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Chrome Extensions for Better Prompts

Lesson 7 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

Chrome Extensions for Better Prompts

Lesson 7 from: Getting Started with AI Prompt Engineering

Mark Hinkle

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7. Chrome Extensions for Better Prompts

Become a ChatGPT power user by using Chrome Extensions.

Lesson Info

Chrome Extensions for Better Prompts

1 One of my other tips for managing prompts in ChatGBT 2 is to use some chrome extensions. 3 Let's try and look at two different extensions. 4 And what they do is basically give you access 5 to a catalog of prompts. 6 Sometimes you can find some prompt that was authored 7 that gives you the results you want. 8 For me, I often find one that gives me the results 9 that is close to what I want, 10 and then I can manipulate it and I can save it. 11 Earlier I was showing you how I save prompts in Notion, 12 but I use one of two tools 13 and one is called A-I-P-R-M. 14 And by the time you watch this, 15 there will probably be numerous other tools like that. 16 And basically what it allows me to do 17 is search a directory of prompts that I can use as is, 18 or I can alter. 19 So if I look at this prompt, 20 it's gonna tell me what the prompt looks like, 21 and I can either fork it as private, 22 which means I can make a copy of it 23 so I can iterate on it or I can use it as is. 24 These k...

ind of tools are for the power user. 25 I don't think that every ChatGBT user will use this, 26 but for me, 27 who spends a lot of time using different prompts, 28 creating different prompts, I do. 29 And then I create lists. 30 So there I created a list for that Midjourney prompt 31 that I showed you earlier. 32 I can favorite prompts, 33 so I have them close at hand. 34 So there's a couple of my favorite prompts, 35 and this makes it so that you don't have 36 to leave ChatGPT to access your prompts.

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Ratings and Reviews

Mayoon Boonyarat

It's a really good starting point and gives you an overview. The CreativeLive team is really fantastic to bring Mark here. You'll know that the most important skill is the prompt skill. Talk with AI.

Kevin Gilligan

This was an excellent introduction to prompt engineering. The downloadable content was also very helpful. Thank you.

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