Day 1
1Class Introduction
34:36 2Daily Dosing: Feet & Hands
53:13 3Think Bigger Than the Kegel with Katy Bowman
43:46 4Strengthening the Pelvic Floor
32:47 5The Baby Carriage On the Inside
39:04 6Breathing: Abdominals & Core Support
29:28 7Daily Dosing: Shoulders
15:44Pregnant Athlete w/ Dr Kelley & Juliet Starrett
50:42 9Get Moving: The Pregnant Athlete
25:00Day 2
10Pelvic Power
43:09 11Hip Help, Leg Stretches, & Squats
43:39 12Cross Cultural Pregnancy w/ Esther Gokhale
34:29 13Fixing Pelvis Distortion
28:32 14Power Napping & Sleep Strategies
39:55 15Skype Call w/ Dr Eden Fromberg
29:46 16Sarah Fragoso: Food for Fuel
50:01 17Sarah Fragoso: Q & A
19:38Lesson Info
Fixing Pelvis Distortion
All right we are moving on to another distortion very common and this is tucking the pelvis I kind of mentioned it a bit so this is very typical you know you park your hips forward and everything kind of hangs on your joints there's no muscle involved at all very hard on the joints on all the spinal discs and hard on the whole system now every organ is distorted in its orientation in its volume in its blood supply the nerves that feed that organ come from someplace in the spine which is now challenged and distorted and this gets carried over in pregnancy too as you can see here she is also talking her pelvis to some degree and you can see one of the results is that the shoulders round forward that's just a consequence of the building block stack being having a poor foundation you know your pelvis like your foundation they start doing distortions on that everything gets thrown off so here's what it looks like on the inside it's the difference between having your pelvic organs supported ...
by your pubic bone which no matter what your age and what your condition is plenty strong toe hold everything up the alternative is that you've got a tucked pelvis and now you've got your little cuba cox ajeel muscle there trying to support everything well it's not made for the job it is a little muscle and you can do all kinds of contrived things like, you know, hold your urinary stream and let it go in and squeeze and let it go on and it's still not going to be the right muscle for the job you know you can strengthen it, but especially when you're pregnant oh, and especially especially if you have twins you know it becomes an invitation for your insides to kind of fall out of you it's like really bad architecture, you know, bad plumbing and there's a lot in here to fall out of you, especially in as women you know you've got our uterus there's, uterine prolapse you can have bladder prolapse and certainly urinary incontinence is so common especially, you know, you you crowd and are thinking about urinary incontinence yet but, you know, come a few decades that's what our population faces in modern times, you know, and we so common we just deal with it by calling it normal we can deal with it better than that. So I invite people to raise the bar we better designed then we except then we you know, we don't want to just make do so instead of putting all this undue stress on your keagle or pubic aqsa geul muscle that really wasn't designed for the job, it helps to have the pelvis anti bird it is a technical term anti means forward verdict means tipped rotated and pelvis by the way means bowl in latin so it's a bowl of organs and you want your bold tipped forward and when you have that then your pubic bone can hold everything up just fine and this becomes as I said even more important when you're pregnant so back to that beautiful illustration and you can see here how the bone pubic bone is supporting most of the challenge most of the weight most of the stress of the pelvic organs and the rectum you know isn't stressed you know because that's another problem hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse and you know it's just doesn't do to change architect to the architecture that nature you know came to over what five and a half million years of being upright we don't want to suddenly start improvising it's unlikely to be an improvement so we look inside ourselves and then no matter what size your baby and what exact configuration you are well so served by your structure there's your pubic bone under all that weight and this is also an old illustration this is the old portuguese illustration and you can see how beautiful that j spine is no matter how your babies sitting in there and you are well equipped to carry that baby um two term I did say nine months is a little you get impatient but you are still equipped to do it you know nothing's goingto be damaged if you follow nature's laws you know nature there are some natural laws and we don't want to just carelessly um ignore those and I want tio emphasize this some election let's try first finding this pelvic andy version and once again there are everyday activities that can help you find this and there's another kind of sitting um that I'd like um may I invite you up to come and experience so the way most people sit like if you sat half way forward on this champ part of it is the problem with the chair you know? You see how it's lance back a lot of chairs