Day 1
1Class Introduction
34:36 2Daily Dosing: Feet & Hands
53:13 3Think Bigger Than the Kegel with Katy Bowman
43:46 4Strengthening the Pelvic Floor
32:47 5The Baby Carriage On the Inside
39:04 6Breathing: Abdominals & Core Support
29:28 7Daily Dosing: Shoulders
15:44Pregnant Athlete w/ Dr Kelley & Juliet Starrett
50:42 9Get Moving: The Pregnant Athlete
25:00Day 2
10Pelvic Power
43:09 11Hip Help, Leg Stretches, & Squats
43:39 12Cross Cultural Pregnancy w/ Esther Gokhale
34:29 13Fixing Pelvis Distortion
28:32 14Power Napping & Sleep Strategies
39:55 15Skype Call w/ Dr Eden Fromberg
29:46 16Sarah Fragoso: Food for Fuel
50:01 17Sarah Fragoso: Q & A
19:38Lesson Info
Daily Dosing: Feet & Hands
So what we're about to do is you're told you can totally do that hand foot and shoulder stuff at any stage of pregnancy this does not discriminate against any body and it also doesn't discriminate male versus female anybody can do this stuff so what I'd like you to do at home take off your shoes ladies take off your shoes to kick off my shoes too and we're going to go over just some basic points of the foot that we're going to use the opportunity balls on or again you can use some other type of ball you have at home small pliable ball is ideal so we have this wonderful skeleton model to show you so the first place that we're going to place the ball and by the way, who doesn't want their foot? Their feet run right as one of the things and all these pregnancy books that I mean like oh make sure your husband or your partner massages your feet at the end of the day it's like the end of the day my husband's been honest computer all day the last thing he wants to do is to do more like manual...
labor on my feet and so I've got my balls and you know perfectly happy with that and if you want to touch my feet to that's really nice too but this you can do this all day anywhere you want whenever you want so place number one is this is the cal k gnaeus bone it's your heel bone so why don't you guys try to grab your own hell and squirming around and actually it should move of the bone itself shouldn't move were to place the ball right in front of that heel bone and what it's going to do is the ball is going to actually nuzzle into the highest point of your arch. The highest point of your arch really is framed by a bone calling in particular bones if you look on the inside of your foot you've got this high point I want to kick my tea over la this high point here that navicular bone and on the opposite side of the foot you have the q boyd which looks like looks like a little square so the balls in a nuzzle up there we're to track a ball a little bit further forward into the mid the long bones of the foot these metatarsals and so this is the first metatarsal oh it's the one associate with your big toe and then the fifth metatarsal which is associated with your pinkie toe it's really, really very simple, but I do want youto be able to manipulate the ball around the surface of the bottom of your foot so you just need one ball for this and to begin with let's, grab this chair I want to do this since standing in a standing position and what I would suggest is that you either need to have some type of of a chair like an anchored surface near you or you can also do this next to a wall and, um would you like yeah so lauren who is your thirty seven weeks come up and stand next to me here and ladies, you can also stand up just watch your head jasmine let's see lavender yes all right, so I'm gonna leave this on the floor for you and you all would need one of you getting a balls. So the first thing that we want to dio is we want to create what I call the stand position and I'm sure katie and kelly are probably going to go and they're also going to talk a lot about good standing because this really is the foundation of the baby carriage. So for your stand position just to start off with you wanna have your two feet pointing forward as if you're doing downhill skiing, right? So you would never have downhill ski with your toes pointed out, right? Why well from miami but I zoom way correctly exactly you would just go backwards so right in the water did that on lake arrowhead years ago I'll never forget the groin injury I got from oh, right really bad move so and if you're skiing by weight and if your snow skiing downhill which I'm told in a lot of the of the pregnancy books that starting downhill skiing while pregnant is really bad idea and let me just say as a general rule, if you've never done any time movement conditioning work that is explosive and aggressive during pregnancy is probably not the best time during your six month probably not the best time to run a marathon if you've never won one during your seventh month of pregnancy tryingto learn to do car wheels probably not the best time got it so starting some new really aggressive regime is probably not the best thing, but if you've been doing that prior to it, then by all means, listen to your body feel its movements and if you feel better the next day, then you did the day before you're probably onto something, but if you feel worse and horrible, you probably need to scale back. All right? So just this little general rule all right, so theater forward you don't have them turned out, and then I got this cue from from my friend kelly you want to have your feet underneath your lungs, so if I say, have your feet underneath your hips, a lot of us have ah strange idea of how wider hips are less people do something like this so you want to have your feet directly underneath your hip sockets, but if that's too technical, think about where your lungs are, then just drop your feet down below so that looks pretty good. All right, then traveling uptown tio your pelvis, which really is like a bony funnel where we like to call it a bull because a bowl doesn't have holes and my pelvis does right. I have outlets down there and hopefully you do too, right and you'll need them soon and so in that bony funnel, what we want to do is figure out howto activate that pelvic floor, and so for me it feels like there's a straw like there's like a suction straw in the base of the california, slightly drawing it up, but at the same time you wouldn't activate your tushy muscles so you activate your buns about twenty percent of tension doing it in two ways. You give yourself a little bit of a goose and attempt to spin your leg bones outward right, which is called external rotation and so this really gives the whole pelvic floor a really nice anchor right? The bottom of the a baby carriage those that those