Tracking Results & Google Tag Manager
Lesson 23 from: Google Search Ads FundamentalsSharon Lee Thony

Tracking Results & Google Tag Manager
Lesson 23 from: Google Search Ads FundamentalsSharon Lee Thony
The Power of Search Marketing
1Class introduction
02:12 2How Do People Search
05:10 3What Can You Learn From Search
02:12 4SEO vs. SEM
03:44 5Search vs. Social (Push vs. Pull)
00:58 6How Google Serves Ads
02:03 7Quiz: The Power of Search Marketing
Campaign Setup Best Practices
8Google Campaign Types
03:26 9Objectives and Conversions
01:25 10Ad Extensions
02:43 11Quiz: Campaign Setup Best Practices
Keyword strategy - Ad Groups
12Types of Keywords
02:52 13Measuring Purchase Intent of Keywords
02:14 14Brand vs. Non-Brand Keywords
02:26 15Keyword Research
07:16 16Identifying Proper Match Types
04:26 17Quiz: Keyword strategy - Ad Groups
Bidding Strategy
18Bidding Strategy
05:31 19Quiz: Bidding Strategy
Search Ad Hall of Fame / Ad Copy
20Search Ad Hall of Fame
10:32 21Quiz: Search Ad Hall of Fame / Ad Copy
After the Click: Landing Pages, Results and ROAS
22Landing Page Best Practices
03:55 23Tracking Results & Google Tag Manager
07:13 24Google Analytics
04:11 25Quiz: After the Click: Landing Pages, Results and ROAS
Optimization and Refinement
26Optimization and Refinement
08:57 27How to Optimize for Voice Search
05:17 28Quiz: Optimization and Refinement
00:44Final Quiz
30Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Tracking Results & Google Tag Manager
So you've gotten them to the landing page, you've got some data now within the campaigns and now we're going to have to figure out how to measure results. How do you measure success of this campaign? Some keys here is to be clear on the key metrics to your campaign and typically you'll be looking at cost per click. So you may have gone into your keyword strategy with an estimate of potentially how much you might be spending for every keyword that you're bidding on your google ads. Dashboard is going to tell you precisely how much you've spent per click based on how people have searched and whether or not they clicked on your ad. Some other metrics to look at in the dashboard will be click through rate. So what percentage of people saw the ads or the campaign's clicked on the actual ads and what resulted from that. And then finally conversion rates. So if you are tracking conversions on the website or through phone calls or through sales, you'll see the rate of conversion within the das...
hboard as well. Some other key pieces of the report are going to be looking at impressions, which is going to show you how many times the ad was shown as people search for keywords or terms that you've been on. You'll also get to see a schedule of when the ads were shown. So what days of the week, what hours of the day that the ad tend to tend to be shown as well as any changes versus a different time periods. So if in the last week maybe certain keywords have been searched for more and so therefore they are being shown more or if there are any trends with how the campaign have been performing, that two will be shown in your campaign dashboard. And so these are all keys to measuring success. Some ways that you can implement conversion tracking is either by installing the pixel onto the website itself or by using google tag manager to tag what you deem to be a conversion. So again, going back to the campaign objectives of whether it's e commerce revenue, in which case you'd be tracking purchases, transactions and actual dollar amounts that you're collecting on the website, whether it be a lead capture. So when someone fills out a form on your website or a pop up window, those are all things that you should be tagging and tracking to make sure that as your campaigns are running, you're seeing the results that you want to see from the website. Tag manager makes it very easy for you to be able to create these events as they are events that you can put within a container off of the website that don't require any coding and so essentially you will be indicating what types of actions you'd want to track as people are on your website. Other things that you might want to track to in addition to the typical or traditional conversion might just be page views or visits to a specific section of the website. So if you do have a blog that perhaps you've just launched or you want to be tracking how people are interacting with that blog tagging those sections of the website as parts of what you want. The campaign to be driving to will also help you to track campaign success and so within tag manager you'll tag all of these actions called events and these events will all live together within the tag manager. Other things that you can do using Tag Manager is to indicate who to target with re marketing. And so let's say you've launched a new product, they have visited the collection of shoes that you've just launched. If anyone goes to those sections of the website and you've tagged that section of the website as 2019 shoes, potential purchasers, you can then indicate that you want to remark it or re target that audience that has visited that section of the website and leverage data from the google tag manager to serve them ads through the google ads network that are related back to some of the products that they saw. So it's a very interesting way that you can marry conversion tracking with campaign objectives as well as website behavior so that you can really see where the user is within their consideration process and where they are in the marketing funnel to be able to leverage all of these features accordingly. So let me take you through the tool. It's a really easy way to set it up and you can follow along with me as we go into google tag manager. What you'll do is log into tag manager and you will go to create new tag and click on, add a new tag. Google has a variety of tags that you can integrate with, meaning a variety of platforms that you can integrate with within tag manager. The one that we're going to focus on today is google ads conversion tracking. And when you click on that, the second thing you'll have to do is identify what you want to be tagging or tracking your options here are being able to tag a specific U. R. L. On a page. And so a best practice here is if someone has made a purchase and when they do make a purchase they go to a thank you page on the website you want to be able to put in the actual ural of that link. So if its domain dot com forward slash thank you. Anyone arriving on that page has clearly made a purchase and so therefore you want to tag a conversion on that page and that's the example I'm going to use here. So we've selected page your l we're going to label that conversion as something and so what we'll call it is purchase and we'll give it a value. So let's say on average people who make a purchase, purchased about $50 worth of products You'll give it a $50 value. Um If you have any other details you can fill them in here. But for the most part it's um pretty basic just to put in both the U. R. L. And the value. And then you can have custom parameters if you decide that you're tagging multiple things. So you'll be given the option for for having this tag fire um During certain times when actions are taken or you can have it fire maybe only once per page meaning you don't want to track multiple visits to that same page as multiple times of purchases being made. Right? So I'm gonna put once per page because most of the time you're not going to the thank you page more than once in a transaction and I will also title this tag, make a purchase and then you'll save that tag. So the second thing you'll be asked to do is to add a trigger which is something that happens to cue that this tag should be or that this action should be tagged as an event and in this case I will add a trigger that allows um for any page view of this specific. Thank you page as something that will trigger google tag manager is accounted as a conversion and then from there I'll save it officially and now I have a tag that's directly related back to the ads that were running. And so after people clicked on the ads that come into the website, they visit all sorts of pages. But based on the people visiting from that campaign, if they land on the thank you page, I now know that because of this ad, they've come into the website, they've made a purchase and therefore they have converted. Hopefully that's a helpful tip. It's a great practice to be able to do this so that you can directly link results from your campaigns to direct revenue of your website.