomes very accessible, so one of the things we should just associate right away or dispel is this difference between non exercise activity, which is me walking around and moving that's just being a human being right and and versus exercising. So we wantto absolutely tell people you should be walking as often as you can, it helps even just to manage the oedema you know that we look at your legs, for example, and I know that as energy flags and you feel terrible and god forbid you've got nauseous during your pregnancy and your you know, your son, your physical practices go out the door, you crave sugary destructive things for your body. There was a time where juliet on lee said, I only want to eat brown things brown sweet things like it was just like you like rice and cereal, and your and I was like, it's on whatever you mama needs to feel good right within that within that system, so you know, you have to manage just being active, but the key is that your body is so excellent at managing that if you just give a little care and feeding. So for example, we know that, you know, we see that women suddenly get a little swelling of the ankles, this's a very calm problem, I think it's called something I can't I'm not going to say the word you can say the word I'm trying to say it, okay? I was trying to actually find a more technical word for it earlier today, and I couldn't just like, you know, when you move the limo on the way, actually congestion and the ankles and in lower tissues, and some of this happens for a couple reasons one is that, you know, you have this very large object and large water mass sitting on some of the vascular systems into your pelvis, and so you don't actually just get his great return. One of the problems that we actually see, usually that pregnancy, we see a lot less activity to the baseline because of energy and management, all these other things and the way that your body clears congestion, including just the live is through muscle contraction, so if we did anything today, we said develop a physical practice we start doing non exercise activity every day and you know what the guidelines are from the csm married college of sports medicine from a pita from the american academy of ups obstetricians and gynecologists it's thirty minutes of exercise a day at a moderate intensity right? So that means if you are looking at modern tennessee on that perceived exertion scale one is I could do this all day ten I think I'm in labor right somewhere in between that you know, five and eight is still modern intensity stuff so it turns out that if we ask people even are you even doing that prior to pregnancy? It's not and I think one of the big misses that people hey I'm pregnant I'm ready to get in shape now from my baby and you know, I think the issue is hey were you doing this beforehand and that can be a nice starting point be active see how that goes one of the things that I think is a useful model for understanding this is that you're designed for movement period and the body is so robust I've had two semesters of gross anatomy I don't even know where the baby would go inside the woman's pelvis I mean it's it's pretty remarkable to see what happens to the dia fram what happens to the bladder? What happens to the rest of the system so you know if we can start with idea that hey you're designed to move then let's now start the conversation about how much so if the guidelines from the experts and that and the guidelines are very, very old old it's a nice starting point of saying are you already doing something because during this time when you're pregnant, chances are that's probably not the best time to become a lot stronger that's probably not the best time to set world records in strength and speed and endurance, but it doesn't mean that we have to necessarily think about, uh, you know, eroding into that this is a great maintenance phase where you get to maintain your fitness, maintain your muscle mass and this is a terrible analogy I'm gonna use this analogy on purpose for the men in the room because I work with some professional football teams and the ideas if the goal is to get to the super bowl, you see where I'm going with this now, right and super bowl is that birth moment where it's all magic and you've written your brutal birth plan out it's perfect right? Are you your healthiest fittest tissue? Normal self at the moment we're going to be challenged at your peak function and I think if we start thinking about that, then you can actually start scaling backward and saying, hey, I'm not very active how do I start to build tolerance? I'm gonna walk ten minutes a day, I'm gonna walk twenty minutes a day, I'm going to start walking so that non exercise activity can be a first piece. And remember, the guideline is thirty minutes of exercise a day. Are you doing thirty minutes of exercise already? And it turns out in two thousand twelve and the british science of sports medicine, the british medical journal, the big, prestigious british medical journal, they said that women were not even getting two doses of exercise a week. So it turns out that we're not even following the basic guidelines and yet we're worried about your should I be olympic snatching or dead lifting very heavy, right? So we can take that on. So the first is development movement practice, I don't care what it is if you are already, you know, sedentary developed some practice, right? We love any movement practice that rhymes with yoga, pallotti's, strength conditioning, anything that you love to