Tokens Overview
Lesson 35 from: Get The Most Out of Your Photos With Capture One Pro 12David Grover

Tokens Overview
Lesson 35 from: Get The Most Out of Your Photos With Capture One Pro 12David Grover
Lesson Info
35. Tokens Overview
Interface Overview
04:08 2Customizing Your Workspace and Keyboard Shortcuts
15:55 3Making Your First Catalog
07:02 4Importing Your First Images
11:51 5Virtual Organization
20:21 6Basic Tool Behavior
13:32 7Starting Approach to Editing
24:02 8Next Level Editing
20:10Color Tools Overview
16:28 10Basic Copy Paste Workflow
10:40 11Basic Export
13:32 12Getting Started on an Edit
05:13 13Adding Layers to Your Toolkit
10:25 14Radial and Linear Gradients
08:21 15Luminosity Masking
10:12 16More Advanced Layers
22:44 17Removing Simple Objects and Local Adjustments
14:52 18Advanced Color Edits
05:31 19Using the Color Range to Select Just What You Need
05:45 20Editing Colors in General
03:48 21Editing Skin Tones
14:30 22Combining Color Selections with Layers
08:58 23Creating Masks From the Color Editor
10:28 24Color Grading with the Color Balance Tool
16:34 25Intro to Second Day
01:37 26Session Overview
05:47 27Tethered Basics
05:04 28Setting Up Simple Sessions and Setting Naming Conventions
10:11 29Controlling the Camera
05:08 30Handling Next Capture Adjustments
07:39 31Using Live View Focusing and Overlay
19:40 32Selecting Images and Using Smart Albums
14:55 33Saving a Session Template
03:51 34Overview of Process Recipes
05:28 35Tokens Overview
26:21 36A Simple Round Trip
14:04 37Sharpening Workflow
08:06 38Creating a Recipe for Web Output
15:50 39Selecting with a File Name List
11:46 40Using Plugins and Sharing to Clients with PRODIBI
06:06 41Image Review 1 - Sometimes Simple Works!
08:44 42Image 2 - Radial or Gradient Masks, Object Removal
07:28 43Image 3 - Keystone Tool and Aspect Ratio
09:11 44Image 4 - Using Styles in Capture One
10:04 45Image 5 - Black and White
09:13 46Image 6 - Landscape
07:22 47Image 7 - Portrait
05:06 48Image 8 - Action in Lowlight
07:46Lesson Info
Tokens Overview
for this segment. We look at how it interacts with the session and how we can use some different tokens. So if you remember by default, if you don't change anything when you make a new process recipe, everything will go to the output folder. So now if, for example, hours to just use this image, let's put that back to tiff. So if I was to pick this image and say process, let's bring the process summary books out, then it's going to go straight to the session output folder. So if we look into output, you can see there's the tiff file that I just processed, so that's expected now, I would say, if you have at any point that this doesn't happen like it's going to the output folder off some other session that you did two or three days ago or yesterday, the easiest thing you can do is go here and just say, reset toe on that, reset it to the output folder of that particular session. Ideally, you should never have to change anything here. So, in my opinion, is that this should always stay locke...
d to the destination output for that particular session If you want images to go somewhere else, you can make a specific process recipe going to a specific location. So again later on will export to cloud storage, for example, so we can have processed recipes that are dedicated to that session and process recipes that can export anywhere else. So let's do a couple with Sorry, a couple of examples with different tokens, so we start off with the really basic one. So let's make a new recipe. Let's turn that off on this one. We're just going to do something called they J Peg Quick proof. Just so it's nice and forced. So if we changes to J. Pickwick Proof, what this actually uses is the preview that capture one already built that is used in catalogues and sessions. So remember, when we bring an image into capture one, it creates that preview. So we're going to do a J pick quick proof, and we're just gonna do s RGB now in the file tab you see here we can specify a sub folder and again this is using tokens and this could be any number of various different tokens. So if I click into the sub folder one. This brings up all the recipe sub folder tokens. So let's just pick something really basic, which is the color tag. So if I drop this up here and say, OK, capture, one is going to sort those images based on the color tech. So if we go back to one of our earlier collections, let's go back to just shot three, for example. There's 30 images in here. We know we've tag some of from green and let's process these out. So if I select all so we've got 30 images selected, we're going Teoh do a J peg Quick proof, and we're going to say, Hey, capture one, Put it in a folder based on its color attack. So if I start processing these out all good teachable moment here So because earlier, if you remember, I turn this off. The edit selected Tuggle. So that means right now if we process these out, I'm only going to get one image. So the warning says you've selected multiple variants, but edit all selected variance is off. Do you want to process only the primary or all of the selected? So what I'm going to do so I don't make a mistake is cancel this and turn this guy back on. And now I can save process. Capturing will stop processing. You can see each one has a cog in the corner, which means it's processing. And if we look in our output folder, you can see there's are green images sorted into the green folder on those with no color tag sorted into that folder. So if you've gone through and you've use color tags for more extensive things like green is the select red is the reject. Purple is what my client picked Blue is for printing or whatever. Then it capture. One can easily sort all of those into different folders, so I'm gonna just delete those out. So that's just a really simple one to get started. Same kind of principle with ratings as well. So let's make another recipe, and we call this J. Peg. We're gonna do a quick proof again on this is gonna be based on rating this one was based on. Let's be smart and put the right name there, So uncheck ICS. I'm just going to use this one, and this time