Lesson Info
8. How to Become the Boss of Your Ideas
Class Introduction
04:49 2Preparing to Write: It's About You
13:11 3How to Befriend your Inner Critic
16:10 4How to Get Stuck Less
17:29 5How to Find your Voice
10:31 6How to Stop Breaking Your Most important Promises
08:59 7But What if it Sucks?
07:03 8How to Become the Boss of Your Ideas
03:35Lesson Info
How to Become the Boss of Your Ideas
In the end, everything that I have to say today, only you decide. Only you decide. Are your ideas worth it? Are your characters worth it? Are your thoughts worth it? Are your words worth it? I thought for so many years that someone was gonna come and touch me on the head and go, "Yes, you're a writer. "Yes, your ideas are worth it." And even though I had published five books, I had sold hundreds of thousands of copies, I'd done all kinds of media and speaking and stuff, I was still waiting for that. So I decided that the person who could give me that was Oprah. And so I did everything I could to get on Oprah. I had my newsletter people write her letters, I had my PR person, you know, just make all these pitches, I made a vision board (laughs) with Oprah and me on it, I did everything. And one day, the phone rang and it was one of Oprah's producers calling to say "We'd like to have you on the show!" And they said, "We'd like to have you on the show "to help women who are afraid to eat a...
lone "in a restaurant." And right then, I should have said no, but I wanted this so badly, I wasn't listening to my heart, so I said yes and I went on the show. And it wasn't a disaster, but it was far from one of my better media experiences. Not because of Oprah, it was totally because of me. And I got off that set and I remember feeling so deflated. And I went into about a two-year period of not writing and being pretty depressed and pretty lost but I didn't know why. I had no idea, I just thought it was 'cause I didn't get my own segment and she didn't say "I love your work." And it took me a long time to figure it out. And what it was is I wanted Oprah to anoint me. I wanted her to say "You are good enough." I was doing everything that I'm telling you not to do. And when I figured that out, I was talking to a friend and I was telling, kind of figuring this out in a conversation, and I said these words, and every time I say them, like, I sit up taller, right, and my heart beats faster. And that is I only want to choose me. I don't want to be wait, I don't wanna wait to be chosen. I don't wanna want to be chosen, I wanna choose me. So that's really what all of these tools and tips will help you do in really practical ways. And I'd like to reflect for a moment what was most valuable for you out of what we did today because, and maybe write it in your own words, those of you at home, do the same thing, 'cause that'll help you cement the learning and not just be a whole bunch of information. What was most, personally most valuable to you? In your own words, take a moment to write that down. And what will you use starting tomorrow or the next time you write? What will you actually use out of all of these ideas? What will you put into practice? Love this quote from Ray Bradbury, "Start writing more." It will get rid of all of your moods. (laughs) Right? When we're in action, everything I gave you today is about being in action, actually doing the writing, that's where it's at, that's where the energy at, that's where the pleasure's at, that's where the learning is at. And that's where the new story is that you get to choose you. And if you have any questions, you can email me, jen@jenniferlouden.com. We'll try to answer them or create a video or a blog post from your questions. May take me a while to get to it, but please send me your questions, if you have any, about what we've covered.
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Ratings and Reviews
Renee C
I love Jen Louden. She brings so much fun, curiosity and self love to writing. Thanks Jen!
This class is compact, to the point, and full of encouragement. I found the ideas straightforward, suggestions helpful and all immediately applicable. Jennifer's powerful closing was the perfect ending to the class.
Beth Howard
Her helpful tips and contagious enthusiasm gave my writing mojo a much-needed boost. Her presentation was well prepared-- professional and personal filled with energy and heart and, above all, it kept me hooked. I would definitely like to own this one. And would love to see more Creative Live classes by her!