do, I think is a great model for continuing on that, and then we start to kind of go through some of the recognitions. One of the wreck conditions is don't hold your breath. Right, I heard you talking about that. Now, if you follow your pattern breathing, as you said during the course that you actually stopped breathing multiple times on the day, turns out that you can hold your breath for about four to six seconds before you start to radically de saturate. You mean, uh, inhalation retention or ex elation just holding her breath like you're going to get four to six seconds of, you know, intense nous before you start to deception and guess what happens, your baby is going to take all the option out of your system, no matter what, right? So your baby gets prioritize and you know what happened. If you held your breath too long, you start to feel dizzy and then you would lay down and then you start breathing again, right? So what let's, go and say, what is that we will get to the point of collapse, where you end up getting a concussion, right? Khama don't do that, but but what it turns out, though, is that if you monitor your breath on the toilet your chances are you already holding your breath? If you watch how already picking up your kids or your groceries, you're already doing this staccato breathing or you're creating and that's actually a valuable skill to help me create even more spinal stabilization, intra abdominal pressure to stabilize my spine intermittently that's very different. Then I'm going to go ahead and try to pick this up four hundred pounds and be a stiff as ican turning bright red, and I suspect most of that comes from this notion of one worry about the baby de saturating not getting enough oxygen, right, but two it's about looking at the level of intra abdominal pressure developed in the pelvis kind of trunk corset system in one of the things that we know absolutely is that your body is very simple, the base basic rules that when you're in a good position so the position you're tryingto advocate standing in, which is to dawson oh are dead lifts set up or the way humans are supposed to stand however it is, peter straightened you almost that jill does a beautiful job this whole time, her feet are always straight something were always looking at each other on I have to check you out many cousin actually texted me during the last segment he texted me a photo goes, it took pictures, so if you watch the video you saw, he said, your left foot is doing the opposite of duck. Sure enough, my love, it was like that. So he's watching me too well, let's, let's talk about this for a second, because one of the one of the models that I think you've already given is that we sort of have three models for for public stability when I talk about pelvic stability, when I'm talking about is a relationship of pelvis to spine. So these three models one are that my squeeze, my butt and my butt sets my position of my pelvis. So what we seal in the modern culture because we're sitting in fact, I was just flying on the airplane back from europe, and I read and one of the magazines there that people are spending an average of two hours and twenty minutes a day on their phones, so they're in these wretched positions, and if you extrapolate that we're actually seeing people sending between ten and fourteen hours a day sitting, which is basically a sedentary lifestyle doesn't matter if you exercise or not. On top of that, you are sedentary, we laugh because juliette really wanted to make sure that, you know, she had enough time to really enjoy her. Her pregnancy and so I think in your first birth you took one week off. Is that right? As an attorney, which was terrible and then the second time she had planned, I'm going to take six it's weeks off really enjoy this and then our baby came at six weeks plus one day, right? So there was no time to really enjoy of being pregnant, but the notion is that if I'm standing the but sets my position and what was the reason I brought up juliet was she was sitting is an attorney a lot, and we see this adaptation, adaptive shortening, shortening of the of the hips that I get tight right then so as I go stand up, I end up in a position where my butt doesn't even work very well simply because it's in a bad shape and you can do this at home if you just turn your pelvis over like you're dumping water out and then try to squeeze you, but let me know how that goes for it's very awkward. In fact, in order to make that happen, you have to get your bum back into a good position. So what we see is that when you are suddenly carrying, how effective is it for you to always be squeezing your butt to triple back because you're going to get dragged into this position and so one of the things that I describe women who are pregnant as not having low back pain, but as being extension sensitive, what we see is that you're mohr bone on bone closed the end ranges of your joint was if I took jill's elbow, every joint can be over pressed teo and rain just how we know it's a normal joint and that doesn't hurt but you view keep hanging on those joints, you know, for ten months for every single motion you're not bringing awareness to this than those joints are going to be a key, and this is really the source of a lot of the back pain that we see, coupled with some of soft tissue shorting that you were talking right? So ext extension, by the way, for those of you who aren't familiar with that term extension is essentially the shape of a back bend in your spine. Inflection is the opposite