do that. So what does that encourage our pelvis to do? Well, it encouraged you to kind of yeah, exactly if you relax, you kind of sink into your pelvis it's called retro version and then the way you fix it is by being upright intense so that's it feels it too kinds of bad posture you don't want to be a pretty intense and you don't want to be relaxed and slumped yeah, yeah, exactly you can do it well, so now I'm going to invite so what? The way we could modify this position is to give you a kind of wedge almost like a door stop under your sits bones that would encourage pell the county version, so I'm going to fashion a wedge for you here or while I'm fashioning this wedge, let me have you sit on my chair because as you can imagine, I designed that feature in here and we're going to raise it up because that makes it easy in the beginning and you're going to sit on the front half now it is important to approach him infection for you you didn't even have to approach it well, it just automatically sat you well do you feel the difference? So now if you completely relax there's a little bit of let me see actually, you know there's actually a really this is completely relax and do your shoulder roll a little forward. Is it okay if we take off your jacket because we can see better that way thank you. Wonderful. So what? We can see if you completely relax let's see if it yeah there's a little bit of off rounding. Okay, so what it means is we have to approach the seat with a little bit more pelvic anti version because if you sit on your tail so to speak then no matter what so lift up lift up and and as you sit you want to kind of a mb the but bones this issue too broad he's in a good place and now if you're relax and it does help to have your shoulders roll because otherwise the weight substantial weight of your arms will pull the whole upper body forward. It also helps to have the neck really nicely aligned, and we could talk all day about each part. And so here. Now, if you relax, we're actually staying in a pretty nice alignment to compare to, but do you feel the difference compared to, you know, collapsing as before? Sometimes it can help, like, in the beginning, if you're not used to this position, you know, if you're used to kind of round tucking under can help to reach under your buttocks kind of pull a little bit of flesh back. Yeah, so that you get more of a witch, that's it. And now when you relax, you are remaining very nicely. Upright is feel that, yes. And so now there's all kinds of magic that happens from having a pelvis this way and a well, stack spine. This is what I call it. Jay she's got her it's a kind of modern gee, you know, her behinds behind. And her back is beautifully aligned and there's all kinds of cool stuff that happens. Like when you breathe there's movement in the spine that so we could fiddle with this for quite some time like right here in the bottom I'm feeling there's a little bit that's not quite moving so we would rearrange the spine a little bit the pelvis and so on and get everything lined up just so so that in every part of your spine when you breathe in if you breathe in deeply and forget everything you've ever mean talked or I always ask people to empty your cup you know on forget about conflict ing guidelines you just experience whatever experience nice and what one thing you know with increasing tone in the belly it doesn't become the easiest way for your lungs to expand you know you have some tone here offer some resistance and then you're back more easily response to the breathing you want your lungs to breathe because that's going to give you a nice robust ripped kids you want you back to be able to respond as well because it's a kind of natural massage that you want to have happen all day long in your spine and that can only happen if things are really well online so we're going into some details here and it's a nice feeling when you get it it's beautiful okay, so that you know I call it stacks sitting and now we have a little wedge here and I'm gonna have you experience it here is well if you would be so kind as to put your sits bones kind of on the edge and then wiggle round wiggle forward you kind of wedge your where'd your behind behind you till you find a sweet spot having done a shoulder roll you find that you can actually settle film, so that is a very helpful way it's an everyday thing you know you don't always want to stretch, sit and be hooked up against the back rest, you know? And sometimes there isn't a back rest or the backrest not conducive and then for those times um, you know you want some kind of pelvic anti version and if you don't have a wedge, you can use the front edge of a chair. I made my the front of the chair kind of slanted, you know and rounded, so wait depending on where you sit, you're getting different curvature, so depending on how much help you need from a wedge you can get ah higher wedge or a lower wit and you can fashion that in other chairs. You could also sit on the front edge of a chair and use that like a which is so so that I call that stack sitting and it's an everyday activity and it is one way to