pelvic floor those pell before hammock muscles so then above that uptown we have the rib cage and rib cage is a huge bony unit and the bottom of the rib cage is lined with your diaphragm and it's like a giant periscope. And you want that rib cage to be cecil gout and staring its way down into that bony funnel. So I think of the pelvis and the rib cage like they were once an egg that would that was joined and they migrated away. And your rib cage. If it's angling outwards like so, then the diaphragm within it is not is not actually cooperating well with the pelvic floor, right? Because let light of the periscope is shining down this way, and I'm so I'm not getting what's called a reflexive action in the pelvic floor. So I wantto ankle that rib cage to meet the pelvis and not have it behind like a slumber, either. It is very good at it. Bella. Bella. So you got a little tone here. Little screw their rib cages, england down and then your brain inside your skull. You want to have that over your physical heart. And so a lot of what that feels like is, um, the back of a psychic car seat. So press the back of your skull into my hand. Yeah, and you could bring your chin and justice like that, but we have to have I grew up in santa fe, new mexico we had a old volvo we named her helga and what was great about the volvo c anybody who used to have in those old ones is that the it was it wasn't pitched forward like now my car seat the head dresses like this so if I even try to do that it's my head's still forward, which is the slumber over the computer position so you have to revive the imaginary helga very good. And then you breathe you want to breathe without changing your spinal bones? She created enough tone inner core musculature so that you can maintain that stands position but have a dynamic breath. It moves the gut and the rib cage without shifting spinal bones around. All right, this is the basic stand position. Now we're gonna d'oh what we call a yoga tune up check in and check in is a before will also have a recheck, which is an after to feel the effects of what the ball underfoot does. And so this is going to bring us into our first squad, so turn and face the chair. And so ladies, you could actually use your chair or you could put two high blocks unless you're very, very mobile with in which case your hands could go to the ground but when we do the squad your spine remains in the stand position so separate your feet um oh about two feet apart or so it's going to vary from person to person but one of the easiest ways to measure this is it's you have a yoga mat which actually we didn't put one down but your feet are along the outside of the yoga man that really gives you a good distance and then back up just a little bit because you're really long, very long torso back up a little bit good, so same thing drawn that little straw little goose in the butt, a little bit of turnout and I wanted to keep thinking of turning your legs apart. Meeting your heels are trying to do this, but you're not gonna let that happen and you simply shift your tush back as you're still trying to move your knees apart and then just use the so you gotta move your touch way back like you're gonna put it against the tv console but don't go quite so far down. Not yet. Now spread your knees apart well, not by moving your feet so you spreading and he's in her you spread your knees apart by activating here, my friend, so don't let me do this no, don't let me do that, okay, yes don't let me do this push against me, yes do you feel where I'm trying to get to the neo? Ok, so this is just a little basic squat position and look how strong all of your spines are in the audience oh my god, you're all hired this is incredible. So what? You don't want to see when we show you the bad what you don't want to see is this and what you don't want to see is this you see how I'm taking it all in my knees? So anyway, this is just a little chicken we'll find this tomorrow as we go on this basic taste test screen that you guys are doing so well can you mess up a little bit so we can show people at home? What? What? Not good squatting looks like all right, now take your turn so you have something to stabilize yourself against so go into your chair lease and I want you to place the yoga tune up all underneath your right arch, right? So your heel goes to the ground that calacanis bone and you got a new york even come closer to the to the chair here. All right? So what you want to try to do is still be in the stand position ironically, so instead of right, instead of like you're stepping up onto a thing, have your feet next to each other exactly. And then lauren, mind your stand position as soon as you put the ball in her foot your body's gonna be like oh there's something weird in the mine but I'm going to do this and now that feels great no, it doesn't so I want you to try to load that foot and quite simply what you're feeling right now here is softball entering what should be soft tissue if your tissues air not soft it's going to feel hard the ball itself is not very hard what's hard are your soft tissues because they may have a lot of tension in them and then move your ankle from side to side so yeah it's not that you're trying to actually move the ball what you trying to do is move your foot across the ball and so those soft tissues are being stroked from side to side you would try to have the ball it's close to the heel is possible although this is going to be variable depending on the angle of your ankle. Some of us have a lot of what's called doors deflection. Some of us has had less doors reflection so that's gonna affect where the ball is and jasmine let the bones of your foot just drape over the ball yeah, instead of having them sort of tight exactly uh connie, can you get the ball further back even further back he'll have to touch the four you won't touch before any more at that point that's okay all right then take the ball into the highest point of your instep so you going to see about a third of the ball bulging out? Where are you? Okay, yeah and just have your foot straight out I just turned it like that so that so that the folks in the audience could see and take a deep breath in hold your breath and then squash down your sink down. You too, dr wade into the ball and then move your toes towards the right and the ball will pull tissue towards the left and then reset it right into that high point of the arch take a deep breath in, hold your breath for a moment and then squashed down you would try to reform the ball and then move