of that and that's. Why? When we advocate for if you're going continue yoga practice, go see someone who has some cream and perry naval yoga training because there's some positions that we don't need to exaggerate because you're already exaggerated, right? And additionally, excessive excessive extension is also putting a tana tana stretch on those anterior abdominal tissues and that that that very strong tendon connecting the hemispheres of your core musculature and the the soft tissue's soft strong two shoes that envelope the rectus directors shoot and that's where we get the split is right in between right and so and those things I can't say that they our one to one in terms of causing the fact, but there was a great correlation between dass is wrecked I'd splitting of this this common tenant and hanging out in too much over extensions you're constantly thinning this area essentially bye bye that excessive and by the way, men this is the reason we see a lot of abdominal hernias and men that they're hanging out in this position and he put an overstretched so the mechanism of injury can be the same, but understanding that one of the key components toe having a stable, healthy spine is being able to squeeze my bum a little bit now one of the things that that becomes difficulties that if I'm standing for long periods of time and I'm already an extension, how do I manage this and you'll start to see the the pregnant you know, positions where you're working hard on one of the things that we think is makes a big difference it's simply taking the extension load out so if we go over to this stool for second will grab this and if we just simply if you are standing around in order to be able to get into a position where you're but actually works a little better to support your spine if you just put your foot up on something we can take a lot of that extension load out of your spine and actually give you a fighting chance about being in a better position one of our athletes is a nurse practitioner, right? And one of the things she loves to do is tear apart the old myths about pregnancy and how old the studies are and the recommendations about overheating really are saying you know don't be in your hot tub for long pants of time don't be ridiculous right don't bake your baby but you know, one of the things that she has just pointed out was that there's a really good study that showed that decreasing the over extension and women normalising this normal public relationship actually had decrease associate id risk for dislocations and birth can you imagine that when your pelvis wasn't cranked over and the baby didn't have to turn around, they actually saw on easier birth path a novel concept right being in a better position is actually better so let's continue this conversation about maintains this position, so if we know that the first aspect to maintain that position is some but tone and creating a little bit of that torque or the or the squeezing the but this puts my palace back in neutral position if I can't my foot goes up on a on a uh a book it could open the sink I could just manage I can literally be looking around and trying to find something take that extension lead on my back that's going to allow you to sort of spend your extension credit when you need him maybe that's why I want to add something to that because some some of you might hear that and think oh, I can just but my thing up here and rest like this but do you see when when I do that I end up dumping uh let's see here do it for this camera if I if I if I'm sort of taking a lazy way out I can create even more a sort of bad pile up offset here so really what he's talking about is that when you put this foot up here it actually gives you a chance to fight feel the two hemispheres of the pelvis still staying matching with each other conclude with each other so you're not trying to do this in order to kind of like then become you know a bar fly although in a pregnant state that's very attractive to most men what I don't know where you're going the bar fly and now you know why you're hanging out in the bar jill here's the money anyway first model we say's that but says that position and then we say number two in our kind of higher level athletic athlete world we say that abs brace that spinal position so my butt sets my position because when my abdominals aaron an overstretched or disorganized lower spine position, guess what doesn't work the abdominals? And so is it possible for you to be in a great abdominal position? No, those abdominals air suddenly really working is a sling and not necessarily as a great stabilizers, so it's important that we sort of become more meticulous about positioning because I need to be able to rely on all of these integrated course it systems not just hanging on the apse, right? And so this is one of the reasons saying, if you can get your butt and pelvis into better alignment, that's gonna take a lot of the stress out your back and allow up regulation of the other systems because you could do this a home over extent and then try to flex your abs and it just doesn't work. And so what we see is that women end up becoming very abdominal amnesia amnesiac, right? They lose. You don't even know where this is and feels hard and rock hard, right? Because it is comma, it doesn't work very well, so if we get into a better position, then we can start to see a regulation of a lot of the other musculature, which is going to support the spine right on then the last piece what you talked about which was