The Authority Platform
1Class Introduction
08:09 2Generations Matter in the Way You Sell
09:34 3Business Has Changed
22:52 4Move From Selling to Serving to Solving
19:51 5The Authority Platform
19:20 6Your Elevator Pitch
06:26 7Stop Selling and Start Connecting
32:48Hot Seat - Elevator Pitch
27:09 9About Beate
07:42 10Platform Building Overview
16:49 11How to Cut Through the Noise
15:17 12Interview with Andrea Reindl
24:14 13Workshopping
18:47 14Questions
05:50 15Why Peer Approval Matters
09:56 16Creating a Word of Mouth Campaign
22:30 17Hot Seat - Word of Mouth Campaign
41:54Social Networks
18The Why of Social Networking
12:17 19How to Build Influence
24:24 20How to Tell Your Story
26:50 21Hot Seat: Put Your Story Together
19:37 22Finding Your Voice
04:18 23Where to Find Topics for Blogging
16:05 24The Blogging Formula
11:37 25The Blogging Amplification Model
18:53 26Workshopping - Blogging
21:30 27Your Personal Brand
09:05 28The Fab Five Social Networks
23:46 29How to Use the Five Social Networks
35:17 30YouTube
10:53 31What You Can and Can't Post
06:32 32LinkedIn Overview
13:44 33Skype Interview - Clint Evans
22:39 34How to Build Your Profile
23:36 35LinkedIn Links to Group
10:23 36Top of Mind Awareness and Misconceptions
10:26Lead Generation
37Your Website is More Than a Portfolio
33:56 38The Call to Action
08:33 39Hot Seat - Unique Selling Proposition
24:36 40Workshopping - Unique Selling Proposition
12:04 41What is a White Paper
13:13 42Why You Need a White Paper
18:45 43Skype Guest - Uros Rojc
29:58 44Be The Authority
10:29 45Misconceptions about Media Relations
17:59 46Skye Guest - Shannon Rose
38:26 47Workshopping - PR Pitch
21:31 48Great Leaders are Made, Not Born
10:14 49The Authority Playbook
59:11 50Accountability and Review
12:34Lesson Info
This is from p fault. What is your feeling on google plus, and maybe who have you seen that the most successful for? I actually, I'm going to cover google plus a little bit more and social networks, the social networks they are, we're going to go over that I personally, I'm not the biggest google plus fan, really? Um, I found, and this is sort of what I'm teaching is you've got to find things that you really comfortable with because they are sort of natural to us. We have any other question, or we wrapping up the segment we can, we can take a couple more questions and let me know if you have any in the studio audience. Yeah, um, let's see, so the question is, have you have you had people are talking about business to business? Yes versus business to consumer types of companies that they're trying to build. Have you had better financial success with this with the corporate market? Because you've talked about doing both then with individual offerings in general on dh, this person is sayi...
ng, in my experience, individual creative's are more fun but are less willing to spend money, and we've talked about that as well, but what within here is in terms of the for the b two b stuff? Well, boy there you know firing away here right? So this you know, it's always a question off how you want to position yourself so my love for entrepreneurship especially creative entrepreneurship it is undisputed because I've been one I know how hard it was so I believe that you know when when something is fabulous happens to someone like me where you really build a creative company and you sell it for millions of dollars that information kind of does have to be shared so that others like me can go out there and also make their fortune in creative entrepreneurship because without creativity without art, without music, without dance without things that touch our heart bypass our brains will be all you know that the world will be an awful place to be it so I think this part ofthe for me a moral obligation and ethical obligation where I feel that I don't want to turn my back to something that has been so good to me so that's that's part of it what drives me absolutely crazy is the expectations of free in the creative world and I cannot drive that point home more and more and often enough again if you expect free freeze what you will get it is an energetic principle it's an energetic principle free brings free so unless you put yourself out there and this is part ofthe why in you know to this question the photo is intensive I have consistently raised my prices to a point where I know that that fee is painful for most why? Because I have found that unless the commitment has that pain level it's meaningless to make so it has to hurt to commit because then you expectation off a return it's much much higher if it is irrelevant on whether or not you get a return on investment then why would you you know that that then you can just doodle around but the syria city off it comes from the intention to say I'm fully in one hundred percent committed that is something in the creative entrepreneur world that that's probably why I went into the business side of things and everybody wants me and everyone says you can teach the business because people don't want to learn the business they don't but I'm doing it anyway and I'm doing it like andrea said often enough because I do believe that eventually the pain level is high enough for it to change iss there on the business side ofthe creativity a boatload of money to be made it's tough you can make a living can you you know can you do can you do what I did in the stock photography business and sell it for millions of dollars? I don't think so but so here it goes again but because I have this following here and I understand how to build this following now the value is again in the corporate world where they say, look how many people she's reaching, she must be saying something that's a value to people and she's been doing it long enough so the corporate world for me already is becoming a much, much a better return on investment just because one gig is it is so much more than you know, like you find one client to give you one gig and that's as much as she had to find, you know, ten other clients to pay you that so you know, the energy for ten clients, the energy one client for the dollar amount is just one of those things I I find a lot of people want to work with entrepreneurs and creative entrepreneurs, but creative entrepreneurs are just by the nature, unfortunately cheap or broke but, um, end is the blame in lifestyle and this our objective to get out of the bohemian lifestyle so we can, you know, participate in sort of mid level, but it starts with with the mind set, so I don't haven't answered the question really, but to me, because I can't afford to do that, I do both if I couldn't afford to, that would be probably a much harder question for me to say can I afford to continue to do this if the feedback is not it's, not there
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Ratings and Reviews
Beate Chelette delivered so much value with so much style and grace that it was a "no-brainer" decision on the 2nd day -- I needed to own "Grow Your Business as the Authority In Your Space"! This is material I can really go back to and mine for nuggets over and over -- PLUS, I can't wait to get a closer look at the workbook (and start trying out the exercises of course!). Beate's surprisingly broad expertise coupled with her polish and professionalism made each day's programming a true joy to watch. She is a wonderful role model for all of us nascent women entrepreneurs -- and obviously, men will find her lessons just as empowering. Thank you, CreativeLive and a special thank you to Beate Chelette!
Outstanding lessons and advice on how to make your sales become real. The advice on how to link yourself to others via Linked-In is compelling and easy to begin. I like her advice about doing at least 1 thing every day for your business. Barry L Walton
Amy Fletcher
I love this course and dip back into it frequently. I would highly recommend this course to entry-level and mid-career academics, particularly women. More courses please from Beate Chelette! Cheers, Amy