the foot to the right and the ball will roll to the left. Isn't that nice? Ok, last time reset it deep breath in so those who have lost an arch squashed down. This is a great way to help create a little hydraulic lift for that particular boat on the navicular bone drops at auction deeply affects your knee defects, all the tissues uptown of it, so this is just one way we can manually reset that bone and then bring the ball to the outside of the foot so new that cuba lloyd were still in front of the heel, and we're basically crossing over is called that the basket bones of the foot that tars als and and some of the metatarsals as well breathe in, hold breath, squashed down and exhale slide the toes to the left and the ball is gonna pop out to the right. Yes, and then reset again, and yasmin is so balanced she doesn't even get a chair. Hold your breath, and we're the move the times to the left and the ball shift to the right. I feel so good, so you're forcing a position called e version here, by the way, and we'll do that one more time. I like to do this three times on your side of the foot, and you can feel that hold breath squashed down. You can feel that it's so weird, it's like it's your foot, right? But the inside of the outside, we have a completely different landscape of tension and pressure. Then she just kicked. She really liked that, and then bring your ball to your heel. So I hope I don't need to tell all of you that wearing high heels during pregnancy or ever can be a really bad option for your structure and pregnancy only exacerbates a lot of our physical serve our structural issues because the additional mass that you're caring if you don't know how to carry your body well those high heels can really throw things into in a horrible way so squashed down I'm sure he's going to a lot of chatter about that but maybe I make eighty to tackle that when she comes home and then I want your foot to aggressively rub out a fake cigar so of course um we're not smoking cigars, ok? I don't want to have a lot of do's and don'ts but maybe this cigar smoking layoff and during your friend all right, so you're tryingto actually shift that yummy thick kallis pad on the heel all around you just grind that ball and by the way, this is one of the best ways to soften your yoga tune up balls or or any ball for that matter so that it is more gentle on your body all right then come to the front of your foot so you're gonna come tio not where the little tippy toes are but you're gonna look for I call this the bosom of the foot but called it the bust of the foot, right? We all have a larger bust more pregnant and so we're looking for this at the end of the metatarsals and so you'll have that underneath your foot and you look down and you see your toes just draping over have them ball a little bit further back. Lauren yes, and resist resist grasping your toes so you just want to let them totally drape? I like to think of this as a chocolate truffle moment the ball is the inside of the truffle and your foot is the chocolate coating around it? Yes before it's hardened okay it's it's nice and soft hungry now roll your ankle from side to side again on what's nice about this is this is also helping to increase your ankle mobility and sometimes if we get out we get a lot of buildup of fluids in the feet ankles at the end of the day something that happens for a lot of women in pregnancies, you know, collecting fluid and are fluid return via the lymphatic system and so movement actually is the key to getting those lymphatic vessels to help tow dragged the access for without so you're doing that here in a different way than having your husband have to do it for you to say all right then from here, squeeze your ball with your toes really hard like you wanted to before try to hurt the ball with your toes and then lift your toes up oh, just the one on your right foot and then squeezing down you'll notice that your left but probably wants to do with the right foot is doing but just try to isolate squeeze it lift it squeeze it lifted then squeeze them all and then here's our favorite part then just extend the big toe just the one on the right foot he would feel other body part trying to do that squeeze it again and then lift up yes I giving thumbs up with your big toe yeah former time down and up so this is the one of the longest neural change you have in your body and so sometimes you have to like sort of stare that can you please do that those of you who had like really intense bunions or maybe there's something going on in the joint you may have to get down here and move it yourself your foot could I ask a question from tiffany and this is a pretty common what I think tiffany says I have plant officiate fishel lightest never the today show this on your own there and osteoarthritis in my big time all in her left foot poor tiffany yeah it gets tired and worn out faster than my right foot so will the bull work I am completely going address every single one of those things when we go to the second foot and yes the answer is yes short answer is yes and let me drill into that because not everybody knows what those what planet bursitis neuroma and what was the other one she had she had arthritis arthritis got it ok, so let's just finish this last thing I promised tiffany I will answer that get your other foot now on top of the first foot this is our last little bit here you're still on the ball still underfoot take the sole of your foot and you know how the bottom your foot has all these wonderful you know grid scales the grip of it going to move the fascia the skin and the fashion on the top of your foot around so you probably stabilize here hold on to something yeah and it's going to feel a little bernie it might feel a little stinging but what you're doing is you're you're trying to create some slide and glide here on the top of the foot because I don't want to just rub the bottom of the foot wouldn't get the soft tissues on the top of the foot as well right now dismount dismount step off separate your feet won't have a recheck immediately so your feet are wider than your hips you got a whole group in your tush you get a little sippy cup in the pelvic floor your extra we're rotating your legs and then you throw your pelvis back you keep the spine the stand position and you come down into the squad and you find out if you're able to move that knee further away and squat down lower than you were before on one side push push pushed me away push me away, but don't go! Don't go down so far pushed me away push me away fishermen