relevant to the foot, is this notion of having my feet straight so I can imagine turning my feet into the ground. So if my right foot it's like going from twelve o'clock two, three o'clock, my left foot is going from twelve o'clock two nine o'clock I'm not really moving, I've thinking about screwing my feet into the ground a little bit and this is called torch in, and what happens when I do this is that my hip capsule physically winds up in the pelvis and guess what happens in my pelvis? I remove some of that extension load and so now when you stand in a position with your feet straight and are thinking about this, which is two das anna right in yoga and I'm in a better position immediately, I've up regulated all of the systems that are going to support my back and standing and walking and lifting and anything I have to do ben over the sink if I can think about optimizing my position first, I could get out of some of those little comic compromised positions, which is the same thing we teach in our gym with everyone, but when then we extend it mohr, too, are pregnant athletes. And katie was saying how that that little bit of tor jin has a tie in with the pelvic floor muscles because those fashions are connecting to those ware system designed to move so what you're saying is when jill actually turns her feet in a little bit just so it's a little bit of lazing this that allows her to passively create torque which is unloading her back because she's able tto hang on the capsule ligaments and that's why I'm standing up here and try to be active she's able to turn this in and I'm not saying that you should do this, but what we're saying is foot straight but that understand that's why she's adopting this position? Because she's so clever she's like a ninja so as we work through this understanding that you know, we have these three systems as soon as I kick out one of the systems have to make sure that my other systems are engaged potentially working double time. So imagine if I now engaged in a movement practice that didn't really ever use my but this would be a problem in that in ten months my butt would sort of turn off I'm in a position that were naturally doesn't want to work very well I've stretched my hopes that this is why we have no problem advocating box squatting or basic squatting tow our athletes even unloaded right let's get the system toe up, regulate let's, get the system to be sort of functioning, right. So at least we keep the connection's alive because when you squat in the chair, right and push your kid out, this is what this is, what you're going to be, well, squad anyway, which is really saying is, hey, instead of turning this exercise practice into, I need to become thinner and stronger. Let's, turn this exercise, practice into a movement practice. Can you still do? All the things you're supposed to do is a human on. Are you practicing these positions of pick stability? So what's nice now is that when we start to kind of window through this thing, understanding and tying in these different fields, well, turns out, guess what? When you're in a bad position, your abs don't work and guess what also doesn't work your diaphragm overextended. So now you're hanging out with the dumped pelvis and broken rib cage. Like man belly is what I call it right man pregnancy but now my dia frame is not functioning very well, which is going to impact my capacity to breathe and stabilize my spine. We'll also the public floor turns off, and so we can kick angle keagle till the cows come home. But guess what? As long as you're in a bad compromise position and you don't know what your pips you're supposed to do, that public floor is never gonna turn back. Or are you hearing this theme again and again? I keep seeing you smile and because I remember the fear that you talked about at the beginning of the workshop, and you're hearing this from each expert again and again that this this position is king and queen in the case of in the case of the baby carriage and just for your whole life. And so I just love, you know, the sort of reframing that we're hearing from the y chromosome. Excuse me, factional problem. The white crows have a girl's name it's fine, so I'm just I'm just looking, I just keep looking at you because I want you to I want you to feel I want you to feel, you know, that trust that you you have that ability in your body to just make the slow these repositions that reminder to yourself that it's practice? Yeah, and there should be no reason why we ever have to think of this as any other thing than practice remember that the reason you have a brain in the first place is to movie through the environment, that cognition is bootstrapped on top of that movement brain. And so I should be always engaged in an adult practice of movement when I'm not just getting stronger and trying to be have a bigger set of lungs, because that's never going to be at the other end should always be about this position, because I'm gonna be a hundred ten. You may have ten more kids like that means that I don't want to, you know, sort of spend your credits on your little back and your abs and right so here's the deal was that one is, we know that if we can reposition your pelvis and getting into a perfect alignment, well, we saw that we have better bat birth outcomes, we see that we have better public floor contraction, the spined becomes more stable and load my back. And guess what? This is the same conversation we have with the world champions and the world record holders in olympic lifting in palestine