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Ignite Your Business Growth with Prompt Engineering

Lesson 1 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

Ignite Your Business Growth with Prompt Engineering

Lesson 1 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

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Lesson Info

1. Ignite Your Business Growth with Prompt Engineering

Delve into the transformative power of prompts, bridging human needs with AI capabilities to supercharge business operations. Through real-world examples, learners will master crafting effective prompts, enabling them to generate high-quality content using ChatGPT.

Lesson Info

Ignite Your Business Growth with Prompt Engineering

1 I think learning the foundations of AI tools is important 2 because they're so transformative 3 to what we're doing today. 4 These tools use natural language processing 5 so they understand the way you and I talk. 6 Prompt engineering is designing the communication 7 to get the best result. 8 (upbeat music) 9 Welcome to Getting Started with Prompt Engineering 10 for ChatGPT. 11 My name is Mark Hinkle. 12 I'm an entrepreneur and emerging tech executive. 13 I spent the last 25 years working on technologies 14 from cloud to artificial intelligence. 15 I publish a weekly newsletter 16 called the Artificially Intelligent Enterprise, 17 where I share the latest trends, tips, and tricks 18 on how to use AI in business. 19 If you subscribe, you'll get some additional materials, 20 including super prompts, 21 which is some of the prompts I'm gonna use in this course 22 to help you be more productive with ChatGPT. 23 Let's start talking about 24 how we're gonna ignite your business growth 25...

with prompt engineering. 26 By the end of the course, 27 you'll grasp the concepts needed to interact effectively 28 with ChatGPT, that's prompt engineering. 29 You'll understand how to generate high quality content 30 with a few well-crafted lines of text, 31 and you'll be able to guide AI models like ChatGPT 32 to perform tasks that can supercharge 33 your business operations. 34 Plus we'll use real world prompt examples 35 so you can understand how to author your own prompts. 36 This is a bit advanced, 37 so if you need a better foundation in generative AI, 38 you can try my other class, 39 10x Marketing Results with Artificial Intelligence, 40 which is part of the Creative Live Library.

Class Materials


Super Prompts

Ratings and Reviews

Mayoon Boonyarat

It's a really good starting point and gives you an overview. The CreativeLive team is really fantastic to bring Mark here. You'll know that the most important skill is the prompt skill. Talk with AI.

Kevin Gilligan

This was an excellent introduction to prompt engineering. The downloadable content was also very helpful. Thank you.

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