right there. Good. Now come on, up you go. Steal that. You had more ability to move that right hip out than you did before. Not sure you left had more mobility. Check this out. Come into a little ford then here, ben, both of your knees. Find your stand position. Have your feet and reach your lungs. Tip your pelvis over. Let yourself either hold onto the chair or hold onto the floor, then let your head round and straighten both legs. You may notice, even though we didn't check this out beforehand, that the back of the right leg or the one that you stretched has less resistance than the other one. He does feel a difference from the right and the left. Great. So come on up. This is the principal of the interconnected body that when we rub out something locally, those fashions that are associated with the bottom of the foot, which include the plantar fascia they time in, they seem in to all the tissues above it. And so basically you just lengthened and got movement in the entire right half of your body, even though all we did was the foot so let's do the second side and I'm in a dress tiffany's questions, so get that he'll down and start to move from side to side. So planter fascia is the very thick connective tissue at the bottom of your at the bottom of your foot and it's, one of the most commonly inflamed areas of the foot and a lot of the the pressures that we feel in the in that planter fascia isn't just that the foot hurts, but that we have tension in those soft tissues all the way up the back of our body. And so getting your planner fashion to relinquish its constant tension or it's constant hold, uh, over hold let's, say the inflammation that's associate with it. You also have to address the issues that are above it. Some of the things that can help quickly remedy and relieve the planter fascia are doing this cross fiber action that we're doing with the balls right now, deep cross friction is one of the ways to relieve how there you are is one of the ways to relieve that a banner fasciitis on dh, then let's, go into that in step, deep breath in hold your breath, squashed down and then shift the foot off to the left. The ball's in the school to the right then you reset your breath in squashed down toes off to the left while goes off to the right it's going to feel different on the left side than it did on the right why? Because well you spend more time leaning into one side of your body than another also sometimes squashed down we were totally left if you've injured let's say your left foot you're going to spend more time bearing weight on the right side of your body and so we'll have a very different sensation or experience on one side versus the other so now we're on the outside of the foot just like we did before take a deep breath in hold your breath squashed down and shift now in terms of the arthritis one of the things that really helps to relieve arthritis ironically is movement so with arthritis you get a lot of inflammation you get a lot of stuck fluids and so gently mobilizing those joints on a regular basis you guys are all doing this repeated action that we did gently mobilizing those joints and using an external implement which is really easy just to step on a on a ball helps to provide some relief for arthritic joints now go ahead and shift very briskly get it underneath your heel and so that helps with the osteoarthritis and we'll talk about the romans in our next point, huh? You can also develop arthritis because you've injured a joint really, really badly and inside the joint you end up collecting a lot of fluids, you start to get a lot of adhesions, a lot of the connected to she just decides to bond and weird ways, and so it gets really crispy in there, so deep manipulation is often the best solution, and it can be extremely uncomfortable. I'm not gonna lie that when you have pain and joint, it doesn't just go away by wishful thinking. It goes away by you actually doing something to it. You're not trying to create more hurt, but order for excessive whips, excessive stiffness to go away, you are gonna have to connect contact that stiffness and the perimeter tissues that are keeping that stiffness stock right now go to the front of the foot here to the end of the metatarsals and just rest here for a moment. So in terms of the neuroma, so what an aroma is is you have in between all of your foot bones, you have soft tissues, you have vast vasculature, you have nerves and you have blood vessels. Now, if you're wearing tight shoe boxes like you find in high heels or flash that have tight shoeboxes, what happens is that progressively over time, those that foot bed is squeezing those bones together and then you're walking constantly on top, and what that does is it causes friction between the bones and those soft tissues, and so as those spaces get closer and closer together and you're walking and you're creating this here, it irritation against the vasculature they fight back and so you get these blow ups of the nerves in between those bones, and that really is an aroma, so even something that involves almost no movement, something like this, where you're just letting the foot drape and helped to reset some space between those bones to really reset the bones, how they were designed to be is a way to relieve that neuroma and then there's other foot exercises that can ultimately help to go ahead and move from side to side and what's cool is while we're using the yoga tune up balls on the foot, our last thing is we will be doing a little bit of grip and release as well there's also a product out there on the market called correct toes or tow stretchers, and you can look those up there's not my product, they're brilliant, but what they helped to do is also spread the foot bones the foot, the full angio bones, which are the the end of digits of your toes, but you don't want to just spread the ends of the toe bones and and not address the mid bones of the but because this is where the new aromas air starting, the normans aren't starting all the way at the end there, starting inside, I hope that answers your question, tiffany, and please, don't be afraid to get in here. All right, squeeze down and the left up hang in a second dozen, squeezed down and lift up, so you did about five times, and then you'll do the big toe. Yeah, yasmine, what about women whose feet swell quite a bit? So is that what I was saying before we were talking about that inflammation is that the motions that we're doing are one way to help create reverse some of the hydraulic drainage that's happening at the end