are sports it's the same combo, so we should be able to never have to kind of tell a different story the story is, boy, have an athlete or a woman or a person who's a little bit extension sense it now we could get back. So was we tie into the holding your breath? Peace? Well, I'm probably okay intermittently holding my breath because I'm always going to breathe again. Two is that I'm holding my breath when I evacuate my bowels three I'm probably holding my breath when I push you grab something and four if I make sure that the systems are optimized, then I'm not really just pushing out bearing down and pushing out. I told women are holding their breath when they give birth. True, right? Exactly, but we're actually and the different practice that I was sharing with you were holding. We're holding our breath in the opposite end of the spectrum, so we're not actually holding a creating a desperate in donald pressure were actually reversing that pressure and actually pulling the pulling the tissues away from the pelvic floor temporarily, which they never get your whole pregnancy unless you have an inversion practice and you can go upside down, was there? Was there a question? A lot of a lot of questions? Wait, let me work through this list on we'll come back is that we do that. Yeah, okay, because I don't want to make sure that we dive in and we have it's good that we're finished because this is such a hot topic one of the guidelines is, uh about laying down tell me you're comfortable on your back is that true exactly and a I can on lee think of one exercise that you probably did on your back and it probably got into this delicate situation anyway and so part of ideas boy jill has shown you a lot of ways to manage up against the wall to be ableto self treat yourself that exercise does not involve laying down and so if you are serious and clear about that there's no exercise that it's automatically self limiting self limiting and if you're going to the gym and you're doing laying down on machines you're not exercising that's laying down a machine so stop laying down, get up and move your body through space we can take that one off the table well, I will say because I teach a live way down exercises because I actually used the floor is a reference in terms of in terms of training, training appropriate section sure, sure, but what I'm talking about in terms of, you know, one of the guidelines about exercises if you're laying down doing leg press for example, that doesn't mix doesn't fit into our skimpy got it totally there totally there all right so one of the dead but she was actually able todo temporary lay down and of course and actually it was you were this was this is it's just stress relieving thing that we were doing with the opportunity balls on your back and you're a human being of course you can lay on your back I mean you know when you if you feel you're a are to start toe pulse and your legs go blue and you're black and you know you're underside anyway I mean I think people are your body is so tough that we have given people not permission to you know you know I think there's a few a few times where juliet on lee felt comfortable sort of propped up for a while until she couldn't and then you physically had to be on your side if I recall is that right? Okay, one of the big pieces and if we pull this back into our our exercise scheme again right is that we're looking at sleep are you sleeping well yes or no this is a this a big topic because it's very difficult to see when you're uncomfortable too is hydration this makes a big difference now I'm guessing because I haven't been pregnant but that you potentially need to tinkle mohr than you did perhaps before you're pregnant that true of course it's true there's something sitting on your very small bladder already that wasn't a sexy statements, truth. So it is true we have a you can see it, you can see I love this, you've got everything you buy bands and blankets, a little flags and there's, a there's, everything a non pregnant uterus sitting directly on top of the bladder that's right? And adds this as this adds mass, it also is putting downward pressure on the bladder since so yeah, so guess what? Stop, start toe happen sometimes we actually see decreasing fluid in take in. Some of our women were pregnant because they're always having to pee and they always having to pee in public, can you can you agree that sometimes you're like, I really shouldn't drink this water we're gonna base? You have to give nine times. And so one of the recommendations is, of course, is to be well hydrated keep the amniotic fluid, you know, fulfilled, right? And but one of the things that we see is that women actually aren't needing to drink as much water as we thought you need to absorb the water, your drink, and that means looking at hydration and sort of ah, a clinical sense or looking at hydration as a performance peace, maybe I drink when I'm eating. You're right afterwards or maybe I need to add some essential electrolytes and there's plenty of things out there that allow us to absorb more because that water doesn't any salts in it, and when you just pound your kidneys with water, you actually don't absorb the water you're drinking, end up boulis ing your kidneys, and then you have to pee right away and you haven't absorbed any of that water that water isotonic solution if you get a little bit of essential mineral salts in there than what we see is that women are absorbing more the water don't have to drink as much because you're already