again, we're gonna have a J. Pickwick Proof. And instead of the sub folder here being color tag, we're going to use the rating. Now if you know what the token is called, you can just start typing a little type ahead so I can narrow down and just hit Enter And then now I've selected that token. So again, we know in this selection of images, some of them a zero stars, some of them of five stars. Let's just throw in a few one stars here and there. Let's do a two star and three star and four star. Just forgive measure. So select all Got one process recipe running and let's say process. So if we go back into my outfit folder Output folder, there's all the zero stars. There's a with ones. There's the twos, threes and fives and force like so. So again, really simple way to categorise if you wanted to. With the sub folder, you can also just free type. So if I type star rating here, for example, then capture one would make the folder called Star Rating equals 12345 for example, so you can mix and max the text on tokens in that respect. So let's clear that one out now. A really handy one. Let's go to my finals folder. So these are the final images that we selected. So we had shot one, as you can see here shot, too, shot three and the 2nd 1 of shot three as well. So if I select all of these like, so go here and let's make another one game, we're going to do a J Pickwick proof because it's nice and fast, and we're going to use the token that is called session for Conspirator Session. Evidently not a session sub path, which is a really strange sounding token, but probably one of the most useful ones that you can actually use. So again we're going to go into sub folder. Let's click on the box to get our token list up. I believe it's under general. Yes, it is. So in the general tab we can see a few more options, and we've got sessions. Sub path. What on earth does that mean? It's a really un intuitive name. If I hadn't shown it to you or a friend or colleague hadn't showed it to you, you probably never would figure out what it does, but it is one of the most useful. So we're going to drag and drop that in and say OK, going to basic clips make JP quick proofs once more So it's nice and fast, So if you remember each of these shots, they belong in different folders in our session. So if I go to this one and right click and say Show in Finder, I know this one. As you can see, that's close from Windows. This one is sitting in a folder shot. Two. If we go to this one, I'm going to right click and say, showing finder, This one is sitting in the FOTA shot three like So So they're sitting in different locations. But how about I'd like to mirror those locations in the output folder, so let's get rid of our star rating ones. And that's exactly what Session Subpart does. It looks at where the image is sitting in the session, So in this case, this is in a folder called Shot Three, and it will recreate that folder in the output folder so I can select all of these. We've got one recipe checked. It's going to session sub path. And now I'm going to say Process, I gotta be quick. And now you can see in the Output folder It's created Shot one with the image shot two and shot three, like so so automatically creating the folder that it belongs in the session. So it's as I said, it's definitely one of the most useful once, but, uh uh, it's overlooked because it has this slightly funny name. Okay, now, so far, we've only bean exporting and keeping the name as it is. So let's delete those, and we will also change the name at the same time. So down here we've got the output naming tool. I just moved this up a bit, and by default it will just use image name. So image name The token means use the current name of the image fairly self explanatory. But weaken tack onto that. Anything else we wish as well, again using the same principle of working with tokens so it could be the star rating the color tag so on and so forth as usual. It can also be the recipe format to or the name of the recipe, so let's go into output naming. Click on this and we can choose a different token. So I'm gonna pick out begins with our recipe format. Like so So you see, it has JP quality PT or 90. So I know exactly what that format is on. Once again, if we want to put a dash in between them, then we can do so as well. So with ah, let's change this perhaps let's do another one. Let's do another recipe. So we're gonna dio let's do a tiff 16 bit this time. Why not? You can see it's nice and fast on. It's also the session sub path. So I just call that S s P for short in folder here. I know I want session sub path. So I choose that you could see there's another one called Sessions. Sub path Long has session sub powerful, if you like. Stop it. The capture folder. So it will look at the capture folder and see Okay, I need to create shot. One shot, two shot, three sessions. Subpart long will go further back in the fire tree. So it's only really useful if you have subdivided your capture folders, even mawr because you could have a situation where you have the capture folder. Day one shot and then capture Folder. Day two Shot. 1234 There's no real limits how you split up that session. So sessions subparts long will go all the way back to the top level of that session. So let's just pick session some path and we're going to rename each of the image based on the recipe former as well. So I said Tiff 16 bit like so. So let's go to my output folder and we've emptied it out. That's good. Select all process thes out and you can see shot one going in and you can see in brackets. Let's make this a bit bigger down here. See Hope Off a Shot one, Number 24 tiff 16 bit. So I know exactly what that file format is without happy having to, you know, opening up or check as well. I know it's a tip 16 bit file. Okay, now, so far, we've only bean doing one recipe at the time going into the output folder. So what about if we want to do to recipes at the same time. So I'm going to use my 16 bit If that we've just done. And also my J pig Quick proof one as well. I'm gonna shorten the name of it as well. So let's just put that says Peace Ono session sub