of the day you've been on your feet all day and you're collecting a lot of fluid. The same thing happens when you're on an airplane, and so movement is what's going to help with that re uptake of the fluids? Also going upside down is really helpful, but when you're pregnant and some of you unable to lay on my back, I'm not in my third trimester yet. I don't know how you were in your third trimester, not everybody is comfortable lying on their back or inverting if they weren't doing inversion practice beforehand, so this is a way that you can make make motion happen to help with that drainage or you can do some type of sideline position where you have your feet elevated, or if you can withstand laying on your back for short periods of time. Then you can prop your feet up on the couch, your cows up on the couch and let that happen as well. But I love to take an active approach, all right? And then last one. I love this. I just love moving the skin around. Plus, when you're doing this, you also start to feel, oh, there's other a little pressure points that I can nuzzle into the ball. All right, dismount and separate your feet wider than your your psychic yoga mat. Little straw sucking little external rotation, little booty tension and then keep the spine position and squat down. And you should be able to actually go deeper and move both io nice jasmine that's very, very good and have become so there should be less friction in your lower back. When you do that, it should just be a clear hinge for you. Yeah, anybody at home tried that with us. You notice anything different way asked him for them to let us know how it felt and one of them said um, c town crossfit said I had to run to my car to get my yoga to not balls, but definitely tried it way I hope you man with good for, uh, now, wouldn't this be the point to just discuss there's been a couple of queries here on what you can and can't mess eyes when you're pregnant, which is, as you say, it's very controversial and message is one of the things that comes up a lot, so would now be the time to ask you one or two questions on that? Yeah, absolutely all right, so we've got paula I'm on american living in berlin, germany, teaching pallotti's going toward in my prenatal certification not to use the ball to massage the feet because of a reflexology point that manges labor I love using the balls to help itself massage wants your once your thoughts everybody wants your thoughts on this great question, so there are some labor inducing massage points, but the great thing about these labor inducing massage points is they only induce labor if you're in labour nice if you're in labour, uh, because I had heard that too, when I researched and research it and there's some point in the shoulder in the super spinnato so that's right above it's on your scapula above what's called the spine of the scapula and it's pretty much where you want a massage right now, right? And by the way, if you massage it right now pregnant, pregnant, you're not gonna induce labor it's only when you're in labor that it's going to actually help to get that downward energy out those points there, and also these points around the achilles tendon in the ankle. So it's actually not the bottom of the few, per se, but from what? I understand, the study's shiatsu massage, when I was in college, that these air these labor in using point so that they are the ones I tell you to start hitting when you're really I've written your cost. You think my mother in law had a horrible sit at her out her proctologist? She was given a scope into her sigmoid colon, and they perforated her colon, and it was just a sort of a nightmare. She end up in the hospital, had surgery, and I happen to be in new york at the time, and when she came to, they told her, you can't leave the hospital until you pass gas. And so I knew how to make her pass gas, which was to try to really dig really deep into these particular points, and sure enough, it helped her, and she was able to leave the hospital because these points so basically, they're going to help they do help with what's called with elimination, but more than anything, they're going to probably help your bowels to run. Well, you're not going tio have your baby go into into premature labor if you if you're massaging yourself, if you're uncomfortable and if you're hurting, do something about it and the deep pressure feels incredible if you're not used to deep tissue massage, then you want to adjust your pressure accordingly. Now we were going whole hog, we were dropping oliver body weight into the ball you can model modulate that that's why we do this next to a chair or a table and you just don't put quite a cz much pressure on to the ball and as your tissue just like exercise your tissues needs some timeto acclimated to the deep pressure, but over time I promise you they will. Carrie cowie mentioned how this was affecting her, and she said, I've been going barefoot, minimal footwear for the past year but haven't been stretching my feet, and she said this felt a great big explanation point yes, so anybody that that changes from regular footwear tio minimal footwear, anybody that wears shoes, anybody that has feet there there's think that we need to do for brushing and flossing our feet just like we brush and floss our teeth it's not enough to neglect them and take them for granted under foot. You want to treat your body really? Well, this is the foundation so carried keep it up and get in there and going meeting those bones and spread your toes and squeeze in with your fingers and love him up. Great that's. Great. Cool. You've got it all. Great. So thank you so much. Amazing. So I want to bring somebody else up here. What to do hand form and shoulder. So would you like? Ok, this is for again we're starting with perimeter stuff. The primer stuff is super super safe. We are gonna do some core related stuff into some spine related stuff later that this is stuff that at any stage, even on bed rest. Uh, well, inventor is it's harder to get full pressure into the foot? Obviously. But you could do stuff with your hand. So for the hand, the places that we're going to go is no, he doesn't have a very he's. Got a very strange thumb. I want to show you my funds. Here's my thumb. You have one too. But the ball is going to find what's called a thin are eminence there's, about eight different muscles that cross across the thumb joint yeah and it allows your thumb to move away from your hand move towards your hand move across the hand so we rub this area out we're also going to use