start cultivating this pelvic auntie version behind behind like we had here in this old illustration and these old illustration thank you, thank you so much yes, please have a couple of questions come in about the pelvis that lead? Maybe you'd clarified the c brown and also britney yoga nurture requested that you maybe review the demonstration of where your pelvis if it should be swayed versus tucked on dh where the healthy tip of the pelvis should be see, brown said, if I tip my pelvis forward, I am also arching my back, which I shouldn't be doing so correct they need a little over a two different pivot points okay, so the ribcage controls what's happening in your upper lumbar area and you want to anchor the ribs to flatten out that upper part of the lumbar spine the pelvis is what controls what happens at l five s went now sometimes this whole area so stiff that when you move the pelvis, everything arches, which is why I usually don't begin with pelvic county version I usually help people lengthen their spine so that pelvic anti version becomes more available in an isolated way because yes, you absolutely don't want to tip your pelvis and and end up swaying you're back? Yeah, great! So one thing I want to talk about is, you know, this culture of posture, which is what you ultimately need and want to cultivate in your family in your community on the planet because that's what it ultimately takes to make all of this really sustainable you know we all whether we know it or not or like it or not, we're copying each other and we wanna have good models all around us, so it doesn't help to have horrible friend of church is a really mean look at this poor little pelvis, you know, for a little baby and this is this is me before I knew better carrying my first baby and you can see what I'm doing to her pelvis, not healthy and it's what we do it's our strollers, you know, not only do we tuck the pelvis, we also tend to rotate in the legs and that's another problem once you have rotated and legs has no room for the pelvis to settle well and you've heard some about that. So this is really important to address in yourself and when you have it in yourself, then your kid is going to see that this is not what you it is not right that you give it importance. I mean, look at the way our kids are now doing. You don't want your baby growing up like that's a start now help yourself and then help your kid grow up into a healthy, healthy posture culture but this is how this is what we have today, no so just know that and start early in developing a different culture and, you know, there are so many ways to do it, and there are different ways that our culture specific, my favorite way to carry a baby um, you know, I have to talk about this because it meant so much to me to learn how to carry my baby on my back. Here I am, my african friend is teaching me with my number two child, one who wasn't supposed to be born, I had been read told or your book back is fragile, you have all these bulging disks, I don't have any more kids, and it took, you know, really on, you know, I didn't finish the story after doing all the things that I now teach, you know, simple things stretch sitting stretch lying, stack, sitting hip, inging we didn't didn't get to talk about everything, but, you know, by doing these things, I got out of pain, I avoided the second surgery and it's now being twenty years, I've not had a back pain, not had a back ache, not a twinge, nothing, and now I get to train people and train teachers all over the world to teach these techniques and it's very empowering. And so this is a technique I don't get to teach mary off in carrying your baby on the back. I don't have the time to go into details and you definitely don't want to fool around with this um you want tio get someone to show you but it is a fabulous technique here you see my older child my older daughter my first daughter carrying my third kid who's also a daughter on her back and it is super super empowering to do this um you have ah you have to learn how to externally rotate your legs you have to learn how to hip hinge with the very straight back and all of these things have to be done with precision and then it becomes possible to do this fabulous technique intends to ride up the shirt you have to pay that shirt and you so you can see you get good at it you get very I mean the african women will do this with one hand and they're talking and walking at the same time and this is one of the most useful child rearing things I learned because you have your arms available for cooking this is how I learned how to cross country ski with a baby on my back and it's fabulous for your posture so yes so you can you're opening up your baby's hips you are reminding yourself to land softly that is a posture principle that's really useful to learn you don't want to be petting around and if you have a baby on your back kind of automatically um semi automatically teaches you that you know teaches you not to took your pelvis you'd lose your baby and so on so there are all these principles that come out of these measures and you know so the blast thing I want