hydrated, and that is really easy that's huge it's a huge deal and I'll couple this is that we've seen a real tide shifts where people are eating a lot cleaner in their diets, you're eating paleo or primal, right? We have an expert coming on about eating real food and getting temperature and men ship ice cream I she's asking for it so totally if I put that in front of a cave woman, she would eat it too, right? You know who doesn't turn that down? But the issue is that one of the things that I think is notable is probably in the temporal you're craving salts? Oh yes, yes, and what you're seeing is that your craving the water right and that that that sodium and hopefully it's not the same chloride with sodium that you're getting is responsible for the plasma volume and the potassium rich foods that you're getting are responsible for hydrating other tissues in your system so we have the plasma heart dr piece from the sodium and what we've seen is actually women who have a little blood pressure anyway who eat clean diets and then get pregnant and they start to pass out and they get dizzy all the time it turns out their dream playing water but I'm not drinking any water with a central electrolytes water six I'm just gonna does my doctor that's my problem I'm like, you know, ninety six over sixties like my blood pressure like aren't you dead? Um so maybe I need more temporary I'm your physical therapist I'm highly recommending a higher dose of temporal and uh no, this was, you know, it's interesting that juliet has her she has athlete anyway so low blood pressure, low heart rate but also very low bred pressure naturally and she is assault machine, you know, and like I don't need to salt no crate but juliette cannot get enough so we actually a salt lick at home and during during pregnancy I think at one point you're like I need kentucky fried chicken there is that was that that was the low mark it was so bad, so, you know, but like I said, I was like, sure, home, you know, anything you need, so as we sort of tip off, you know, we see that you know, overheating is a problem, and guess what? It turns out, if you're poorly hydrated, you can't normalize your body core temperature, that one of the first things that goes this thermal regulation, so if you're cold all the time or hot all the time, or you're worried because you're an athlete and you've been training, and then suddenly you're not drinking as well. Well, no wonder we start to see problems with people overheat, right? And this this is one that is so definitely I would say, pay attention to your water, there's some really good resource is out in the world. We have, ah, video going up on our site today with one of the preeminent hydration experts on the planet professor from professor from stanford and ah, mama and she was the nutritionist for the tour de france. So she's, pretty awesome, and women have different needs relative to progesterone levels and estrogen levels at certain times a month and different needs because of how you absorb water so you can just work a little different. So let's take question and then we'll come back and talk about some actual exercise guidelines and then tie something's ago yes let's take a couple of a couple questions if if we can if we have time great um dry had seventy three said kelly it almost seems like you're saying to tuck the pelvis some when putting the foot on the stool but that sounds like it might be opposite of what katie bowman recommended is it can you explain exactly? Yeah let me show there's some confusion and you squeeze your butt as hard as you can your pelvis will go into your perfect alignment because it turns out your butt was designed for you if I tell you about trying to manage a pelvis position, then that's a dead end show where I'm gonna be lost in space where I'm like well that's that's one degree too much jill, but if I have you squeeze your buttocks hard, you can you're published will come into alignment automatically so we're never advocating tucking were advocating but squeeze and go ahead and squeeze your butt as hard as you can and let me know when you start to talk because it wants so just tio maybe clarify for that his teeth dry add dry out is that kelly's not talk he's telling you to actually differentiate the the action of the tushy from any movements of the spine above he's just saying hey tightknit tush great when that automatically is a done and done and set. And then you would travel your mind upwards, and then you may need to do some rearranging of other things and it's not dissimilar to what katie was talking about you she was talking about moving the pelvis relative to the femurs were in a ford ben position there and then and then she was talking about then having the rib cage relate to that pelvis. We thought that was the case, but thought it would be best if you it can seem really confusing. They're actually talking about the same thing, but there we're actually talking about it from a different standpoint, quite literally. And so it does seem to be a little bit blurred lines, but it's actually the same. If I scream in my mama's arms, my can didn't change. And if I tuck, does that look a little bit different? And guess what? Go ahead and try to talk when you're seven months pregnant, let me know how that goes. Ah, not gonna sew again. Some of these things are very self limiting have alicia from north carolina? What if you were working out pride of pregnancy but then had to stop exercising in the first trimester because of the north? The nausea and fatigue