the opportunity falls in the tote I'll just put these here in the tote to track through the meat of the forearms to have two bones in the lower arm you have what's called the palme and that's your crowded szabo it's affiliated with your pinky side to go ahead and touch it mikel crowd chop and then the other bone is called the radius and that's associate with your thumb and actually if you hold onto the back of your trysts up here and then you flip your palm around you'll see that this this bone it has a circular shape to it will revolve around that alma the muscles most of the muscles of the forum right late lie in between here we also have this junction here at the risk this carpal tunnel any of you have had any type of median nerve pain the media nervous she really easy to access this is actually a nausea point by the way, if you press deeply not teaching ac pressure but it was one of those nausea points to press into that but we're not gonna dig deep into this with the opportunity balls by the way that those of you who are carrying babies you're gonna be tearing that is you're gonna be feeding with a bottle or feeding with the breast and daddy's you're going to be lifting and holding and carrying and burping too this entire chain of soft tissues gets tight the other area that we're going to go after is directly underneath the collarbone so underneath the collarbone we're gonna look at many, many muscles but you see here in red I'm creating a sub club particular muscle the subclavian and you can find that just by driving your fingers underneath your collar bone and then lifting and lowering your shoulder and on a lot of us it's ah sprint extremely tender and partly that's because we spent a lot of time here all day at the computer and so these muscles get very tight there's also muscle here called the peck minor and that's a muscle that connects to the front of your scapula and on to the ribs. This is ah stress muscle of respiration if you've ever seen someone go, this is one of those muscles that will take over and during labor you don't want this muscle to take over if you want to be able to drop into these lower uh baby carriage breathing muscles transbourse, the diaphragm and so we wantto routinely massage these muscles to train them to stay long also we want toe massage them to train them to stay long so that we can learn how to keep our shoulders in their optimal position, which is not hunched over and ford, but we're really sitting on the side of our bodies when we need to strengthen the back of the rotator cuff in. We'll do that after we were about the shoulders, so that enough information for you, it's a lot less than what I know. I wanted to break it up into little toasty bit, but we'll just do. This is a cz a constant straight, so we have a check and that we need to do for your check in reset your stand position no, no, no, no pere scoping rib cage you wouldn't externally rotate your shoulders at the palms face forward and without changing the spine, you'll simply flex both shoulders another we're going to lift the sky up and push it behind you without, but then your rib cage forward, so you actually need to turn on let's, do this all the way let's see how much rotation you have? Yeah, I know it's weird, right? And you want to keep the ribs staring down at the pelvis is very good. All right, so this is just our little check and elbows as straight as they can be, even if you're going to try not to hit the camera there. And really, like field a wall of pressure like you can't go any further right? You guys feel that right? And then come back down on this to the opposite internally rotate your shoulders and then live your arms up behind you as high up as they can go without throwing your head ford you know as high up as they can go good so everybody has a different range of motion here. Zoop I think you have a little bit more in you. Yeah, ok and release good, but so first thing take your one ball and let's put the yoga mat down just so that we don't end up getting little splinters. So so for this it's really helpful to do this either on the floor or if you have, if you're at a desk or a table, you can do this at a desk and I'm just going to kneel down onto the floor here and remember that little sir pudgy place on the thumb you want to stick that right on top of the ball and then your other hand that same little pudgy part it goes right on top and ladies, gentlemen, we're making cem masa here we're just making masa so I want you to crush the corn, which is a big rubber ball underneath that done and so I'm not actually trying to go into the the middle of the hand into the palmer fashion really would trust stick around on this thumb area and this is extremely intuitive it may be extremely grueling also for some of you so you're making masa and then let's make some orders juice for you twist that area over the ball yeah, I know all right, but if you have time to do this all over the entire him, we're just going to stick to the thumb joint right now because you use it a lot I know you're using it a lot on your computers so those of you at home her attending tending it so I'm making masa and ring in a polarizing the orange and then do this with may spread dual splits here between the thumb and the in that whips thumb in the index finger you got that and then I want you to try to pinch the ball she squeeze it and release it you squeeze it and release the reason and release it and then get just drive through this doesn't take a lot of times they're small muscles okay, you have the bravest look on your face I will make masa and it will be a hundred and we will have all right and then if you can rest on your knees do so if not stand back up and let's just do another recheck so you wanna extremely rotate your shoulders and you can find the stand position in your spine and then bring your arms of overhead and find out if the if the hand the thumb that use massage is further back in the other can you feel that isn't that crazy? Because that's one point that's one point that's creating that that is rich relating to the range of motion and comfort level in your shoulder did you know that you had so much tension in the in your hand that was during your shoulder off and they couldn't believe it so easily so this is what I'm talking about like you can stay at the perimeter if you feel hesitation of going into the deeper parts of your body which we will be doing there's always these distal parts these perimeter points that are safe to do next oh the other hand do the same thing with the other