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The Future of Prompt Engineering: Trends, Predictions, and the Role of Efficiency

Lesson 9 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

The Future of Prompt Engineering: Trends, Predictions, and the Role of Efficiency

Lesson 9 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

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Lesson Info

9. The Future of Prompt Engineering: Trends, Predictions, and the Role of Efficiency

Learners will receive a forward-looking perspective on the evolving landscape of AI. This lesson provides insights into upcoming trends, anticipates future challenges and opportunities, and emphasizes the increasing significance of adding skills like prompt engineering to remain relevant.

Lesson Info

The Future of Prompt Engineering: Trends, Predictions, and the Role of Efficiency

1 So in the future, I think you're gonna see some changes. 2 Some of these changes are the applications 3 that we use today. 4 Productivity suites from Google and Microsoft 5 will have AI in the interface. 6 Microsoft has already made a $10 billion 7 investment in OpenAI. 8 They use OpenAI and their products. 9 They will continue to do that. 10 The Bing Chat already uses OpenAI's GPT-4 model. 11 I think the interfaces, 12 so the interfaces I showed you today, 13 change frequently, don't get freaked out. 14 It's gonna happen as we add more features, 15 as they find better ways to interact. 16 One of the criticisms I have is 17 that plugin store is not very user friendly in ChatGPT. 18 So these things may change, 19 but if you have the fundamental understanding of how 20 to create prompts, no matter how it changes, 21 those skills should transfer. 22 And finally, I think the thing 23 that I'm very excited about is the idea 24 of autonomous artificial intelligence agents 25 will become ...

the norm. 26 So what I mean by that are 27 ChatGPT is an asynchronous communication where I type 28 and hit Enter, it responds and I hit Enter. 29 Eventually, what will happen is 30 that these AI chatbots will become more interactive. 31 Like you, you would have a conversation 32 with a real human being, 33 they will react to your input and will need less direction. 34 They will infer from the way that you interact with them, 35 whether it's typed, voice, 36 maybe someday they'll do video as well. 37 They'll be able to interact with you 38 and that's when things get very interesting 39 'cause the overhead for creating content, 40 for getting answers, 41 for doing things in AI will be much lower. 42 I want to thank you for attending the class today. 43 I hope it was useful to you. 44 I think these skills are very valuable 45 as things in AI change 46 and as things change, I'd encourage you to go 47 to and connect with me 48 and I will try and keep you up to date. 49 Thank you very much.

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Super Prompts

Ratings and Reviews

Mayoon Boonyarat

It's a really good starting point and gives you an overview. The CreativeLive team is really fantastic to bring Mark here. You'll know that the most important skill is the prompt skill. Talk with AI.

Kevin Gilligan

This was an excellent introduction to prompt engineering. The downloadable content was also very helpful. Thank you.

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