to exhort all of you pregnant women who are you know you what you have in your hands is the next generation and how our society is going to play out really um it's in your hands and you want to introduced these things this is my child, my oldest child with the wedge under her bottom this is my youngest child who you know the way you handle your kid is their movement vocabulary like you want to train them to move in this natural way you don't want to be carrying them like this and like this they don't want to even learn those motions and then they that plays out in them becoming particularly good athletes like they have treat all my three kids or national level athletes it's ridiculous and I'm sure it's not genetic because look at my husband and I look it means like no this did not happen from our genes I think they have a past she was like a local soccer goalie champion and there's my son two years running wrestling champion but check out his form on the right he knows how to hip in jets comes it's kind of and here he is he's now like he just won the ultimate frisbee national championship his team one and you can see has that even groove in his spine and so it's kind of part of the culture so he's just he's pretty ripped you six foot five four guy the culture is not built for that but you can see his form is good and so this is what you want to bring into your body bring into your baby's body bring into your family's culture and and that way you can spread it around this is janine our teacher in chicago and she had a very dramatic I remember when she first came tow the waiting room in our studio and she was in tears she was with her younger son and with horrible cyanotic pain shit flew in from chicago with her family her husband and her kid and she flew back pain free and she had a lot to say you know after her first baby it was horrible she was lopsided the whole pregnancy and she couldn't push in an effective way and she had and then she had her second baby and you can see some of what she says like you know in their families living memory there is no easy birth everything has been painful and efforts will and her second baby it was like magical she she she was very written you know poetic about describing how how magical it wass and it's not to say that every baby you know after you have good posture is going to be born in this you know wonderful easy way in and it's not one to one correspondence but I do think you stack it against you when you are tucking your pelvis and swaying your back and working against nature so you really want to tune into that deep wisdom that is not necessarily reflected in the current cultural norms and and guidelines and tune in and see what feels right what makes sense what looks right it's got to be um it's got to make sense it's got to work and so you know tune in with everything you have your intellect your eyes your kinesthetic ah wisdom and try to find something that will work for your body your baby your family your community and here we you know might my sincerest wishes for health the pregnancy delivery child it's just such a pleasure when it when you don't have pain in your face and you know you're you don't you're not undermined by unnecessary challenges okay esther everyone is just mesmerized this is really great information and world we really all are all just sitting here like wow you know very very useful there's a couple of questions came in in the chat rooms in regards to the baby carrying and just we thought we might clear by yeah the first was what aides should the baby be held like that? Do they need to be able to hold up their own head? So my answers to all of these kind of questions is always anthropologically on historically based you know they don't want to go making things up because then you do you lose that old wisdom so the way it's done in africa as they wait till the umbilical court has dropped off so that's usually by third week and then then the baby goes against your back because there isn't anything you know problematic uh pressuring the front of the umbilicus if you were wide hipped as I am then in the beginning the babies are like tadpoles you know, the legs draped down the back rather than around the body if you're more slender hips than you know so it has to fit one of the things like I really don't want people to just go and do it because for example you don't want the blood circulation cut by the fabric being too tight around the legs very important to have those little details are clearly hugely important so get get an african woman to teach you or get you know one of our teachers that has done and two to show you these things because it's not some you don't want to experiment in the wrong way is do we have another question? Our reps in your opinion, do you prefer reps to ring slings or soft structured carriers? I my favorite piece of cloth it takes some investment. What I recommend is while you're pregnant and you know, do it for the next generation you saw how my older daughter is already prepped for when she has her own kid that's the way they do it or they even do it with toys and things start with the