Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 1
Lesson 20 from: Grow Your Audience with Youtube MarketingPhilip Ebiner
Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 1
Lesson 20 from: Grow Your Audience with Youtube MarketingPhilip Ebiner
Chapter 1: Introduction
1Introduction to YouTube Marketing
01:45 2Why YouTube is Perfect for Marketers
03:05Chapter 2: Youtube Marketing Funnels
3The Direct Sale Funnel
04:01 4The Soft Sales Funnel
04:25 5The Email Marketing Funnel
07:51 6Subscriber Sales Funnel
03:53Ad Revenue Funnel
06:03 8Promotion Funnel
01:14 9Bonus lesson: Laying the groundwork for good design
13:23 10Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Optimize Your Videos for Views & Conversions | Video Marketing
11Get More Views with Better SEO
10:54 12Types of Videos to Make
06:37 13Why Subscribers Matter & How to Get More
06:33 14How to Add Links to Your Website
04:08 15Calls to Action
04:49 16Internal Linking
02:01 17Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Youtube Ads
18Types of YouTube Ads
02:24 19The Quick and Easy Way to Create a YouTube Ad
15:00 20Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 1
09:58 21Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 2
05:53 22Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 3
05:03 23Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 4
05:39 24Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Starting a Youtube Channel
25Intro to Digital Marketing YouTube Lessons
01:12 26Start Your Channel
02:01 27Channel Art and Profile Icon
08:08 28Channel Description and Links
04:35 29Featured Channels
01:49 30Customizing Your Channel
04:05 31Channel Trailer
03:35 32Channel Status and Features
02:17 33Exporting a Video - Settings Reccomendations
06:39 34Choose a Title
03:54 35Write Your Description
03:41 36Add Tags
03:35 37Create a Thumbnail
04:44 38Cards and End Screens
03:02 39Case Study - Analyzing One of Phil's Popular Videos
07:26 40YouTube Studio - Dashboard
03:23 41YouTube Studio - Videos Tab
04:02 42Quiz - Chapter 4
43YouTube Studio - Comments Tab
03:11 44YouTube Studio - Transcriptions and Copyright Tabs
08:35 45YouTube Studio - Monetization Tab
05:25 46YouTube Studio - Playlists
05:44 47YouTube Studio - Audio Library
01:46 48YouTube Studio - Settings
06:40 49Advanced Settings, Branding and Upload Defaults
10:58Chapter 6: Make Better Videos
50Intro to Video Production Courses
01:13 51Bonus lesson: What Type of Video Should You Make
02:47 52Bonus lesson: Plan Your Video
03:30Chapter 7: Conclusion
53Conclusion and Thank You
01:07Final Quiz
54Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Advanced YouTube Ads - Part 1
in this lesson and the following lessons, we're going to be doing a more advanced form of creating Youtube ads. So first you want to make sure you have your Adwords account, go ahead and log in and second you want to start thinking about what type of video you want to promote because you'll need to choose a video that you have on Youtube to promote through this ad and it should be uploaded on Youtube. So go ahead and log into Adwords and you should see your overview page that looks like this. Now. I know Adwords has recently gone through a beta phase where they've made some changes to the layout. So if this changes, it might be a little bit different or if you haven't created a campaign yet, there might be a different home page that says create your first campaign. Either way you want to start a new campaign. So if I go to the campaign tab down here and then click this plus button here, I'm going to choose new campaign here, it gives me my different options for what type of google ad, ...