hand are there any questions in the chat room about this everybody's busy doing the act sir size e I was reminded of this exercise a couple months ago by one of our new new mama opportunity teachers in connecticut lily chandra who shared an incredible additional technique that you could do here which is you want to try to get this the phone that you just did on top of the other this is the first metacarpal right? So the long bone of the fun you trying to nuzzle it in there and you see if you can actually tried a wedge and another sounds cruel and horrible tried a wedge the bone away from the hand so it's almost like you're trying to in a friendly way remember sever the bone but this is a rubber scalpel this is not a real scalp we understand so just trying to see if we can create even more motion in that joint and then go ahead make your orange juice feels good and you can you can you get to see yourself doing this for just like three minutes after you nurse this does not cost you a lot of money it's at your command and there's no pills involved and there's there's no middleman involved either right and then left you are splits frame it squeeze and release squeeze and release to actually try to do this without bending that little filante she would try to actually just use them metacarpals against each other which is really hard to do and then again our plow through gosh, I just wanted I really need this I can e a d this don't you say it loud? I'm living here you make them also all right out she come and then we'll check and see if that little that feels much better so now they should be a little bit more equal because you've done both sides so next the foreign is so simple and so for the forum, and we're just gonna do this kneeling e think this is easy enough to do also on the ground, but we can just show this on the chair so you wouldn't have the yoga to nut balls in the tote. You could do this with one ball as well, that, um, you take your form and just driving inside, so you have the plus sized balls, the plus or the smaller will work, and you just go up and tell us, how does it feel like yes, yes. So if you guys don't have the towed out there, you could just drive the one ball and what you're looking for a soft tissue? Yes, you're looking for the meat in between the bones and that what you'll do is you'll rotate the forearm. This is very intuitive, so you rotate the form, flipping it back and forth. Now, as you get closer to that median nerve junctions, you want to make sure that your hand is floppy because you don't want to drive really hard pressure into that area. It does tend to irritate the nerd, but we still want to address the soft tissues around it. Now some of you from carrying the baby you will get weird nerve pain radiating down your arm and that's coming from often it's coming from up here it's going to switch arms because I do want to get to these shoulder points we have just a few minutes left um and so that media nerve then branches into the into the hands into the fingers you get numbness and tingling in the in the wrist in the hand of the fingers and it's not necessarily it's not necessarily that this is the problem the problem often is stemming from how your neck is hanging out how your shoulders hanging out while you're holding the baby yeah but we can make a difference in detention er's around the nerve down here now and then will creep up and we'll do our little shoulder point next all right so let's take one ball to the wall and tia would you mind helping me demonstrate something over here and you come over here with me as well so I'm gonna show you connie what you're going to dio remember the point that we're looking for the points that we're looking for are right underneath the collarbones all the way out what I call the bikini overhang right you have this little seen here in this little pooch and so the ball literally is going to scroll underneath that all the way here and he is going to demonstrate that on the floor she's going to exactly what I'm doing here on the wall so you use a block you lean up against the wall and I can use my other hand just to stabilize the block and you could do this also on a corner force will do in a doorway and just intuitively you just want to give that a stroke from side to side at the same time you wanna breathe deeply as high up in the rib cage as you can and then you'll start to do different movements with the shoulder so I could bring the shoulder behind me anchoring the shoulder across I could try to twist the arm bone behind and also move the neck around and progressively make my way all the way out to this bikini overhang so why don't you go ahead and start that and then I'm gonna keep showing yeah, you can use the purple balk keep showing some additional movements so having a little bit lower so that you could get right underneath that college on there you go good and then let this aren't be free and you can use this hand to stabilize the block that way yeah, exactly and so uh connie is going from side to side right now and he is going to town let your head drop teo and so in this position she could drop a lot of her body weight right into the block it's not always practical to get down I travel a lot, so I am at the airport. Believe me, I am at the airport on my balls all the time and finding nooks and crannies where I can self soothe because traveling is such a drag on your body and also while I'm pregnant, I use these in the airplane seat as well. Well, I use them in their potency, whether I'm pregnant or not. Now another thing that you can do, by the way, because the balls have so much grip there ideally used against your bare skin. So another thing that you can do, connie is, then take the ball, you lock yourself in the place and you actually spin the ball when you spend the ball. What will happen is you'll wind up all of the extra soft tissues that are on top of the muscles, the superficial, fascist, spongy fascia, and then the deeper fashion that lies over the peck major and scrolling all the way into those deeper layers that we were looking for the subclavian, maybe minor, keep that spin and then moved ahead around, move the arm around, just continue to find different explorations, so it's called pin spin and mobilize good change sides, guys, ladies. And one of the things that so stay up a little bit higher so you don't want to get this into the breast tissue your breast tissue there's other ways to massage your breast tissue and actually we will do that later this afternoon with the with the corgis ball but don't