both and we're going to use to recipes at the same time. So this one has got the session subpart token. This one has also got the session sub. Both token on. We've got recipe format in the naming convention, so we know what each one is because we've checked them on capture. One is going to use both of them. Just check. We've got J Peg and Tiff, so I'm going to clear out the output folder so it's empty. And now what happens if we start off our process? So let's click process and see what happens helps if you select images first. Come on day, select all and say process. So now we've got output shot one and we can see our different file types going in like so Now that could be ok, but one if what if you want to separate out your j pegs and tiffs, So I wanna have ah folder of all my J pegs and a folder of all my tips again, that's very easy to achieve. So let's get rid of this one on. This is why, under output location, we also have the ability to add a sub folder as well. So right now we've Bean, adding our sub folded in the process recipe itself. But under output location is also the ability toe add a sub folder. So what I'm going to do here is droppin that the token called Recipe Name. So that begins with an R recipe name. Let's use that and say OK, so now we've got to process recipes in play. It could be 3456 doesn't matter. Each one of them is using the session subpart token, and we've also put in a recipe name here in the output location, so it's a little bit to get your head round, but the flow goes like this. So imagine your capture one and you've had your process button hit. What's the thought process process you go through so I can see right? I've got to process recipes I need to use. Both of them appear to be using session subpart that's great or divide them up into their respective output folders. But I can also see that I've got the token here, so I'm going to do this one first. So when you hit process, capture one first, looks at the output location and says, Right, I need to build a sub folder based on the recipe name. I'm going to do that first. Now, in each of those recipes, then I'm gonna build my session subpart folders. Oh, and while I'm at it, I also need to do some renaming a swell. So once again, I'll select all of these. Check. Our output folder is empty and we say Process. So you see, Now I've got Here's all my J peg Quick proofs. Here's on my 16 bit tiffs, and they're all divided up into those various different shots, and that was all done automatically as well. So if you needed to do that manually, you'd have to create folders by yourself. So using tokens this way, it's all dynamic. So for delivery, or for your own use is, you can go into your output folder and think OK, I just want to look at the J Pigs. Here are those, and if the silly client mixes them up, you know exactly OK, that's the 16 bit file. This one is the J pic file, because it's got that naming convention in there as well. One other little handy token which we can use. So let's make another process recipe. Let's turn those off ism collection, name or folder name. Whatever you want. Toe. Call it so this would be very similar to what we did in our naming convention. We look at the name of what the folder is that the image is sitting on, and we put it in the same folder on output, or at least the same collection. So let's choose J. Pickwick Proof because it's speedy and let's choose the token called collection name. So if I start typing, then it brings me up this suggestion collection name like so. So let's go to a bigger folder off. Say this one whole images or five stars. Let's do first selects like so So this is all my green tag images. So if I select all, let's just clear out the output folder, get rid of those. So we've now got 11 images and we're going to use the token collection name. We've still got recipe named going on as well. So let's just leave that there on. Let's say process and you see the folder is called First Select Green Tech, so that just uses the name of the collection. So if you have to shoot something like, you know, e commerce, like multiple outfits like you have a front view like a detail side view or something like that. If you have session albums with name of those different collections, then you can use that collection name token, like so to give the output. So once again, down here in the sub folder token. Now, these various output naming and so on. If you've got different naming conventions for different tasks or different clients, then like we could save a session template. We can also save on output naming templates as well. So if we click on the box here, you'll see it's called a preset. So if I wanted to save the preset, there's also some canned ones here. So if I saved this user preset, I would call this image name plus recipe for months, so I know what that is. Save. And then it just appears as a user, preset like so. So again. There's if you like a time penalty in setting all these things up. But once you have your workflow down, if you save your session templates and you save your naming templates thin, you could move through this stuff like super super quickly. Let's close that down also with your process recipes up here in the top right hand corner in the sub menu to save you a bit of time. You can also duplicate your recipe. So if, for example, you wanted to just duplicate this one here, we can go in, say, duplicate recipe, and that will give me an exact copy you can. Also, if it gets a little bit too big, we should be able to say auto size, and that will make it a little bit larger so you can see or your various different recipes. This list can get quite long when you start to get used to using them and knowing exactly how they work. Then you end up with quite a big stack of process recipes to get rid of one. We could just click on it and click minus like so and the four or five default recipes you can always get back by choosing them from the sub menu as well. So I hope you can see that process Recipes is really powerful. And if you go back to right where we started with the session, all that set up what we did by making those various