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Legal and Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence

Lesson 8 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence

Lesson 8 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

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Lesson Info

8. Legal and Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence

This lesson delves into the legal frameworks and ethical dilemmas surrounding AI applications, ensuring that learners are well-equipped to use AI solutions and understand the regulatory and moral implications of using AI.

Lesson Info

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence

1 When you write these prompts, 2 when you put data into Chat GPT, you have to be aware 3 that you may be breaching your own privacy 4 or the privacy of your clients. 5 Early on in Chat GPT, 6 they used the data that you put in to train the model. 7 Now you can opt out of letting them use your data 8 to train the model, but you should be aware of that, 9 especially if you have a confidentiality agreement 10 with your clients or with anyone else 11 whose data you're using. 12 The other thing is, with any powerful new technology, 13 the government has the responsibility 14 to make sure that it's used safely. 15 Because Chat GPT is such a powerful tool, 16 it can be used for good, it can be used for bad, 17 the regulation and oversight around Chat GPT 18 is evolving every day. 19 Some of the issues you may want to consider 20 is whether AI-generated content 21 is copyrightable or trademarkable. 22 You may want to understand what the laws are around that. 23 Currently, they're talking ab...

out how 24 they may license the providers of AI 25 so that they know that those companies 26 are acting within responsible means. 27 It's also a matter of, we talked about the few shot, 28 many shot, zero shot learning. 29 That's learning that happens after the model is trained. 30 We may not know what these models are exactly trained on, 31 so they may have bias based on geography, social, 32 just the languages that were used in the data 33 that was used to train the model. 34 And there's not a lot of transparency around that, 35 which means that you, when we said before, 36 you may want to ask for reasoning, 37 part of asking for reasoning is it may cite the sources 38 for the data that it came up with in its responses. 39 The big one that's probably on a lot of our minds 40 is just job displacement, 41 and that's an ethical concern, is will AI take our jobs? 42 And my answer to that is probably not, not in the near term. 43 The thing that I worry about is people 44 who have better AI skills than me being more productive. 45 And so that's why I'm glad you're here today 46 to learn about prompt engineering. 47 It's a fancy word for what we're really doing 48 is learning how to get good results 49 out of artificial intelligence 50 through well-crafted messages.

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Ratings and Reviews

Mayoon Boonyarat

It's a really good starting point and gives you an overview. The CreativeLive team is really fantastic to bring Mark here. You'll know that the most important skill is the prompt skill. Talk with AI.

Kevin Gilligan

This was an excellent introduction to prompt engineering. The downloadable content was also very helpful. Thank you.

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