we are creating a video ad here. So click video, then they ask you to choose a goal for your campaign and depending on what you choose here will change the settings and the options that they kind of put forth in front of you that will help you achieve your goal. The two main goals, our product and brand consideration and brand awareness and reach. With product and brand consideration. This is probably what you're going to want to choose. If you are promoting a specific product or service that you have, if you're just trying to get more views, get more subscribers than you would choose brand awareness and reach and that might be something that if you're a new business in your local area and you're trying to use youtube to promote yourself, this might be what you choose, but for me I'm going to go through and choose product and brand consideration because I have a product of mind that I'm going to be promoting with this ad. Then down below you have your campaign subtype standard consideration which drives views and engagement in consideration for your product or shopping. This will promote relevant products that you have and you're required to have a google merchant center account which is a little bit different. So we're going to choose standard consideration and click continue, give your campaign a name, this one is photo fundamentals, course free course that I'm giving away, You have your budget and again like before you have a daily or campaign total so if you have a campaign total in mind then you might as well just use that say 200 And then if you choose your start and end dates here, you can kind of estimate how much is going to be spent per day or you might have a daily amount and I recommend just starting out with like $10 a day under delivery method, you have two options standard and accelerated with standard. Your budget is spent evenly over time. With accelerated, its going to spend your budget more quickly. So if you especially choose the campaign total option but you set your start and end dates for say a couple of weeks. It might spend your entire budget within the first day unless you choose the standard option which is what I recommend next. You have your start and end dates. You can either just have it continuously going or you can have it start today or whenever. I'm gonna try starting it next monday and then the end date you can have set as continuously going or you can choose a date in the future. So if I want to just test this out for a week which I recommend having a limit just so that you don't forget about it. I think that's a good idea. Next you have the networks that it will appear on. Do you want it to show up in search results where if someone is searching for a keyword, will it show up next to those videos that appear? Do you want to show as a an in stream ad and on the Youtube channel page for Youtube videos and then also the video partners on their display network. They have partners where people can actually show youtube ads or google ads on other video players on different websites. I'm going to turn this off because I just want my ads to be playing on youtube for languages, you can choose your language. I'm going to choose english because this is the language of my course and I know that my engagement and the success of my students depends on if they can understand my course or not. So I want to make sure it's english for locations. You can choose specific countries you want your ad to show in and you can also exclude specific countries. If you know for example, you don't want countries specific countries to see your ad or you can just choose all countries and territories to get the most reach. I'm going to test that out with this campaign forbidding strategy. We only have cost per view right here instead of costs per meal, which is clicking strategy for how many people click on your ad. But since it's a video ad you only have cost per view as an option. I click the advanced, I clicked the additional options down here and this is where you can choose if you want your ad to show on computers, mobile and tablets. If you want frequency capping, which sets the number of impressions and views per day. For example, if I only want 100 people per day to see this ad, I can set that here. I recommend just leaving that off unless you have a specific reason why you would want to set that limit content exclusions means you want youtube to kind of determine what videos it can show on, they're going to make sure that it doesn't show on videos that have sensitive content like tragedy social issues, sensitive social issues and these kinds of things. Or you can manually opt in or opt out under this option and then your ads schedule. So this is if you wanted to show all day all times and I think that's a pretty good idea, especially if you're showing it around the world or if you're targeting a specific region, you might only want to show your ad at specific times. If you're a pizza shop, you might want to only show your ads between lunch and dinner time to get in the minds of people who are thinking about making dinner. And so that would be an advanced way to target specific customer with an ad schedule. Once you choose all of these settings for who is going to be seeing your ad, you'll want to give this ad group a name so that in the future if you want to target this specific group, then you can do it easily. I'm going to call this worldwide photo group. And then the last setting for this lesson that I want to go over is the bidding strategy. You have your maximum CPV bid, which is the maximum you'll pay per view of your video right here. You see that I put four cents. So google isn't going to charge me or show my ad in front of someone. If I need to pay more than four cents, you also have a popular video bid adjustment. So if your video ad plays in front of a popular video, are you willing to pay a little bit more to get your video in front of that video? So for example, if I put a 50% adjustment, Then my max bid would go up to six cents. If I'm competing with other advertisers to get on the most popular youtube videos. So what should you put as your maximum CPV? Well in the beginning, starting with something low is a good idea just to see how it starts to work out for you to get views to get initial traffic. It of course depends on who your audience is as well. Worldwide setting a max CPV of two cents might get you a lot of views, but if you're targeting a more valuable market such as the U. S. Based market, you might have to go up to seven cents 10 cents and of course it might depend on how well your conversions work and how well your sales funnel actually does, it might end up being worth it to you to pay 25 cents per view. If once people are watching your ad, they're actually signing up for your email list or signing up for your product or converting directly to a sales page if that's what you're sending them to. So it's a good idea to make sure you're tracking how many people are actually watching your videos from that amount of people who are watching your ad, how many people are becoming customers or how many people are on your email list. And then you have to do further tracking if they're on your email list, how many of those people are then ultimately purchasing your product. So you get your sort of lifetime value of a customer and then you can basically have a bidding strategy that makes it worth it to you to get that new customer For an easy example, if you're making $10 for every person who purchases your product and one out of every 10 people who ends up on your email list becomes a paying customer that averages out to every email subscriber being Worth about $1 to you. Well, if you can have an ad that costs less than a dollar for you to get someone on your email list, then your campaign will actually be profitable. That's just a very simple example. But that's the kind of analysis you'll have to do to determine what your max CPV should be going forward for now, test something low below five cents. So that you can start to get a lot of views and see what happens with your budget. Thanks so much for watching this lesson and the next one we're going to be diving into the demographics and who actually sees are as and where they see it on Youtube.