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The Capabilities of ChatGPT

Lesson 2 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

The Capabilities of ChatGPT

Lesson 2 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

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Lesson Info

2. The Capabilities of ChatGPT

"The Capabilities of ChatGPT" offers a foundational insight into the multifaceted uses and ever-evolving features of ChatGPT. This lesson ensures learners gain a solid understanding, equipping them to adapt and thrive as the platform continues to evolve

Lesson Info

The Capabilities of ChatGPT

1 ChatGPT is a incredibly powerful tool 2 that has a myriad of uses. 3 The use cases are constantly growing, 4 the features are growing as well, 5 and we'll provide a foundational understanding 6 of how it works so that we can start prompt engineering. 7 And I keep saying prompt engineering 8 and the reason I say prompt engineering 9 is it's the term of art, 10 but all that really means is the prompt, 11 which is to get someone or something to do something, 12 and engineering, which is to design something. 13 So we're going to design a piece of text 14 that is going to actually prompt ChatGPT to do something. 15 At its core, ChatGPT generates text. 16 That's the thing that most of us use. 17 It understands our human-like text, our natural language, 18 and does things like write essays, create content, 19 it simulates conversations, it can answer questions, 20 so it's trained on a corpus of information 21 that it's gathered from the internet. 22 This makes it perfect for learning. 23 ...

It allows it to reason to some extent, 24 based on the training data that was provided. 25 The sort of caveat on that is it's only been trained 26 on data through September of 2021. 27 So for us to actually use ChatGPT 28 to get realtime information today, 29 we'll use something called plugins 30 and that's a feature of ChatGPT as well. 31 It also can translate between languages. 32 Not only translate between languages, 33 but it can actually convey sentiment. 34 So it's one thing to use a tool like Google Translate 35 to translate between English and Spanish, 36 but you could also say, 37 "Translate between English and Spanish, 38 but do so in a friendly manner 39 or do so in a professional manner." 40 Those are the kinds of things that it does. 41 It also has a contextual understanding, 42 so it'll understand themes based on its learning 43 from the data it was trained on. 44 It also has some limitations and we talked about the fact 45 that it doesn't have real time knowledge. 46 Sometimes it just misunderstands, 47 just like people misunderstand. 48 It's based on the amount of data it has, 49 it's based on the way you ask the question. 50 So sometimes it will tell you it doesn't know. 51 Other times, it'll do something called hallucinate 52 and that's when it makes up information 53 because it's inferred from what it knows 54 to try and come up with the best answer for you. 55 You have to be very careful that you're checking the results 56 of ChatGPT so that you don't have any hallucinations. 57 Finally, it is not a person. 58 A lot of times people try 59 to attribute human-like characteristics to the AI. 60 That's a mistake, they do not have emotions. 61 They are basically probability engines that are just trying 62 to provide the next most logical word in a sequence. 63 So when you enter text into an AI, 64 it breaks up words into something called tokens. 65 So you might see tokens as a reference 66 in the OpenAI documentation for ChatGPT. 67 You may see tokens and tokenizers mentioned in other places. 68 All tokens are are units of measure 69 for the AI to digest words. 70 So for example, in English, ChatGPT may be broken up 71 as Chat, space, G, and then the PT together. 72 These tokens are roughly equal to words. 73 So if ChatGPT-3 allows 2,048 tokens, 74 it's roughly around 2,000 words. 75 If ChatGPT's GPT-4 model allows for 4,096 tokens 76 of roughly around 4,000 words. 77 There's some other cool things 78 that you can do with ChatGPT. 79 I mentioned plugins earlier. 80 So we're going to go to a new chat 81 and there's two models for ChatGPT. 82 One is the ChatGPT 3.5 83 and that's available if you have the free ChatGPT account. 84 If you have ChatGPT Plus, 85 you'll have access to a different model or brain 86 for the AI and you'll have access to these plugins. 87 So here are plugins I have installed. 88 And the way that you would install plugins are 89 you go to the plugin store, 90 just like you have a store on your phone. 91 So this plugin store shows you all the things 92 that you can add to ChatGPT. 93 Here's the install button. 94 I actually have this one installed, 95 so it says uninstall, 96 and you can search by whatever your needs are. 97 The ones that you'll probably need the most 98 are going to be the ones that allow you to search the web 99 because what you're wanting to do is use this engine 100 that has some kind of context and ability to make decisions 101 and provide it with more real time data, 102 whether that's real time data from the stock market, 103 or sports scores, or from your organization. 104 There's another and fairly new feature in July of 2023, 105 is something called instructions. 106 And these instructions allow ChatGPT to know something 107 about you across the conversations. 108 Without these instructions, 109 each one of these chats is like a new conversation 110 with a new person. 111 It wouldn't remember from one conversation to the other, 112 but if you want to make sure that it always knows 113 who you are, or what you do, or what your preferences are, 114 you would add custom instructions. 115 So you know, you can tell it about yourself, 116 which is what's in the first box, 117 or you can tell it about how it wants it to respond. 118 And each of these boxes allows 1,500 characters, 119 so that's a good bit of data. 120 And so I always like it to know that I want answers 121 in professional, but conversational manner. 122 And I want them to have thorough results. 123 And when I type something in to not echo what I said, 124 'cause that's sort of annoying.

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Ratings and Reviews

Mayoon Boonyarat

It's a really good starting point and gives you an overview. The CreativeLive team is really fantastic to bring Mark here. You'll know that the most important skill is the prompt skill. Talk with AI.

Kevin Gilligan

This was an excellent introduction to prompt engineering. The downloadable content was also very helpful. Thank you.

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