different folders. So shot one shot, two shot three. Using the session template. Using the smart albums once all of that is set up is just a case of repeating that workflow. So, yes, as I said just now, there is a time penalty and set up. But once you get into your head exactly how you think you might want to work, that's just one suggestion. It could be super fast, and you can fly through capture one with processing as well. I mean, just to give you an idea. So we've got let's pick a lot of images, so all images that 71 images So that's a big bunch of images. So let's choose them as 16 bit tiffs. And also we do J peg quick proofs as well, and they're going to get divided up into their different folders and also the recipe name as well. So that's 142 images that we're gonna process. Let's just go into my output folder. Clear it out. By the way, if you want to get to your output folder quickly, you can just click on the little arrow and it will take you straight there. So again, if you're not sure where it's going, you can do so. So 141 images, so 16 bit tiffs. Just check that set correctly and J pick quick proofs. Let's say process also short cut for process. Come on D or control D, and you can do that at any time. You don't have to be in this tour tab. Photographer could be shooting, and they could say quickly, process that one out. If your process recipes Addict command D Image goes so don't think you have to be sitting in this tour tab or processing by clicking on a button you can do. Everything is a short cut. So if you look under foil, let's see. Let's find it. The problem is when you short cuts you forget where things are in the menu, so it's very handy to have this. So if I say search for process, there it is on the shortcut command E, which you can change. So let's set these processing so you can see the red cork. And the nice thing is, you get time indication here. So that's roughly a minute to process those 140 odd files. Eso You can see the images popping in here. Ah, like so as well. So pretty rapid difference between taking five seconds to process an image to three seconds. That's quite a lot when you multiply that by 1000. So capture one will spit those files out. Super, super quickly. You can see it counting down like so Any questions from the audience? Yes, David, if you go on location and you have a laptop so you I have a hard drive or you have it on your USB stick. Yep, what's the process? I get home? I put on my desktop easy. Glad you asked that. So if you want to move a session or you have to do is pick it up like the top folder and then drag it toe wherever you want to have it. So simple. Is that so? If I Let's say if we pretend this session is sitting here, I'm gonna close it. Okay, let's close it down. Let's copy it to my documents folder or think already. That one. Let's see. I'd already backed it up. Let's just delete that one. So if we go to pictures and we go to Seo Parfait and I option, let's copy it to documents, so that's copied it over. All I need to do to open it is double click this, and it opens up in capture one. So adjustments, smart albums. Everything comes with it. That's what makes it kind of a little bit easier than catalogues because it's this single entity that you could move around that makes it important. Yes, you can do that as well. So what I do is that when I'm you know, I'm fortunate enough that I travel for work. So when I'm in different places like Seattle and I might take some pictures, then I'll make a Seattle session, and then when I get home, I import that into my catalogue, and then you'll find if we look if we open up my catalogue Ah, this one here. So let's open this up. Say okay, we can say file, uh, import session. So right here. So that will allow me to import session into a catalogue. It doesn't move it at all, so it will stay exactly where it is. So make sure the session is where you want it before you imported into the catalogue, and it will just look at it in its current location. Essentially. So that's what I do. I have a catalog which basically archives my sessions. So then this gives you a way to be able to search every single session that you shot. But I quite like working in a session when I'm on the road because I don't have to get involved with catalogs and all those kinds of things. Any other questions? We have a question from the Web said Tony says, Is it possible to tag a symbol image with multiple color tags? Say I want to indicate nature and pink to indicate animals green and pink would be nature with an animal. No, that's not possible. You can only have one color tag, but What could be useful is you could always at a keyword, so you could always use keywords, for example to do so. So if you wanted to add nature, just do that on. Then what was the other one animal I could do. So so then I could search for keywords as well. That's probably the best way to do it.
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Ratings and Reviews
This is a superb course. David is an excellent teacher. I'm coming to the end of it and have learnt so much. I've been using the software for a year, self-learning as I went along. I had watched the odd David Grover video on YouTube, but never got much further in my understanding of the software. Capture One is brilliant software and to do it justice you need to learn it properly from an expert. Highly recommend this course if you want to produce professional results.
Excellent course and a very engaging speaker. If you are starting with Capture One 12, this is the best class to take. The lessons are presented and explained in an organized way that it shortens the learning curve. Thank you, David. Cheers!
Jino Lee
One of the best course I've purchased. Very helpful and I learned so much more with this course and in a short period of time, than all the official Capture One You Tube videos put together! Anyways David Grover is the same guy who does the Phase One C1 official YouTube videos, so there's no better person to conduct this course than him! Truly excellent and if you think you know all about C1 Pro 12 interface, wait till you watch this course.