little stuffed animal and then ugh, it isthe so liberating because this is your burp clock this is your in a in need, you know, you're, uh, skirt this is you're changing clock, you know, have boob have cloth, will travel it's all you mean? And so now, beyond this, I like things that approximate this. There are a few like and but the shape that they like, I like ergo baby better than I like bjorn baby, you know, um, because argo baby allows, you know, the but to have a place and so you have to judge according to the shape off the carrier, you can't you don't want to do this to your baby. So if it's a sling, you know it's like the hammock principle there's a way to arrange your baby where the baby is kind of more lengthened and aligned rather than a fetal so, um, and if you are going to put your baby in a fetal position, be sure that you're also including all kinds of stretch, you know, ways to hold a baby that stretch the spine, um, and protect your you want to use your big muscles, not your little muscles, you know, you don't want to be clutching like this and getting carpal tunnel syndrome. Steph so, you know, you want to be open, you want to be an easy want your blood circulation to be good, you want your breathing to be good while you're they can't get from an empty reservoir of you're hurting, and you are a compromise them that baby is going toe I think I'm imagining it's like, wow, life is tough place, you know? You want them to feel your ease that this this flow, this harmony? Um, so I don't think it matters exactly what the paraphernalia is, but the principles are important. Stretch the baby stacks that the baby tail out well stacked. Um, hold the baby in ways that are good for the baby circulation. Baby's breathing, baby's digestion. You don't want to shut everything down. Great. Well, thank you so much we'd love to get jill back up on stage with you, if we may, all of us I just would like to give you a great big thank you. E I'm like, can I have nine hundred more images, more things to consider and the we need all the part two, which is all this post baby carrying holding in helping to indicate so that baby is is modeling ideally, but really, it we are that role model. I mean, ultimately, we are the best model for our child, and those simple habits were standing who were walking. We're sitting here breathing. These are the ways that we can be impeccable and pass it on to the next generation. Thank you so much for being here is such a pleasure. Thank you. It was absolutely mesmerizing, like it's. Incredible, the way you talk us through things. And you know, I think in the audience I'm here on the highest side of things and online ever was what a hanging on every would because your explanations aside clear, beautiful it's, little wonder. In fact, that you are the posture bureau of silicon valley and probably the rest of the states, teo and that's. Simple trick. Just you know, even that pushing the rings back, the field that you straightaway get, likes it, and I would just put a put a big club out there for the horizontal interpretive dance on the met. Thank thank you I'd like to share with us, and quite from the internet. Male view of this is really great and cool stuff, thank you, creative live sally sutherland says. I'm fascinated where was as two, thirty one years ago, I mean, whist. This information on how to sit better is priceless for those, this are spending a ton of time at a disk in front of a computer. So, again, that thing that, you know, it's, fantastic, but pregnant women and post pregnancy, but it's fantastic for everybody, but it is just incredible.
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Ratings and Reviews
Meredith Amann
so useful, so helpful. Loved the guests. Would highly recommend to anyone thinking about becoming pregnant or working with prenatal clients. Great posture & alignment knowledge bombs
a Creativelive Student
I do definitely recommend this course, though I wish there were room for a bit more nuance in the "of course"/"no thanks" model creativelive offers for reviews. This course is really helpful for thinking through movement and posture issues during pregnancy, and I think I'll take a lot of the lessons I learned here into my daily life even after my baby is born. It's worth sitting through all the lessons, and I am confident that most people will come away with new and useful information. d That said, this course contains a LOT of chitchat, which can be frustrating at times. All of the presenters know each other, and there's a lot of back and forth about their relationships, etc. It gets pretty tiresome. And there's quite a bit of in-course advertising for Jill Miller's products, which I haven't found so much in other classes. Also, I found the advertising for this class just a tiny bit deceptive. There aren't as many "classes" as listed in the description, because some of them are introductions, wrap-ups, and credits. I recommend just skipping those classes and focusing on the ones that specifically name what content they will address. Despite those limitations, I found this class worthwhile...just know what you're getting into!