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Class Introduction: How to use YouTube to Sell your Products

Lesson 1 from: Grow Your Business with YouTube

Tara Swiger

Class Introduction: How to use YouTube to Sell your Products

Lesson 1 from: Grow Your Business with YouTube

Tara Swiger

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1. Class Introduction: How to use YouTube to Sell your Products

Lesson Info

Class Introduction: How to use YouTube to Sell your Products

So here's the problem. You make and love your product, and you wanna find more customers, and make more sales, and your customers are on YouTube, searching for products they love, product reviews, to find and fall in love with someone who's gonna entertain them, and give them information, but a lot of the information out there on, like, building a YouTube channel, or connecting with those people who are searching on YouTube are for people who are musicians, and actors, and, like, superstars, and want all of the attention. And if you're a maker or an artist alone in your studio, you might feel like this isn't you, and that a lot of advice out there doesn't really fit what you're going for, the way you wanna connect with your customers. So the question is how do you make product sales and use YouTube? Because YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, meaning people go to Google to search, and if they're not going to Google to search, they're going to YouTube to search. An...

d then, of course, because Google owns YouTube, Google recommends videos all the time in the search results. They could be recommending you, when people are going and wanting to buy your product. But how do you do it? How do you do it effectively? How do you make sales from it? How do you make sure you're not wasting your time? And most importantly, how do you not procrastinate on these videos? How do you actually get them done? Because I don't know about you, but I am super busy actually making my product, actually, like, connecting with customers, and making YouTube videos might seem super overwhelming, or just outside of your normal work flow. And so many of us procrastinate instead of actually do it, that's my dog, procrastinating on his hard work, so how can we be sure that you're not gonna waste your time, that you're gonna be really effective at making money from it, right? Because if you have a product-based business, then you need to be making your product, and you need to be connecting with people who are going to buy it. Not just building a big audience, but actually making sales. So today we're gonna cover all of that. We are gonna bust through the myths that are holding you back, because in my experience the reason people don't make videos is because they think that they have to be something different. So we're gonna talk about that, we're gonna talk about all you really have to do to make videos. We're also gonna discover what kind of videos are gonna work for you. So if you have a product-based business, or you're an artist, or you're a maker, what are the kind of videos that will connect with your customers? And spoiler alert, it's probably not tutorials teaching other crafters how to do what you do. It's the kind of videos that your customers are gonna wanna watch, and they're gonna fall in love with you, and then they're gonna buy. And then the third step that we're gonna do today, is we're actually gonna do it. We're gonna start your YouTube channel, then we're gonna shoot your first 2 videos throughout the day, so just get ready, that's gonna happen, and then we're gonna upload them, so that you have your first videos on your YouTube channel. So, the important thing to remember is that I am not a YouTube star, I do not have a giant channel, that is not what we're trying to do here. I have a channel that's really effective at connecting with my right customers and making sales. And most of the people and students that I work with are makers and artists, so I'm helping them create channels that are connecting with their best customers. And my clients and students have used their YouTube channels to explode their sales, to, like, when they launch something, it sells out, and that's what I want for you guys. And to do that, you don't have to be big and famous. So I don't care about fame, I don't care about being in front of people, or the number of views, what I most want to do in my own business, and what I want you guys to do in your business, is get really effective, and get profitable, so that everything you spend time on in your marketing is making you money and increasing your profit. So to get into that, you guys all have a workbook in front of you, and if you've bought the class at home, then you have a workbook, and we're gonna take everything we talk about and apply it to yourself. So in order to start your own channel and shoot your own first videos, we have to figure out what you want to talk about, how you're gonna talk about it, what format you're gonna use. So we're gonna use that workbook that's in front of you to figure that out. The first thing we have to figure out is what's been holding you back in making videos. So I actually want you to think about what's been keeping you from making videos, and on the first page of your workbook, let's flip to mine, it asks you, "How long have you been wanting to do videos?" And you guys all turn to your first page and answer the questions. (Laughs) What has been keeping you from doing videos? Because if we can identify that, we can figure out how to make sure that you actually do this when you go home. Because I would hate for you to spend all day watching these videos, or being here with me, and then not make a YouTube channel when you go home, and actually get sales from it. So how long have you been wanting to do it, and why haven't you created a show yet, what's holding you back from doing it? For many of us, it's time, it's energy, it's figuring out how it's all going to fit in our schedule, so we're gonna talk about that later today, how to actually fit it all in. And we're also gonna see how easy it can be to make videos, upload them, and then connect with customers on it. So, also, the thing to really talk about or think about is what do you think makes someone successful on YouTube? So do you guys want to answer that question? When you think about a YouTube star or somebody who's getting a lot of views, what do you think about them? Raise your hand and answer. Yeah. Somebody who's able to connect with an audience and spark engagement. Yes. Awesome. That's actually totally true. (Laughs) Anybody else, when you think of somebody- yeah. Relevant search, relevant to what's keyed in. Exactly. So when someone searches, they find them. Awesome. We're gonna cover that today in the third segment, we're gonna talk about how to make sure that you show up when are searching for your thing.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

YouTube for Business Workbook

Bonus Materials with RSVP

YouTube Resource Guide

Ratings and Reviews

Linda E

Tara Swiger was amazing! Clear, concise and so informative. I loved this course! I am so inspired to get going with my You Tube videos and feel confident with her plan of actions. Thank you Creative Live.

Jennie Powell

Tara made so many excellent points and has made me have a long list of actionable points to help to grow my YouTube presence! She has such a clarity of expression and a friendly manner that I find very easy to learn from.

Lori Rochino

Great video, lots of notes were taken as I got a lot of takeaways to use for my new Youtube channel. Thanks, Tara for a great class!

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