try to stay clear and higher up than the breast of the really nuzzle up against the the basement here of the neck and get breathing very deeply into the upper collarbones those of you who have had breast or chest surgery my mother has had several reconstructive surgeries on her breast. This is necessary. This is like daily dose ng for that chest because when you have scarring there it does did the scarring tends to pull all the soft tissues and then the heart tissue sports you get a lot of tension there, you get tons of trigger points in the back of the shoulders and the neck because those tissues are are constantly being pulled forward by those other ones. Um, go ahead and do a little pen and spin and then you guys will be able to wrap this up in fact snuggled underneath your shirt canyon that's how you could be really sneaking that when you get it right up against your skin, you guys are doing this all over here too, so lauren, I see you're just sort of you know like rolling it around try to drive it in deeply if you're able to and you can also do this on the floor on the block those of you who are watching house that feeling meghan feeling good yeah so I could just stand here and I can pin and spin and ring it against the sternum here in the collarbone also I could come on out and let's have our recheck so you stand skull rib, cage pelvis and externally rotate and flex and try not letting whoa my goodness you're I'm gonna fall off it's awesome and two in the other direction internally rotate and extent bringing the arms back and up and you have more room in that direction too so it opens it up in both directions great there's a few shoulder strengthening exercises that I want to show you all and I'll incorporate it into our core routine this afternoon since actually some of the repeat there anyway so that is that your little daily dose ing of the over tuna balls little basic self care foot, hand and shoulder are there any questions, ladies in the room where you know what I mean? The chat room and I know we'll touch anymore but there's a lot of questions on where they can get the balls oh sure, sure, maybe it good opportunity oh, this is my my company is yoga tune of dot com and you'll find these on my web site. You can also find them there's a few retailers, economics fitness clubs sells them at all. There retail, pure yoga in new york city economics, not in all cities across the country. There's a lot of local mom and top pop yoga studios across three u s and canada. Um, there's also, uh, some chiropractic offices and physical therapy offices. But if you can't find them, their yoga tuneup, dot com and you know what else, there's, a great there's, a coupon for all of our viewers already can access is well, so we're going to post that in the chat rooms. But that's, something everybody would want to utilize, I think it's ten percent off. Yeah, henderson and this thing about the thing about these balls, they are super pliable, which means they cushion as they hit up against bone so you can take these balls right up against bones and grab a hold of all the soft, valuable tissues that are in the neighborhood of bony prominence is without bruising or pinching, where it's harder balls like lacrosse balls, golf balls wouldn't implements they can be, it can be really rough on your tissues. Foam rollers cannot get to where these balls go to, and that's what I use these and that coupon code is creative live ten I believe, but we did post him in the chat rooms just want to make sure everybody had that he was feeling like, you know, cool you know, joe, you noticed the beginning that pregnancy is a controversial topic and we have seen online, you know, discussion as you're going through but the ways to massage where tio two not massage it's also a topic where women as you've also address experience in a conflict so it's a it's a social discussion but it's also something that we really feel inside ourselves and your understanding your physiological understanding but also your understanding of female mental state I think in some of the language in a birthday carriage aligning of your birthday suit in a carriage. The fact that you're not alone in your body is really, really resonating with the viewers it's, beautiful language and it's a beautiful understanding katie bowman is a bio mechanical genius. She is my sister from another mother. The woman is she's able to bring some of the most complicated physiological, structural and anatomical schema into the simplest doable actions. How you can improve the way you stand your alignment the way your mind aligns with your structure she's gonna blow a powder keg on the cable on also she will deeply help us to understand how this baby carriage these abdominal layers if not, carrying well will contribute to that abdominal tearing. And so really looking forward to her information on she's, a mom of two got to play with the baby's last night. She's. Just an amazing person. Please tune in. This is information. You're not going to able to get anywhere else.
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Ratings and Reviews
Meredith Amann
so useful, so helpful. Loved the guests. Would highly recommend to anyone thinking about becoming pregnant or working with prenatal clients. Great posture & alignment knowledge bombs
a Creativelive Student
I do definitely recommend this course, though I wish there were room for a bit more nuance in the "of course"/"no thanks" model creativelive offers for reviews. This course is really helpful for thinking through movement and posture issues during pregnancy, and I think I'll take a lot of the lessons I learned here into my daily life even after my baby is born. It's worth sitting through all the lessons, and I am confident that most people will come away with new and useful information. d That said, this course contains a LOT of chitchat, which can be frustrating at times. All of the presenters know each other, and there's a lot of back and forth about their relationships, etc. It gets pretty tiresome. And there's quite a bit of in-course advertising for Jill Miller's products, which I haven't found so much in other classes. Also, I found the advertising for this class just a tiny bit deceptive. There aren't as many "classes" as listed in the description, because some of them are introductions, wrap-ups, and credits. I recommend just skipping those classes and focusing on the ones that specifically name what content they will address. Despite those limitations, I found this class worthwhile...just know what you're getting into!