which pretty common. Is it safe to do what you were doing prior when you feel better from that initial nausea? And what level of exercise? Perfect segway. So with you didn't train for a month or two months, would you jump right back into the same intensity level that you had when you finished? Yes, I had just swim and iron man. And here we go. No chances are you would you would come in and have a dose and have a response. One of the one of the big andi I saved this one last is that one of the things that people are concerned about is joint instability. Write that in the first trimester, the the hormone kicks out is called relaxin, right? I know a lot of men who could use a shot of relaxin. There'd be less stiff would be amazing. But the real issue for that relax in peace is that is, the is this woman this physical being? Are they hyper mobile at that spot? And I think if you actually I was talking with r r nurse practitioner bath about this and she's like there's, not a single study that says pregnant women have more ankle sprains than anyone else she's, like some of that is, this is theoretical. We know that this hormone comes out and softens the pubic synthesis and creates more instability in the joints and clinically, I've certainly seen that women start to have a little bit more pelvic issues and public stability stuff, which is we're definitely gonna show today, but say, on whole what we recommend is, you know, if you are engaged in an exercise practice that exercise practice is fair game as long as comma. Now here's, where we try to put in our best thinking when we categorize movements, what we tend to do is we put him into a few categories on one of them in this category. One movement is where we go from a very stable, organized position, then we move with stability into another organized position. Let me give an example, I'm going to sit down on this chair, right? I squeeze my butt, I get organized, I screw my feet into the ground. I'm very connected through this whole range. Shall I sit into the bottom position of the chair and then stand back up? Were I come back up and I'm very organized that looks like pallotti's and yoga and the basic tenets of strength conditioning squad in front, squatting over it's quite all the things bench press, even I go from a very stable position to another race. Position back when we put the joints into a very, very stable congruent positions which are the basic mechanics and good technique off all of these systems then we end up having so much robustness that the human can easily buffer that where we start to be mindful is if we start to remove some of that connection by adding speed so suddenly one of the things that happens is that when I start doing mohr dynamic jumping and landing and cutting things well I may add speed and not be so stable and maybe I get into problems there we know that this most women spines are not in great positions and they're a little loose and so if I'm suddenly cutting playing soccer I may end up over extending or I may end up with a little tweak because I haven't been in that perfectly stable position does that make sense? And I think that's where some of these these notions come from in my moving fast well if I'm very, very skilled and I went to the olympics like carried by one of our olympic athletes, you know, an olympic lifting well, chances are she could be very connected and I'll tell you our personal experience in our gym with over one hundred thousand athletes sessions since we've opened and lots and lots of pregnant ladies they no when it feels sketchy and our basic rule is if it feels sketchy it's, sketchy and what we have. We have women power cleaning, right? Because they're high level athletes, great coaches, and then one day, they're like. That doesn't sound good today. That feels like it's. So they end up defaulting to more stable positions, which means that we can keep all of the basic weightlifting on the table, optimizing my position, putting myself into very stable positions.
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Ratings and Reviews
Meredith Amann
so useful, so helpful. Loved the guests. Would highly recommend to anyone thinking about becoming pregnant or working with prenatal clients. Great posture & alignment knowledge bombs
a Creativelive Student
I do definitely recommend this course, though I wish there were room for a bit more nuance in the "of course"/"no thanks" model creativelive offers for reviews. This course is really helpful for thinking through movement and posture issues during pregnancy, and I think I'll take a lot of the lessons I learned here into my daily life even after my baby is born. It's worth sitting through all the lessons, and I am confident that most people will come away with new and useful information. d That said, this course contains a LOT of chitchat, which can be frustrating at times. All of the presenters know each other, and there's a lot of back and forth about their relationships, etc. It gets pretty tiresome. And there's quite a bit of in-course advertising for Jill Miller's products, which I haven't found so much in other classes. Also, I found the advertising for this class just a tiny bit deceptive. There aren't as many "classes" as listed in the description, because some of them are introductions, wrap-ups, and credits. I recommend just skipping those classes and focusing on the ones that specifically name what content they will address. Despite those limitations, I found this class worthwhile...just know what you're getting into!